Rent Control is a fascist concept, so why do liberals support it?

If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial. That every businessman is a honest and serious guy is not even a myth.

If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial.

If you can't afford my price, why is that suddenly my hardship?
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

What are you talking about? A landlord and tenant VOLUNTARILY enter into the agreement and then terminate it when the agreed-upon term expires. Why do you insist on government involvement?

You shouldn´t come up with this fascism nonsense. Your glorious system is flawed.

People are dying: Insulin being rationed as drug prices rise

First the system, then the people, if at all. That´s rather fascism.

Espousing that government should determine how much one is allowed to earn is textbook fascism. Read a book.
May they all perish in agony! Main thing is those with property can play the others at will.

No, they cannot. There is something called "contract law".
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.
If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial.

If you can't afford my price, why is that suddenly my hardship?
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

What are you talking about? A landlord and tenant VOLUNTARILY enter into the agreement and then terminate it when the agreed-upon term expires. Why do you insist on government involvement?

Espousing that government should determine how much one is allowed to earn is textbook fascism. Read a book.
May they all perish in agony! Main thing is those with property can play the others at will.

No, they cannot. There is something called "contract law".
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.

Your fascist economic ideology doesn't work. Rent control is immoral and detrimental to poor people.
Government telling private citizens how much they're allowed to charge. That is a fascist concept and NOT a concept of free-market capitalists, you know, the political right.

There is no free-market, never has been, never will be.

Well, let's define "free market". I think the following definition is accurate.

In economics, a free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and by consumers. Wikipedia
If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial. That every businessman is a honest and serious guy is not even a myth.

If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial.

If you can't afford my price, why is that suddenly my hardship?
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

Yes, you can charge as high a price as you'd like.
And I'm free to buy or not.
It's called a free market, comrade.
Well, let's define "free market". I think the following definition is accurate.

In economics, a free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and by consumers. Wikipedia
If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial. That every businessman is a honest and serious guy is not even a myth.

If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial.

If you can't afford my price, why is that suddenly my hardship?
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

What are you talking about? A landlord and tenant VOLUNTARILY enter into the agreement and then terminate it when the agreed-upon term expires. Why do you insist on government involvement?

Ok, so you also prefer a fascist system of economics and governance to a free-market, democratic system.
You shouldn´t come up with this fascism nonsense. Your glorious system is flawed.

People are dying: Insulin being rationed as drug prices rise

First the system, then the people, if at all. That´s rather fascism.

Espousing that government should determine how much one is allowed to earn is textbook fascism. Read a book.
May they all perish in agony! Main thing is those with property can play the others at will.

No, they cannot. There is something called "contract law".
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

Housing must be affordable,

You should definitely move to where it's affordable.
If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial.

If you can't afford my price, why is that suddenly my hardship?
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

What are you talking about? A landlord and tenant VOLUNTARILY enter into the agreement and then terminate it when the agreed-upon term expires. Why do you insist on government involvement?

Espousing that government should determine how much one is allowed to earn is textbook fascism. Read a book.
May they all perish in agony! Main thing is those with property can play the others at will.

No, they cannot. There is something called "contract law".
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.

Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing.

No rent in the gulag, eh comrade?
There is no free-market, never has been, never will be.

Well, let's define "free market". I think the following definition is accurate.

In economics, a free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and by consumers. Wikipedia
If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial. That every businessman is a honest and serious guy is not even a myth.

If the gov doesn´t act, these prices can lead to hardships or they are artificial.

If you can't afford my price, why is that suddenly my hardship?
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

Yes, you can charge as high a price as you'd like.
And I'm free to buy or not.
It's called a free market, comrade.
My security experts offer high degree protection. Always remember: A sufficient health plan costs way more.
So I can open a business forcing you to pay a fee when you leave and arrive?

What are you talking about? A landlord and tenant VOLUNTARILY enter into the agreement and then terminate it when the agreed-upon term expires. Why do you insist on government involvement?

May they all perish in agony! Main thing is those with property can play the others at will.

No, they cannot. There is something called "contract law".
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.

Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing.

No rent in the gulag, eh comrade?
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

This is the appeal of fascism. People cannot be trusted to do the "right thing", therefore government must control the economy and make determinations as to who can profit and who cannot. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. agreed with you.
Liberals, why do you support rent controls?
I guess when you live in a trailer the idea of rent control is confusing for you

And most buildings are no longer rent controlled. You should probably learn a little something before you spew
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

You don't understand basic economics.

