Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

I really don't need a comedian 'splaining shit to me. You might. But I'm a grown up.

I was raised not to use the 'n' word and I don't use it. Nor would I refer to anyone - black, white or sky blue - as a 'porch monkey', 'jungle bunny', 'spear chucker' or any other phrase that references that person's skin color. Because that is racist and I am not a racist. However, referring to supporting Obama's policies as a 'tar baby' is not referring to his skin color. Therefore, it was not racist.

Again, this is faux racism - and that, to me, is as distasteful as actual racism. It is time that we stopped lying about people in order to score political points. Because that is the grown up way to behave. The reason why I call people 'moron' or 'idiot' or 'dumbass' etc on this forum is that many people seem incapable of acting their age instead of their shoe size.

I think you call people names because you want to. You like it. And for the last time, stop telling people how to feel!!!!!!! It doesn't matter in what context, "tar baby " was used. It was used in reference to the president!!!! Black people find it offensive. Shouldn't they be the judge of what offends them??

Again I will ask, what right do you have to argue about it and tell them they are wrong??? That's very presumptuous, don't ya think??? As though your opinion is the last word!!! Get a clue. It's not!!! Damn, what a hard head you are.

But I know you are going to keep arguing about it and you'll make sure you get the last word. You can never just let anything go. You just love to argue and be disagreeable. It's what you live for.
Again, he wasn't referring to Obama as a person. He was referring to Obama's policies. Context. It's inconvenient but it is what it is.... and it is not what it is not.... and it is not racist.

Still struggling with something so simple as the pronoun 'him' huh?

But you're a critical thinking, intellectual powerhouse. :lol:

Actually, it is. Critical thought requires taking all the information available into consideration. Not one sentence, but the whole comment. That is why I see things somewhat differently to many others on occasion. Because I consider the whole instead of the parts. So, yea, basically.... compared to quite a few others in this thread - I am an intellectual powerhouse.... that's not saying much.... since a fucking houseplant is smarter than most of the thought process in this thread.

I dislike faux racism. And this is faux racism. Faux racism is dangerous.

Get the bucket somebody!!! Never seen so much crap.
Just for context...

Do you and your friends often refer to tar baby when you talk about a situation that gets worse the more you fight it?

No. In fact, I don't think I have ever used the term.

Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Heck.. "Song of the South" is considered extremely offensive. Yet over and over's been brought up in this very thread.

What, was this book banned in whatever shithole Muslim country you and your family from? I guess I shouldn't expect any better from faux Americans like yourself, but the fact is most real Americans, particularly southerners have heard of this book and understand the reference.

Why is it that dark skinned people have this engrained sense of victimhood? Why do they view every criticism of one of there own or any reference to a dark color in a derogatory sense as an attack on their race? This is about as stupid as the Dallas City council member calling a fellow councilman racist for discussing a "black hole of debt".

Something about a slave trade in this country that went on for over a century then aparthied that went on for some 7 decades or so might have a little something to do with it.

Are you from this country? And are you really that ignorant of history?
You only need to go back to 2008. Google it. Obama - candidate. Easy. Shameless using of race and religion for politics. If you can't remember that far back, seriously, get help. You have memory problems.

Post some quotes of him shooting down McCain for his associations, religion, national origin..sheesh..something.

He was pretty respectful toward McCain.

Ohhhh, you need to change the parameters now? :lol::lol::lol: You don't get to call the shots about what kind of comments fit the rules you defined. Idiot.

Google it yourself. Find out for yourself how your own bunch of hypocrites used race for politics.

You are becoming laughable, Shallow. Seriously. This is pathetic. Calling me a racist.... that really should be beneath you.... shame on you. Defriending me was pathetic enough - but calling me a racist.... really.... you're losing it. I honestly think you may have some kind of mental illness.

Defriending you?


Now you are making stuff up.
No. In fact, I don't think I have ever used the term.

Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Heck.. "Song of the South" is considered extremely offensive. Yet over and over's been brought up in this very thread.

Do you mean all those happy slaves singing and dancing is offensive?
I wish I could have made book on your response. That's exactly what I thought you'd say. Obama haters are so predictable.

My response has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with you.

Unless you are so fucking stupid and delusional that you think you ARE Obama? I wouldn't doubt it.

Don't be silly. Why do you waste my time with such silly posts??

In case you missed it, you replied to a post of mine that wasn't even directed at you, and then try to bring Obama into it....which had nothing to do with my post.

You're pretty dumb, you know that?
Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Heck.. "Song of the South" is considered extremely offensive. Yet over and over's been brought up in this very thread.

