Remember when the left mocked Rand Paul being attacked?

A lovers spat?
Yes and I'm sure this is the type of hammer that was used. Who keeps a hammer laying around the house. Lol
That's not why Rand Paul and his neighbor got into it. Rand is a obnoxious, entitled little nerd.
What you put forth was he got beaten for bending the truth. Every politician would be getting beat down if that was the case. I had asshole neighbors before and I didn't beat their ass. I ignored them like a civil person would.
Too bad she was not home to protect him, she could have stood in front of him. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No, he is a Green Party member (leftist), pro nudity protestor (leftist), hemp jewelry maker (leftist), who also is a lunatic and posts conspiracy theory nonsense.

Try all you want, but this dude is a lefty. He is also, apparently, a nut job.

However, based on the 911 call it appears this was a lovers spat.

Have you heard the 911 call?

DePape ran a hard right extremist blogg.
Poor Paul Pelosi right lefties?

This video has a nice little recap of how democrats blamed the republican canvaser that went to the hospital and showed the news clip when MSNBC said it was there favorite news story when Rand Paul got his ribs broke.

Also talks about the pelosi attacker which makes me wonder how did a illegal alien, that's homeless and on drugs know where pelosi lived exactly? Let alone get into the third story home of the person 3rd in line to be the president at the exact moment pelosi wasn't home and decided to wait for her? And how did an 82 year old man get attacked with a hammer and be ok?

I say this is all staged. Just like that chick in Arizona that had her office broken into by some guy wearing slacks and his shirt tucked in and clean shaven that just happened to be clearly shown on a camera then she immediately blamed republicans despite the fact she was losing terribly and there was no reason for them to break in her office?

I expect more of these "sudden attacks on democrats" to happen leading up to midterms and beyond. And by sudden attacks I mean staged.
Advocating violence against others like the hammer attack. Not cricket! What what

Fair enough, lets just maintain a minimum standard please. We"the better then that here.

I'll remember this rule with a screenshot. This could be very useful to me in the future.
This video has a nice little recap of how democrats blamed the republican canvaser that went to the hospital and showed the news clip when MSNBC said it was there favorite news story when Rand Paul got his ribs broke.

Also talks about the pelosi attacker which makes me wonder how did a illegal alien, that's homeless and on drugs know where pelosi lived exactly? Let alone get into the third story home of the person 3rd in line to be the president at the exact moment pelosi wasn't home and decided to wait for her? And how did an 82 year old man get attacked with a hammer and be ok?

I say this is all staged. Just like that chick in Arizona that had her office broken into by some guy wearing slacks and his shirt tucked in and clean shaven that just happened to be clearly shown on a camera then she immediately blamed republicans despite the fact she was losing terribly and there was no reason for them to break in her office?

I expect more of these "sudden attacks on democrats" to happen leading up to midterms and beyond. And by sudden attacks I mean staged.

A skull fracture and injuries to his hands and arms isn't "staged". You're as crazy as Alex Jones.

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