Let's say a man and wife decide to save up and purchase a second home. They save their money and, eventually, make a down-payment on a property and incur another mortgage. The property was in distress when they bought it but they invest more money to replace the roof, the flooring, repair plumbing, install new appliances and carpeting, give it a fresh coat of paint, etc. Then, in an attempt to recoup what they've invested, they want to rent their home and make a PROFIT. But, by your logic, they should NOT be permitted to make a profit because they're obligated to eat the cost of the refurbishment and become a de facto charity by renting their property so that someone else can live in it for less than market value. Right?

Why is this "fair" and why is this good economic policy?
I guess when you live in a trailer the idea of rent control is confusing for you.
And most buildings are no longer rent controlled. You should probably learn a little something before you spew

So you avoid the question and attack me instead. I'll accept that as your concession that you cannot justify rent control.
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

This is the appeal of fascism. People cannot be trusted to do the "right thing", therefore government must control the economy and make determinations as to who can profit and who cannot. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. agreed with you.
Government is socialism to you, I know. For me it is the form of organisation of the one and all agreed upon. Imagine bread is now at 20 bucks, would you starve to death voluntarily, supporting the free market?
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

You don't understand basic economics.

Let's say a man and wife decide to save up and purchase a second home. They save their money and, eventually, make a down-payment on a property and incur another mortgage. The property was in distress when they bought it but they invest more money to replace the roof, the flooring, repair plumbing, install new appliances and carpeting, give it a fresh coat of paint, etc. Then, in an attempt to recoup what they've invested, they want to rent their home and make a PROFIT. But, by your logic, they should NOT be permitted to make a profit because they're obligated to eat the cost of the refurbishment and become a de facto charity by renting their property so that someone else can live in it for less than market value. Right?

Why is this "fair" and why is this good economic policy?
Your example is not common. Common are big anonymous fonds buying large swaths of housing areas and turn them into horns of plenty.
Your example is not common. Common are big anonymous fonds buying large swaths of housing areas and turn them into horns of plenty.

Ok, so I wrote all of that for nothing as you completely dodged the questions.
What are you talking about? A landlord and tenant VOLUNTARILY enter into the agreement and then terminate it when the agreed-upon term expires. Why do you insist on government involvement?

No, they cannot. There is something called "contract law".
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.

Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing.

No rent in the gulag, eh comrade?
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer.

Rent control sides with the customer and kills the incentive to build new rentals.
I guess some customers are more equal than others, eh tovarisch?

The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail.

Ordinary citizens can't own rental property? Did the Party tell you that?
Your example is not common. Common are big anonymous fonds buying large swaths of housing areas and turn them into horns of plenty.

Ok, so I wrote all of that for nothing as you completely dodged the questions.
Ok, I am not against profit for your couple but they have to check whether it is possible.
If your children make a deficit with their juice booth, that´s just a possible result of your free market.
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

This is the appeal of fascism. People cannot be trusted to do the "right thing", therefore government must control the economy and make determinations as to who can profit and who cannot. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. agreed with you.
Government is socialism to you, I know. For me it is the form of organisation of the one and all agreed upon. Imagine bread is now at 20 bucks, would you starve to death voluntarily, supporting the free market?

For me it is the form of organisation of the one and all agreed upon.

Da, agree or off to the gulag, greedy kulak.

Imagine bread is now at 20 bucks,

Sounds like Communism.
Government is socialism to you, I know. For me it is the form of organisation of the one and all agreed upon. Imagine bread is now at 20 bucks, would you starve to death voluntarily, supporting the free market?

Socialism is the theft of resources in order to enrich the socialist under the guise of making things equitable for the people. Every time it's implemented, the standard of living for the people is diminished.

As for your bread analogy, a free-market, capitalist system is what made the U.S. the "bread basket" of the world. While your comrades in the old Soviet Union couldn't feed themselves, American farmers, free of restraint from the government, were hugely PRODUCTIVE and created an abundance of grain for the U.S. and many other nations.

A loaf of bread may cost $20 in a society that opposes the free-market in favor of a government-controlled system such as fascism or communism because the incentive to be productive is REDUCED and so there is LESS supply, hence the cost is higher.

Your ideology on governance and economics destroys ambition, creation and innovation. Why do you think the U.S. is the nation that produces most of the great innovations? It's because the system permits people to be ambitious, industrious and productive. Therefore, they do.

Rent controls, however, defy the aforementioned principles and make for terrible policy.
As if a flat is optional. Where are the opportunities when the basics eat up all your cash? Housing must be affordable, those who don´t agree should sell something else.

So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.

Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing.

No rent in the gulag, eh comrade?
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer.

Rent control sides with the customer and kills the incentive to build new rentals.
I guess some customers are more equal than others, eh tovarisch?

The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail.

Ordinary citizens can't own rental property? Did the Party tell you that?
I read about rent control as being opposed to the free market, right? It is an intervention.

They can but it takes them decades to pay for it. They do not intent to rent it, partially if ever.

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