Remembering USS Liberty: When Israel attacked America

I tend to believe the survivors, not a group that wanted the whole thing to go away.
New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Chicago Tribune

but you reject their own testimony when it does not fit your hate based conspiracy theories, or the determination by the US investigations. They are all wrong but you are right?
Could say the same thing about you. Are you calling the Liberty survivors quoted in the linked article liars?
I tend to believe the survivors, not a group that wanted the whole thing to go away.
New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Chicago Tribune

but you reject their own testimony when it does not fit your hate based conspiracy theories, or the determination by the US investigations. They are all wrong but you are right?
Could say the same thing about you. Are you calling the Liberty survivors quoted in the linked article liars?

The first testimony was the truth. Those who made statement in subsequent years changed.

I trust the testimony that fits the facts, not those that fit some theory with an agenda.
Over time the memory gets distorted.
I tend to believe the survivors, not a group that wanted the whole thing to go away.
New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Chicago Tribune
The survivors were on the ship. They have no reason of the motivation of pilots in the air.

That's why there were full investigations, all of whom concluded it was a mistake.
WTF are you talking about the motivation of the pilots? So you are calling the Liberty survivors liars since you do not believe their testimony.
This isn't even a debate anymore.

I posted the radio transmissions of the Israeli pilots.

There is no doubt it was a mistake.

Care to try and explain away the radio conversations caught by a U.S. Spy plane?
I tend to believe the survivors, not a group that wanted the whole thing to go away.
New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Chicago Tribune
The survivors were on the ship. They have no reason of the motivation of pilots in the air.

That's why there were full investigations, all of whom concluded it was a mistake.
WTF are you talking about the motivation of the pilots? So you are calling the Liberty survivors liars since you do not believe their testimony.

you are claiming that the "survivors" are mindreaders??? I got interesting news for
you -----their "testimony" regarding the
motivations of the pilots would not be accepted in a UNITED STATES COURT OF LAW------it is conjecture
Moorer Commission Report Conclusions.


1. That on June 8, 1967, after eight hours of aerial surveillance, Israel launched a twohour air and naval attack against the USS Liberty, the world’s most sophisticated intelligence ship, inflicting 34 dead and 172 wounded American servicemen (a casualty rate of seventy percent, in a crew of 294);

2. That the Israeli air attack lasted approximately 25 minutes, during which time unmarked Israeli aircraft dropped napalm canisters on the Liberty’s bridge, and fired 30mm cannons and rockets into our ship, causing 821 holes, more than 100 of which were rocket-size; survivors estimate 30 or more sorties were flown over the ship by a minimum of 12 attacking Israeli planes which were jamming all five American emergency radio channels;

3. That the torpedo boat attack involved not only the firing of torpedoes, but the machine-gunning of the Liberty’s firefighters and stretcher-bearers as they struggled to save their ship and crew; the Israeli torpedo boats later returned to machine-gun at close range three of the Liberty’s life rafts that had been lowered into the water by survivors to rescue the most seriously wounded;

4. That there is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew; evidence of such intent is supported by statements from Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Undersecretary of State George Ball, former CIA director Richard Helms, former NSA directors Lieutenant General William Odom, USA (Ret.), Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN (Ret.), and Marshal Carter; former NSA deputy directors Oliver Kirby and Major General John Morrison, USAF (Ret.); and former Ambassador Dwight Porter, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon in 1967;

5. That in attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States;

6. That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack; evidence of the recall of rescue aircraft is supported by statements of Captain Joe Tully, Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, and Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, the Sixth Fleet carrier division commander, at the time of the attack; never before in American naval history has a rescue mission been cancelled when an American ship was under attack;

7. That although the Liberty was saved from almost certain destruction through the heroic efforts of the ship’s Captain, William L. McGonagle (MOH), and his brave crew, surviving crewmembers were later threatened with ‘‘court-martial, imprisonment or worse’’ if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government;

8. That due to the influence of Israel’s powerful supporters in the United States, the White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people;

9. That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, this attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to this day, no surviving crewmember has been permitted to officially and publicly testify about the attack;

10. That there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history; the existence of such a cover-up is now supported by statements of Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, USN (Ret.), former Judge Advocate General of the Navy; and Captain Ward Boston, USN, (Ret.), the chief counsel to the Navy’s 1967 Court of Inquiry of the Liberty attack;

11. That the truth about Israel’s attack and subsequent White House cover-up continues to be officially concealed from the American people to the present day and is a national disgrace;

12. That a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation, and specifically are unwilling to challenge Israel’s interests when they conflict with American interests; this policy, evidenced by the failure to defend the USS Liberty and the subsequent official cover-up of the Israeli attack, endangers the safety of Americans and the security of the United States.
I tend to believe the survivors, not a group that wanted the whole thing to go away.
New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Chicago Tribune
The survivors were on the ship. They have no reason of the motivation of pilots in the air.

