Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

Column: GOP's disrespect of Obama goes beyond debt fight -

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., has been especially relentless in the debt-ceiling fight. He attacked this first African-American president with a palpable disrespect not only for Obama personally, but also for his esteemed office.

Following what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called Cantor's "childish" display during a meeting with Obama, the House majority leader complained that the president had cut short the meeting and stormed out of the room. "He shoved back and said, 'I'll see you tomorrow' and walked out," Cantor snidely told reporters— as though the president needs his permission to end a White House gathering.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., has been especially relentless in the debt-ceiling fight. He attacked this first African-American president with a palpable disrespect not only for Obama personally, but also for his esteemed office.

Following what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called Cantor's "childish" display during a meeting with Obama, the House majority leader complained that the president had cut short the meeting and stormed out of the room. "He shoved back and said, 'I'll see you tomorrow' and walked out," Cantor snidely told reporters— as though the president needs his permission to end a White House gathering.

The right sees it as justified, given all the hate GWB got.

Cantor was a marginally competent political bomb-thrower; an otherwise dreadful legislator.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., has been especially relentless in the debt-ceiling fight. He attacked this first African-American president with a palpable disrespect not only for Obama personally, but also for his esteemed office.

Following what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called Cantor's "childish" display during a meeting with Obama, the House majority leader complained that the president had cut short the meeting and stormed out of the room. "He shoved back and said, 'I'll see you tomorrow' and walked out," Cantor snidely told reporters— as though the president needs his permission to end a White House gathering.

The right sees it as justified, given all the hate GWB got.

Cantor was a marginally competent political bomb-thrower; an otherwise dreadful legislator.

See, I was on the other side of the fence then, as well as completely ignorant of political events. *Coincidence? I think not.* So: were members of the House and Senate treating Bush with a complete lack of respect?
OK....let's make it simple for you

You do not use a black person and "tar baby" in the same sentence...regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "watermelon" in the same sentence....regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "n*gger" in the same sentence...regardless of context

I guess you would be right, however blacks do it all the time with each other.

So i guess using the "verboten words" is only racist when a white person uses them.

That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

Not simple at all.

If it acceptable to use a word then it is acceptable.

Its that simple.
That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

mean is a far cry from..... racist.

I don't doubt it. He had nothing to say and was so embarrassed that he had to put me on ignore.

The fact that you have no sense of humor is no surprise either. It actually takes intelligence to enjoy wit.

I have a great sense of humor. I know you think you're the second coming of Bob Hope, but I don't think your comments are the least bit funny. Just dumb.

bob hope?


:lol: Well, I wanted to refer to a comedian that had passed on. You know, second coming and all that.

you just want to be a asshat about it.... Thats all of it in a nutshell. Thats OK to say is'nt it? I dont want to offend turtles are anYthing. Oh SNAP.... do turtles represent some racial group or something? :eek:

Get bent you suck up.

explains why you think bob hope was funny

He was known to be a successful, funny comedian. I didn't say that I liked him. Good Lord.
Is it just me or are we not talking politics any more, just personal feuds?

Ever hear of the Hatfields and the McCoys feud?


What, was this book banned in whatever shithole Muslim country you and your family from? I guess I shouldn't expect any better from faux Americans like yourself, but the fact is most real Americans, particularly southerners have heard of this book and understand the reference.

Why is it that dark skinned people have this engrained sense of victimhood? Why do they view every criticism of one of there own or any reference to a dark color in a derogatory sense as an attack on their race? This is about as stupid as the Dallas City council member calling a fellow councilman racist for discussing a "black hole of debt".
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Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Again, he wasn't referring to Obama as a person. He was referring to Obama's policies. Context. It's inconvenient but it is what it is.... and it is not what it is not.... and it is not racist.

Still struggling with something so simple as the pronoun 'him' huh?

But you're a critical thinking, intellectual powerhouse. :lol:

now i don't even want to be associated with 'em, them there policies of that tarbaby.
That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

I really don't need a comedian 'splaining shit to me. You might. But I'm a grown up.

I was raised not to use the 'n' word and I don't use it. Nor would I refer to anyone - black, white or sky blue - as a 'porch monkey', 'jungle bunny', 'spear chucker' or any other phrase that references that person's skin color. Because that is racist and I am not a racist. However, referring to supporting Obama's policies as a 'tar baby' is not referring to his skin color. Therefore, it was not racist.

Again, this is faux racism - and that, to me, is as distasteful as actual racism. It is time that we stopped lying about people in order to score political points. Because that is the grown up way to behave. The reason why I call people 'moron' or 'idiot' or 'dumbass' etc on this forum is that many people seem incapable of acting their age instead of their shoe size.
When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

You're absolutely right of course. Unfortunately this is simply just too nuanced for CG's simple mind.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

She will never get it. She lives in her own isolated world where she looks down on everyone else

You do realize that it is more than a fraction moronic to make shit up about people just to score points, right?

I get the fact that some people struggle with logic, it's a lack of critical thinking. I get that about you. You are probably capable of critical thought - you just prefer not to practice it. But I do.... that is what makes us different. I question, you accept.
Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Again, he wasn't referring to Obama as a person. He was referring to Obama's policies. Context. It's inconvenient but it is what it is.... and it is not what it is not.... and it is not racist.

Still struggling with something so simple as the pronoun 'him' huh?

But you're a critical thinking, intellectual powerhouse. :lol:

Actually, it is. Critical thought requires taking all the information available into consideration. Not one sentence, but the whole comment. That is why I see things somewhat differently to many others on occasion. Because I consider the whole instead of the parts. So, yea, basically.... compared to quite a few others in this thread - I am an intellectual powerhouse.... that's not saying much.... since a fucking houseplant is smarter than most of the thought process in this thread.

I dislike faux racism. And this is faux racism. Faux racism is dangerous.
So when Charlie calls rightwingers monkeys you all get mad as shat, Obama gets called tarbaby and California Racist Girl thinks its ok. Only in rightwing-America.
So when Charlie calls rightwingers monkeys you all get mad as shat, Obama gets called tarbaby and California Racist Girl thinks its ok. Only in rightwing-America.

:lol::lol::lol: You mad.

Not as mad as you and your neg rep my sweet little racist girl, your taxes pay my monthly salary, now that has to piss you off. racists trying to save their faces.

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