Remember when I said Iran would take out Mecca and make Jerusalem it's capital

Almost as amusing as the way my Packers play. Dang they look terrible....again.

Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.

tyrone-----you are preaching to the choir-------if there is anyone out there
who has failed to grasp the nature of Iranian ambitions-------that person
There was a couple over on another thread that said I was a loon for believing that.

I am not sure it will help if I reassure you------YOU ARE NOT A LOON-----but lets face it-------I have a REP for being something of a LOONEY TUNE too.
Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?

I guess the Iranian Regime has many goals...and one of them is Israel...

but that is not the only one..

they know better than messing with Israel

you are catching on----skye ------sorta. ----I mean your first two lines------
as to "messing with Israel"------they are and will continue to do so----
Israel is a very important prize to them and their "program"

tyrone-----you are preaching to the choir-------if there is anyone out there
who has failed to grasp the nature of Iranian ambitions-------that person
There was a couple over on another thread that said I was a loon for believing that.

I am not sure it will help if I reassure you------YOU ARE NOT A LOON-----but lets face it-------I have a REP for being something of a LOONEY TUNE too.

Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?

SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?

SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

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