Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

None of your fantasies have anything to do with this thread. NATO stands strong, unlike when Trump was attacking it and praising Putin.

Oh wait, he is still praising Putin...
Trump never attacked NATO, he demanded that the member countries live up to their treaty obligations and meet the agreed upon spending requirements which they have failed to do since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Current events have shown the wisdom of his demands.
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.

BRUSSELS — The Dutch are sending rocket launchers for air defense. The Estonians are sending Javelin antitank missiles. The Poles and the Latvians are sending Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czechs are sending machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.

Even formerly neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are sending weapons. And Germany, long allergic to sending weapons into conflict zones, is sending Stingers as well as other shoulder-launched rockets.

In all, about 20 countries — most members of NATO and the European Union, but not all — are funneling arms into Ukraine to fight off Russian invaders and arm an insurgency, if the war comes to that.

At the same time, NATO is moving military equipment and as many as 22,000 more troops into member states bordering Russia and Belarus, to reassure them and enhance deterrence.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought European countries together as never before, minds concentrated by the larger threat to European security presented by the Russia of President Vladimir V. Putin.

“European security and defense has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, asserted in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday. Brussels has moved to “Europeanize” the efforts of member states to aid Ukraine with weapons and money and put down a marker for the bloc as a significant military actor.

But whether European weaponry will continue to reach the Ukrainian battlefield in time to make a difference is far from certain. However proud Brussels is of its effort, it is a strategy that risks encouraging a wider war and possible retaliation from Mr. Putin. The rush of lethal military aid into Ukraine from Poland, a member of NATO, aims, after all, to kill Russian soldiers.

Mr. Putin already sees NATO as committed to threaten or even destroy Russia through its support for Ukraine, as he has repeated in his recent speeches, even as he has raised the nuclear alert of his own forces to warn Europe and the United States of the risks of interference.

Trump was attacking NATO, our most dependable allies, and coddling dictators, Putin in particular – thankfully Trump was voted out of office.
Russia owns the air...Poland's border doesn't help...I'm listening to Biden's team dummy...they are saying nothing is getting in yet and that they are working on a plan...Blinken said this 30 mins ago and so is Kirby right now....

Yes, and the Javelins the missiles and such are indeed deadly to Russia, but it is probably too late to make a difference now as several large cities are surrounded.

So many here shown ignorance over the 2nd largest military in the world capabilities as I have posted this evidence over and over.

Ukraine/Russia Military comparison.

It's not even close the gap is HUGE!
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A NATO no-fly zone would would allow relief flights to aid the maybe you are the you are all over the place on this...find a point of view and an opinion and stick with it....
A no fly zone is bat shit crazy. That’s how you get into a shooting war with a nuclear power.
You obviously have selective hearing. Trump has not praised Putin.
He has recognized and stated his recognition of Putin's ability to play chess against the west's leaders who are playing checkers. Stating an objective evaluation of someone's abilities isn't praising them.
No, you're just making shit up.
We are afraid of Putin....

Pentagon to postpone intercontinental ballistic missile test amid rising tensions with Russia​

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said during a press briefing Wednesday that the U.S. would postpone a ballistic missile test amid the increased tensions with Russia.
The announcement comes after Russia heightened its nuclear readiness in recent days, a move that Kirby argued cannot result in a winner.
Kirby added that the move was not in direct response to Russia's action, but to demonstrate that the U.S. would continue to show it is a responsible actor.
We are afraid of Putin....

Pentagon to postpone intercontinental ballistic missile test amid rising tensions with Russia​

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said during a press briefing Wednesday that the U.S. would postpone a ballistic missile test amid the increased tensions with Russia.
The announcement comes after Russia heightened its nuclear readiness in recent days, a move that Kirby argued cannot result in a winner.
Kirby added that the move was not in direct response to Russia's action, but to demonstrate that the U.S. would continue to show it is a responsible actor.

Seems a prudent move. But that has nothing to do with anything I've said. Why are you changing the subject?
A no fly zone is bat shit crazy. That’s how you get into a shooting war with a nuclear power.
Why????...we are the USA...We are NATO...what is NATO for?...nice blue helmets?....why are we backing down to a thug?....weakness fuels Putin....
Trump never attacked NATO, he demanded that the member countries live up to their treaty obligations and meet the agreed upon spending requirements which they have failed to do since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Current events have shown the wisdom of his demands.
The reality is he publicly rebuked them, and he did not do this in an nuanced, private, and professional manner becoming a President and most powerful member of the alliance. His public statement was scorn and contempt. Putin loved it.
How sad...the snowflakes have taken over....
Delaying the testing of some missiles so as not to appear to be sabre rattling is a better move than worrying about who a pussy thinks is a pussy.

But back to the point you are running away from. You claimed that there are no roads into Ukraine but somehow we got them fixed up with starlink and that requires a bit of equipment.
Trump was attacking NATO, our most dependable allies, and coddling dictators, Putin in particular – thankfully Trump was voted out of office.
In my life, Progs hated NATO. Despised them. Progs are of peace and love. War machines. The Soviet Union was liked by what we know was Progs. It was an idea for our own future. We saved Europe twice. From themselves. What Trump did was what Progs questioned over the decades. And you denied when he pushed the issue.
Delaying the testing of some missiles so as not to appear to be sabre rattling is a better move than worrying about who a pussy thinks is a pussy.

But back to the point you are running away from. You claimed that there are no roads into Ukraine but somehow we got them fixed up with starlink and that requires a bit of equipment.
Joe is way we beat Putin back like this....
When the time comes as our power is reduced, we will have strategic military strikes on Western Hemisphere nations. including islands. Our sphere of influence will be just that. Two continents are not bad in a civilization in decline.

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