That's why there were full investigations, all of whom concluded it was a mistake.
WTF are you talking about the motivation of the pilots? So you are calling the Liberty survivors liars since you do not believe their testimony.

flapping gums, so to speak
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought I’ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because I’d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. “My machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ‘Give me all the steam pressure you’ve got, let’s get the hell out of this area’".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

“People were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,” said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And that’s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesn’t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me “It wasn’t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plans”.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooks’ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping they’d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. “We had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safety”

He’s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. He’s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: “When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology. Not as far as I’m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. “Someone is lying here,” says Gallo, “and it isn’t us”.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know it’s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English

I can't see why folks would blame Israel, they thought the Liberty was an Egyptian Warship.
Who wouldn't confuse the flag of the US and Egypt? I mean really?
View attachment 42508

The Israeli's knew without question or doubt that they were attacking an American vessel. It never ceases to amaze me of how Israeli's seem to think they get a free pass for all colossal wickedness they do as if it's a small matter to kill all other non-Jewish people.

It's unmistakable the “they're just goy” attitude is the belief most Jews have for other people. Their “actions” are undeniable confirmation of this truth. Know one in their right mind should expect an Israeli/Jew to take responsibility for anything because they never do!

History shows this never happens. They never admit any fault, don't expect they to. They always portray themselves to be the victims always hiding the devastation they cause to others, which brings hostility back to themselves. By no means are they doing any tiny minuscule things which cause people to rightfully turn against them. We are also not speaking of small numbers here, for many millions of peoples and nations suffer from the great evil they bring to the lives of other people.

The USS Liberty was flying the American flag. All throughout history the flag is the first thing mariners look for to determine if other vessels is friend or foe, but in the case of the Israeli's we the stupid goy are suppose to be dumb enough to believe the Zionist didn't know it was an American ship. It was no congressional investigation, and the Zionist media also covered it up, just as it's done so many times before.

But they get a free pass because they want to call themselves Jews and everyone else is stupid goy. They didn't see the flag is a “big lie”. To this very second Zionist have a billion dollar media industry creating all types of lies, many of them being colossal fabrications.

The Israeli's wanted the Americans to fight for them against Egypt in the six day war by sinking an American ship. This is a fact, and it's no way to get around it. A little more that a decade before the attack on the USS Liberty another unsuccessful false-flag operation took place known as the Lavon Affair.

“Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed)”.

It's very rare for an Israeli to ever confess as one can clearly see. No 747 aircraft was found at the pentagon, but the big lie persists. No aircraft hit building 7 of the world trade center, but the Zionist media wants everyone to believe it was Al Qaeda that attacked us. They want everybody to believe Muslims caused the twin towers to implode, and now America is fighting the enemies of the Israeli's in Syria and Iraq, while instigating a war with Iran. Know one benefits but the Israeli's.


The insanity of an American president (puppet) financing the same terrorist group that killed over 3,000 Americans speaks volumes. It was Israeli and Saudi money behind the false flag attack designed not only the get America to fight against the enemies of the Israeli and the Saudi's, but also to take over the entire government. The Zionist took over Russia making it communist so why is it difficult for people to see that the Zionist are the communist and making America communist.

Let's keep it simple; forget about all the lies Lenin told as an definition of communism. “Communism is theft” plain and simple. A evil system of taking from to many and giving to the few. The theft of your rights, the theft of your privacy, the theft of your land, the theft of your right to think as you please, the theft of your right to speak as you please, The theft of your right not to be touched at airports, the theft of laws that keep the military from fighting against it's own country, the theft of one's right to know the ingredients of the food that they are eating, The theft of clean water due to fluoride,

the theft of clean air due to the spraying which one can clearly see. The of good health from mercury tainted vaccines etc, The theft of an adequate education due to the cost and curriculum, The theft of employment due to outsourcing and slave wage labor, the theft due to the all the cuts in governmental services to pay the debt, The enormous theft caused by usury against the government and the people, the theft by the I.R.S. which is not part of the government, the theft caused by inflation, the theft of peace within families due to the deception called women liberation, the theft of more than 54,000,000 young lives murdered by abortion.

One could go on much further, however the common denominator based on intensive research leads straight to the Jews. The amount of trouble coming from only 3% of the population is confirmation of why this people have been expelled from almost every country they have lived.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

No shortage of big lies exist. the Israeli's found success in the terrorist bombing of the King David hotel, so false-flags attacks have become a standard weapon of deception used for the benefit of Zionist, while everyone else suffers.

