Remember when they said legalizing marijuana wouldn't be a slippery slope to other drugs?

The only intoxicating substance I have ever used is alcohol. Swear on Thor's Hammer.

Just because I believe government's role should be limited and not turbo-authoritarian, does not make me a druggie.

Letting government control what people ingest opens the door for government to control everything else.

The political elite don't want you to question them. They want you smart enough to do your job, but that's it.

Work, and shut the fuck up, slave.

As true as that might be, it still doesn't change the fact that because there's so many drugs available, there's going to be people who commit atrocities on innocent people, by druggies, just to get more drugs.

So you are either on the side of future victims, or druggies. For the simple fact that there are no other avenues of getting rid of the drugs or druggies. Or at least minimizing them.
Come up with a better way of dealing with druggies and pushers, then I'm all in. But at the moment, laws and law enforcement is the only thing in place to help reduce this problem.
As true as that might be, it still doesn't change the fact that because there's so many drugs available, there's going to be people who commit atrocities on innocent people, by druggies, just to get more drugs.
And as you can see, just because something is illegal does not prevent people from doing it.
So you are either on the side of future victims, or druggies.
What about the side of LIBERTY and LIMITED GOVERNMENT????

False dichotomy
For the simple fact that there are no other avenues of getting rid of the drugs or druggies.
Natural Selection disagrees.
Or at least minimizing them.
Fuck that. I want these motherfuckers to kill themselves. More room for me.
Come up with a better way of dealing with druggies and pushers, then I'm all in.
Natural Selection
But at the moment, laws and law enforcement is the only thing in place to help reduce this problem.
They don't work. All that does is create more government and less freedom for EVERYONE.
And as you can see, just because something is illegal does not prevent people from doing it.

It does. Obviously it's not 100% effective. But there's a lot of folks who don't do it because it's not worth the legal hassles of getting caught with it. Those who have to take random drug tests at work, and other instances. Like being on parole or probation. Living in an area that heavily populated by officers who love catching druggies.
But it's not enough, I agree.
What about the side of LIBERTY and LIMITED GOVERNMENT????

What about the victims of druggies?
Your false dichotomy can go fuck itself up the ass.

That's what it boils down to. You're either for the protection of victims and future victims. Or you're for the druggies. Where's their freedom and liberty?
Natural Selection disagrees.

Fuck that. I want these motherfuckers to kill themselves. More room for me.

More druggies are created everyday, than killed.
Natural Selection

They don't work. All that does is create more government and less freedom for EVERYONE.

They're not 100%, obviously. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is retarded.
Sorry bout that,

1. I tell you whats retarded is this, for the last 120 years people been dying of drunk drivers.
2. And thats fine, families of 4 or more get wiped out, thats fine.
3. And yet no one dies at the hands of pot smokers, never have never will.
4. That's Retarded.


Remember when they said legalizing marijuana wouldn't be a slippery slope to other drugs?​

Who ever said that? It's my sincerest hope that marijuana legalization IS a slippery slope and leads us to abandon drug prohibition policies altogether. They're silly and destructive.
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Ladies and gentlemen ^^this^^ is your brain on drugs.
That's just being stupid.
Not unexpected.

I can find heroine addicts who've never used pot.
Show me one that's never drank milk.

You attempt to tie pot legalization and use to hard drugs addiction is a myth only believed by the Tiny Minded poop throwers with which you share more than an affinity.
Sorry bout that,

1. I tell you whats retarded is this, for the last 120 years people been dying of drunk drivers.
2. And thats fine, families of 4 or more get wiped out, thats fine.
3. And yet no one dies at the hands of pot smokers, never have never will.
4. That's Retarded.

Pot smoking and driving is no different than drinking and driving.

Pot users do it less frequently but, when they do it, it's still stupid,
Pot smoking and driving is no different than drinking and driving.

Pot users do it less frequently but, when they do it, it's still stupid,
Yep. And, despite the claim, I'd say stoned drivers are just as likely to get in an accident as drunk drivers. But the stoned drivers are only going ten miles an hour. So there's that.
Legalizing would have zero negative impacts on society. If you believe in freedom you support legalization.

That's just retarded to even think that. Where are druggies going to get the money to buy these legal drugs? Their jobs? No, because they won't have a job very long. Druggies lose everything they have. Including their homes. Then they start stealing for it. Beating people or killing them if they have to.

In Portugal, they legalized hard drugs. The violent crime rates went sky high. Theft crime rates even higher. Do you not think that higher crime rates are a negative impact on society? WTF is wrong with you?
Pot smoking and driving is no different than drinking and driving.

Pot users do it less frequently but, when they do it, it's still stupid,
Sorry bout that,

1. Spouting brain washed bullshit again.
2. Pot makes you more aware.
3. Drinking makes you less aware.

That's just retarded to even think that. Where are druggies going to get the money to buy these legal drugs? Their jobs? No, because they won't have a job very long. Druggies lose everything they have. Including their homes. Then they start stealing for it. Beating people or killing them if they have to.

