Remember when they said legalizing marijuana wouldn't be a slippery slope to other drugs?

Sure…fuck your self up all you want… Just don’t ask me to pick up your tab on any level.
well your pipe dream will never many people in the republican party smoke ciggs and drink the booze and yes....smoke pot.....
Did I say that? Big pharma and cartels are very different issues. Stick to the point at hand. If you want to legalize, what are you going to do with the cartels? Legitimize them? You folks never have answers just a give me, give, selfish attitude. Why would anyone with a brain support legalization if you very supporters can't even come up with solutions to the problems they would be creating?
Drugs are legal in quite a few countries....did that legalize cartels??

Did Portugal legalizing weed; legalize cartels??

Did the Netherlands legalizing drugs; legalize cartels??

Legalizing drugs is geared towards decriminalizing the use of drugs, not the supply of drugs.....

I know you probably jerk off to the idea of people being sentenced to 40 years for 2 ounces of crack...but I am not....

So again...when you make moronic arguments to me....don't
Drugs are legal in quite a few countries....did that legalize cartels??

Did Portugal legalizing weed; legalize cartels??

Did the Netherlands legalizing drugs; legalize cartels??

Legalizing drugs is geared towards decriminalizing the use of drugs, not the supply of drugs.....

I know you probably jerk off to the idea of people being sentenced to 40 years for 2 ounces of crack...but I am not....

So again...when you make moronic arguments to me....don't
Drugs are decriminalized in many places, that is very different than legal. You could buy weed in Amsterdam legally in bars and such, but you they didn't sell coke, heroin, or meth. Legalized weed in America did not monopolize it, there is still a booming illegal weed trade. So where are you going to get the raw materials for legally sold cocaine or heroin? You folks have no clue what you are talking about nor the consequences of such actions.

I don't give a damn if someone goes to prison for life for 2oz of crack or dies from it. Stupid solves itself sometimes.

If you don't even understand the basics, you should probably just shut up.
Legalizing drugs would actually create exponentially less criminals given the fact that so many crimes are committed in the drug trade. If it wasn’t illegal then those “crimes” would be no more. Jails would clear, gangs would lose a significant source of their funding, the sale of drugs would be taxed and a profit center. All of a sudden the billions we spend on criminal enforcement disappears and turns into a profit center. That money can then be used for education and rehabilitation. Think it through

You either aren't thinking this whole thing through, or you can't think. It looks more like you're just using the same propaganda that being used by druggies in order to make your case.

Again, druggies lose their jobs, their homes and start committing crime on people to get their drugs. Legalizing drugs isn't going to change that.
They stopped prosecuting small levels of heroin in places like Portland, Seattle and San Fran. Now look at those cities. They're turning into shitholes because of all the druggies that have taken over much of their down town areas. Homeless druggies that would eat your face off to get more.

You either aren't thinking this whole thing through, or you can't think. It looks more like you're just using the same propaganda that being used by druggies in order to make your case.

Again, druggies lose their jobs, their homes and start committing crime on people to get their drugs. Legalizing drugs isn't going to change that.
They stopped prosecuting small levels of heroin in places like Portland, Seattle and San Fran. Now look at those cities. They're turning into shitholes because of all the druggies that have taken over much of their down town areas. Homeless druggies that would eat your face off to get more.

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There are many factors that enable homeless in those cities… it’s not simply legalization. I’m not one that wants to see more druggies in this country. I think the best way to fight addiction is to control, educate and provide resources. Legalization can help provide those things. Criminalizing just funds the black market. Scare tactics aren’t as effective as they used to be. We can do better
What is deliberate is the fact that the War on Drugs was meant to target a specific demographic....but I expect folks like you to play dumb about it...

What is true is...the only reason a drug like marijuana was criminalized in the first place; was to target a specific demographic...the fact they opted to refer to it as "marijuana" more was by design....

"In the early 1900s, an influx of Mexican immigrants came to the US fleeing political unrest in their home country. With them, they brought the practice of smoking cannabis recreationally. And it took off. The Spanish word for the plant started to be used more often too. Marijuana. Or as it was spelled at that time, marihuana, with an "H. This is when the more sensational headlines about the drug began to appear."

Funny how the same folks who pull conspiracy theories out of their ass about the government and their plot to use vaccines to kill people; and believe it -- but want to act totally oblivious to ACTUAL EVIL SHIT this government engaged in..that we have PROOF of....which only reinforces my point that as long as you think it is happening to the people you hate; you would rationalize government doing any and everything to them....
I must reluctantly agree.

Joe Biden is also to blame.
Drugs are legal in quite a few countries....did that legalize cartels??