All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail

Last edited:
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought I’ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because I’d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. “My machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ‘Give me all the steam pressure you’ve got, let’s get the hell out of this area’".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

“People were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,” said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And that’s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesn’t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me “It wasn’t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plans”.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooks’ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping they’d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. “We had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safety”

He’s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. He’s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: “When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology. Not as far as I’m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. “Someone is lying here,” says Gallo, “and it isn’t us”.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know it’s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English

I can't see why folks would blame Israel, they thought the Liberty was an Egyptian Warship.
Who wouldn't confuse the flag of the US and Egypt? I mean really?
View attachment 42508

The Israeli's knew without question or doubt that they were attacking an American vessel. It never ceases to amaze me of how Israeli's seem to think they get a free pass for all colossal wickedness they do as if it's a small matter to kill all other non-Jewish people.

It's unmistakable the “they're just goy” attitude is the belief most Jews have for other people. Their “actions” are undeniable confirmation of this truth. Know one in their right mind should expect an Israeli/Jew to take responsibility for anything because they never do!

History shows this never happens. They never admit any fault, don't expect they to. They always portray themselves to be the victims always hiding the devastation they cause to others, which brings hostility back to themselves. By no means are they doing any tiny minuscule things which cause people to rightfully turn against them. We are also not speaking of small numbers here, for many millions of peoples and nations suffer from the great evil they bring to the lives of other people.

The USS Liberty was flying the American flag. All throughout history the flag is the first thing mariners look for to determine if other vessels is friend or foe, but in the case of the Israeli's we the stupid goy are suppose to be dumb enough to believe the Zionist didn't know it was an American ship. It was no congressional investigation, and the Zionist media also covered it up, just as it's done so many times before.

But they get a free pass because they want to call themselves Jews and everyone else is stupid goy. They didn't see the flag is a “big lie”. To this very second Zionist have a billion dollar media industry creating all types of lies, many of them being colossal fabrications.

The Israeli's wanted the Americans to fight for them against Egypt in the six day war by sinking an American ship. This is a fact, and it's no way to get around it. A little more that a decade before the attack on the USS Liberty another unsuccessful false-flag operation took place known as the Lavon Affair.

“Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed)”.

It's very rare for an Israeli to ever confess as one can clearly see. No 747 aircraft was found at the pentagon, but the big lie persists. No aircraft hit building 7 of the world trade center, but the Zionist media wants everyone to believe it was Al Qaeda that attacked us. They want everybody to believe Muslims caused the twin towers to implode, and now America is fighting the enemies of the Israeli's in Syria and Iraq, while instigating a war with Iran. Know one benefits but the Israeli's.


The insanity of an American president (puppet) financing the same terrorist group that killed over 3,000 Americans speaks volumes. It was Israeli and Saudi money behind the false flag attack designed not only the get America to fight against the enemies of the Israeli and the Saudi's, but also to take over the entire government. The Zionist took over Russia making it communist so why is it difficult for people to see that the Zionist are the communist and making America communist.

Let's keep it simple; forget about all the lies Lenin told as an definition of communism. “Communism is theft” plain and simple. A evil system of taking from to many and giving to the few. The theft of your rights, the theft of your privacy, the theft of your land, the theft of your right to think as you please, the theft of your right to speak as you please, The theft of your right not to be touched at airports, the theft of laws that keep the military from fighting against it's own country, the theft of one's right to know the ingredients of the food that they are eating, The theft of clean water due to fluoride,

the theft of clean air due to the spraying which one can clearly see. The of good health from mercury tainted vaccines etc, The theft of an adequate education due to the cost and curriculum, The theft of employment due to outsourcing and slave wage labor, the theft due to the all the cuts in governmental services to pay the debt, The enormous theft caused by usury against the government and the people, the theft by the I.R.S. which is not part of the government, the theft caused by inflation, the theft of peace within families due to the deception called women liberation, the theft of more than 54,000,000 young lives murdered by abortion.

One could go on much further, however the common denominator based on intensive research leads straight to the Jews. The amount of trouble coming from only 3% of the population is confirmation of why this people have been expelled from almost every country they have lived.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

No shortage of big lies exist. the Israeli's found success in the terrorist bombing of the King David hotel, so false-flags attacks have become a standard weapon of deception used for the benefit of Zionist, while everyone else suffers.

All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail


Your 'info' site is a pip. You were spoon fed conspiracy garbage as a child? You missed critical thinking is school?
It is sad that some people actually so much of that stuff seriously and no amount of evidence or arguments can shake their hateful delusions.
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought I’ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because I’d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. “My machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ‘Give me all the steam pressure you’ve got, let’s get the hell out of this area’".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

“People were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,” said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And that’s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesn’t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me “It wasn’t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plans”.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooks’ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping they’d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. “We had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safety”

He’s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. He’s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: “When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology. Not as far as I’m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. “Someone is lying here,” says Gallo, “and it isn’t us”.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know it’s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English

I can't see why folks would blame Israel, they thought the Liberty was an Egyptian Warship.
Who wouldn't confuse the flag of the US and Egypt? I mean really?
View attachment 42508

The Israeli's knew without question or doubt that they were attacking an American vessel. It never ceases to amaze me of how Israeli's seem to think they get a free pass for all colossal wickedness they do as if it's a small matter to kill all other non-Jewish people.

