Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
“Circumstantial evidence” indicates collusion between members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russian interference in the election, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was also “direct evidence” of deception.

“There is circumstantial evidence of collusion,” Schiff said. “There is direct evidence, I think, of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation.”

He added: “There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation. The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more.”

More: Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

I agree! Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. We all saw that on national TV - and it's on video.
Would love to see it. As others in the Intel world have said, there's smoke but no spark.
We also have direct evidence of the Ukraine working with the Clinton camp of a hit job on Paul Manafort.

If we are to open the can of worms here of how countries influence each others elections in this day and age open that can wide.

And make certain that the can of worms of electoral influence includes Obama sending his minions and $$$$ to Israel to take out Bibi.

Or Obama demanding the Brits stay with the EU. His campaign manager Messina tried desperately to oppose Brexit.

Oh and don't forget overthrowing leaders like Mubarak. Killing Gadafi. Still trying to overthrow Assad.

Let's have at it.
If Schiff really wants to push this fiasco of the Dems loss, let us remind him every step of the way that the Podesta Group made big bucks off the Kremlin's very own bank to lobby for relief of the sanctions.

Hell's bells let's really rock the Podesta connection.
If Schiff really wants to push this fiasco of the Dems loss, let us remind him every step of the way that the Podesta Group made big bucks off the Kremlin's very own bank to lobby for relief of the sanctions.

Hell's bells let's really rock the Podesta connection.
Go for it. Podesta is not POTUS.
If Schiff really wants to push this fiasco of the Dems loss, let us remind him every step of the way that the Podesta Group made big bucks off the Kremlin's very own bank to lobby for relief of the sanctions.

Hell's bells let's really rock the Podesta connection.
Go for it. Podesta is not POTUS.

Silly person. Are you really going to try to defend the Podesta Group acting for a Kremlin bank in the middle of an election hired to lift sanctions all the while condeming any one who only talked to a Russian ambassador while doing their job?

Seriously this will do more damage to the D's. Be still my heart. :)
I really hope Devin Nunnes asks the question I'm dying to see answered.

Why on earth would the Kremlin hack the DNC or John Podesta considering the Podesta Group was working for the Kremlin's bank to get the sanctions lifted?

The Podestas were getting paid directly from the Russian banks.
“Circumstantial evidence” indicates collusion between members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russian interference in the election, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was also “direct evidence” of deception.

“There is circumstantial evidence of collusion,” Schiff said. “There is direct evidence, I think, of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation.”

He added: “There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation. The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more.”

More: Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

I agree! Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. We all saw that on national TV - and it's on video.
Nope! Chairman of the Intelligence Committee said yesterday there is no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia.
'Circumstantial' -- translation:


The party that rigged their Primaries, engaged in voter fraud in their Primaries, who cheated in debates, and colluded to alter the outcome of an election is extremely determined to project what they did on to someone else because they suck at everything so badly and their candidate was so bad they could not win by cheating, breaking the law, and lying.

If Schiff really wants to push this fiasco of the Dems loss, let us remind him every step of the way that the Podesta Group made big bucks off the Kremlin's very own bank to lobby for relief of the sanctions.

Hell's bells let's really rock the Podesta connection.
Go for it. Podesta is not POTUS.

Silly person. Are you really going to try to defend the Podesta Group acting for a Kremlin bank in the middle of an election hired to lift sanctions all the while condeming any one who only talked to a Russian ambassador while doing their job?

Seriously this will do more damage to the D's. Be still my heart. :)
So you say that we should ignore Trump doing it because Podesta did it?
If Schiff really wants to push this fiasco of the Dems loss, let us remind him every step of the way that the Podesta Group made big bucks off the Kremlin's very own bank to lobby for relief of the sanctions.

Hell's bells let's really rock the Podesta connection.
Go for it. Podesta is not POTUS.

Silly person. Are you really going to try to defend the Podesta Group acting for a Kremlin bank in the middle of an election hired to lift sanctions all the while condemning any one who only talked to a Russian ambassador while doing their job?

Seriously this will do more damage to the D's. Be still my heart. :)
So you say that we should ignore Trump doing it because Podesta did it?
The FBI has already stated after an investigation that they found NO LINK / NO EVIDENCE of collusion between Trump and Russia. Compare that to Not only Tony Podesta but also Bill Clinton. BOTH were taking paychecks from Vlad's buddies - EX-KGB. Bill Clinton was getting paid $50k per speech while the brother of Hillary's campaign manager was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian Spy agency that happened to be the ones who supposedly hacked the DNC E-mails. (What a coincidence!)

The ONLY ones who have significant evidence against them, as in potentially being in collusion with the Russians, are Tony Podesta and Bill Clinton. And let's not forget about Nancy Pelosi, who lied before Congress about not having 'communications' with Russians ON AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY but who has a history of 'exchanging gifts' with Russian representatives (in a personal capacity, I guess).
“Circumstantial evidence” indicates collusion between members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russian interference in the election, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was also “direct evidence” of deception.

“There is circumstantial evidence of collusion,” Schiff said. “There is direct evidence, I think, of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation.”

