Remembering Marianne Baum - murdered by nazis on this day

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.
You didn't say what happened to her Tommy but not to worry, I'll google.

God, they are all coming out of the woodwork here Tommy! Sunni Man a serial anti-Semite carries a
Holocaust denial video on every post. How sick do you have to be to deny the undeniable?

Think that is the difference between us Brits and the Yanks Tommy - our sense of fairness and justice. I cant see even the most ardent Tories not being sickened by what seems a large chunk of American popular opinion simply to suit their political narrative. To say anybody should be brutally murdered simply because they are either Bolshevik or simply Jewish is a bit beyond the pale.
The even stranger thing is these primates are always the most God fearing.
I make many anti Semitic comments but I can .. because most of it’s true and I am the from the same “ feather of a bird “
However I may be against American Jews but I back Israel 100 percent

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.
You didn't say what happened to her Tommy but not to worry, I'll google.

God, they are all coming out of the woodwork here Tommy! Sunni Man a serial anti-Semite carries a
Holocaust denial video on every post. How sick do you have to be to deny the undeniable?

Think that is the difference between us Brits and the Yanks Tommy - our sense of fairness and justice. I cant see even the most ardent Tories not being sickened by what seems a large chunk of American popular opinion simply to suit their political narrative. To say anybody should be brutally murdered simply because they are either Bolshevik or simply Jewish is a bit beyond the pale.
The even stranger thing is these primates are always the most God fearing.
Let me tell you sir, the USA is collapsing with anarchy , violence and extreme Marxism
The only thing holding this nation glued somewhat is Donald Trump

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.

Your new found appreciation for the suffering of Jews is acknowledged.

Here's hoping it isn't politically motivated.

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.

Your new found appreciation for the suffering of Jews is acknowledged.

Here's hoping it isn't politically motivated.
I was watching a WW1 documentary called “ 100 days ???”
I never knew that the genius who finally figured out the formula to beat the Germans ( using combined planes, tanks , troops and artillery) was a Jewish Australian General

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.

Your new found appreciation for the suffering of Jews is acknowledged.

Here's hoping it isn't politically motivated.

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.

Your new found appreciation for the suffering of Jews is acknowledged.

Here's hoping it isn't politically motivated.
fncco, maybe you can help explain something that has been burning me up since entering this site.
I asked ryall the other day but as predicted he refused to comment.
Why do those of the Jewish faith refuse to defend themselves against anti-Symitic posts?
Sunni Man is a good example, with every post an accompanying Holocaust denial video that I've called out many times yet never a peep from the Jewish members.
Last week ('Political chic's) enthusiasm for a potential US Ambassador to Germany who had and had made disgusting anti-Semitic views and remarks. Particularly odd as she claims to be a Zionist.

I can't quite remember a post of yours that had anything more than a funny picture or a glib one liner. - Where's the beef!

Again here you can't take Tommy's no doubt hart felt sympathy for granted but question his motives - you don't bother commenting on the holocaust deny'er's let alone question their political motives.

Unusually you criticize Tommy (who was only showing sympathy) and completely ignore the accusations from several posters that Jewish Marxism is destroying America.

More and more I'm tempted to conclude that the holocaust happened partly because Jews refuse to defend themselves. You can't all ways trade yourself out of situations and bury your heads in the sand. It was never going to work with the Nazi's and even with that in hindsight you still behave in the same way. Stand up, come out and defend yourself for god sake!

Extremely irritated!

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.
You didn't say what happened to her Tommy but not to worry, I'll google.

God, they are all coming out of the woodwork here Tommy! Sunni Man a serial anti-Semite carries a
Holocaust denial video on every post. How sick do you have to be to deny the undeniable?

Think that is the difference between us Brits and the Yanks Tommy - our sense of fairness and justice. I cant see even the most ardent Tories not being sickened by what seems a large chunk of American popular opinion simply to suit their political narrative. To say anybody should be brutally murdered simply because they are either Bolshevik or simply Jewish is a bit beyond the pale.
The even stranger thing is these primates are always the most God fearing.