It's unmistakable the “they're just goy” attitude is the belief most Jews have for other people. Their “actions” are undeniable confirmation of this truth. Know one in their right mind should expect an Israeli/Jew to take responsibility for anything because they never do!

History shows this never happens. They never admit any fault, don't expect they to. They always portray themselves to be the victims always hiding the devastation they cause to others, which brings hostility back to themselves. By no means are they doing any tiny minuscule things which cause people to rightfully turn against them. We are also not speaking of small numbers here, for many millions of peoples and nations suffer from the great evil they bring to the lives of other people.

The USS Liberty was flying the American flag. All throughout history the flag is the first thing mariners look for to determine if other vessels is friend or foe, but in the case of the Israeli's we the stupid goy are suppose to be dumb enough to believe the Zionist didn't know it was an American ship. It was no congressional investigation, and the Zionist media also covered it up, just as it's done so many times before.

But they get a free pass because they want to call themselves Jews and everyone else is stupid goy. They didn't see the flag is a “big lie”. To this very second Zionist have a billion dollar media industry creating all types of lies, many of them being colossal fabrications.

The Israeli's wanted the Americans to fight for them against Egypt in the six day war by sinking an American ship. This is a fact, and it's no way to get around it. A little more that a decade before the attack on the USS Liberty another unsuccessful false-flag operation took place known as the Lavon Affair.

“Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed)”.

It's very rare for an Israeli to ever confess as one can clearly see. No 747 aircraft was found at the pentagon, but the big lie persists. No aircraft hit building 7 of the world trade center, but the Zionist media wants everyone to believe it was Al Qaeda that attacked us. They want everybody to believe Muslims caused the twin towers to implode, and now America is fighting the enemies of the Israeli's in Syria and Iraq, while instigating a war with Iran. Know one benefits but the Israeli's.


The insanity of an American president (puppet) financing the same terrorist group that killed over 3,000 Americans speaks volumes. It was Israeli and Saudi money behind the false flag attack designed not only the get America to fight against the enemies of the Israeli and the Saudi's, but also to take over the entire government. The Zionist took over Russia making it communist so why is it difficult for people to see that the Zionist are the communist and making America communist.

Let's keep it simple; forget about all the lies Lenin told as an definition of communism. “Communism is theft” plain and simple. A evil system of taking from to many and giving to the few. The theft of your rights, the theft of your privacy, the theft of your land, the theft of your right to think as you please, the theft of your right to speak as you please, The theft of your right not to be touched at airports, the theft of laws that keep the military from fighting against it's own country, the theft of one's right to know the ingredients of the food that they are eating, The theft of clean water due to fluoride,

the theft of clean air due to the spraying which one can clearly see. The of good health from mercury tainted vaccines etc, The theft of an adequate education due to the cost and curriculum, The theft of employment due to outsourcing and slave wage labor, the theft due to the all the cuts in governmental services to pay the debt, The enormous theft caused by usury against the government and the people, the theft by the I.R.S. which is not part of the government, the theft caused by inflation, the theft of peace within families due to the deception called women liberation, the theft of more than 54,000,000 young lives murdered by abortion.

One could go on much further, however the common denominator based on intensive research leads straight to the Jews. The amount of trouble coming from only 3% of the population is confirmation of why this people have been expelled from almost every country they have lived.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

No shortage of big lies exist. the Israeli's found success in the terrorist bombing of the King David hotel, so false-flags attacks have become a standard weapon of deception used for the benefit of Zionist, while everyone else suffers.

All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail


Your 'info' site is a pip. You were spoon fed conspiracy garbage as a child? You missed critical thinking is school?
It is sad that some people actually so much of that stuff seriously and no amount of evidence or arguments can shake their hateful delusions.
"No amount of evidence" is what you provide with your absurd accusations.
I know the attack on the Liberty was quite awhile ago, but defending Israel for attacking a US ship with the US flag in plain site is just plain disgusting.
Look, you'd be very, very hard pressed to find any post by me, that is negative towards Israel, but I seriously think there are some Americans on this board who are more loyal to Israel than they are to their own country.
For those folks, please don't claim to be patriotic to the US, ever.
I know the attack on the Liberty was quite awhile ago, but defending Israel for attacking a US ship with the US flag in plain site is just plain disgusting.
Look, you'd be very, very hard pressed to find any post by me, that is negative towards Israel, but I seriously think there are some Americans on this board who are more loyal to Israel than they are to their own country.
For those folks, please don't claim to be patriotic to the US, ever.

based on your comment-----I will guess----that you have no experience at all in the US military or were in a coma or in an alcoholic haze during that time. NOTHING is in "plain sight" in an arena of
war and the incidence of military accident ---EVEN IN PEACE TIME--- is astounding.
---I am a little prejudiced in favor of the
active duty kid------whether sailor, soldier or even policeman. It's not easy UNDERFIRE ---or underwater, or in the means streets of innercities NOTHING
I know the attack on the Liberty was quite awhile ago, but defending Israel for attacking a US ship with the US flag in plain site is just plain disgusting.
Look, you'd be very, very hard pressed to find any post by me, that is negative towards Israel, but I seriously think there are some Americans on this board who are more loyal to Israel than they are to their own country.
For those folks, please don't claim to be patriotic to the US, ever.

