Rent Control is a fascist concept, so why do liberals support it?

Your example is not common. Common are big anonymous fonds buying large swaths of housing areas and turn them into horns of plenty.

Ok, so I wrote all of that for nothing as you completely dodged the questions.
Ok, I am not against profit for your couple but they have to check whether it is possible.
If your children make a deficit with their juice booth, that´s just a possible result of your free market.

Ok, I am not against profit for your couple but they have to check whether it is possible.

They have the freedom to check? Wow!
So your belief is that Citizen A is obligated and indentured to care for Citizen B. That's otherwise known as slavery, which all leftist ideologies espouse.
Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing. Maybe, those who want to max profits at the expends of the ordinary citizens are not fit for civilization.

Slavery is when your wage is barely enough to pay housing.

No rent in the gulag, eh comrade?
I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer. Your rules are easy: The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail. You are screwing yourself.

I wonder why your "free market" is always siding with the offeror, never with the customer.

Rent control sides with the customer and kills the incentive to build new rentals.
I guess some customers are more equal than others, eh tovarisch?

The perky crook wins. But beware if the ordinary citizen tries this method. He goes to jail.

Ordinary citizens can't own rental property? Did the Party tell you that?
I read about rent control as being opposed to the free market, right? It is an intervention.

They can but it takes them decades to pay for it. They do not intent to rent it.

It is an intervention.

More like a taking.
Government is socialism to you, I know. For me it is the form of organisation of the one and all agreed upon. Imagine bread is now at 20 bucks, would you starve to death voluntarily, supporting the free market?

Socialism is the theft of resources in order to enrich the socialist under the guise of making things equitable for the people. Every time it's implemented, the standard of living for the people is diminished.

As for your bread analogy, a free-market, capitalist system is what made the U.S. the "bread basket" of the world. While your comrades in the old Soviet Union couldn't feed themselves, American farmers, free of restraint from the government, were hugely PRODUCTIVE and created an abundance of grain for the U.S. and many other nations.

A loaf of bread may cost $20 in a society that opposes the free-market in favor of a government-controlled system such as fascism or communism because the incentive to be productive is REDUCED and so there is LESS supply, hence the cost is higher.

Your ideology on governance and economics destroys ambition, creation and innovation. Why do you think the U.S. is the nation that produces most of the great innovations? It's because the system permits people to be ambitious, industrious and productive. Therefore, they do.

Rent controls, however, defy the aforementioned principles and make for terrible policy.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business. People didn´t went to the new world because of unfair rents but because of higher wages or even own soil. Those needed to be regulated this way are not following this spirit, in fact their impact harms the market.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
Liberals, why do you support rent controls?
I don't. I support equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Only Capital needs to circulate under Capitalism, not Labor.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

You like Putin bubbles.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

You like Putin bubbles.
What´s that?
Liberals, why do you support rent controls?

Because rent is harder and harder to pay each year as it goes up and salaries don't match the cost increases.

But why should others be able to limit how much money another can make on their own property? Should others be permitted to limit your earnings?

That's what you sign-up for when you become a residential landlord because someone fucked-over renters before you, which is the birthplace of all regulation.

And that's what causes more people to say "fuck this" to building rental units and instead build condos or co-ops.

Or convert their existing rental units to condos or Co-ops.

It also causes people like me who don't have a rent controlled apartment to pay more.

Rent control is simply a way of buying votes, and creating patronage jobs.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position.

They're free to move.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

So your idea of government "help" is seizing wealth from one citizen in order to give it to another. I presume that you would oppose government seizing YOUR wealth and giving it to another, correct?

You see, you don't have a problem with wealth; you have a problem with THEIR wealth.
You are lucky that your country is driven by the spirit of business.

The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

So your idea of government "help" is seizing wealth from one citizen in order to give it to another. I presume that you would oppose government seizing YOUR wealth and giving it to another, correct?

You see, you don't have a problem with wealth; you have a problem with THEIR wealth.
No, you have a problem with market regulations. Rent control is applied where it is necessary.
California housing shortage - Wikipedia
The U.S. was founded on FREEDOM. That means freedom to be as productive, or non-productive, as one chooses to be. The problem is that folks like you see someone who is wealthy and decides that government should SEIZE some of their wealth and give it to someone else through programs like rent control.

I will tell you this. Rent control is not only immoral, it's also counterproductive. Any time government meddles in the market, the results are usually bad.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

So your idea of government "help" is seizing wealth from one citizen in order to give it to another. I presume that you would oppose government seizing YOUR wealth and giving it to another, correct?

You see, you don't have a problem with wealth; you have a problem with THEIR wealth.
No, you have a problem with market regulations. Rent control is applied where it is necessary.
California housing shortage - Wikipedia

Rent control is fascist and it is theft.
I like Lehman bubbles, too. No government intervention!
You see, we have two opinions here. Our country got strong with social market economy. We were a divided, loose bunch of principalities before. But since the Reich was formed and social measures applied, we rose to the top of the continent where we are still today, leaving the anglo-saxon capitalists behind us.

I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

So your idea of government "help" is seizing wealth from one citizen in order to give it to another. I presume that you would oppose government seizing YOUR wealth and giving it to another, correct?

You see, you don't have a problem with wealth; you have a problem with THEIR wealth.
No, you have a problem with market regulations. Rent control is applied where it is necessary.
California housing shortage - Wikipedia

Rent control is fascist and it is theft.
Being doomed under the rule of greedy landlords/corporations is fascist. Any medieval lord of a castle had more conscience
I'm not opposed to laws and regulations. I AM opposed to government dictating what I can charge for the use of my own property.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

So your idea of government "help" is seizing wealth from one citizen in order to give it to another. I presume that you would oppose government seizing YOUR wealth and giving it to another, correct?

You see, you don't have a problem with wealth; you have a problem with THEIR wealth.
No, you have a problem with market regulations. Rent control is applied where it is necessary.
California housing shortage - Wikipedia

Rent control is fascist and it is theft.
Being doomed under the rule of greedy landlords/corporations is fascist. Any medieval lord of a castle had more conscience

No, it's not, but you're too fucking stupid to know any better. Heil Hitler, fascist.
The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position. The help from the government is welcome.

So your idea of government "help" is seizing wealth from one citizen in order to give it to another. I presume that you would oppose government seizing YOUR wealth and giving it to another, correct?

You see, you don't have a problem with wealth; you have a problem with THEIR wealth.
No, you have a problem with market regulations. Rent control is applied where it is necessary.
California housing shortage - Wikipedia

Rent control is fascist and it is theft.
Being doomed under the rule of greedy landlords/corporations is fascist. Any medieval lord of a castle had more conscience

No, it's not, but you're too fucking stupid to know any better. Heil Hitler, fascist.
No shitty crook ripping me off:


And Heil Trump!
Because of regulation landlords can't charge as they like. No free-trade.

Movie theaters charge what the movie distributors demand they charge. No free-trade.

In any event, you obviously oppose capitalism in favor of fascism.

No, I've quashed you idea about free-trade.

Yes, you oppose capitalism and you favor a fascist style of economic governance wherein the government determines how much the people should be permitted to have.

No, I've quashed your idea about free-trade.

You've been reduced to a parrot.

It is you that is parroting a false narrative.

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