The US hate industry is very nuanced.

Their right wingers (loons) currently hate all muslims. In that they have allies with zionists who also hate all muslims. And that works well for them. What the zionists lose sight of is the fact that the same anti muslim herd once pushed their ancestors into the ovens.

This works at a political level as well. So Iran is the crucible of evil but those fun loving Saudis are "our Muslims" and we can tolerate their stone age excesses. Most importantly the Saudis hate the Iranians. They have some sympathies with Israel because the Israelis mistreat the Palestinians.

Remember when trump introduced his muslim ban ? He left the Saudis off the list despite the 9/11 bombers coming from , er ,Saudi. These fuckwits will defend that stupidity.

The problem they have with criticising Hitler is that he fought the Commies so he must have been a good guy. They feel that we should have joined up with him to fight the Russians. There is a sub sector of these loons who insist that Hitler was a commie and attacking him is justified. The nazis had "socialist" in their party name ergo they are commies. Seriously, that is the level they operate on.

So a German Jewish communist is not worthy of sympathy because of the "German Jewish Communist" thing. These loons will hate her for every combination of those 3 factors but the thing that unites all of them is that she was a commie and probably had it coming.

Welcome to the crazy world of the American Right.The crucible of hate.
Why do those of the Jewish faith refuse to defend themselves against anti-Symitic posts?

You don't argue with stupid ...

Doing so is typically considered a bad idea.

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Their right wingers (loons) currently hate all muslims.

Not all...

View attachment 377271
Ha Ha ha, might have known, wish I'd never asked - you couldn't make it up!
I have to add this. Sympathy for the Holocaust victims is now being put into perspective as decent Christian Americans are being asked to wear protective masks. Even the nazis stopped short of that outrage.
Na sorry Tommy have to totally disa.......

Ha ha nearly got me their Tommy, nice piss take!

From 1938/39, a new circle was formed around Marianne and Herbert Baum, which grew further after Jewish organizations were banned in 1939. Its members regarded themselves as German Communists of Jewish origin. Young forced laborers from the Siemens factories in Berlin joined from 1940/41. They attempted to develop their own forms of protest and resistance, independently of the communist resistance groups that existed in Berlin or were formed between the initial persecution and 1937.

I suspect that many of the loons on here will feel the need to denigrate this heroine. But fair play to her. She stood against the nazis and paid for it with her life. RIP.
You didn't say what happened to her Tommy but not to worry, I'll google.

God, they are all coming out of the woodwork here Tommy! Sunni Man a serial anti-Semite carries a
Holocaust denial video on every post. How sick do you have to be to deny the undeniable?

Think that is the difference between us Brits and the Yanks Tommy - our sense of fairness and justice. I cant see even the most ardent Tories not being sickened by what seems a large chunk of American popular opinion simply to suit their political narrative. To say anybody should be brutally murdered simply because they are either Bolshevik or simply Jewish is a bit beyond the pale.
The even stranger thing is these primates are always the most God fearing.
Let me tell you sir, the USA is collapsing with anarchy , violence and extreme Marxism
The only thing holding this nation glued somewhat is Donald Trump
What the heck are you talking about? Do you know what Marxism is in the first turn?
If anyone here mocks or denies the Holocaust you will get my full wrath
Hitler tried to rid Germany of commie jews.
Unfortunately he failed, and the bulk of them moved to America.
Now they have infected our government and are called Democrats. ... :cool:
I thought the nazis were commies in your fucked up world ?
Of course they were commies. And they fought against commies. Because to be a nazi commy isn't the same as to be a commy commy. But nevertheless, they are the same. It is a crystal clear point.
Nazi Socialism and Soviet Communism were just two sides of the same coin.
They both wanted their brand of communism to rule Europe, and that's why they went to war with each other. ... :cool:
Nazi Socialism and Soviet Communism were just two sides of the same coin.
They both wanted their brand of communism to rule Europe, and that's why they went to war with each other. ... :cool:
What in Nazi Germany was in common with communism? Did they champion internationalism based on the class struggle, did they fight against private property, did they support atheism as a state policy?

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