Reminder: Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from entering US (Trump is correct ...again)

The left can't seem to handle more complex problems, they like things boxed into simple black or white choices. The fact is Islamic extremists are not confined to the borders of a particular country, its a more complex problem. You seem to have no issue with broad brushing an entire country like Iran and banning them from the US, because that's simple. I guess just leave the more complex problems to conservatives we'll take care of it.

You can't seem to handle things like admitting that religious discrimination is un-American. Conservatives of your ilk- such as Trump- are okay with violating the Constitution by banning American Muslims from returning to the United States- and banning Muslims who are fleeing our enemies- Islamic extremists- from entering the United States. Conservatives like you continually attempt inflame a religious war between the West and the Muslims of the world- playing right into the hands of ISIS the death cult.

Carter discriminated against ALL religions in Iran did he not? You leftist whenever you are called on your hypocrisy and double standards you try to squirm your way out of it.

Carter didn't discriminate against any religions. Perhaps you don't quite understand what the word 'discriminate' means.

Carter discriminated against the citizens of Iran.

You far right Conservative anti-religious bigots are so willing to carry Trump's call for religious bigotry you even try to change the meaning of words.

Yes the left has been called out for hypocrisy and double standards, do you require a sympathy card from Blue Mountain?

Well stupid far right partisan hacks like you say all sorts of stupid partisan shit.

Meanwhile as I said- and as you tried to dodge

Carter didn't discriminate against any religions. Perhaps you don't quite understand what the word 'discriminate' means.

Carter discriminated against the citizens of Iran.

You far right Conservative anti-religious bigots are so willing to carry Trump's call for religious bigotry you even try to change the meaning of words.

You seem angry and full of rage, like many liberals. Is it a hormone imbalance or something?
You can't seem to handle things like admitting that religious discrimination is un-American. Conservatives of your ilk- such as Trump- are okay with violating the Constitution by banning American Muslims from returning to the United States- and banning Muslims who are fleeing our enemies- Islamic extremists- from entering the United States. Conservatives like you continually attempt inflame a religious war between the West and the Muslims of the world- playing right into the hands of ISIS the death cult.

Carter discriminated against ALL religions in Iran did he not? You leftist whenever you are called on your hypocrisy and double standards you try to squirm your way out of it.

Carter didn't discriminate against any religions. Perhaps you don't quite understand what the word 'discriminate' means.

Carter discriminated against the citizens of Iran.

You far right Conservative anti-religious bigots are so willing to carry Trump's call for religious bigotry you even try to change the meaning of words.

Yes the left has been called out for hypocrisy and double standards, do you require a sympathy card from Blue Mountain?

Well stupid far right partisan hacks like you say all sorts of stupid partisan shit.

Meanwhile as I said- and as you tried to dodge

Carter didn't discriminate against any religions. Perhaps you don't quite understand what the word 'discriminate' means.

Carter discriminated against the citizens of Iran.

You far right Conservative anti-religious bigots are so willing to carry Trump's call for religious bigotry you even try to change the meaning of words.

You seem angry and full of rage, like many liberals. Is it a hormone imbalance or something?
They don't like to lose. Especially when they have no valid material and rhetoric failed

"the thing" ???? the fact that muslims engage in internecine violence and destruction does not mitigate the fact that they consider terrorism against
non muslims to be a holy endeavor.

again, why is planting a bomb considered "Terrorism", but dropping a shitload of bombs from airplanes considered 'not terrorism"?

An Arab knifes a Zionist, it's "Terrorism". A Zionist bombs a school full of Palestinian Children, "Not Terrorism".

"the thing" ???? the fact that muslims engage in internecine violence and destruction does not mitigate the fact that they consider terrorism against
non muslims to be a holy endeavor.

again, why is planting a bomb considered "Terrorism", but dropping a shitload of bombs from airplanes considered 'not terrorism"?

An Arab knifes a Zionist, it's "Terrorism". A Zionist bombs a school full of Palestinian Children, "Not Terrorism".

your reconstruction is naziesque------in fact "Zionists" do not bomb schools full of
Palestinian children-------wholesale murder for your "god" and to titillate your sluts is-----YOUR CREED. Your and your fellow pimps and whores have been at it
for millennia
your reconstruction is naziesque------in fact "Zionists" do not bomb schools full of Palestinian children-------wholesale murder for your "god" and to titillate your sluts is-----YOUR CREED. Your and your fellow pimps and whores have been at it for millennia

The Zionists don't shell Palestinian Schools, eh? What about this.

Gaza school attack denounced as 'criminal act' by UN chief

A deadly attack on a school in the city of Rafah in the south of Gaza has been denounced as a "moral outrage" and "criminal act" by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

At least 10 people were killed and dozens more wounded after a projectile struck a street outside the school gates on Sunday morning.

The school was sheltering more than 3,000 people displaced by fighting in the area. It has been the scene of heavy bombardment by the Israeli military and fierce clashes following the suspected capture by Hamas fighters of an Israeli soldier, later declared killed in action.

In a statement, Ban called on those responsible for the "gross violation of international humanitarian law" to be held accountable. He said the "Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites."
your reconstruction is naziesque------in fact "Zionists" do not bomb schools full of Palestinian children-------wholesale murder for your "god" and to titillate your sluts is-----YOUR CREED. Your and your fellow pimps and whores have been at it for millennia

The Zionists don't shell Palestinian Schools, eh? What about this.

