Remember when they said legalizing marijuana wouldn't be a slippery slope to other drugs?

There never has been a war on drugs because we never really fought it as a war. Drugs have been accommodated to such a high degree that they are effectively legal. When the government gives out needles and bongs drugs are legal. When government employees act as runners bringing drugs to shut in addicts as they did during the covid lockdown drugs are legal no matter what the statute books say.

Now attention should be directed towards protecting the non high public from the acts of the drug addicted. Party drugs are now methods of multiple executions. Should those be legalized as well?
"Magic Mushrooms" and "cannabis" are not "drugs". One is an herb, and the other are fungi. Both have medicinal properties, but neither is a "drug". These are naturally occuring plants and herbs, given to us by God in the Garden of Eden.

Republicans are the party of hookers and blow. Just ask Donald Trump Jr. or his Dad. 45 may not be into coke, like his sons, but he sure does love those rentable women. Paid companionship always does what it's paid for, doesn't it Stormy?

Poppy seeds are a natural plant as well.

So is hemlock. Go ingest some of it. Please.
The communists which the globalists want us to be.......push drugs being legalized. Drugs lower ones inhibitions and thus ability to tell right from wrong and makes one more controllable and more easily manipulated. It also leads to higher incidents of child abuse/neglect, animal abuse, more crime, more dependency on the state. Libs push drugs because they want an easy to control populous and don't care about the misery.

Drugs are bad for a host of reasons.
I have a different opinion.

Communists use the war on drugs to enslave and imprison to further the goal of complete subjugation.
Sorry bout that,

1. In a nanny state, they will tell you what you can put in your own body.
2. And if they catch you putting it; the thing they told you, was illegal to put in, *YOUR* body, they will take all you own, and throw you into jail.
3. When you are spit out of their system of housing, you will be broke in more ways than one.
4. A swift kick in the ass, and off you go, back into the world, the system in place, already divesting you of everything you owned.
5. Any person should have the right to put anything into their mouth, without an outside force, having anything to say about it.
6. Does anyone see a problem with this?
7. Freedom of choice, is not *your* freedom, its the governments, so you are the property of the government.
8. The truth shall set you FREE!

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Based on the outcome, I have no reason to conclude otherwise. It is deliberate.

But just because there are problems with the prevailing enforcement mentality does not mean that legalization is called for. As you pointed out earlier, the War on Drugs mentality has been quite expensive, and resources could have been far better spent with a treatment based mentality. That is the shift that needs to be made, not legalization.
I don't give a shit if they legalize weed or not. I haven't gotten high in 21 years, and I don't see me doing it within the next 21 years.

As for other drugs, the problem isn't the drugs themselves. The problem is, once addicted, what people will do in order to obtain those drugs.

On the one hand, it's easy to say "legalize it all" and let the government control and tax it. On the other hand, we need to be cognizant of the fact that someone who, say, is addicted to heroin will do whatever they have to do to get their heroin, and that often translates to other illegal activity...
Stop right there. Every time you fools talk about legalizing drugs you clamor on about medical applications, but what you're really after is getting high.

There are plenty of things with medical applications that are not otherwise legal. Opiates have medical applications. They are otherwise illegal. Nobody had to legalize heroin for opiates to be made into legitimate theraputics. But now you liberals scream and wail about how opiates are bad and turn people into addicts.
if regulating "getting high" is the issue, why do we have alcohol?

people will choose what works for them. smoking weed won't lead to doing harder drugs.

willingness to do drugs, will.
The communists which the globalists want us to be.......push drugs being legalized. Drugs lower ones inhibitions and thus ability to tell right from wrong and makes one more controllable and more easily manipulated. It also leads to higher incidents of child abuse/neglect, animal abuse, more crime, more dependency on the state. Libs push drugs because they want an easy to control populous and don't care about the misery.

Drugs are bad for a host of reasons.
The War on Drugs has resulted in millions of people incarcerated for victimless crimes and gang activity, drug wars and related crime

Time to move on
No, you're not smart at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure your brain really is the egg in a frying pan.

Now, enough with your lies. You keep pretending you want medical research, but what you're actually advocating is for people to get high. And you're not even being sneaky about it. It's pathetic.

Thank you for verifying you're an idiot. I haven't touched drugs since my teenaged years and now you're saying I only want to get high.

You really are an idiot, aren't you? Thankfully, you and yours are going the way of the T-Rex.

The sooner, the better.
Thank you for verifying you're an idiot. I haven't touched drugs since my teenaged years and now you're saying I only want to get high.

You really are an idiot, aren't you? Thankfully, you and yours are going the way of the T-Rex.

The sooner, the better.
Kids* lol
Legalize all drugs.

We would save a whole hell of a lot more money ending the war on drugs and closing the black market. Then we spend the money to treat people who are addicted.

Of course, that would shut off civil forfeiture, for-profit prison systems, and a whole host of other reasons to throw many of us in jail, so fat chance. No way in hell does our government give up that much power over us. We need to make them give it up. By force if necessary.

At the very goddamn least, mushrooms, cannabis, anything that naturally grows, should be legal to consume and grow without big brother looking over one's shoulder.

The Austin Petersen ideal:
"gay couple defends marijuana farm with machine guns. "

Legalizing all drugs is just retarded. It would only create more criminals. Addict usually lose everything. Their families, their jobs, their homes. They get homeless and broke. So they steal, and even kill to get their next high.
Quit drinking homemade vodka.
Leave me alone! Damn yankee bastards
Legalizing all drugs is just retarded. It would only create more criminals. Addict usually lose everything. Their families, their jobs, their homes. They get homeless and broke. So they steal, and even kill to get their next high.
Sorry bout that,

1. Loves being under a cow, drinking supposed free milk, nanny milk.

Seriously, I'm confident there is little "appetite" for recreational psilocybin, and that's not what the links suggests.
Legalizing all drugs is just retarded. It would only create more criminals. Addict usually lose everything. Their families, their jobs, their homes. They get homeless and broke. So they steal, and even kill to get their next high.
Legalizing drugs would actually create exponentially less criminals given the fact that so many crimes are committed in the drug trade. If it wasn’t illegal then those “crimes” would be no more. Jails would clear, gangs would lose a significant source of their funding, the sale of drugs would be taxed and a profit center. All of a sudden the billions we spend on criminal enforcement disappears and turns into a profit center. That money can then be used for education and rehabilitation. Think it through

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