Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

So, basically, what you're saying is that you lack basic comprehension skills. Good to know. I thought it might be my fault for not making myself clear.

You're really not very smart, are you?

Actually I'm very intelligent and you know it.
In fact, you can't stand that fact. Intelligent responses to your bigotry is the last thing you want to deal with. You avoid it like the plague, because deep down you know you're wrong. We're all prejudice against something. But, most are willing to change
their beliefs when confronted with evidence to the contrary of what they believe.
I don't lack comprehension skills. I understand you all too well.

Don't take it personally, she questions the intelligence of every poster who has the gall to disagree with her. It is her way of compensating for her own immense Insecurity and lack of a cogent argument.

Yeah, been there done that myself.
Interestingly, yesterday I spoke to my cousin's husband - he's black (I add that only because you insist that skin color is relevant) - he says he does not consider it racist - unless someone uses it as a way to insult a black person - then, he would consider it racist. So, I can source a black guy who doesn't think it is racist. But.... he is a very smart guy so perhaps intellect counts when it comes to racism.

Well, that's really swell. But the majority of blacks feel differently. Aren't you old enough to know that you can't tell people how to feel?? But you constantly try. If a black person tells you that the term, "tar baby" insults them, then believe it!! Instead of running around trying to get other opinions. That is stupid and insensitive.

I treat people as individuals. If an individual find the phrase insulting, that's fine. But it does not make it racist. It means that they are not smart enough to understand the meaning of 'context'.... but, apparently, context is 'yammering'.
Anyone who thinks context is not vital is a fucking moron. And that, my fat assed friend, is you.

You know, you are just plain ignorant. And what's so funny is that you think you're a genius. It's usually that way though. People like you that run around saying how smart they are are usually dumber than a bag of rocks. What an over inflated ego you have!!

This is one of the most ignorant, pompous statements I have ever heard in my life. You are just a friggin' mess. Oh, and I am not fat assed and I am not your friend.
So basically what you're saying is that his apology wasn't sincere. Because he didn't mention anything about racist. He claimed that he was using the term in a non-racist context. So you're admitting this was all a lie. Thanks for proving the point so many are trying to explain to you, with your own word.

So, basically, what you're saying is that you lack basic comprehension skills. Good to know. I thought it might be my fault for not making myself clear.

You're really not very smart, are you?

Actually I'm very intelligent and you know it.
In fact, you can't stand that fact. Intelligent responses to your bigotry is the last thing you want to deal with. You avoid it like the plague, because deep down you know you're wrong. We're all prejudice against something. But, most are willing to change
their beliefs when confronted with evidence to the contrary of what they believe.
I don't lack comprehension skills. I understand you all too well.

if you have to tell people that you're intelligent, you probably aren't.

But since you asked, I'll try to explain it to you. Claiming that "some people" are offended by the "tar baby" term, implies that he isn't. It implies that he didn't know that it was offensive, or didn't care at the time he said it. Neither of which are very complimentary to a sitting public official.

Some parts of the country aren't as racist as other parts. Cultural norms are different. I spent a lot of my youth and college in Colorado and like the attitude of Westerners. Basically, nobody gives a shit what color you are or who you are fucking. Just don't tell them what to do which is why they don't like big government. I'm positive Rep. Lamborn didn't know or intend the term to be offensive. Once he was alerted that parts of the country where racists lived used the term offensively, he did the gentlemanly thing and apologized.

It's been my good fortune to travel and live in many parts of our nation and the world. I found out early on that it is a mistake to think everyone thinks just as you or I do. What may seem perfectly innocent to you or I can be offensive to someone else and vice-versa. Certain hand gestures or the idea of showing the bottom of your shoe can seem innocent, but end up offending a person from a different region of the world. The proper thing to do in such a case is just as Rep. Lamborn did, offer an apology and a statement that no disrespect was intended.
So, basically, what you're saying is that you lack basic comprehension skills. Good to know. I thought it might be my fault for not making myself clear.

