Remember when they said legalizing marijuana wouldn't be a slippery slope to other drugs?

Alcohol is accepted over thousands of years. The affect is known, and it is more of social ways also. If government stopped paying for the results of Drugs, would that be acceptable?
Getting drunk is so much more acceptable than getting high?
What exactly are magic mushrooms and how do people use them? And what was the stuff back in the day that was little square pieces of paper with pictures or whatever?
did some out in the middle of joshua tree back in the 70's.....great time....
Alcohol is accepted over thousands of years. The affect is known, and it is more of social ways also. If government stopped paying for the results of Drugs, would that be acceptable?
drugs have been too in many cultures.

You mean the cartels that moved in nextdoor to you after you made weed legal?
The ones who longer have to move weed across national boundaries Thanks to brilliant Dem policies?
Black markets cause all the problems coming out of Mexico. Drug Cartels are USELESS if they have no illegal product to push.

Legalized drugs would COMPLETELY DESTROY Mexico.

Thus, I am for it.
I say legalize all drugs BUT deny all drug users of ANY public funds or services for ANY reason.…PERIOD.
It’s a win win….drug users get their “freedom” and taxpayers aren’t required to cover their bad habits and medical bills related to their poor choices.
does that include alcohol and cigarettes?....
"Magic Mushrooms" and "cannabis" are not "drugs". One is an herb, and the other are fungi. Both have medicinal properties, but neither is a "drug". These are naturally occuring plants and herbs, given to us by God in the Garden of Eden.

Republicans are the party of hookers and blow. Just ask Donald Trump Jr. or his Dad. 45 may not be into coke, like his sons, but he sure does love those rentable women. Paid companionship always does what it's paid for, doesn't it Stormy?

So you're saying that people enjoy their sins or drugs, sex,etc.
The communists which the globalists want us to be.......push drugs being legalized. Drugs lower ones inhibitions and thus ability to tell right from wrong and makes one more controllable and more easily manipulated. It also leads to higher incidents of child abuse/neglect, animal abuse, more crime, more dependency on the state. Libs push drugs because they want an easy to control populous and don't care about the misery.

Drugs are bad for a host of reasons.

The globalists want the populace high and drunk and so incoherent that they have no clue of how they're being controlled and manipulated.
Are you talking about the Sackler family??
Where are the raw materials going to come from for these legalized drugs? If you want to talk pharma, start a thread. If you morons are serious about legalization, then address the consequences. Anything less makes you people look like a bunch of idiots that can't see past the purple haze and are too stupid to think beyond the next high. That leaves the rest us to pick up the pieces.
Sorry, I don't buy that line of reasoning. No one is forcing drugs on anyone, it is a choice.
What is deliberate is the fact that the War on Drugs was meant to target a specific demographic....but I expect folks like you to play dumb about it...

What is true is...the only reason a drug like marijuana was criminalized in the first place; was to target a specific demographic...the fact they opted to refer to it as "marijuana" more was by design....

"In the early 1900s, an influx of Mexican immigrants came to the US fleeing political unrest in their home country. With them, they brought the practice of smoking cannabis recreationally. And it took off. The Spanish word for the plant started to be used more often too. Marijuana. Or as it was spelled at that time, marihuana, with an "H. This is when the more sensational headlines about the drug began to appear."

Funny how the same folks who pull conspiracy theories out of their ass about the government and their plot to use vaccines to kill people; and believe it -- but want to act totally oblivious to ACTUAL EVIL SHIT this government engaged in..that we have PROOF of....which only reinforces my point that as long as you think it is happening to the people you hate; you would rationalize government doing any and everything to them....
Where are the raw materials going to come from for these legalized drugs? If you want to talk pharma, start a thread. If you morons are serious about legalization, then address the consequences. Anything less makes you people look like a bunch of idiots that can't see past the purple haze and are too stupid to think beyond the next high. That leaves the rest us to pick up the pieces.
So in other words, you are ok with the Sackler family paying off government for their crimes

But when it comes to cartels paying off government for selling drugs, that is bad??

By the way, murder is still illegal...and not a single person who is advocating for legalization is saying people should be let off the hook for murder.....

When you are a moron, making moronic arguments against me...the best thing to do is...don't
So in other words, you are ok with the Sackler family paying off government for their crimes

But when it comes to cartels paying off government for selling drugs, that is bad??

By the way, murder is still illegal...and not a single person who is advocating for legalization is saying people should be let off the hook for murder.....

When you are a moron, making moronic arguments against me...the best thing to do is...don't
Did I say that? Big pharma and cartels are very different issues. Stick to the point at hand. If you want to legalize, what are you going to do with the cartels? Legitimize them? You folks never have answers just a give me, give me, selfish attitude. Why would anyone with a brain support legalization if you very supporters can't even come up with solutions to the problems they would be creating?
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