He added: “There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation. The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more.”

More: Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

I agree! Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. We all saw that on national TV - and it's on video.
IOW, no evidence means we have to investigate. While they're at it, they can investigate Hillary for influence trading as Sec State, because she accepted huge "donations" to her "foundation" from foreign heads of state, donations that dried up the instant she lost the presidential election and no longer had any influence to trade. There's circumstantial evidence for you.
So Obama said there is no evidence.
Are you calling him a liar?
Is James Clapper a Liar?
We know Hillary Clinton was lying......about a lot of what is going to happen to


“Circumstantial evidence” indicates collusion between members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russian interference in the election, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was also “direct evidence” of deception.

“There is circumstantial evidence of collusion,” Schiff said. “There is direct evidence, I think, of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation.”

He added: “There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation. The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more.”

More: Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

I agree! Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. We all saw that on national TV - and it's on video.
Washington Redskin.
Nothing burger, drunk fuckers like yourself need to be ignored...
So Obama said there is no evidence.
Are you calling him a liar?
Is James Clapper a Liar?
We know Hillary Clinton was lying......about a lot of what is going to happen to


...even under sniperfire in all 57 states without your doctor and insurance?
Earlier Lakhota posted a thread about how Obama hold-overs in the CIA held a 'secret meeting' and agreed there was collusion...despite the fact that there is no evidence...except for extremely suspect, wishful thinking, 'circumstantial' evidence.

The snowflakes' continued pushing this narrative that EVERYONE knows is false only further demonstrates the extreme leftist snowflakes suffered brain damage the night Hillary lost, that they have not recovered but are instead stuck in their nightmarish hell, and continue to push this Fake News as a personal coping mechanism, a crutch - an excuse not to come to grips that the DNC not only ran the WORST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY but also had to cheat, rig Primaries, and engage in voter fraud during Primaries just to help Hillary defeat a 105yo Socialist Party member who otherwise would have kicked her ass and taken the nomination.

It is also a distraction from the MONUMENTAL, HISTORIC TRUTH that Hillary Clinton NEVER, EVER should have been allowed to remain in the Presidential race, should have been FORCED from the race, as she was under MULTIPLE ON-GOING FBI investigations - for such criminal charges as ESPIONAGE, FRAUD, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, etc... - only days before the election!
-- It is also a fact that the Democrats and their Fake News / all-In media would NEVER allowed a GOP candidate to stay in the race under the same c9ircumstances!

It was not like any of this 'just happened'. The Democratic Party made the intentional CHOICE to FORCE this pathetic, corrupt, historically worst candidate onto their constituents / supporters. putting them in the un-enviable position of having to defend and support her - even under these conditions. The Democratic Party covered her scandals, Obama's Attorney General and FBI covered her crimes/ensured she was not indicted (when any US citizen in the same situation would have been). The DNC purposefully rigged their Primaries for her, engaged in voter fraud for her, fed her debate questions in advance, and undermined Sanders for her...knowing how corrupt she was, how untrustworthy in the polls she was, KNOWING BEING UNDER INVESTIGATION MEANT SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN FORCED OUT...and still they chose HER!

The Democratic Party's loyalty was to Hillary rather than to the country, and now the Democratic party's loyalty is to itself rather than to the country.
Hacking e-mails from a piss-poorly protected DNC Server ...

- E-mails whose users used 'password' as their password
- E-Mails whose usernames/passwords/files were entrusted by Democrats to 3 criminal, terrorist-connected Pakistani brother IT Spies NOT 'hacking the election'. It is exposing how incompetent Democrats are, exposing how little Democrats are concerned about National Security Democrats are, exposing how Democrats at every level like to help criminals (spies, Mexican Drug Cartels, Terrorists), exposing how crooked they are and how they cheat during Primaries / elections, and exposing how racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic they are! This is not a 'NATION' problem - it is a DEMOCRATIC PARTY problem!

This, being pretty seriously damning / embarrassing stuff, forced the Democrats to engage in MASSIVE DAMAGE CONTROL. Trump gave them the idea by jokingly encouraging Russians to ex pose Hillary. So they took the story, blew it up to Biblical Conspiratorial proportions, and pushed the LIE that Trump and Russians were colluding in an attempt to paint themselves and Hillary as 'the victims' and getting everyone to forget about the long laundry list of embarrassing crap that had been exposed about them.

-- Caught rigging their Primary
-- Caught engaging in voter fraud during their Primary
-- Caught undermining one candidate in favor of another
-- Caught providing debate questions in advance to one candidate

-- Family history of corruption, lying, deceiving, Pay-To-Play
-- Benghazi image of letting 4 Americans Die
-- MULTIPLE On-Going FBI investigations which should have forced her from the race
-- Appearance of collusion between Obama administration and Candidate to protect her from indictment
-- Poor Cyber-security allowed exposure of embarrassing information damaging the Party's image

In damaging Hillary's chances at winning the election, Hillary Clinton and the DNC did far more to do so than the Russians could ever have hoped to do....and snowflakes want desperately to blame Trump...the GOP...ANYONE else.

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