Rent Control is a fascist concept, so why do liberals support it?

The need for housing leaves the client in a vulnerable position.

They're free to move.

Says the king of fallacious statements.

Something forcing you to stay?
Terms of your parole maybe?

What if you can't afford to move?

Must be a longggggg string of poor life choices if you can't afford to move to a cheaper place.

Moving expenses, deposits plus first and last is a hefty cost.

I guess you should have stayed in your Mom's basement.
Because rent is harder and harder to pay each year as it goes up and salaries don't match the cost increases.

But why should others be able to limit how much money another can make on their own property? Should others be permitted to limit your earnings?

That's what you sign-up for when you become a residential landlord because someone fucked-over renters before you, which is the birthplace of all regulation.

And that's what causes more people to say "fuck this" to building rental units and instead build condos or co-ops.

Or convert their existing rental units to condos or Co-ops.

It also causes people like me who don't have a rent controlled apartment to pay more.

Rent control is simply a way of buying votes, and creating patronage jobs.

Despite rent control, there are 48.5 million rental units in the US.

Your rent continues to go up due to greed.

So wanting fair market value for your property is greed?

How about you work for less than your salary?

Who determines fair market value?
Thanks for proving the Fascists were ahead of their time.

First space going rockets.
First anti-Smoking.
First Rent Controls.

Among various other feats.
Because the government..

No, parrot, it's because people are FREE from over-controlling governments. Obviously, fascist clowns like you are trying to put an end to those freedoms with things like rent control.

Everything from the internet to low weight eye-glasses, the government is directly or indirectly responsible for the vast majority of new inventions.
[QUOTE="OnePercenter, post: 22947281, member: 43400"
Prove me wrong.[/QUOTE]

You're arguing with yourself. Every nation has varying degrees of freedom in the market place. I provided a link which ranked the degree of economic freedoms by nations from around the world.

Nobody claims that there is a market anywhere in the world that is 100% "free" of government regulations. The bottom line is that nations with a more "free" economy typically do better than those that impose many regulations.
I have a problem with all greed. Greed is bad.

I agree that greed is bad. However, so-called "greedy" people often drive themselves to be successful and then hire others and make them productive and financially successful. So, in that respect, greed is "good".

The bigger question is, why should you get to decide how much money I'm permitted to make? Shouldn't I be free to be as successful and rich as I want to be? Shouldn't free people be free to get rich, if they can?
...the government is directly or indirectly responsible for the vast majority of new inventions.

That's not accurate. Besides, whatever the government "innovates" costs ten times more than what it costs in the private sector. You probably work in government or a university.
Who determines fair market value?

Fair market value is determined by the buyer who is willing and VOLUNTARILY agrees to pay the seller's asking price.

Who do you believe should determine the "fair market value", the government? You?
I understand why people take advantage of it

I understand it too, but it's still legalized wealth theft and it's sanctioned by people in government who support fascism but are too fucking ignorant to know that they are fascists.
Who determines demand?

The market. Free people choose where they want to live and work and that determines the level of demand. Therefore, municipalities have an incentive to provide a quality community and employers are motivated to offer good pay and good benefits in order to attract people. When they're successful, a LOT of people want to live/work there and the demand drives up the cost of and value of housing and real estate.
So you're pro price gouging?

There is no free market. Never has been, never will be.

So you're pro price gouging?

If you don't like your rent, move.

Can you post your source for "Federal tax rate on Nevada corporations"?
Some moron claims they allow him to pay single digit Federal corporate tax rates.
I bet you can prove him wrong.

What if you can't afford to move?

FYI; All wealthy persons and US corporations have a single digit tax liability. Even less now due to tRump.

What if you can't afford to move?

Get a roommate.

All wealthy persons and US corporations have a single digit tax liability.

You're full of shit.

Any link on that Nevada Corp. info? DURR.

Get a roommate.

And if you have a studio or one bedroom, where does the roommate sleep?

If you can't afford a studio, move into a one-bedroom with your roommate.

Still no Nevada Corp. info?

And if you have a studio or one bedroom, where does the roommate sleep?

Nevada has no corporate tax.
But why should others be able to limit how much money another can make on their own property? Should others be permitted to limit your earnings?

That's what you sign-up for when you become a residential landlord because someone fucked-over renters before you, which is the birthplace of all regulation.

And that's what causes more people to say "fuck this" to building rental units and instead build condos or co-ops.

Or convert their existing rental units to condos or Co-ops.

It also causes people like me who don't have a rent controlled apartment to pay more.

Rent control is simply a way of buying votes, and creating patronage jobs.

Despite rent control, there are 48.5 million rental units in the US.

Your rent continues to go up due to greed.

So wanting fair market value for your property is greed?

How about you work for less than your salary?

Who determines fair market value?

Who determines fair market value?

The market, you silly twat.
Moving expenses, deposits plus first and last is a hefty cost.

Your problem is that you view everyone with wealth as being "greedy", criminal and undeserving of their wealth. You automatically view everyone who is a tenant as some sort of a victim of society.

A tenant signs a lease, usually for 12 months, and usually the lease entails that one party provide the other with 30-days notice in the event they do NOT want to renew. Both parties know this going in.

Now, if the landlord raises the rent, he takes a risk. Maybe the tenant rejects the landlord's rent increase and moves. The landlord may be stuck with an empty apartment for a couple of months wherein had he just left the rent where it was, he would have had income.

You see, it's a two-way street but the beauty of it is that both parties were free to do as they wished and did!
Says the king of fallacious statements.

Something forcing you to stay?
Terms of your parole maybe?

What if you can't afford to move?

Must be a longggggg string of poor life choices if you can't afford to move to a cheaper place.

Moving expenses, deposits plus first and last is a hefty cost.

I guess you should have stayed in your Mom's basement.

Bloviating. Try again.

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