The winds were calm so flag was not standing out.
The navy twice told Israel they had no ship in the area. It was after that when the USS Liberty did not respond that it was strafed.
When Israel torpedo ships approach to see what ship it was the crew of the Liberty disobeyed captain's orders and fired on the torpedo boat, it fired a torpedo at the Liberty.
Liberty was 12 miles from Israel not the 23 miles they were supposed to have started at. They had orders to move at least 100 miles from the former location and they filed to get either order. They were out of place. No explanation why the orders were sent via the Philippians and were delayed.
Israel was at war and the Liberty was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was no Israel's intent to fire on a US vessel. They were already dealing with egypt, syria and jordan. There had been an attack in shore and the Liberty was the closest ship, a ship the navy when asked denied was there.
It was a series of mistakes on all parts that lead to the tragedy.
Hardly the first mistake with allied and other nations and it would be far from the last.
This was not an intentional attack and it was from the Israeli perspective a defense during war.

Israel paid reparations for the Liberty. 7 inquires by the US resulted in mistaken identity.

US ships have been fired on and bombed by other countries with more casualties. US has also made mistake and fired in civilian craft killing hundreds. It is sad but these things happen. Even today the US has caused numerous civilian casualties and even killed their own in friendly fire.

USS Stark was hit by Iraqi aircraft during it's war with Iran resulting in more casualties than the Liberty.

There will be more incidents in the future, more mistakes against the US and by the US. There is a long list of US firing on allies in friendly fire over our history. There are number of accidents in the US during military training each year. In a war zone the odds multiply. These are no water balloons or bumper cars, these are machines of war.

I was USAF, I've had to investigate tragedies. There are so many things that can go wrong, even without human error. Even Air Force One is not immune from mechanical failure, emergencies or human error.
You were never USAF. The facts are below, from the Congressional Record.


new evidence and recent statements from individuals having direct knowledge of the attack or the cover up, hereby find the following:

1. That on June 8, 1967, after eight hours of aerial surveillance, Israel launched a two-hour air and naval attack against the USS Liberty, the world's most sophisticated intelligence ship, inflicting 34 dead and 172 wounded American servicemen (a casualty rate of seventy percent, in a crew of 294);

2. That the Israeli air attack lasted approximately 25 minutes, during which time unmarked Israeli aircraft dropped napalm canisters on the Liberty's bridge, and fired 30mm cannons and rockets into our ship, causing 821 holes, more than 100 of which were rocket-size; survivors estimate 30 or more sorties were flown over the ship by a minimum of 12 attacking Israeli planes which were jamming all five American emergency radio channels;

3. That the torpedo boat attack involved not only the firing of torpedoes, but the machine-gunning of the Liberty's firefighters and stretcher-bearers as they struggled to save their ship and crew; the Israeli torpedo boats later returned to machine-gun at close range three of the Liberty's life rafts that had been lowered into the water by survivors to rescue the most seriously wounded;

4. That there is compelling evidence that Israel's attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew; evidence of such intent is supported by statements from Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Undersecretary of State George Ball, former CIA director Richard Helms, former NSA directors Lieutenant General William Odom, USA (Ret.), Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN (Ret.), and Marshal Carter; former NSA deputy directors Oliver Kirby and Major General John Morrison, USAF (Ret.); and former Ambassador Dwight Porter, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon in 1967;

5. That in attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States;

6. That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack; evidence of the recall of rescue aircraft is supported by statements of Captain Joe Tully, Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, and Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, the Sixth Fleet carrier division commander, at the time of the attack; never before in American naval history has a rescue mission been cancelled when an American ship was under attack;

7. That although the Liberty was saved from almost certain destruction through the heroic efforts of the ship's Captain, William L. McGonagle (MOH), and his brave crew, surviving crewmembers were later threatened with ``court-martial, imprisonment or worse'' if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government;

8. That due to the influence of Israel's powerful supporters in the United States, the White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people;

9. That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, this attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to this day, no surviving crewmember has been permitted to officially and publicly testify about the attack;

10. That there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history; the existence of such a cover-up is now supported by statements of Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, USN (Ret.), former Judge Advocate General of the Navy; and Captain Ward Boston, USN, (Ret.), the chief counsel to the Navy's 1967 Court of Inquiry of the Liberty attack;

11. That the truth about Israel's attack and subsequent White House cover-up continues to be officially concealed from the American people to the present day and is a national disgrace;

12. That a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation, and specifically are unwilling to challenge Israel's interests when they conflict with American interests; this policy, evidenced by the failure to defend the USS Libertyand the subsequent official cover-up of the Israeli attack, endangers the safety of Americans and the security of the United States.

