Remy: People will Die!

Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come




Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
which doctors are quitting?OMG, i didn't know the entire industry of medical care collapsed because of the healthcare bill?
I LOL'ed.

If I were you, that you should not listen to someone that has used Native American money to pay her way through college. A.K.A Pocahontas.. That money could have been used to help many Native Americans.


Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has focused his campaign’s attention back on the self-proclaimed Native American heritage of his Democratic challenger, Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren, who listed herself as a minority in professional directories commonly used by recruiters. Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she ‘applied’ to Harvard and Penn?

Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Wow, I didn't know they had a cure for cancer!!! when did they come up with it and why aren't they sharing it?

Which healthcare insurance company found it?
All getting healthcare. Now go talk to that couple in the U.K. Who's kid was just sentenced to death by the government run healthcare you want here.

I can't even attack your comments are so out of this world Crazy, Bonehead, Clueless

Cancer is treatable and for many it goes into remission ( Some with treatment will survive until they are old, some the cancer comes back and treatment is needed again)...Some Die.

Metastatic cancer means that it has spread or is all over the body, in case most will die in a short period of time..
Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?
Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Wow, I didn't know they had a cure for cancer!!! when did they come up with it and why aren't they sharing it?

Which healthcare insurance company found it?

I can't even attack your comment it is so out of this world Crazy, Bonehead, Clueless

Cancer is treatable and for many it goes into remission ( Some with treatment will survive until they are old, some the cancer comes back and treatment is needed again)...Some Die.

Metastatic cancer means that it has spread or is all over the body, in case most will die in a short period of time..
so even if you had your healthcare plan they die? wooooo, how can that be, I mean you care so much more than me. How could you let them die?
The stupid people who want government run healthcare should look at historic FACTS instead of some liars promotion of ruling class monarchist. If you piles of dogshit were worried about the children getting care why did you scum make Eric Trump stop giving money to St. Jude's? How much have all of your lying thieving dimshitscum programs given to St. Jude's? Easy to Answer $0.00!!! How Much did St. Jude's Finance say Trump did,, $16,000,000 + . So who wants to do good healthcare? You dimshitscum need to crawl back under your lying shit covered rock.

Oh as far as I am concerned warbitch and burnone need to have been dead already.
Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -
It's all in Gods hands. We need to just not go to the doctor, unless we can pay the total cost ourselves, and be content.
that's your choice. others might use insurance and have them cover their costs. either way is fine with me.
Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

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