Remy: People will Die!

Just happened to have gone to my doctor this morning for a check up. He is happy about the new health ins bill. He took me to an office with 5 ladies inside. He asked if Id seen them and then said all they do all day long for 8 hours a day is to keep him and his office in compliance with Obamacare regulations.
He said it adds so much to his everyday cost of doing business that he earns less today than he did 6 years ago.
So go ahead liberals, defend that. Give that a toss in the old grey matter.
The stupid people who want government run healthcare should look at historic FACTS instead of some liars promotion of ruling class monarchist. If you piles of dogshit were worried about the children getting care why did you scum make Eric Trump stop giving money to St. Jude's? How much have all of your lying thieving dimshitscum programs given to St. Jude's? Easy to Answer $0.00!!! How Much did St. Jude's Finance say Trump did,, $16,000,000 + . So who wants to do good healthcare? You dimshitscum need to crawl back under your lying shit covered rock.

Oh as far as I am concerned warbitch and burnone need to have been dead already.

Another one can join the ranks of this thread....

Eric Trump had to stop the fundraising because his Corrupt ass dad started skimming off the top of the so called non profit...Erics donors all thought that they were giving to a non profit with all proceeds going to the children's hospital..Look it up
Stop blaming it on the democrats because you are listening to a lie.
It's all in Gods hands. We need to just not go to the doctor, unless we can pay the total cost ourselves, and be content.
that's your choice. others might use insurance and have them cover their costs. either way is fine with me.

Its called pre-excisitng condition along with finding anyway to cut you off insurance, then they take your home and let you die.
Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...
Just happened to have gone to my doctor this morning for a check up. He is happy about the new health ins bill. He took me to an office with 5 ladies inside. He asked if Id seen them and then said all they do all day long for 8 hours a day is to keep him and his office in compliance with Obamacare regulations.
He said it adds so much to his everyday cost of doing business that he earns less today than he did 6 years ago.
So go ahead liberals, defend that. Give that a toss in the old grey matter.

Try addressing the illegals jacking up the prices of our healthcare by using our emergency rooms like a doctors office, and then many skip the bills because they are crazy high...

You all will still be paying because that is exactly what people will do is use the Emergency Rooms..

And you pick on the old ladies..Haaaa
Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...

California thought about single payer, and then saw the bill.

California has some of the worst income equality out there, people on the coast just don't see it.
Looks like they're getting medical attention.

OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...
A tax break that stems from legislation that had to be deemed a tax to be CONSTITUTIONAL. Not much of a loss!
Calling it a "tax break" is a bit of bias spin..
OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...

California thought about single payer, and then saw the bill.

California has some of the worst income equality out there, people on the coast just don't see it.

Well the Hi Tech billionaires have kicked out the middle and lower income in San Francisco , all of the culture is leaving making it a Sky High Club... $7,000 rent for a scummy apartment.

I am fine because I have had my home for 30 years.

This is going to happen across the country and is exactly what the GOP wants..
I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...
LMAO the only way California will be able to avoid total bankruptcy is with a federal government handout/bailout so you had better tell Governor Moonbeam to be real nice to President Trump. :badgrin:
Well the Hi Tech billionaires have kicked out the middle and lower income in San Francisco , all of the culture is leaving making it a Sky High Club... $7,000 rent for a scummy apartment.

I am fine because I have had my home for 30 years.
Oh yeah? just wait until the left rips away Prop 13 from you. You may have to sell if you actually had to pay a proper property tax instead of 1970's tax rates. Hmmm no evil billionaires involved at all...
OMG really, they are making fun of Bernie/ Warren saying that they will die...

They won't have care for long if this bill passes in any way shape or form so the rich get their tax breaks..
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...
A tax break that stems from legislation that had to be deemed a tax to be CONSTITUTIONAL. Not much of a loss!
Calling it a "tax break" is a bit of bias spin..

CBO’s January 2017 baseline assumes $781 billion in Marketplace assistance from 2018 to 2026, compared to the Senate bill’s $701 billion in tax cuts over the same period.

