Reminder: Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from entering US (Trump is correct ...again)

Translation is------Israel investigates the actions of its military-----your pals grant awards to sluts you put bombs on their stinking whorish asses in order to murder

there's investigations and there are white-washes.

When they hand over the Criminal Soldiers who bombed that school to the Palestinians, then you will convince me there is 'justice" here.

the soldiers who bombed over there are not criminals-----RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL, Your sluts who put bombs on their stinking asses are LEGAL targets----
your sluts and pimps who shoot missiles from the sandbox behind a school render the school a LEGAL TARGET
Obama Think:

We should have imported lots of Germans and Japanese immigrants during WWII, because that is American values.

Amazingly many libs and Ds agree with him.

Try again------they bombings were confirmed as emanating from VERY NEAR the school------like a matter of a few meters away

Again, the bombings are under investigation by the Zionist Government and condemned by the UN.

You claimed the Zionists don't bomb schools. I showed you that they did indeed bomb schools.

"Oh, THAT school. Well, that school doesn't count because we were trying to blow up something NEAR that school even though we were warned there were 3000 people taking refuge there."

So again,

A Palestinian knifes a Zionist - terrorism.

A Zionist bombs a school and kills dozens of civilians- Not at all Terrorism, how dare you think that!

wrong again----missiles launched from the sandbox behind a school renders the school a legal target and the persons using the sandbox for war WAR CRIMINALS
the soldiers who bombed over there are not criminals-----RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL, Your sluts who put bombs on their stinking asses are LEGAL targets----
your sluts and pimps who shoot missiles from the sandbox behind a school render the school a LEGAL TARGET

Seems to me that you can't bomb a school and then whine when they strap bombs onto themselves and blow your sorry asses up. sorry, you just can't.

The Zionists are just as bad as Hamas. Why are we picking sides in a fight that has nothing to do with us?
wrong again----missiles launched from the sandbox behind a school renders the school a legal target and the persons using the sandbox for war WAR CRIMINALS

Stabbing a Zionist Pig who is illegally on your land is a legal target.

See how that works. Just declaring something legal makes it so.
wrong again----missiles launched from the sandbox behind a school renders the school a legal target and the persons using the sandbox for war WAR CRIMINALS

Stabbing a Zionist Pig who is illegally on your land is a legal target.

See how that works. Just declaring something legal makes it so.

yes-----for your creed ----the murder of a non muslim is LEGAL---that is shariah law----I am very familiar with shariah law------and Nazi law. I have relatives who
survived both
Obama Think:

We should have imported lots of Germans and Japanese immigrants during WWII, because that is American values.

Amazingly many libs and Ds agree with him.

We did take in thousands of refugees from Europe, including people Hitler was trying to kill.

We did turn some of them away, and Hitler ended up killing them. Shame on us.

The thing is, we are not at war with Syria, or Iraq. ISIL is not a government and it's not a state.

Since we CAUSED the current mess, taking in some of the women and children trying to escape it is the LEAST we could do.
yes-----for your creed ----the murder of a non muslim is LEGAL---that is shariah law----I am very familiar with shariah law------and Nazi law. I have relatives who
survived both

in your creed, blowing up Children because their parents object to the theft of their land is "legal".

You don't have the moral high ground here. The Zionists are just as bad as Hamas. Maybe worse.
you fucking terrorist fucking sympathizing

No sympathizing at all. We should stay out of that entire mess.

Or maybe just send you wingnuts over to fight it instead of some poor kid who you promised a scholarship to.
again, why is planting a bomb considered "Terrorism", but dropping a shitload of bombs from airplanes considered 'not terrorism"?

you fucking terrorist fucking sympathizing :asshole:

:fu: ........... :up_yours:
Don't be so hard on him. He vomits up on this board every day, what the DNC tells him. He is not capable of thinking for himself.