Congressional Record - 108th Congress 2003-2004 - THOMAS Library of Congress
You presented the testimony of an injured person------How many personal injury trials
have you witnessed, monte-slut? I have witnessed dozens and reviewed ----hundreds.
What do you expect the perspective of a victim to be-------"it's ok-----I know it was an
accident'??? gee---you are stupid
You presented the testimony of an injured person------How many personal injury trials
have you witnessed, monte-slut? I have witnessed dozens and reviewed ----hundreds.
What do you expect the perspective of a victim to be-------"it's ok-----I know it was an
accident'??? gee---you are stupid

It was the Moorer Commission report as presented and reported in the Congressional Record.
You presented the testimony of an injured person------How many personal injury trials
have you witnessed, monte-slut? I have witnessed dozens and reviewed ----hundreds.
What do you expect the perspective of a victim to be-------"it's ok-----I know it was an
accident'??? gee---you are stupid

It was the Moorer Commission report as presented and reported in the Congressional Record.

so? it is based on the testimony of a VICTIM in what is essentially a personal injury case. I have dealt with HUNDREDS of personal injury cases----both military and civilian. I HAVE NEVER seen a case in which the victim of injury did not BLAME someone for doing an INTENTIONAL malicious act. A purely ACCIDENTAL event is not COMPENSABLE----at the very least it must be CRIMINAL or PROFESSIONAL negligence. Gee you are dim
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought I’ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because I’d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. “My machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ‘Give me all the steam pressure you’ve got, let’s get the hell out of this area’".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

“People were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,” said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And that’s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesn’t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me “It wasn’t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plans”.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooks’ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping they’d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. “We had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safety”

He’s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. He’s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: “When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology. Not as far as I’m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. “Someone is lying here,” says Gallo, “and it isn’t us”.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know it’s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English

I can't see why folks would blame Israel, they thought the Liberty was an Egyptian Warship.
Who wouldn't confuse the flag of the US and Egypt? I mean really?
View attachment 42508

The Israeli's knew without question or doubt that they were attacking an American vessel. It never ceases to amaze me of how Israeli's seem to think they get a free pass for all colossal wickedness they do as if it's a small matter to kill all other non-Jewish people.

It's unmistakable the “they're just goy” attitude is the belief most Jews have for other people. Their “actions” are undeniable confirmation of this truth. Know one in their right mind should expect an Israeli/Jew to take responsibility for anything because they never do!

History shows this never happens. They never admit any fault, don't expect they to. They always portray themselves to be the victims always hiding the devastation they cause to others, which brings hostility back to themselves. By no means are they doing any tiny minuscule things which cause people to rightfully turn against them. We are also not speaking of small numbers here, for many millions of peoples and nations suffer from the great evil they bring to the lives of other people.

The USS Liberty was flying the American flag. All throughout history the flag is the first thing mariners look for to determine if other vessels is friend or foe, but in the case of the Israeli's we the stupid goy are suppose to be dumb enough to believe the Zionist didn't know it was an American ship. It was no congressional investigation, and the Zionist media also covered it up, just as it's done so many times before.

But they get a free pass because they want to call themselves Jews and everyone else is stupid goy. They didn't see the flag is a “big lie”. To this very second Zionist have a billion dollar media industry creating all types of lies, many of them being colossal fabrications.

The Israeli's wanted the Americans to fight for them against Egypt in the six day war by sinking an American ship. This is a fact, and it's no way to get around it. A little more that a decade before the attack on the USS Liberty another unsuccessful false-flag operation took place known as the Lavon Affair.

“Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed)”.

It's very rare for an Israeli to ever confess as one can clearly see. No 747 aircraft was found at the pentagon, but the big lie persists. No aircraft hit building 7 of the world trade center, but the Zionist media wants everyone to believe it was Al Qaeda that attacked us. They want everybody to believe Muslims caused the twin towers to implode, and now America is fighting the enemies of the Israeli's in Syria and Iraq, while instigating a war with Iran. Know one benefits but the Israeli's.


The insanity of an American president (puppet) financing the same terrorist group that killed over 3,000 Americans speaks volumes. It was Israeli and Saudi money behind the false flag attack designed not only the get America to fight against the enemies of the Israeli and the Saudi's, but also to take over the entire government. The Zionist took over Russia making it communist so why is it difficult for people to see that the Zionist are the communist and making America communist.

