Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

The pro-CSA loons are hysterical and hilarious.

No state had the right to secede.

SC had no legal right to interfere with the US transactions with its people in its own property (no, the property was not SC, it gave that right up).

The South rebelled and was executed rightfully by the North.

You've already been proven wrong on every one of your points, Fakey.
Actually I haven't read anything you've posted yet that isn't BS. You've offered no credible cites for your angry blather
The pro-CSA loons are hysterical and hilarious.

No state had the right to secede.

SC had no legal right to interfere with the US transactions with its people in its own property (no, the property was not SC, it gave that right up).

The South rebelled and was executed rightfully by the North.

You've already been proven wrong on every one of your points, Fakey.

:lol: You are talking to the guy in the mirror.
We know Lee fought against the Union, thus fought for slavery.

stmike talking about history is similar to a hamster eating the pages of a history book.

And many on the north (other than the abolishinists) were not fighting against slavery, but to preserve the union.

Including, of course, Lincoln!
If you want to read the most comprehensive book about Lincoln's opinion(s) about slavery, as they evolved throughout his life, read Eric Foner's "The Firey Trial"

You mean if you want to read a pile of bullshit propaganda.
It is a collection of Lincoln's own writings and speeches. It offers no opinion, just his own words.

I'm positive you haven't read one word of it.

You're just lashing out because you're not just your ordinary stupid, but you're embarrassed now too.
1) The South started a war over slavery. FACT.

2) Yes, Lee owned slaves, and even had slaves waiting on him as he fought the war to preserve, protect, defend, and expand Slavery.

1) Not a fact. The South didn't start the war. Lincoln did.
Here are some facts. Real ones.

The first shot fired was fired by Citadel Cadets manning an artillery battery. It was specifically fired by Cadet Gunner George E. Haynsworth on Jan. 9, 1861. The target of the fire mission was the steamer Star of the West bringing supplies to Fort Sumter.

The authorities governing actions towards attacks on Fort Sumter were Governor Francis W. Pickens and Brig. Gen. P.G. T. Beauregard.

These are the guys who factually started the American Civil War.
The status of Brit's thread...update!!

Wrong, he fought for his state, the CSA, and his property. The USA could not "invade" Virginia, for Virginia was a governmental entity indivisble from the USA.

Wrong. You're quoting the pledge of allegiance, which was written by some commie. Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede.
The pledge of alligiance was written by a Communist?

That is not only vapid thinking, which falls into line with all your posts, but the final nail in e coffin of this thread.

Now you will call me the vilest names you can think of, but consider just how stupid you actually are.

Pledge of alligiance written by a communist. What an idiot!
FTR: It was written by a a socialist.
Does it exprce Socialism. There are great minds and writers on all the colors of the political spectrum. How do you imagine a political philosophy gets legs? Great writers.

But as the Plegde of Alligence expresses no doctrine in opposition to laisse faire Capitalism, what' the problem with the political beliefs of its author?

It's a strawman of the first order.

The "indivisible" line in the Pledge of Allegiance is a totalitarian meme. In fact, people who believe in freedom shouldn't be pledging allegiance to any government.
1) The South started a war over slavery. FACT.

2) Yes, Lee owned slaves, and even had slaves waiting on him as he fought the war to preserve, protect, defend, and expand Slavery.

1) Not a fact. The South didn't start the war. Lincoln did.

Those dodging cannonballs at Ft Sumter would beg to differ

Only traitors fire on their own flag
1) The South started a war over slavery. FACT.

2) Yes, Lee owned slaves, and even had slaves waiting on him as he fought the war to preserve, protect, defend, and expand Slavery.

1) Not a fact. The South didn't start the war. Lincoln did.
Here are some facts. Real ones.

The first shot fired was fired by Citadel Cadets manning an artillery battery. It was specifically fired by Cadet Gunner George E. Haynsworth on Jan. 9, 1861. The target of the fire mission was the steamer Star of the West bringing supplies to Fort Sumter.

The authorities governing actions towards attacks on Fort Sumter were Governor Francis W. Pickens and Brig. Gen. P.G. T. Beauregard.