Do you mean all those happy slaves singing and dancing is offensive?

If true, someone needs to write a letter to NPR about their racist content: 'Porgy and Bess' : NPR

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Post some quotes of him shooting down McCain for his associations, religion, national origin..sheesh..something.

He was pretty respectful toward McCain.

Ohhhh, you need to change the parameters now? :lol::lol::lol: You don't get to call the shots about what kind of comments fit the rules you defined. Idiot.

Google it yourself. Find out for yourself how your own bunch of hypocrites used race for politics.

You are becoming laughable, Shallow. Seriously. This is pathetic. Calling me a racist.... that really should be beneath you.... shame on you. Defriending me was pathetic enough - but calling me a racist.... really.... you're losing it. I honestly think you may have some kind of mental illness.

Defriending you?


Now you are making stuff up.

No, I'm not, sweetie. You used to be on my friends list. Now you're not. I didn't remove you. You removed yourself. Childish nonsense. Fucking baby.
Still struggling with something so simple as the pronoun 'him' huh?

But you're a critical thinking, intellectual powerhouse. :lol:

Actually, it is. Critical thought requires taking all the information available into consideration. Not one sentence, but the whole comment. That is why I see things somewhat differently to many others on occasion. Because I consider the whole instead of the parts. So, yea, basically.... compared to quite a few others in this thread - I am an intellectual powerhouse.... that's not saying much.... since a fucking houseplant is smarter than most of the thought process in this thread.

I dislike faux racism. And this is faux racism. Faux racism is dangerous.

Get the bucket somebody!!! Never seen so much crap.

Try reading your own !!!! filled posts, more crap than one fat butt can hold.
This should have ended the thread.

yeah, but like with the waffen-ss thread, a lot of posters have problems with a certain brand of honesty, context and critical thinking. so this thread needs to go on, until evereyflonzingone agrees that the real racists are lefties, democrats and obama.
Well, there is that. If you call me a coon, it is my fault.

If someone called someone else a 'coon', 'tar baby', 'jungle bunny', 'porch monkey' or 'n*gger', I would be right there calling them out on racism. But the facts of the comment do not fit the claim. Context. Critical thinking. Apparently these skills are not practiced by many. Oh well, that is their ignorance to live with.
Democrats didn't raise taxes during their nearly two year super majority, why? They want to make sure that when they do, repubs are a part of that tar baby........
yeah, but like with the waffen-ss thread, a lot of posters have problems with a certain brand of honesty, context and critical thinking. so this thread needs to go on, until evereyflonzingone agrees that the real racists are lefties, democrats and obama.

California Racist Girl is a few cards short of a full deck, she didn't believe the comment was racist before he apologized, but even apologies don't mean he wasn't racist. Politicians should have some consequences.

He apologized because a bunch of racists accused him of making a racist remark. Who's the racist? It isn't him. It is those who use race as a weapon. That's you. Every action has a consequence. Your action is to trivialize racism and make a mockery of it. Mine is to review his comment, in context, and conclude that, logically, he did not call anyone a 'tar baby'.

So basically what you're saying is that his apology wasn't sincere. Because he didn't mention anything about racist. He claimed that he was using the term in a non-racist context. So you're admitting this was all a lie. Thanks for proving the point so many are trying to explain to you, with your own word.
So basically what you're saying is that his apology wasn't sincere. Because he didn't mention anything about racist. He claimed that he was using the term in a non-racist context. So you're admitting this was all a lie. Thanks for proving the point so many are trying to explain to you, with your own word.

Disagreed. As any good person would do, if they inadvertently say something which another person finds offensive, they apologize just as a good person would do if they accidentally stepped on another person's foot. I'm surprised more people don't understand this simple act of courtesy.
I guess for political correctness.... things that stick should all now be called Gum babies.

California Racist Girl is a few cards short of a full deck, she didn't believe the comment was racist before he apologized, but even apologies don't mean he wasn't racist. Politicians should have some consequences.

He apologized because a bunch of racists accused him of making a racist remark. Who's the racist? It isn't him. It is those who use race as a weapon. That's you. Every action has a consequence. Your action is to trivialize racism and make a mockery of it. Mine is to review his comment, in context, and conclude that, logically, he did not call anyone a 'tar baby'.

So basically what you're saying is that his apology wasn't sincere. Because he didn't mention anything about racist. He claimed that he was using the term in a non-racist context. So you're admitting this was all a lie. Thanks for proving the point so many are trying to explain to you, with your own word.

So, basically, what you're saying is that you lack basic comprehension skills. Good to know. I thought it might be my fault for not making myself clear.

You're really not very smart, are you?

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