Remember when the left mocked Rand Paul being attacked?

Remember when the left mocked Rand Paul being attacked?

Poor Paul Pelosi right lefties?

Paul didn't get attacked by some whack job who was chugging politico cool-aid, he got into a fight with his neighbor.

It's a completely different situation and conversation.
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Irrelevant. Paul got pounded because he pissed his neighbor off.
Nancy has helped to impoverish a lot of people. And she obviously has no concern. She lives above everyone else as we saw with Covid. At least in many other nations the Prog Socialists/Communists fought with the peasants before acquiring total power. In America, we have individuals with agendas to subjugate the peasants while they live the life of royalty. And much of it they stole.
Nancy has helped to impoverish a lot of people. And she obviously has no concern. She lives above everyone else as we saw with Covid. At least in many other nations the Prog Socialists/Communists fought with the peasants before acquiring total power. In America, we have individuals with agendas to subjugate the peasants while they live the life of royalty. And much of it they stole.

So Pelosi and her family should be beat up / killed because you don't like her politics?

Where do you think this road goes?

...Do you idiots even think?
I remember a witch on CNN (allison camerada I thunk) laughing her ass of at a vid of sara palins daughter being beaten outside a night club.

She laughed & played it again & laughed harder and played it again...
Same response was given by the msm to the rand paul attack and the SCOTUS justices homes violations. Piglosi? Meh, call me when something newsworthy happens.
No it isn't just that. You have to play stupid to pretend it's just that.

One is standard fare domestic brawl (and I don't recall people excusing it either) and the other is politically motivated violence.

How is it political? The dude is a leftist loon.
Have stayed away from the threads about it until now.

I feel bad when anyone is attacked with such viciousness anywhere, let alone in their own home....Whether that's Paul Pelosi, Rand Paul, or Joe Blow, it's all barbaric.

That said, I think it's a harbinger of the violent crime that has been given a good leaving alone in the urban areas spreading out into previously "safe" areas.

I wonder if the Pelosis have personal firearms.

Ron Paul provoked his neighbor.

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