Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

Ya know, I was pretty clear with what I asked you. There really wasn't any reason to be confused about it. I wanted to know if they all go around using the term "tar baby", as if it's the thing to do, totally ignorant of it being racially offensive? The fact that you are responding ,by acknowledging that there are racist in Colorado, tends to indicate that you think only racist would use the term.

Yes, people use the phrase "tar baby" when describing a sticky situation. It's in the common lexicon either due to the stories or the movie. "Tar pit" and quagmire are similar phrases. No, when people hear the phrase they don't jump up, begin foaming at the mouth and start calling the person who said it "YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RACIST!!!!!" and start jumping up and down. That just ain't civilized nor polite.
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Ya know, I was pretty clear with what I asked you. There really wasn't any reason to be confused about it. I wanted to know if they all go around using the term "tar baby", as if it's the thing to do, totally ignorant of it being racially offensive? The fact that you are responding ,by acknowledging that there are racist in Colorado, tends to indicate that you think only racist would use the term.

Yes, people use the phrase "tar baby" when describing a sticky situation. It's in the common lexicon either due to the stories or the movie. "Tar pit" and quagmire are similar phrases. No, when people hear the phrase they don't jump up, begin foaming at the mouth and start calling the person who said it "YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RACIST!!!!!" and start jumping up and down. That just ain't civilized nor polite.

Then what was the protest outside his office over this about? If everybody talks like that, why were there protest outside his office? Why are progressive radio talk shows calling him out on it? You'd think they'd be coming to his defense saying everyone talks like that.
Ya know, I was pretty clear with what I asked you. There really wasn't any reason to be confused about it. I wanted to know if they all go around using the term "tar baby", as if it's the thing to do, totally ignorant of it being racially offensive? The fact that you are responding ,by acknowledging that there are racist in Colorado, tends to indicate that you think only racist would use the term.

Yes, people use the phrase "tar baby" when describing a sticky situation. It's in the common lexicon either due to the stories or the movie. "Tar pit" and quagmire are similar phrases. No, when people hear the phrase they don't jump up, begin foaming at the mouth and start calling the person who said it "YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RACIST!!!!!" and start jumping up and down. That just ain't civilized nor polite.

Then what was the protest outside his office over this about? If everybody talks like that, why were there protest outside his office? Why are progressive radio talk shows calling him out on it? You'd think they'd be coming to his defense saying everyone talks like that.

Progressives calling a Republican a racist. You calling me a racist. Meaningless race baiting by the left. You may find it of importance, but the right are very used to fake accusations of racism for political point scoring. A lot of us find it very sad that those who claim to defend minorities treat them with such disrespect as to trivialize the very thing they profess to care about.
Yes, people use the phrase "tar baby" when describing a sticky situation. It's in the common lexicon either due to the stories or the movie. "Tar pit" and quagmire are similar phrases. No, when people hear the phrase they don't jump up, begin foaming at the mouth and start calling the person who said it "YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RACIST!!!!!" and start jumping up and down. That just ain't civilized nor polite.

Then what was the protest outside his office over this about? If everybody talks like that, why were there protest outside his office? Why are progressive radio talk shows calling him out on it? You'd think they'd be coming to his defense saying everyone talks like that.

Progressives calling a Republican a racist. You calling me a racist. Meaningless race baiting by the left. You may find it of importance, but the right are very used to fake accusations of racism for political point scoring. A lot of us find it very sad that those who claim to defend minorities treat them with such disrespect as to trivialize the very thing they profess to care about.

So basically, you live to be called racist, got cha.
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Then what was the protest outside his office over this about? If everybody talks like that, why were there protest outside his office? Why are progressive radio talk shows calling him out on it? You'd think they'd be coming to his defense saying everyone talks like that.

The clue is in your own post, M'am. How much of this is honest, bipartisan complaint and how much of it is over-inflated, partisan melodrama to make something appear either worse than it is or something that it is not?

How many of those protesters were Republicans or there for purely civil, not political reasons?
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Then what was the protest outside his office over this about? If everybody talks like that, why were there protest outside his office? Why are progressive radio talk shows calling him out on it? You'd think they'd be coming to his defense saying everyone talks like that.

The clue is in your own post, M'am. How much of this is honest, bipartisan complaint and how much of it is over-inflated, partisan melodrama to make something appear either worse than it is or something that it is not?

How many of those protesters were Republicans or there for purely civil, not political reasons?

You claimed it's part of the "common lexicon". Now you're claiming it's only common among Republicans? The people you claimed before that use it, to refer to a sticky situation, whom are unaware of it's racial're now claiming they're all republicans?

BTW I'm not a M'am.
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Then what was the protest outside his office over this about? If everybody talks like that, why were there protest outside his office? Why are progressive radio talk shows calling him out on it? You'd think they'd be coming to his defense saying everyone talks like that.

