Remember when they said legalizing marijuana wouldn't be a slippery slope to other drugs?

I've not done that.

I simply pointed out that answering a question with a question, as you did, signals that you simply don't have an answer, and that you're too big a coward to simply admit that...

Resorting to personal attacks is a great argument also. :laughing0301:
Pot had to be legalized...any dummy can grow it...
But the underground market is still huge...these legal pot stores are very expensive.....
Stop dodging. I'm not talking about all the other factors. I'm talking about the ones created by the druggies themselves. The road that they themselves decided, under their own free will, to go down.

Druggies don't give a fuck about outreach programs, rehab or laws. They care about getting their next high. And they don't give a damn about who they have to steal from or kill to get it. They don't give a damn about yours, mine or anyone elses rights, freedoms or liberties. They care about getting their drugs.

This justice system hasn't even really fought this war on drugs because they seem to be broke woke. "Oh let's go easy on them. They have mental issues." BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Throw these POS on some island somewhere and forget'm. Don't try to rehab them. Don't put them in prison for a year. Don't feel sorry for them. Eliminate them before they rape, murder or steal from decent people. FFS, we're talking about babysitting people who adversely affect the lives of innocent decent people. Who create victims regularly.

The legalized drug in Portugal. The violent crime rates and thefts skyrocketed. Why? Because they legalized all drugs. Our crime rates are skyrocketing now, even with laws against drugs are in existence.

Our justice system needs to fight this war like it is a war. And stop tinkering with it. F these druggies.
The type of druggie your talking about is going to do deugs regardless of its legality. The war on drugs was an utter disaster. There is a better way to do it and legalization is that way. I didn’t dodge a thing
At least you're genuine.

There is a black market for handbags. Legalization is not going to shut down the black market for drugs. Also, how natural does "natural" have to be? Everything derives from nature, one way or another. Pasta doesn't grow on trees. Gold and sliver flakes are eaten when used to decorate foods. How much processing is required before it's no longer "natural"?
True but you legalize drugs then pharmacies and manufacturers can cut them with safer additives and don’t use fentanyl, and other dangerous chemicals. You also know who is using it. You can tax it and earmark every penny to rehab. The current system sure in the hell isn’t working.

I’d rather someone smoke pot to relieve their pain then take opioids, and a lot less addictive.
The type of druggie your talking about is going to do deugs regardless of its legality. The war on drugs was an utter disaster. There is a better way to do it and legalization is that way. I didn’t dodge a thing


The US government hasn't really fought the war on drugs. They've only tinkered with it. A real war would look something like this:

Much more border security to keep heroin and fentanyl from coming here. This includes all the coast lines.
It would include hard labor camps for drug users and dealers.
It would consist of regular home inspections, with drug dogs for those one parole or probation for drug crimes.
It would mean using drone strikes in Mexico for the cartels and the ones in the MX mountains when they're manufacturing it.
It would mean rewards for those who rat out their friends and families who have drugs. (if they're caught with the drugs)

This obviously goes against a lot of civil rights. But I'm more concerned with the civil rights and liberties of decent people. The ones who get robbed, murdered and beaten just so some junky can get his next fix.

The US government hasn't really fought the war on drugs. They've only tinkered with it. A real war would look something like this:

Much more border security to keep heroin and fentanyl from coming here. This includes all the coast lines.
It would include hard labor camps for drug users and dealers.
It would consist of regular home inspections, with drug dogs for those one parole or probation for drug crimes.
It would mean using drone strikes in Mexico for the cartels and the ones in the MX mountains when they're manufacturing it.
It would mean rewards for those who rat out their friends and families who have drugs. (if they're caught with the drugs)

This obviously goes against a lot of civil rights. But I'm more concerned with the civil rights and liberties of decent people. The ones who get robbed, murdered and beaten just so some junky can get his next fix.
Yeah that sounds like a communist hell hole. You go live in China if that’s how you want to live.
Stop right there. Every time you fools talk about legalizing drugs you clamor on about medical applications, but what you're really after is getting high.

There are plenty of things with medical applications that are not otherwise legal. Opiates have medical applications. They are otherwise illegal. Nobody had to legalize heroin for opiates to be made into legitimate theraputics. But now you liberals scream and wail about how opiates are bad and turn people into addicts.
Did you read your own link?