These are the guys who factually started the American Civil War.

In other words, he fired on a union boat violating the territorial waters of South Caroline. The federal government was warned not to attempt any resupply of Fort Sumter. Any attempt to do so was an act of war.
The pro-CSA loons are hysterical and hilarious.

No state had the right to secede.

SC had no legal right to interfere with the US transactions with its people in its own property (no, the property was not SC, it gave that right up).

The South rebelled and was executed rightfully by the North.

You've already been proven wrong on every one of your points, Fakey.
Actually I haven't read anything you've posted yet that isn't BS. You've offered no credible cites for your angry blather

It's all in the historical record, you dumbass Nazi. No one has even bothered to contest it.

Furthermore, I have posted cites. You're just too lazy to read them. You, on the other hand, have posted only your sleazy unctuous opinions
1) The South started a war over slavery. FACT.

2) Yes, Lee owned slaves, and even had slaves waiting on him as he fought the war to preserve, protect, defend, and expand Slavery.

1) Not a fact. The South didn't start the war. Lincoln did.
Here are some facts. Real ones.

The first shot fired was fired by Citadel Cadets manning an artillery battery. It was specifically fired by Cadet Gunner George E. Haynsworth on Jan. 9, 1861. The target of the fire mission was the steamer Star of the West bringing supplies to Fort Sumter.

The authorities governing actions towards attacks on Fort Sumter were Governor Francis W. Pickens and Brig. Gen. P.G. T. Beauregard.

These are the guys who factually started the American Civil War.
I've only posted this about 20 times by now.

Buchanan was President and he was trying to resupply Sumter.

Click to enlarge

The South fired upon the Union Steamship Star of the West

They took another ship and seized it: "The Marion."

Then converted her to a Man of War ship.

Star of the West

Date on the Harpers Weekly newspaper: January, 1861, linked above.

Neoconfederates refuse to accept it.

At West Point, January 1861 is considered the actual start of the Civil War.

Well before Abraham Lincoln even stepped into office.
Wrong, he fought for his state, the CSA, and his property. The USA could not "invade" Virginia, for Virginia was a governmental entity indivisble from the USA.

Wrong. You're quoting the pledge of allegiance, which was written by some commie. Nothing in the Constitution says a state can't secede.
The pledge of alligiance was written by a Communist?

That is not only vapid thinking, which falls into line with all your posts, but the final nail in e coffin of this thread.

Now you will call me the vilest names you can think of, but consider just how stupid you actually are.

Pledge of alligiance written by a communist. What an idiot!
FTR: It was written by a a socialist.
Does it exprce Socialism. There are great minds and writers on all the colors of the political spectrum. How do you imagine a political philosophy gets legs? Great writers.

But as the Plegde of Alligence expresses no doctrine in opposition to laisse faire Capitalism, what' the problem with the political beliefs of its author?

It's a strawman of the first order.

The "indivisible" line in the Pledge of Allegiance is a totalitarian meme. In fact, people who believe in freedom shouldn't be pledging allegiance to any government.
Even if the Pledge is used to do something useful like rooting out commies?
bripat is an anarcho-commie, so do not expect him to understand governmental principles.


WE publish on page 52 a fine illustration of the firing on the Star of the West from the Morris Island Battery, Harbor of Charleston, on 10th January, 1861. The event was mentioned in our last Number ; and it is only necessary to say here that she was on her way to Fort Sumter with men and supplies for the reinforcement of Major Anderson. The captain of the Star of the West, by name M'Gowan, gives the following account of the event:

"When we arrived about two miles from Fort Moultriefort Sumter being about the same distance—a masked battery on Morris Island, where there was a red Palmetto flag flying, opened fire upon us—distance, about five-eighths of a mile. We had the American flag flying at our flag-staff at the time, and, soon after the first shot, hoisted a large American ensign at the fore. We continued on under the fire of the battery for over ten minutes, several of the shots going clean over us. One passed just clear of the pilot-house. Another passed between the smoke-stack and walking-beams of the engine.