Did Portugal legalizing weed; legalize cartels??

Did the Netherlands legalizing drugs; legalize cartels??

Legalizing drugs is geared towards decriminalizing the use of drugs, not the supply of drugs.....

I know you probably jerk off to the idea of people being sentenced to 40 years for 2 ounces of crack...but I am not....

So again...when you make moronic arguments to me....don't
Black markets create criminals.


Cartels would go away just like the mobsters during prohibition.
There are many factors that enable homeless in those cities… it’s not simply legalization. I’m not one that wants to see more druggies in this country. I think the best way to fight addiction is to control, educate and provide resources. Legalization can help provide those things. Criminalizing just funds the black market. Scare tactics aren’t as effective as they used to be. We can do better

Stop dodging. I'm not talking about all the other factors. I'm talking about the ones created by the druggies themselves. The road that they themselves decided, under their own free will, to go down.

Druggies don't give a fuck about outreach programs, rehab or laws. They care about getting their next high. And they don't give a damn about who they have to steal from or kill to get it. They don't give a damn about yours, mine or anyone elses rights, freedoms or liberties. They care about getting their drugs.

This justice system hasn't even really fought this war on drugs because they seem to be broke woke. "Oh let's go easy on them. They have mental issues." BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Throw these POS on some island somewhere and forget'm. Don't try to rehab them. Don't put them in prison for a year. Don't feel sorry for them. Eliminate them before they rape, murder or steal from decent people. FFS, we're talking about babysitting people who adversely affect the lives of innocent decent people. Who create victims regularly.

The legalized drug in Portugal. The violent crime rates and thefts skyrocketed. Why? Because they legalized all drugs. Our crime rates are skyrocketing now, even with laws against drugs are in existence.

Our justice system needs to fight this war like it is a war. And stop tinkering with it. F these druggies.
Stop right there. Every time you fools talk about legalizing drugs you clamor on about medical applications, but what you're really after is getting high.

There are plenty of things with medical applications that are not otherwise legal. Opiates have medical applications. They are otherwise illegal. Nobody had to legalize heroin for opiates to be made into legitimate theraputics. But now you liberals scream and wail about how opiates are bad and turn people into addicts.
What's wrong with getting high? Long as it doesn't affect your ability to do other stuff. I read a health report (to be fair it was more than 30 years ago) about how two drug products were responsible for 94 per cent of all deaths - alcohol and tobacco. Ironically, the two legal drugs. Opiates are bad. You have this 'one size fits all' mentality. Certain drugs - marijuana/mushies being but two - are okay IMO. Coke, speed/meth/ice, heroin - not so much.

I love Conservative hypocrites - "stay out of our lives!! Unless it involves a woman's body or drugs"...
Black markets create criminals.


Cartels would go away just like the mobsters during prohibition.

Drugs create criminals more. Druggies don't give a F about laws. Legalizing drugs will create more criminals. You're just too stupid to realize it.

BTW, why TF are you taking up for druggies? Are you one?

Serial offender behind bars for 10 years after raping sex worker

The court was also told about Ali’s previous crimes. Among the list of his sexual offences include licking his lips and asking a group of 13-year-old girls if they wanted to come back to his flat to smoke drugs, masturbating on a bench in public and pressing himself against two women shopping in Boots.

Two charged with rape, sodomy of minor children; Theft, drugs and burglary cases end in indictments

• Nathaniel Mark Holt, 38, T. Run Branch Road in Artemus, KY - first-degree trafficking in controlled substance (over 2 grams of meth), on Jan. 28, 2021.
• Terry Lynn Graves, 37, Mill Creek Drive in Corbin - first-degree possession of controlled substance (methamphetamine), possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a defaced firearm on July 5.
• Brenda Gray, 59, Big Barn Road, Tyner, KY - first-degree possession of controlled substance (meth), third-degree possession of controlled substance (Clonazepam and Carisoprodol), possession of controlled substance in improper container, public intoxication and operating vehicle with no registration plate, on Oct. 27.
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If you can legally get drunk, why can someone else not legally get high?

When did you become such an almighty authoritarian?

When did you become a potential child sex preditor, a thief, a rapist.
It's extremely rare that ANY of those people are drug free. The two go hand in hand.
When did you become a potential child sex preditor, a thief, a rapist.
It's extremely rare that ANY of those people are drug free. The two go hand in hand.

and I bet they all drink alcohol as well, in fact I bet that is where they started.

Need to ban it also.

And hell, almost all of those people smoke cigarettes as well, ban them also.

Then do not get me started on fatty foods, all of those people eat fatty foods...ban them also

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