You're really not very smart, are you?

Actually I'm very intelligent and you know it.
In fact, you can't stand that fact. Intelligent responses to your bigotry is the last thing you want to deal with. You avoid it like the plague, because deep down you know you're wrong. We're all prejudice against something. But, most are willing to change
their beliefs when confronted with evidence to the contrary of what they believe.
I don't lack comprehension skills. I understand you all too well.

if you have to tell people that you're intelligent, you probably aren't.


I shouldn't have to.
But since you asked, I'll try to explain it to you. Claiming that "some people" are offended by the "tar baby" term, implies that he isn't. It implies that he didn't know that it was offensive, or didn't care at the time he said it. Neither of which are very complimentary to a sitting public official.

Some parts of the country aren't as racist as other parts. Cultural norms are different. I spent a lot of my youth and college in Colorado and like the attitude of Westerners. Basically, nobody gives a shit what color you are or who you are fucking. Just don't tell them what to do which is why they don't like big government. I'm positive Rep. Lamborn didn't know or intend the term to be offensive. Once he was alerted that parts of the country where racists lived used the term offensively, he did the gentlemanly thing and apologized.

It's been my good fortune to travel and live in many parts of our nation and the world. I found out early on that it is a mistake to think everyone thinks just as you or I do. What may seem perfectly innocent to you or I can be offensive to someone else and vice-versa. Certain hand gestures or the idea of showing the bottom of your shoe can seem innocent, but end up offending a person from a different region of the world. The proper thing to do in such a case is just as Rep. Lamborn did, offer an apology and a statement that no disrespect was intended.

The truth is you don't have any idea what he knows and what he doesn't.
You're just giving him the benefit of the doubt, without taken into consideration certain pertinent facts.

Just curious. During the time you were attending college, visiting the city of Colorado, conversing with the locals---did you once get the impression that the the use of "tar baby"
was the thing to do? You can't speak for all of Colorado, or even his district I know. But I just find it hard to believe that, even there, they don't concern themselves with cultural sensitivity. What you're describing is a State where they are all ignorant to the offensive nature of the term. I find that very hard to believe.
But since you asked, I'll try to explain it to you. Claiming that "some people" are offended by the "tar baby" term, implies that he isn't. It implies that he didn't know that it was offensive, or didn't care at the time he said it. Neither of which are very complimentary to a sitting public official.

Some parts of the country aren't as racist as other parts. Cultural norms are different. I spent a lot of my youth and college in Colorado and like the attitude of Westerners. Basically, nobody gives a shit what color you are or who you are fucking. Just don't tell them what to do which is why they don't like big government. I'm positive Rep. Lamborn didn't know or intend the term to be offensive. Once he was alerted that parts of the country where racists lived used the term offensively, he did the gentlemanly thing and apologized.

It's been my good fortune to travel and live in many parts of our nation and the world. I found out early on that it is a mistake to think everyone thinks just as you or I do. What may seem perfectly innocent to you or I can be offensive to someone else and vice-versa. Certain hand gestures or the idea of showing the bottom of your shoe can seem innocent, but end up offending a person from a different region of the world. The proper thing to do in such a case is just as Rep. Lamborn did, offer an apology and a statement that no disrespect was intended.

The truth is you don't have any idea what he knows and what he doesn't.
You're just giving him the benefit of the doubt, without taken into consideration certain pertinent facts.

Just curious. During the time you were attending college, visiting the city of Colorado, conversing with the locals---did you once get the impression that the the use of "tar baby"
was the thing to do? You can't speak for all of Colorado, or even his district I know. But I just find it hard to believe that, even there, they don't concern themselves with cultural sensitivity. What you're describing is a State where they are all ignorant to the offensive nature of the term. I find that very hard to believe.

you'd be less ridiculous if you didn't call colorado a city, einstein.

in fact, i wager the amount of ridicule you'd be exposed to would be niggardly.
But since you asked, I'll try to explain it to you. Claiming that "some people" are offended by the "tar baby" term, implies that he isn't. It implies that he didn't know that it was offensive, or didn't care at the time he said it. Neither of which are very complimentary to a sitting public official.