Let's keep it simple; forget about all the lies Lenin told as an definition of communism. “Communism is theft” plain and simple. A evil system of taking from to many and giving to the few. The theft of your rights, the theft of your privacy, the theft of your land, the theft of your right to think as you please, the theft of your right to speak as you please, The theft of your right not to be touched at airports, the theft of laws that keep the military from fighting against it's own country, the theft of one's right to know the ingredients of the food that they are eating, The theft of clean water due to fluoride,

the theft of clean air due to the spraying which one can clearly see. The of good health from mercury tainted vaccines etc, The theft of an adequate education due to the cost and curriculum, The theft of employment due to outsourcing and slave wage labor, the theft due to the all the cuts in governmental services to pay the debt, The enormous theft caused by usury against the government and the people, the theft by the I.R.S. which is not part of the government, the theft caused by inflation, the theft of peace within families due to the deception called women liberation, the theft of more than 54,000,000 young lives murdered by abortion.

One could go on much further, however the common denominator based on intensive research leads straight to the Jews. The amount of trouble coming from only 3% of the population is confirmation of why this people have been expelled from almost every country they have lived.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

No shortage of big lies exist. the Israeli's found success in the terrorist bombing of the King David hotel, so false-flags attacks have become a standard weapon of deception used for the benefit of Zionist, while everyone else suffers.

All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail


Your 'info' site is a pip. You were spoon fed conspiracy garbage as a child? You missed critical thinking is school?
It is sad that some people actually so much of that stuff seriously and no amount of evidence or arguments can shake their hateful delusions.
Alan Fisher

Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned everyone "Standby to receive torpedo hit".

"I thought I’ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were running through your minds, because I’d chalked myself off."

He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised he was still alive.

And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could tell the engines were still working. “My machinery was still intact and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ‘Give me all the steam pressure you’ve got, let’s get the hell out of this area’".

Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying dead, more than 171 were injured.

The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

'Mistaken identity'

During the course of the day, the ship had been buzzed by Israeli aircraft. But flying the American flag, there was no cause for panic, no need for alarm.

“People were sunbathing, enjoying the June sunshine,” said Brooks, who was more concerned with keeping the engines running. The demands of the job perhaps saved his life.

Israel insisted it was a case of mistaken identity. It alleged that pilots were exhausted having fought so hard over the previous days. The US naval vessel was thought to be an Egyptian warship.

And that’s why it was attacked with rockets and cannons and missiles and torpedoes.

But Brooks doesn’t buy the Israeli apology. Standing next to the graves of his shipmates in Arlington National Cemetery he tells me “It wasn’t a tragic accident, It was a deliberate attack. They knew who we were. They tried to sink us. They wanted us out to either bring the Americans into the war by blaming the Arabs or we picked up some information about their war plans”.

INVESTIGATION: The Day Israel Attacked America

Websites set up to discuss the Liberty back Brooks’ suggestion. Some claim the Israeli planes which attacked were unmarked, hoping they’d be mistaken for Arab fighter jets. Others speculate that it was known the radio signals from the Liberty could be hacked by the Russians. And worried the US had picked up sensitive information about plans for the Golan Heights, which the Russians would pass to their allies, the Egyptians, the Israelis tried to sink the spy ship.

Every year on June 8, the survivors gather to mark the attack - to read the names of the dead and to share stories and memories.

The numbers are less every year. This year there were just seven survivors in attendance. But the passion to find out exactly what happened remains undiminished. As they stand between the white grave stones, a light summer breeze taking the edge off the afternoon heat, the memorial service also includes a call for justice and for truth.

'We had a ship to sail'

Ernie Gallo is the president of the USS Liberty Survivors Group.

When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology.

Ernie Gallo, USS Liberty Survivors Group

He remembers the attack and how everything seemed surprisingly calm. “We had to do what we could for our dead and wounded. We had a ship to sail. We had to get to safety”

He’s read the reports, the official inquiries and read the books about the incident. He’s even written his own.

I ask if he accepts the Israeli apology, and the explanation it was all a mistake created in the fog of war: “When you apologise, you apologise with the truth. Not with a lie. So it’s not an apology. Not as far as I’m concerned and our government is just as bad off for going along with it," he answered.

To get a job on the Liberty, sailors were to have an outstanding service record and were chosen for their honesty and moral character. “Someone is lying here,” says Gallo, “and it isn’t us”.

Even now he hopes there will be a full official inquiry into the events of June 8, 1967.

Robert Brooks and Ernie Gallo know it’s unlikely, but they still hope it might happen. They both say the families of the dead and the survivors deserve the truth, before they mark another anniversary.