Budget estimate shows GOP bill is about tax cuts for rich, not healthcare
I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...
LMAO the only way California will be able to avoid total bankruptcy is with a federal government handout/bailout so you had better tell Governor Moonbeam to be real nice to President Trump. :badgrin:

I don't like the Governor at all.... but this area ( silicon valley ) is booming .
I like how the value of my home has gone up 90% , but it is sad for the low income who are leaving the area.
It is the red states who will be hurt ,the poorest of poor who voted for Trump...
I don't like the Governor at all.... but this area ( silicon valley ) is booming .
I like how the value of my home has gone up 90% , but it is sad for the low income who are leaving the area.
It is the red states who will be hurt ,the poorest of poor who voted for Trump...
I don't agree, first of all I have a home on the coast of CA and although it's value is up from last year it's still down below what it was in 2008, well below. A lot of homes have gone on the market since the new year and that is holding down prices a bit.
But if you think California is showing untainted books you are kidding yourself. If there were a power change in Sacramento tomorrow many democrats in the legislature would most likely be indicted for what they have done to the once great golden state.
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...

California thought about single payer, and then saw the bill.

California has some of the worst income equality out there, people on the coast just don't see it.

Well the Hi Tech billionaires have kicked out the middle and lower income in San Francisco , all of the culture is leaving making it a Sky High Club... $7,000 rent for a scummy apartment.

I am fine because I have had my home for 30 years.

This is going to happen across the country and is exactly what the GOP wants..

Considering those high tech billionaires vote for you idiots all the time, I'll consider the Bay Area's issues self inflicted.

and its the $250k a year software geeks that really cause the issue, not the 1.1 billion guys, who usually live outside of city limits.
No one is getting dumped from Medicaid. Medicaid expansion will simply be slowed. Why can't you morons understand the difference?

The Senate bill, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act was introduced on June 22. It wouldn’t take away those states’ option to offer coverage to the expansion population, but it starts to reduce the federal funding in 2021, putting it at 85 percent. In 2022, federal funding would be 80 percent, dropping to 75 percent in 2023 and then to the standard state matching rate for 2024 and subsequent years.

GOP Medicaid Spin -

So? States will have to learn to live within the means of the funding, or raise taxes on people locally if they think the people would accept it.

Federalism, it's a wonderful thing.

I will be just fine in California, it is the poor red states who will suffer...

They want to cut from the poor dying kids so the Rich can have a huge tax break, and that is ok with you I guess...
A tax break that stems from legislation that had to be deemed a tax to be CONSTITUTIONAL. Not much of a loss!
Calling it a "tax break" is a bit of bias spin..

CBO’s January 2017 baseline assumes $781 billion in Marketplace assistance from 2018 to 2026, compared to the Senate bill’s $701 billion in tax cuts over the same period.

Budget estimate shows GOP bill is about tax cuts for rich, not healthcare

I consider it tax cuts for ME, and maybe my health plans will be more affordable and customizable.
Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

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Wow, I didn't know they had a cure for cancer!!! when did they come up with it and why aren't they sharing it?

Which healthcare insurance company found it?

I can't even attack your comment it is so out of this world Crazy, Bonehead, Clueless

Cancer is treatable and for many it goes into remission ( Some with treatment will survive until they are old, some the cancer comes back and treatment is needed again)...Some Die.

Metastatic cancer means that it has spread or is all over the body, in case most will die in a short period of time..
so even if you had your healthcare plan they die? wooooo, how can that be, I mean you care so much more than me. How could you let them die?
The Dems have been claiming this mantra that Rs want people to die for as long as I have alive. Amazingly it stll works....on dumb Americans.
I don't like the Governor at all.... but this area ( silicon valley ) is booming .
I like how the value of my home has gone up 90% , but it is sad for the low income who are leaving the area.
It is the red states who will be hurt ,the poorest of poor who voted for Trump...
I don't agree, first of all I have a home on the coast of CA and although it's value is up from last year it's still down below what it was in 2008, well below. A lot of homes have gone on the market since the new year and that is holding down prices a bit.
But if you think California is showing untainted books you are kidding yourself. If there were a power change in Sacramento tomorrow many democrats in the legislature would most likely be indicted for what they have done to the once great golden state.

