Remember when republicans cared about states’ rights?

Billy, I have said Trump does not have the authority to open or close the economy of States.

He has the authority to open and close Federal Lands and Agencies and request State and Local agencies to open if they have contracts with those Federal Agencies and could request private contractors to honor their contracts with the Federal agency they are contracted with.

As for anything else that fall on State governors and Mayors and Private citizens.

As for the other part let see what the USSC says this time around...
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

Typical lame deflection. You can’t defend this bullshit and you know it.
Why would anyone need to defend your hyperpartisan bullshit?

All you do is cry.....endlessly.
So you’re okay with Trump being a fascist leader because it fits your childish, stupid narrative? Got it.
Billy, I have said Trump does not have the authority to open or close the economy of States.

He has the authority to open and close Federal Lands and Agencies and request State and Local agencies to open if they have contracts with those Federal Agencies and could request private contractors to honor their contracts with the Federal agency they are contracted with.

As for anything else that fall on State governors and Mayors and Private citizens.

As for the other part let see what the USSC says this time around...
So he’s a wannabe dictator piece of shit who is too stupid to know his own limitations? Got it. He should be condemned right?
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Well, they were still flying the con-federate flag in Michigan.....a hard core con-federate heritage state.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Remember when commies hated states rights?

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Remember when commies hated states rights?

Commies? As in Russia?
Billy, I have said Trump does not have the authority to open or close the economy of States.

He has the authority to open and close Federal Lands and Agencies and request State and Local agencies to open if they have contracts with those Federal Agencies and could request private contractors to honor their contracts with the Federal agency they are contracted with.

As for anything else that fall on State governors and Mayors and Private citizens.

As for the other part let see what the USSC says this time around...
So he’s a wannabe dictator piece of shit who is too stupid to know his own limitations? Got it. He should be condemned right?

Didn't you want Trump to do more?

So he is acting like you wanted, and you still complain...

Oh, I condemn Trump on this State issue many times and you can pull it up in search, but unlike you I do not condemn him for your beloved China failure...
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Remember when commies hated states rights?

Commies? As in Russia?
As in all the goose-steppers calling themselves liberal/progressives/socialists.

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Dims were the orginal States Rights folks. They used it for decades to support slavery and then Jim Crow. :(
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Too bad Trump came on TV right after you started this thread and said he was leaving that up to each individual Governor...huh, Billy?

When you get your panties in a bunch over the things Trump "says", you ever stop to think that he's probably just fucking with you? In case you haven't noticed...he takes great pleasure in doing just that!
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

Typical lame deflection. You can’t defend this bullshit and you know it.
Why would anyone need to defend your hyperpartisan bullshit?

All you do is cry.....endlessly.
So you’re okay with Trump being a fascist leader because it fits your childish, stupid narrative? Got it.
I'm ok with what hes done and more concerned about your mental health
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Hate to break the news to you if someone else has not already but check the interstate commerce clause of the constitution, Trump can open up the economy, state governors can regulate only in their own state, however if that affects other states Trump or any other President has the authority, Example if farmers in say Kansas stops exporting wheat that action affects other states and the President can reverse that move.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.


Unfortunately, this isn't a TDS thread.

IME it is a real discussion.

Doesn't make you any less a moron.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

No, we don't. States are Governors responsibility. Just as Federal government issued guidelines, and recommendations to states about corona virus, they will issue guidelines for reopening. Check this tweet.

View attachment 324300

Authoritarians around the world are grabbing power while Trump cedes his to states, often referring to the federal government as backup. Trump is actually being a president, and you lefties wanted dictator, so you could complain. Now you complaining that he isn't one.

And just when I defended his respect for federalism, and state's rights, he just blew it up and make me look stupid.

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Remember when commies hated states rights?

Commies? As in Russia?
As in all the goose-steppers calling themselves liberal/progressives/socialists.

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Show me in the Constitution where a governor has the authority to shut down interstate commerce. Last I read congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce, not the States.

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Very good column. I doubt any of the Rumpbots here read a word of it.

How do you simultaneously claim "Total Authority" and "Zero Responsibility"? Doublethink, that's how.

>> When another reporter asked him to cite what constitutional provisions gave him the power to override governments that remained closed, Trump said, "Numerous provisions," but he didn't name any — because there are none.​
He has no such power because the Constitution was explicitly designed to prevent that kind of absolutism. Indeed, that was whole point behind the separation of powers and federalism. James Madison was rather clear on that point, writing in "The Federalist Papers": "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite." <<​

So it would appear, in Rumpspeak, the number referred to in the word numerous can be, and often is, "zero". Your "best words" dollars at work.

Liar there is one called:

Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it.

The interstate commerce clause, ya know the one Pogo that liberal Jimmy Carter used to pass the speed limit at 55 mph.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Very good column. I doubt any of the Rumpbots here read a word of it.

How do you simultaneously claim "Total Authority" and "Zero Responsibility"? Doublethink, that's how.

>> When another reporter asked him to cite what constitutional provisions gave him the power to override governments that remained closed, Trump said, "Numerous provisions," but he didn't name any — because there are none.​
He has no such power because the Constitution was explicitly designed to prevent that kind of absolutism. Indeed, that was whole point behind the separation of powers and federalism. James Madison was rather clear on that point, writing in "The Federalist Papers": "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite." <<​

So it would appear, in Rumpspeak, the number referred to in the word numerous can be, and often is, "zero". Your "best words" dollars at work.

Liar there is one called:

Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it.

The interstate commerce clause, ya know the one Pogo that liberal Jimmy Carter used to pass the speed limit at 55 mph.

Ah, you mean the Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act --- of 1974 when he was Gubner of Georgia?

How come only Democratic POTUSes get access to the time machine so they can pull shit before they're elected? O'bama crashing the economy in '08.... FDR causing the Depression.... Hey do y'all get publisher advances on these novels?
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Progs must start a movement to remove the 17th amendment. Get er done! And make it as before. Then I will believe you.

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