In Portugal, they legalized hard drugs. The violent crime rates went sky high. Theft crime rates even higher. Do you not think that higher crime rates are a negative impact on society? WTF is wrong with you?
Sorry bout that,

1. Why not you drink a gallon of whisky and lets see what happens to you, going for a drive, crash into a cop car?
2. Or just lose control of your car and smash randomly into another car head on?
3. You are brain washed.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Why not you drink a gallon of whisky and lets see what happens to you, going for a drive, crash into a cop car?
2. Or just lose control of your car and smash randomly into another car head on?
3. You are brain washed.

As true as that might be, it still doesn't change the fact that because there's so many drugs available, there's going to be people who commit atrocities on innocent people, by druggies, just to get more drugs.

So you are either on the side of future victims, or druggies. For the simple fact that there are no other avenues of getting rid of the drugs or druggies. Or at least minimizing them.
Come up with a better way of dealing with druggies and pushers, then I'm all in. But at the moment, laws and law enforcement is the only thing in place to help reduce this problem.
As true as that might be, it still doesn't change the fact that because there's so many guns available, there's going to be people who commit atrocities on innocent people, by gun owners, just to get more stuff.

So you are either on the side of future victims, or gun owners. For the simple fact that there are no other avenues of getting rid of the gun crime. Or at least minimizing them. Come up with a better way of dealing with gun crime and robbers, then I'm all in. But at the moment, laws and law enforcement is the only thing in place to help reduce this problem.


You can supplement many things in this case. You do not get to deny someone basic rights because they might commit a crime. That is counter to the idea of freedom in any form. And before bitching that 'drugs' are not a right, self ownership IS a right and it is the basic premise that ALL right stem from. In that vein, the government does have the power and justification to regulate or illegalize the sale of certain products or services but they do not have the justification to illegalize the use of said product or its creation within your own home for your own use.

The crimes are already illegal, that is all that the government has the justification to do.

Further, black market activities increase the crime associated with drug use as prohibition has ALREADY PROVEN. As I said before, we have already run the test on this concept and it has failed. If you want to minimize the crime associated with drugs, legalizing it, regulating it and then putting that cash into treatment rather than prison will do that. We KNOW it will do that because we have already done it.
That's just retarded to even think that. Where are druggies going to get the money to buy these legal drugs? Their jobs? No, because they won't have a job very long. Druggies lose everything they have. Including their homes. Then they start stealing for it. Beating people or killing them if they have to.

In Portugal, they legalized hard drugs. The violent crime rates went sky high. Theft crime rates even higher. Do you not think that higher crime rates are a negative impact on society? WTF is wrong with you?
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm a druggie and I'm worth millions, have my own business', and a developer of real estate.
2. I didn't get my worth from drugs, I worked for it in a regular business, like normal everyday people do.
3. Some one must have dropped you on your fucking head when you was young.

Yep. And, despite the claim, I'd say stoned drivers are just as likely to get in an accident as drunk drivers. But the stoned drivers are only going ten miles an hour. So there's that.
Not that I've been there myself but

Ten minutes on the driveway waiting for the house traffic to move should've been a clue.
Do be a little less stupid.
A whole lot less ignorant.

BOTH reduce sensory perceptions and reaction times.
Sorry bout that,

1. To a moron like yourself, I don't doubt thats the way it will make you feel.
2. You just don't have the IQ to handle weed.
3. Stay safe in your driveway moron.
4. Makes my driving enhanced.

As true as that might be, it still doesn't change the fact that because there's so many guns available, there's going to be people who commit atrocities on innocent people, by gun owners, just to get more stuff.

So you are either on the side of future victims, or gun owners. For the simple fact that there are no other avenues of getting rid of the gun crime. Or at least minimizing them. Come up with a better way of dealing with gun crime and robbers, then I'm all in. But at the moment, laws and law enforcement is the only thing in place to help reduce this problem.

Good points. All of them. Except for the simple fact that the 2A in the constitution says "Shall not be infringed." And I hardly think you can throw a joint at someone and stop them from murdering someone else.
You can supplement many things in this case. You do not get to deny someone basic rights because they might commit a crime. That is counter to the idea of freedom in any form. And before bitching that 'drugs' are not a right, self ownership IS a right and it is the basic premise that ALL right stem from. In that vein, the government does have the power and justification to regulate or illegalize the sale of certain products or services but they do not have the justification to illegalize the use of said product or its creation within your own home for your own use.

The crimes are already illegal, that is all that the government has the justification to do.

Further, black market activities increase the crime associated with drug use as prohibition has ALREADY PROVEN. As I said before, we have already run the test on this concept and it has failed. If you want to minimize the crime associated with drugs, legalizing it, regulating it and then putting that cash into treatment rather than prison will do that. We KNOW it will do that because we have already done it.

Like I said, the system isn't perfect, but legalizing hard drugs isn't going to diminish the amount of druggies. It'll only increase the number of them. The crime rates will get even worse than they are now.
No, moron.....

First of all....You aren't a libertarian....

Second of all...I just want to remind you that you are most likely a grown ass man cosplaying online as a sex-worker who was famous for sucking a mushroom dick and being paid six figures to be quiet about it....

But no, I do not believe you are a libertarian..and if you were, that doesn't say much....because you can tell me you are a Jedi and have as much credibility as a Libertarian
Stormy is a diehard prog.

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