Some parts of the country aren't as racist as other parts. Cultural norms are different. I spent a lot of my youth and college in Colorado and like the attitude of Westerners. Basically, nobody gives a shit what color you are or who you are fucking. Just don't tell them what to do which is why they don't like big government. I'm positive Rep. Lamborn didn't know or intend the term to be offensive. Once he was alerted that parts of the country where racists lived used the term offensively, he did the gentlemanly thing and apologized.

It's been my good fortune to travel and live in many parts of our nation and the world. I found out early on that it is a mistake to think everyone thinks just as you or I do. What may seem perfectly innocent to you or I can be offensive to someone else and vice-versa. Certain hand gestures or the idea of showing the bottom of your shoe can seem innocent, but end up offending a person from a different region of the world. The proper thing to do in such a case is just as Rep. Lamborn did, offer an apology and a statement that no disrespect was intended.

The truth is you don't have any idea what he knows and what he doesn't.
You're just giving him the benefit of the doubt, without taken into consideration certain pertinent facts.

Just curious. During the time you were attending college, visiting the city of Colorado, conversing with the locals---did you once get the impression that the the use of "tar baby"
was the thing to do? You can't speak for all of Colorado, or even his district I know. But I just find it hard to believe that, even there, they don't concern themselves with cultural sensitivity. What you're describing is a State where they are all ignorant to the offensive nature of the term. I find that very hard to believe.

I don't think I have seen it used in 30 years. I would be surprised if his younger constituents were even familiar with the term

They are now
Some parts of the country aren't as racist as other parts. Cultural norms are different. I spent a lot of my youth and college in Colorado and like the attitude of Westerners. Basically, nobody gives a shit what color you are or who you are fucking. Just don't tell them what to do which is why they don't like big government. I'm positive Rep. Lamborn didn't know or intend the term to be offensive. Once he was alerted that parts of the country where racists lived used the term offensively, he did the gentlemanly thing and apologized.

It's been my good fortune to travel and live in many parts of our nation and the world. I found out early on that it is a mistake to think everyone thinks just as you or I do. What may seem perfectly innocent to you or I can be offensive to someone else and vice-versa. Certain hand gestures or the idea of showing the bottom of your shoe can seem innocent, but end up offending a person from a different region of the world. The proper thing to do in such a case is just as Rep. Lamborn did, offer an apology and a statement that no disrespect was intended.

The truth is you don't have any idea what he knows and what he doesn't.
You're just giving him the benefit of the doubt, without taken into consideration certain pertinent facts.

Just curious. During the time you were attending college, visiting the city of Colorado, conversing with the locals---did you once get the impression that the the use of "tar baby"
was the thing to do? You can't speak for all of Colorado, or even his district I know. But I just find it hard to believe that, even there, they don't concern themselves with cultural sensitivity. What you're describing is a State where they are all ignorant to the offensive nature of the term. I find that very hard to believe.

you'd be less ridiculous if you didn't call colorado a city, einstein.

in fact, i wager the amount of ridicule you'd be exposed to would be niggardly.

I'd bet you a watermelon you haven't heard that one in a coons age
sorry dudes, i fucked up the freestyle word association game.

i meant to write "lemon CURRY".

damn, do i suck.
Actually I'm very intelligent and you know it.
In fact, you can't stand that fact. Intelligent responses to your bigotry is the last thing you want to deal with. You avoid it like the plague, because deep down you know you're wrong. We're all prejudice against something. But, most are willing to change
their beliefs when confronted with evidence to the contrary of what they believe.
I don't lack comprehension skills. I understand you all too well.

if you have to tell people that you're intelligent, you probably aren't.


I shouldn't have to.

and yet, mensaboi, you have.

go figure

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