As much as I love the California coast, and you are blessed, it is not in Silicon Valley where I get knocks on my door to sell.
Please don't take this like I am bragging, I am just making a point..

I bought my home in 1990 for $400,000 which was a lot back then, in 2000 we rebuilt. My home is worth 3 million right now, and I have a large property lot.. I live in a wealthy area which has become snobby from the new rich.
We own rentals which the Google, Facebook, Netflix will pay top price for rent
Some of these new rich tear down a perfectly good home and build monster ugly homes.
I have people moving in across the street today, their rent is $9,000 a month to rent.

I would love to trade with you, because I hate how crowed we have become, and expensive.

Now on the other hand, I would like to know where our taxes go? Probably to the illegals medical care from using our emergency rooms..A band aide cost $300 and to put it on someone is another $300.00..And we pay for that..
I don't like our governor..

Why doesn't our congress address this? Along with the Big Pharma scamming people..If you hear the word cancer in your body today, expect to pay more than $100,000.00 easy..

BTW are you southern or northern California?
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Heartless = Stupidity

And this thread is as Heartless, Uneducated, Ignorant as they come

View attachment 136159View attachment 136160View attachment 136161

View attachment 136162


Wow, I didn't know they had a cure for cancer!!! when did they come up with it and why aren't they sharing it?

Which healthcare insurance company found it?

I can't even attack your comment it is so out of this world Crazy, Bonehead, Clueless

Cancer is treatable and for many it goes into remission ( Some with treatment will survive until they are old, some the cancer comes back and treatment is needed again)...Some Die.

Metastatic cancer means that it has spread or is all over the body, in case most will die in a short period of time..
so even if you had your healthcare plan they die? wooooo, how can that be, I mean you care so much more than me. How could you let them die?
The Dems have been claiming this mantra that Rs want people to die for as long as I have alive. Amazingly it stll works....on dumb Americans.

Sometimes it takes someone to get very sick to see the truth.... and I hope it never happens to you.

I don't like the Governor at all.... but this area ( silicon valley ) is booming .
I like how the value of my home has gone up 90% , but it is sad for the low income who are leaving the area.
It is the red states who will be hurt ,the poorest of poor who voted for Trump...
I don't agree, first of all I have a home on the coast of CA and although it's value is up from last year it's still down below what it was in 2008, well below. A lot of homes have gone on the market since the new year and that is holding down prices a bit.
But if you think California is showing untainted books you are kidding yourself. If there were a power change in Sacramento tomorrow many democrats in the legislature would most likely be indicted for what they have done to the once great golden state.

As much as I love the California coast, and you are blessed, it is not in Silicon Valley where I get knocks on my door to sell.
Please don't take this like I am bragging, I am just making a point..

I bought my home in 1990 for $400,000 which was a lot back then, in 2000 we rebuilt. My home is worth 3 million right now, and I have a large property lot.. I live in a wealthy area which has become snobby from the new rich.
We own rentals which the Google, Facebook, Netflix will pay top price for rent
Some of these new rich tear down a perfectly good home and build monster ugly homes.
I have people moving in across the street today, their rent is $9,000 a month to rent.

I would love to trade you, because I hate how crowed we have become, and expensive.

Now on the other hand, I would like to know where our taxes go? Probably to the illegals medical care from using our emergency rooms..A band aide cost $300 and to put it on someone is another $300.00..And we pay for that..
I don't like our governor..

Why doesn't our congress address this? Along with the Big Pharma scamming people..
No I don't see you as bragging at all and California is a very big state. I see your point. Maybe now that the digital age is upon us silicon valley should be spread out a bit. California tells company's and industry what to do all of the time. Maybe its time to spread them out through out the state bringing jobs to some parts of the state and housing relief to other parts.

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