Apparently not.
Sorry bout that,

1. Young people today will not conform to laws that are harsh, they will spiral down into the drug hole.
2. They become outcasts, with no real cause, other than they hate the establishment.
3. Which are those who make the laws.
4. Laws have to be just, to be correct.
5. Young kid in junior high gets turned on to pot, and likes the feeling.
6. After a while he learns its against the law, and grows a bad attitude, towards cops, and *ALL* authority.
7. His friend's father dies from a car accident cause he was drunk, kills a family of 8.
8. His friend's sister was also killed in the wreck.
9. He thinks gosh I need a joint, so he breaks the law to handle the passing of his friend's father, and sister, not to mention the other guys family of 8.
10. Invites his friend to take a few tokes too.
11. Ten lives are gone, and they weren't high, the reason they died was the father of his friend was drunk.
12. And yet its legal to drink, so its legal to drink and kill others but to smoke pot, thats a no no.
13. See the picture, see how unjust laws are?
14. It pools in these kids heads, and can't escape.
15. *ALL* those who condone the war against drugs are *GUILTY*.
16. You have no idea what you're doing to the youth, who are trying to grow up and there are the goofy laws you've made.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Young people today will not conform to laws that are harsh, they will spiral down into the drug hole.
2. They become outcasts, with no real cause, other than they hate the establishment.
3. Which are those who make the laws.
4. Laws have to be just, to be correct.
5. Young kid in junior high gets turned on to pot, and likes the feeling.
6. After a while he learns its against the law, and grows a bad attitude, towards cops, and *ALL* authority.
7. His friend's father dies from a car accident cause he was drunk, kills a family of 8.
8. His friend's sister was also killed in the wreck.
9. He thinks gosh I need a joint, so he breaks the law to handle the passing of his friend's father, and sister, not to mention the other guys family of 8.
10. Invites his friend to take a few tokes too.
11. Ten lives are gone, and they weren't high, the reason they died was the father of his friend was drunk.
12. And yet its legal to drink, so its legal to drink and kill others but to smoke pot, thats a no no.
13. See the picture, see how unjust laws are?
14. It pools in these kids heads, and can't escape.
15. *ALL* those who condone the war against drugs are *GUILTY*.
16. You have no idea what your doing to the youth, who are trying to grown up and there are the goofy laws you've made.

LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."
"Magic Mushrooms" and "cannabis" are not "drugs". One is an herb, and the other are fungi. Both have medicinal properties, but neither is a "drug". These are naturally occuring plants and herbs, given to us by God in the Garden of Eden.

Republicans are the party of hookers and blow. Just ask Donald Trump Jr. or his Dad. 45 may not be into coke, like his sons, but he sure does love those rentable women. Paid companionship always does what it's paid for, doesn't it Stormy?

Sorry bout that,

1. Your guilt you wear like a badge of honor.
2. Your morale standing is impeccable to your eyes.
3. While you walk blindly off a 1000 foot cliff.
4. You go girl!
5. Then you stop going girl.

Stop right there. Every time you fools talk about legalizing drugs you clamor on about medical applications, but what you're really after is getting high.

There are plenty of things with medical applications that are not otherwise legal. Opiates have medical applications. They are otherwise illegal. Nobody had to legalize heroin for opiates to be made into legitimate theraputics. But now you liberals scream and wail about how opiates are bad and turn people into addicts.

Game. Set. Match.

Game. Set. Match.
Sorry bout that,

1. Where have you been, so you came along and won something?
2. Step forward, turn towards the door, with a swift leg movement get kicked in the ass, out you go!
3. As much as I like Trump and the first lady Malania, trying to prohibit drinking as a way to curb illicit drugs is just never going to happen.
4. Today perhaps tonight a family will perish cause of some drunk.
5. And again tomorrow.
6. The day after and so on for eternity on earth.
7. People died and people lied again.
8. Judges do it everyday, day in day out all across America.
9. Until the government can not longer legislate morality, totally give up, and allow drug users to use, just whatever; those doing to judging are all *GUILTY*.
10. Some of you wrap yourself in *GUILT* as a way of life.

Yeah that sounds like a communist hell hole. You go live in China if that’s how you want to live.

Why? Because I care more about the victims than I do the thugs? F U pal. It's scum like you that help thugs destroy innocent peoples lives. Scum like you help create homeless druggy shitholes in cities all over the USA.
Why? Because I care more about the victims than I do the thugs? F U pal. It's scum like you that help thugs destroy innocent peoples lives. Scum like you help create homeless druggy shitholes in cities all over the USA.
I don’t help create any of that. If you can’t open you eyes to the damage the supposed war on drugs has done then your blind. Legalization does not mean promoting crime and increasing strung out junkies. It means that drug production and sales can be regulated, safer, and more resources around the issues that arise can be provided. How do you think gangs and cartels are funded?
Stop right there. Every time you fools talk about legalizing drugs you clamor on about medical applications, but what you're really after is getting high.

There are plenty of things with medical applications that are not otherwise legal. Opiates have medical applications. They are otherwise illegal. Nobody had to legalize heroin for opiates to be made into legitimate theraputics. But now you liberals scream and wail about how opiates are bad and turn people into addicts.
You take opiates? If so why? Do you have chronic pain?

Medical marijuana does not help with anxiety, depression, doubles risk of addiction, study says

LOS ANGELES - A recent study found that medical marijuana fails to improve symptoms of pain, anxiety and depression and effectively doubles the risk of developing addictive symptoms and cannabis use disorder (CUD).

The study, published by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital on March 18, also noted that up to one in five users of cannabis may develop CUD.

"There have been many claims about the benefits of medical marijuana for treating pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression, without sound scientific evidence to support them," said Professor Jodi Gilman in a news release.

At least 1.4 million Americans are...............
Marijuana flower grows in a fucking ditch and these statist assholes want to keep it illegal LOLZ
"im a republican. i like small government DERP"
Marijuana isn't a big deal. Anything to excess is problem including wine and food or greed.
Marijuana isn't a big deal. Anything to excess is problem including wine and food or greed.
Very true.
And with weed, it isnt as bad as other things.
Indulge in excess with alcohol, and you could lose yourself. Smoke pot every day, and you can still be a functioning adult and not have your life shattered.
If you lose your life to pot, you have worse problems than a liking to flowers.

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