Another struck the ship just abaft the fore-rigging, and stove in the planking; and another came within an ace of carrying away the rudder. At the same time there was a movement of two steamers from near Fort Moultrie—one of them towing a schooner (I presume an armed schooner) —with the intention of cutting us off. Our position now became rather critical, as we had to approach Fort Moultrie to within three-fourths of a mile before we could keep away for Fort Sumter. A steamer approaching us with an armed schooner in tow, and the battery on the Island firing at us all the time, and having no cannon to defend ourselves from the attack of the vessels, we concluded that, to avoid certain capture or destruction, we would endeavor to get to sea. Consequently, we wore round and steamed down the channel, the battery firing upon us until their shot fell short."

A reporter of the Evening Post, who was on board, thus describes the scene:

" On we go; the soldiers are below with loaded muskets, and the officers are ready to give the word if there is anything to do. Now it is broad daylight, and we are making directly into the guns of Fort Moultrie, whose black walls are distinctly visible. The little steamer at our right is burning a signal light aft, and is making all possible head-way up the harbor. Now we discover a red Palmetto flag at our left on Morris Island, a little village called Cummings Point, and apparently but little more than a mile from Fort Sumter.

" 'Is it possible that those fellows have got a battery off here?' asks one.

'' No,' answers another, ' there is no battery there.'

"But there is. It is now a quarter past seven, and we are about two miles from Forts Sumter and Moultrie, which are equidistant from us, and, suddenly, whiz-z! comes a richochet shot from Morris Island. It plunges into the water and skips along, but falls short of our steamer. The line was forward of our bow, and was, of course, an invitation to stop. But we are not ready to accept the proffered hospitality, and the captain pays no attention to it, except to run up the stars and stripes at the mast-head—a garrison flag which was on board. A moment of anxious suspense, and bang! goes a heavy cannon from the same masked battery. The shot falls short of us a hundred yards or more, and bounds clean over our vessel aft, nearly on a line with the head of a sailor, but luckily a little above it.

" On we go, and—whizz ! again goes the smaller gun first fired, and another richochet shot skips along the water and falls short of us.

"' Booh !' exclaims the captain ; ' you must give us bigger guns than that, boys, or you can not hurt us.'

More: Shots at the Star of the West
The pro-CSA loons are hysterical and hilarious.

No state had the right to secede.

SC had no legal right to interfere with the US transactions with its people in its own property (no, the property was not SC, it gave that right up).

The South rebelled and was executed rightfully by the North.

The shit you sycophants say is just deplorable. Not that it is shocking. Especially from a progressive authoritarian like you, Fake.
I've not seen such a sound thrashing on this board in a while.

It would be generous to describe slavery apologists in this thread as being on their heels.

Slavery was the reason the southern states militarily seized, and attacked, sovereign US territory.

They got what they deserved when Sherman made Georgia howl, and crushed their will to fight.

Now the descendants of slavers are Tea Partiers, Fox News Republicans, Stormfront members, and socially Conservative Evangelicals, who have revised their own history, and in many cases educational curriculum to suit their denial of reality.

The New Deal and the 60's revolution turned these intellectually filthy confederates into Pariahs, but if Fox News and the GOP have their way, they'll unfortunately feel good enough about themselves to do something stupid again, and create some neo-lost cause that will damage the United States

Okay numbskull, show us all if any 'tea party' 'fox news Republicans' etc hanged any African Americans, tried to overturn Brown, or in any way shape form or fashion tried to deny blacks to making a living?
You can believe in secession, or you can believe in a United States of America. You can't believe in both.

This is a map of what the US would look like if all secessions had been successful:


And to think it's the RWnuts who like to accuse Liberals of Balkanization...
1) The South started a war over slavery. FACT.

2) Yes, Lee owned slaves, and even had slaves waiting on him as he fought the war to preserve, protect, defend, and expand Slavery.

1) Not a fact. The South didn't start the war. Lincoln did.

Those dodging cannonballs at Ft Sumter would beg to differ

Only traitors fire on their own flag

It wasn't their flag, you dumb asshole.

Most traitors say that

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