Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

Mind your own fucking business, fat ass. I am no more a racist than you are. The difference between you and I is that if I accidentally offend someone - or even if I deliberately offend someone - I am open to apologizing for that. Unlike you. Say.... for instance... if I had made a comment about a dead family member of another poster - yea, I'd definitely apologize for that. But not you..... you are a fat assed old ho, bitch.

We have established that you are the fat ass. What did you eat today when you watched Judge Judy, tubby?? And I never made a comment about anybody's dead family member. How long are you going to whine and snivel about something that never happened?? What a wuss you are!!

You are a lying sack of shit, you know that??

All I did was google your comment - it's from Judge Judy. You're not even smart enough to come up with original insults. What a loser you are. :lol::lol:

Now, let's not lie, my little fat friend. You know, I know, and half the board knows what you said about my family. There's no dodging that bullet. I still have the evidence.... would you like me to prove it for ya? Seriously? Do you really want to pretend you did not say it? Risky strategy, fat one.... very, very risky. When you say something that offensive, you should be prepared to stand by it and not pretend you didn't say it. That is cowardly.

So, 'we' have established two things with your post. That you are the liar. And that you are a coward.

You should watch Judge Judy

Judge Judy makes a better California Girl than you do
We have established that you are the fat ass. What did you eat today when you watched Judge Judy, tubby?? And I never made a comment about anybody's dead family member. How long are you going to whine and snivel about something that never happened?? What a wuss you are!!

You are a lying sack of shit, you know that??

All I did was google your comment - it's from Judge Judy. You're not even smart enough to come up with original insults. What a loser you are. :lol::lol:

Now, let's not lie, my little fat friend. You know, I know, and half the board knows what you said about my family. There's no dodging that bullet. I still have the evidence.... would you like me to prove it for ya? Seriously? Do you really want to pretend you did not say it? Risky strategy, fat one.... very, very risky. When you say something that offensive, you should be prepared to stand by it and not pretend you didn't say it. That is cowardly.

So, 'we' have established two things with your post. That you are the liar. And that you are a coward.

You should watch Judge Judy

Judge Judy makes a better California Girl than you do

Judge Judy would eat some of the posters on this thread alive.
Shine box????



You do realize you just admitted you're a racist....right?

mensa called.

they said you forgot to stock the paper towels in the ladies' room.

Hey, I'm just trying to get some background info on the person that told me to go get
my shoe shine kit. I live near the beach. Not a lot of demand for shining of shoes here.
Do internet tough guys brag they are ex-SEALs who now belong to Mensa?

Do moderators tell blacks on this site to "go get your shoe shine kit"?

i tell people to go get their shine kits.

do you, at long last, have some kind of point?

I'm just trying to get a feel *edit* for this place.
Don't want to cross the line with the wrong person.
You've been coming at me kinda sideways. I'm just surprised to
find out you're a mod, is all.
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if you ever have a lucid moment, let me know how whatever that is turns out.

Hey, I have lots of lucid moment. You talk a lot of shit. I just don't want to get banned for defending myself.

i'm glad you have "lots of lucid moment"

perhaps someday we'll all be lucky enough to witness one.

Blah, blah, blah, more of the same school grader..."I'm smarter than you are" crap.
What do you mean "we'll all"?
Got voices in your head telling you what to say or something?
The only thing you've contributed to this thread are childish insults
and making some lame claim that it's only racist that think the term "tar baby"
is racist. I tried to put you on ignore, but couldn't because you're a mod.
Must be nice to fuck with people knowing they can't put your childish ass on ignore.

Now go ahead ban me.
Show everyone you can dish it out but
you can't take it.

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