We need to be kind to the mentally handicapped.
It is quite clear what Obama and the elites are doing. They intend to flood the nation with third world immigrants, to transform America. The benefits to the elites include lots of government dependency and lots of new D voters....and lots of divisive and hostile behavior leading to a bigger more controlling federal government.
Lol desperate cons are turning to Carter :rofl:

HYPOCRISY or is it IRONY?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Carter can still serve 4 more years. Maybe you should nominate him.

Isn't it funny that Rubio is so unpopular right now but he is going to be your nominee? And you don't even know it yet? Isn't that strange I know it and you don't?

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said that fellow GOP contender Donald Trump's proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S. isn't going to happen.

"All the talk, including the newscasts, are dominated by this plan that’s never going to happen," Rubio told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America" this morning.

He said because Trump is NOT going to be the nominee. Does he know something you don't? Me thinks he does.
But this is the absolute first time the country of religious freedom, where people of a specific religion are banned from entering "the Land of the Free"!
The only reason they SHOULD be banned is because the Muslim religion calls for " killing all infidels " --- which is you and me --- unless you are a Muslim.

Some of them are terrorists who have been ordered by the Muslim Imams to blend in with the " refugees " and commit terrorist acts against Western interests.


The biggest problem is that there is absolutely no reliable way to get information about the " refugees " to determine whether or not they may be terrorist or terrorist sympathizers / helpers.

The only place to get information about them is from the government of Syria --- the country they are " fleeing " and the government of Syria hates our guts.

I'm sure the Syrian government ( which is run by one of the Muslim sects ) would tell us the truth about the people, especially the ones the Imams have sent to attack us. </snark>

If France was sending terrorists to attack the U.S. I'm sure you would be all for letting all French people come here without being vetted.

Of course you would.

Well in your case I think you really would.

You and your fellow Muslim sympathizers would love nothing less than more blood baths of dead Americans.

Why do you hate America and want to see Islamic terrorist killing Americans?
But this is the absolute first time the country of religious freedom, where people of a specific religion are banned from entering "the Land of the Free"!
The only reason they SHOULD be banned is because the Muslim religion calls for " killing all infidels " --- which is you and me --- unless you are a Muslim.

Some of them are terrorists who have been ordered by the Muslim Imams to blend in with the " refugees " and commit terrorist acts against Western interests.


The biggest problem is that there is absolutely no reliable way to get information about the " refugees " to determine whether or not they may be terrorist or terrorist sympathizers / helpers.

The only place to get information about them is from the government of Syria --- the country they are " fleeing " and the government of Syria hates our guts.

I'm sure the Syrian government ( which is run by one of the Muslim sects ) would tell us the truth about the people, especially the ones the Imams have sent to attack us. </snark>

If France was sending terrorists to attack the U.S. I'm sure you would be all for letting all French people come here without being vetted.

Of course you would.

Well in your case I think you really would.

You and your fellow Muslim sympathizers would love nothing less than more blood baths of dead Americans.

Why do you hate America and want to see Islamic terrorist killing Americans?
I would give them lie detectors.
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...

Wow, Vagasil, you come up with all sorts of desperate comparisons.

At the time, the Iranian Government was holding HOSTAGES.

In short, they were not honoring VISAs issued by the government of Iran.

Not comparable at all.

Yes, holding HOSTAGES is worth SO MUCH MORE than 14 DEAD AMERICANS.... Joe BlowYourself, you are one of the dumber skanks on USMB, and continue to prove it with your bullshit posts!

If you think we should hold the visa's for everyone from Pakistan because the shooter was from Pakistan- well free to sell that idea- unlike Iran, the government of Pakistan is not openly opposed to the United States and calling for the destruction of the United States.
You seem angry and full of rage, like many liberals. Is it a hormone imbalance or something?
Nope, that is your standard misunderstanding.

Carter barred no one because of their religion.
Neither has trump. So?

So Trump has proposed barring people because of their religion- which is why this entire stupid thread exists.

The idiots who keep trying to equate banning visa's for citizens for a country whose government is openly calling for the destruction of the United States to banning visa's for people because they belong to a religion are just idiots who want to pretend that national citizenship is the same as religion.

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