Remember when republicans cared about states’ rights?

The hilarious thing is, first we heard the "outrage" from Dims claiming Trump didn't act soon enough to shut the economy down.
Now suddenly, they remember the power lies in the hands of governors.
This is a lie. Because you’re a liar.

Democrats were outraged that Trump told everyone:

  • it would go away in April with the warm weather
  • he’s got it under control
  • 13 cases would go down to zero
  • it was a Democratic hoax

Democrats were outraged that Trump:
  • sent PPE to China instead of increasing our supply
  • didn't buy masks
  • didn't prepare the country
  • didn't buy ventilators
  • lied to the country about when he knew about it (November)
  • ignored his economic adviser‘s January memo
  • ignored the intelligence community’s warning
  • didn't invoke Defense Production Act
The hilarious thing is, first we heard the "outrage" from Dims claiming Trump didn't act soon enough to shut the economy down.
Now suddenly, they remember the power lies in the hands of governors.
This is a lie. Because you’re a liar.

Democrats were outraged that Trump told everyone:

  • it would go away in April with the warm weather
  • he’s got it under control
  • 13 cases would go down to zero
  • it was a Democratic hoax

Democrats were outraged that Trump:
  • sent PPE to China instead of increasing our supply
  • didn't buy masks
  • didn't prepare the country
  • didn't buy ventilators
  • lied to the country about when he knew about it (November)
  • ignored his economic adviser‘s January memo
  • ignored the intelligence community’s warning
  • didn't invoke Defense Production Act

Wanna talk about state rights? How about states responsibilities?

Blue stated demand that ventilators and hospital beds are provided by federal government, despite the fact that such provisions are first and foremost states and local responsibilities, under state laws, and certainly under 10th amendment. Since they spend their money on illegal aliens and renewable energy, and not on what they had to spend it, now they demand from federal government make up their budget shortfalls, and to fill the holes in their budgets, stock the supplies they suppose to stock, and provide funds to businesses that states / governors closed and put out of work, regardless that federal government had no role in those decisions.

When it come to "state rights" these blue state governors want all the power for themselves, but without financial responsibilities. And when they advance their political agenda, like sanctuary cities, they simply shred the Constitution. They want stimulus money and bailouts without strings, really? If they decide to close businesses, then they should pay the bill. If they want to be all federalists, and if they want state rights, as they should, then let them be federalists and pay for their own bills!

Federal government do have a role, but there are boundaries of their role. What we have witnessed over past few months is not a federalism, but centralized government, federal and states. There was no concern about state rights when Cuomo was demanding ventilators and hospital beds from federal government, or when congress pass massive spending bill under "stimulus" name, to bail out state budgets with billions of dollars in the hole even before the virus struck.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Leftists aka Communists WORLDWIDE are LOVING this COVID-19 situation, Leftists aka Communists WANT the Western Economy to CRASH, Leftists aka Communists WANT this because they see COVID-19 as a way to bring in Universal Basic Income which would lead to the Cloward-Piven Strategy that all Leftists aka Communists have wet dreams about. Leftists aka Communists are mentally ill. Leftism aka Communism is a mental illness.

Isn't it interesting how every leftists solution is always found in "more government", and more socialist ideas. They demanded that president nationalize various companies, issuing nationwide shelter in place order, nationalize state debts, and even appoint military general to be in charge of all supplies. Those are all socialist ideas.
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Those states like New York, California, Illinois, and Michigan, are free to keep their economies closed down while the rest of us are free to choose to start reopening. But those states that stay on lock down are also free not to get any more bail out money than any other state.

Good luck with that.



You know, all those leftists claim they oppose "monarchy", and they're all federalists now, and love state rights... Well, if they're really against monarchy, let's ask them if they oppose Barry's unconstitutional DACA executive order, or lets ask them if they oppose national health care? If they're really for state rights, they wont have problem with eliminating Department of Education and return it to the states.
The hilarious thing is, first we heard the "outrage" from Dims claiming Trump didn't act soon enough to shut the economy down.
Now suddenly, they remember the power lies in the hands of governors.
This is a lie. Because you’re a liar.

Democrats were outraged that Trump told everyone:

  • it would go away in April with the warm weather
  • he’s got it under control
  • 13 cases would go down to zero
  • it was a Democratic hoax

Democrats were outraged that Trump:
  • sent PPE to China instead of increasing our supply
  • didn't buy masks
  • didn't prepare the country
  • didn't buy ventilators
  • lied to the country about when he knew about it (November)
  • ignored his economic adviser‘s January memo
  • ignored the intelligence community’s warning
  • didn't invoke Defense Production Act
He did all those things. Democrats have been lying since the day he got elected.
The economy is a national affair.

Also, Article 2, Section 3.
10th Amendment

Do you support 10th Amendment?

Great! Let's eliminate Department of Agriculture and their programs, lets eliminate Department of Education and return education to the states, let's cut federal housing programs and have take care of it, and all those federal aid programs that are creating massive deficits. Let's stop bailing out state budget deficits, and have states cover cost of closing their businesses.

If you support federalism, and 10th Amendment, you wont have problem with any of that.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Remember when commies hated states rights?

Commies? As in Russia?

Progressives. The same thing.
Billy, I have said Trump does not have the authority to open or close the economy of States.

He has the authority to open and close Federal Lands and Agencies and request State and Local agencies to open if they have contracts with those Federal Agencies and could request private contractors to honor their contracts with the Federal agency they are contracted with.

As for anything else that fall on State governors and Mayors and Private citizens.

As for the other part let see what the USSC says this time around...
So he’s a wannabe dictator piece of shit who is too stupid to know his own limitations? Got it. He should be condemned right?

Didn't you want Trump to do more?

So he is acting like you wanted, and you still complain...

Oh, I condemn Trump on this State issue many times and you can pull it up in search, but unlike you I do not condemn him for your beloved China failure...

We really don't need lessons about federalism from blue states governors. The president have a tool that other presidents before him used all the time, which is suspending power. Although Congress have a power of purse, that president has to sign in order for money to be spent, but president have independent authority in cases of emergency, granted to him by the Congress, and that includes ability to withhold funds, and to award funds.

Left used that power all the time, "if you don't follow our policies, we're going to withhold funds". So, rather than just handing to states hundreds of billions of dollars, Trump should tie strings to it. In order to receive funds, give them deadlines to open parts of economy. They don't have to take money, but if they do want federal money, there should be requirements to get it.

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