The clue is in your own post, M'am. How much of this is honest, bipartisan complaint and how much of it is over-inflated, partisan melodrama to make something appear either worse than it is or something that it is not?

How many of those protesters were Republicans or there for purely civil, not political reasons?

You claimed it's part of the "common lexicon". Now you're claiming it's only common among Republicans? The people you claimed before that use it, to refer to a sticky situation, whom are unaware of it's racial're now claiming they're all republicans?

The clue is in your own post, M'am. How much of this is honest, bipartisan complaint and how much of it is over-inflated, partisan melodrama to make something appear either worse than it is or something that it is not?

How many of those protesters were Republicans or there for purely civil, not political reasons?

You claimed it's part of the "common lexicon". Now you're claiming it's only common among Republicans? The people you claimed before that use it, to refer to a sticky situation, whom are unaware of it's racial're now claiming they're all republicans?


You claimed it's part of the "common lexicon". Now you're claiming it's only common among Republicans? The people you claimed before that use it, to refer to a sticky situation, whom are unaware of it's racial're now claiming they're all republicans?

Not at all. Why would you think that?

My apologies. I meant no offense. I thought your name was Ali and that was a poor assumption on my part.
You claimed it's part of the "common lexicon". Now you're claiming it's only common among Republicans? The people you claimed before that use it, to refer to a sticky situation, whom are unaware of it's racial're now claiming they're all republicans?

Not at all. Why would you think that?

My apologies. I meant no offense. I thought your name was Ali and that was a poor assumption on my part.

I don't think you realize how offensive the term is.
I think you've isolated yourself from that truth.

You don't seem to be willing to risk putting forth an opinion on the actual topic.
All you do is pester the people you disagree with, like a cowardly little gnat.

i've put forth an opinion; your inability to read isn't my problem.

putting forth an opinion on an anonymous message board isn't an act of courage.

sorry to burst your bubble, toots.
Ohhhh, you need to change the parameters now? :lol::lol::lol: You don't get to call the shots about what kind of comments fit the rules you defined. Idiot.

Google it yourself. Find out for yourself how your own bunch of hypocrites used race for politics.
You are becoming laughable, Shallow. Seriously. This is pathetic. Calling me a racist.... that really should be beneath you.... shame on you. Defriending me was pathetic enough - but calling me a racist.... really.... you're losing it. I honestly think you may have some kind of mental illness.

Why are you asking Sallow to do those things??? You are the one making the statement and you want somebody else to do the research?? Yet I have seen you get mad when people post something without a link. You always ask for it. What an unreasonable bitch you are.

And all those insults directed at Sallow for calling you a racist is ridiculous. You ARE a racist!!!!!!!!!!!!! As well as a total hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope my punctuation is irritating the snot out of you.

Mind your own fucking business, fat ass. I am no more a racist than you are. The difference between you and I is that if I accidentally offend someone - or even if I deliberately offend someone - I am open to apologizing for that. Unlike you. Say.... for instance... if I had made a comment about a dead family member of another poster - yea, I'd definitely apologize for that. But not you..... you are a fat assed old ho, bitch.

We have established that you are the fat ass. What did you eat today when you watched Judge Judy, tubby?? And I never made a comment about anybody's dead family member. How long are you going to whine and snivel about something that never happened?? What a wuss you are!!

You are a lying sack of shit, you know that??
Why are you asking Sallow to do those things??? You are the one making the statement and you want somebody else to do the research?? Yet I have seen you get mad when people post something without a link. You always ask for it. What an unreasonable bitch you are.

And all those insults directed at Sallow for calling you a racist is ridiculous. You ARE a racist!!!!!!!!!!!!! As well as a total hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope my punctuation is irritating the snot out of you.

Mind your own fucking business, fat ass. I am no more a racist than you are. The difference between you and I is that if I accidentally offend someone - or even if I deliberately offend someone - I am open to apologizing for that. Unlike you. Say.... for instance... if I had made a comment about a dead family member of another poster - yea, I'd definitely apologize for that. But not you..... you are a fat assed old ho, bitch.

We have established that you are the fat ass. What did you eat today when you watched Judge Judy, tubby?? And I never made a comment about anybody's dead family member. How long are you going to whine and snivel about something that never happened?? What a wuss you are!!

You are a lying sack of shit, you know that??

All I did was google your comment - it's from Judge Judy. You're not even smart enough to come up with original insults. What a loser you are. :lol::lol:

Now, let's not lie, my little fat friend. You know, I know, and half the board knows what you said about my family. There's no dodging that bullet. I still have the evidence.... would you like me to prove it for ya? Seriously? Do you really want to pretend you did not say it? Risky strategy, fat one.... very, very risky. When you say something that offensive, you should be prepared to stand by it and not pretend you didn't say it. That is cowardly.

So, 'we' have established two things with your post. That you are the liar. And that you are a coward.

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