Source: Al Jazeera Remembering USS Liberty When Israel attacked America - Al Jazeera English

I can't see why folks would blame Israel, they thought the Liberty was an Egyptian Warship.
Who wouldn't confuse the flag of the US and Egypt? I mean really?
View attachment 42508

The Israeli's knew without question or doubt that they were attacking an American vessel. It never ceases to amaze me of how Israeli's seem to think they get a free pass for all colossal wickedness they do as if it's a small matter to kill all other non-Jewish people.

It's unmistakable the “they're just goy” attitude is the belief most Jews have for other people. Their “actions” are undeniable confirmation of this truth. Know one in their right mind should expect an Israeli/Jew to take responsibility for anything because they never do!

History shows this never happens. They never admit any fault, don't expect they to. They always portray themselves to be the victims always hiding the devastation they cause to others, which brings hostility back to themselves. By no means are they doing any tiny minuscule things which cause people to rightfully turn against them. We are also not speaking of small numbers here, for many millions of peoples and nations suffer from the great evil they bring to the lives of other people.

The USS Liberty was flying the American flag. All throughout history the flag is the first thing mariners look for to determine if other vessels is friend or foe, but in the case of the Israeli's we the stupid goy are suppose to be dumb enough to believe the Zionist didn't know it was an American ship. It was no congressional investigation, and the Zionist media also covered it up, just as it's done so many times before.

But they get a free pass because they want to call themselves Jews and everyone else is stupid goy. They didn't see the flag is a “big lie”. To this very second Zionist have a billion dollar media industry creating all types of lies, many of them being colossal fabrications.

The Israeli's wanted the Americans to fight for them against Egypt in the six day war by sinking an American ship. This is a fact, and it's no way to get around it. A little more that a decade before the attack on the USS Liberty another unsuccessful false-flag operation took place known as the Lavon Affair.

“Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed)”.

It's very rare for an Israeli to ever confess as one can clearly see. No 747 aircraft was found at the pentagon, but the big lie persists. No aircraft hit building 7 of the world trade center, but the Zionist media wants everyone to believe it was Al Qaeda that attacked us. They want everybody to believe Muslims caused the twin towers to implode, and now America is fighting the enemies of the Israeli's in Syria and Iraq, while instigating a war with Iran. Know one benefits but the Israeli's.


The insanity of an American president (puppet) financing the same terrorist group that killed over 3,000 Americans speaks volumes. It was Israeli and Saudi money behind the false flag attack designed not only the get America to fight against the enemies of the Israeli and the Saudi's, but also to take over the entire government. The Zionist took over Russia making it communist so why is it difficult for people to see that the Zionist are the communist and making America communist.

Let's keep it simple; forget about all the lies Lenin told as an definition of communism. “Communism is theft” plain and simple. A evil system of taking from to many and giving to the few. The theft of your rights, the theft of your privacy, the theft of your land, the theft of your right to think as you please, the theft of your right to speak as you please, The theft of your right not to be touched at airports, the theft of laws that keep the military from fighting against it's own country, the theft of one's right to know the ingredients of the food that they are eating, The theft of clean water due to fluoride,

the theft of clean air due to the spraying which one can clearly see. The of good health from mercury tainted vaccines etc, The theft of an adequate education due to the cost and curriculum, The theft of employment due to outsourcing and slave wage labor, the theft due to the all the cuts in governmental services to pay the debt, The enormous theft caused by usury against the government and the people, the theft by the I.R.S. which is not part of the government, the theft caused by inflation, the theft of peace within families due to the deception called women liberation, the theft of more than 54,000,000 young lives murdered by abortion.

One could go on much further, however the common denominator based on intensive research leads straight to the Jews. The amount of trouble coming from only 3% of the population is confirmation of why this people have been expelled from almost every country they have lived.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

No shortage of big lies exist. the Israeli's found success in the terrorist bombing of the King David hotel, so false-flags attacks have become a standard weapon of deception used for the benefit of Zionist, while everyone else suffers.

All the wicked efforts to build a communist world government will fail


Your 'info' site is a pip. You were spoon fed conspiracy garbage as a child? You missed critical thinking is school?
It is sad that some people actually so much of that stuff seriously and no amount of evidence or arguments can shake their hateful delusions.

Aris, even if the two terrorists being held in U.S. jails at this time would admit to these conspiracy freaks that they were behind the 9/11 atrocity, these freaks would tell them they were lying. I wish that we could throw these freaks one by one into the jail cell of the hairy one that looks like one tough hombre. I don't think that these freaks would be able to leave the cell on their own two feet. These men are so proud of what they accomplished, bringing New York City down in its knees, and don't want anyone else to get credit for what they have done. I am just glad that they weren't able to accomplish the same in Chicago and Los Angeles as they planned to do.

Masterminds of Terror The Truth Behind the Most Devastating Terrorist Attack the World Has Ever Seen Yosri Fouda Nick Fielding 9781559707176 Books

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