Gaza school attack denounced as 'criminal act' by UN chief

A deadly attack on a school in the city of Rafah in the south of Gaza has been denounced as a "moral outrage" and "criminal act" by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

At least 10 people were killed and dozens more wounded after a projectile struck a street outside the school gates on Sunday morning.

The school was sheltering more than 3,000 people displaced by fighting in the area. It has been the scene of heavy bombardment by the Israeli military and fierce clashes following the suspected capture by Hamas fighters of an Israeli soldier, later declared killed in action.

In a statement, Ban called on those responsible for the "gross violation of international humanitarian law" to be held accountable. He said the "Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites."

not impressed-----try to look further on ----it was proven that your Nazi pimp and sluts were shooting missiles into Israel from that site------give it up------Nazi lump of shit
not impressed-----try to look further on ----it was proven that your Nazi pimp and sluts were shooting missiles into Israel from that site------give it up------Nazi lump of shit

do you have a link to that? Because even the Zionists are stating that the attack on the school violated rules of engagement.

IDF to probe bombing of Gaza UN school

The military defended the action at the time, saying soldiers had targeted Gaza terrorists who had launched mortar shells from the location.

But Efroni said Thursday that findings had given him “reasonable grounds to suspect that the strike was carried out against regulations to which IDF troops are obligated.”

Translation- Our obvious lie about murdering civilians has been exposed, so we are going to go through the motions of pretending there is accountability.
not impressed-----try to look further on ----it was proven that your Nazi pimp and sluts were shooting missiles into Israel from that site------give it up------Nazi lump of shit

do you have a link to that? Because even the Zionists are stating that the attack on the school violated rules of engagement.

IDF to probe bombing of Gaza UN school

The military defended the action at the time, saying soldiers had targeted Gaza terrorists who had launched mortar shells from the location.

But Efroni said Thursday that findings had given him “reasonable grounds to suspect that the strike was carried out against regulations to which IDF troops are obligated.”

Translation- Our obvious lie about murdering civilians has been exposed, so we are going to go through the motions of pretending there is accountability.

Try again------they bombings were confirmed as emanating from VERY NEAR the school------like a matter of a few meters away
These right wingers don't even know "Iranian" isn't a religion. Why even bother to try to explain?
These right wingers don't even know "Iranian" isn't a religion. Why even bother to try to explain?

try to focus on that which you do not know------IRANIAN is almost synonymous with SHIITE ISLAM------it is the LAND OF SHIITE islam and -----functionally the state
religion----now you know. I have known a few Shiite muslims from southeast Asia ------they almost consider IRAN to be something like a "HOLY LAND"----and FARSI
to be a "HOLY" language
not impressed-----try to look further on ----it was proven that your Nazi pimp and sluts were shooting missiles into Israel from that site------give it up------Nazi lump of shit

do you have a link to that? Because even the Zionists are stating that the attack on the school violated rules of engagement.

IDF to probe bombing of Gaza UN school

The military defended the action at the time, saying soldiers had targeted Gaza terrorists who had launched mortar shells from the location.

But Efroni said Thursday that findings had given him “reasonable grounds to suspect that the strike was carried out against regulations to which IDF troops are obligated.”

Translation- Our obvious lie about murdering civilians has been exposed, so we are going to go through the motions of pretending there is accountability.

Translation is------Israel investigates the actions of its military-----your pals grant awards to sluts you put bombs on their stinking whorish asses in order to murder
These right wingers don't even know "Iranian" isn't a religion. Why even bother to try to explain?
I have to admit rdean, Trump is right and I think most Americans would agree that we shouldn't be letting in any more Muslims. And he was right when he said we (the left) worship FDR and what FDR did was 10 times worse than what Trump is suggesting. We aren't talking about putting Muslims in camps. We're just saying that Muslim's attitudes are anti American (wherever they are in great numbers like Dearborn, MI).

And many of them do mirror our radical Christian lunatics. So, why would we want nuts like this coming to America? What point are you trying to prove by wanting more Muslims coming to America?

Politicians aren't leaders, they are reactive. If the public is anti gay marriage, so was Obama. Even back then I knew it was wrong to deny them the right to marry, and so did Obama I'm sure. But he was doing what he thought his constituents wanted. Well, the majority of Americans don't want any more Muslims upload_2015-12-10_7-56-29.jpeg
Try again------they bombings were confirmed as emanating from VERY NEAR the school------like a matter of a few meters away

Again, the bombings are under investigation by the Zionist Government and condemned by the UN.

You claimed the Zionists don't bomb schools. I showed you that they did indeed bomb schools.

"Oh, THAT school. Well, that school doesn't count because we were trying to blow up something NEAR that school even though we were warned there were 3000 people taking refuge there."

So again,

A Palestinian knifes a Zionist - terrorism.

A Zionist bombs a school and kills dozens of civilians- Not at all Terrorism, how dare you think that!
Translation is------Israel investigates the actions of its military-----your pals grant awards to sluts you put bombs on their stinking whorish asses in order to murder

there's investigations and there are white-washes.

When they hand over the Criminal Soldiers who bombed that school to the Palestinians, then you will convince me there is 'justice" here.

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