Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment

You just think you are God Almighty, don't you???

I told you that you have no right to dictate to others what is considered racist and what is not. Especially if blacks tell you a certain term offends them!! When anybody is offended you cannot tell them how to feel. The thing to do is to respect their feelings and not use the offending term again. Not try to prove that they are wrong for being offended. Why don't you get that??

You keep bragging about how smart you are, but you sure don't exhibit it here.

No, I don't think I'm God Almighty. I just know that I'm smarter than you.... but, to be fair, a fucking rock is smarter than you.

And, as for exhibiting 'smart'.... you really shouldn't bitch about others, you ignorant bitch.

Hit a nerve, did I?? Listen, you miserable bitch, on my worst day I am smarter than you are on your best day.

I rather doubt that.
No, I don't think I'm God Almighty. I just know that I'm smarter than you.... but, to be fair, a fucking rock is smarter than you.

And, as for exhibiting 'smart'.... you really shouldn't bitch about others, you ignorant bitch.

Hit a nerve, did I?? Listen, you miserable bitch, on my worst day I am smarter than you are on your best day.

I rather doubt that.

Quoting Judge Judy just confirms that she's a couch potato. :lol:

She mad. :eek:
And yet, it is totally appropriate (apparently) to accuse people of being 'terrorists' just because they happen to hold a different political view. That's offensive.... it's the hypocrisy of the left that entertains me. Get all butt hurt over one insult, and carry on insulting other people.

Fuck that.

Just for context...

Do you and your friends often refer to tar baby when you talk about a situation that gets worse the more you fight it?

No. In fact, I don't think I have ever used the term.

Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man
Just for context...

Do you and your friends often refer to tar baby when you talk about a situation that gets worse the more you fight it?

No. In fact, I don't think I have ever used the term.

Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Again, he wasn't referring to Obama as a person. He was referring to Obama's policies. Context. It's inconvenient but it is what it is.... and it is not what it is not.... and it is not racist.
I have all the information I require to make an honest judgement.... honest being the key word. In context - and by context I mean his whole comment, not one fucking sentence - he was clearly talking about Obama's policies. That is not calling Obama a tar baby. And the phrase is about the stickiness of tar, not the color of tar. I don't care how many idiots claim something is racist when it is not.... claiming something is racist does not make it racist.

Two people on this thread have called me a racist. Does that make me a racist? No. It makes them fucking morons who use race as weapon - that makes them racists, but it has no impact on me.

OK....let's make it simple for you

You do not use a black person and "tar baby" in the same sentence...regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "watermelon" in the same sentence....regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "n*gger" in the same sentence...regardless of context

I guess you would be right, however blacks do it all the time with each other.

So i guess using the "verboten words" is only racist when a white person uses them.

That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?
OK....let's make it simple for you

You do not use a black person and "tar baby" in the same sentence...regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "watermelon" in the same sentence....regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "n*gger" in the same sentence...regardless of context

I guess you would be right, however blacks do it all the time with each other.

So i guess using the "verboten words" is only racist when a white person uses them.

That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

So that makes it OK....?

What a typical liberal response :doubt:
OK....let's make it simple for you

You do not use a black person and "tar baby" in the same sentence...regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "watermelon" in the same sentence....regardless of context

You do not use a black person and "n*gger" in the same sentence...regardless of context

I guess you would be right, however blacks do it all the time with each other.

So i guess using the "verboten words" is only racist when a white person uses them.

That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

I guess you would be right, however blacks do it all the time with each other.

So i guess using the "verboten words" is only racist when a white person uses them.
That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean
Could you please fuck off responding on my behalf. I appreciate that the left think they have the right to decide what other people will or will not say, but you don't. So fuck off... mmmk, fatty?

Well, that's what you do, isn't it??? And if you don't like my posts, don't read them. Or there is something else you can do. Have them deleted!!! You're good at that!!! You can dish it out, but you sure cannot take it.

you just want to be a asshat about it.... Thats all of it in a nutshell. Thats OK to say is'nt it? I dont want to offend turtles are anYthing. Oh SNAP.... do turtles represent some racial group or something? :eek:

Get bent you suck up.
No, I don't think I'm God Almighty. I just know that I'm smarter than you.... but, to be fair, a fucking rock is smarter than you.

And, as for exhibiting 'smart'.... you really shouldn't bitch about others, you ignorant bitch.

Hit a nerve, did I?? Listen, you miserable bitch, on my worst day I am smarter than you are on your best day.

Don't flatter yourself, fat ass. And quoting Judge Judy is not exactly making you look smart. It tells me you sit around watching waaaay too much day time tv.


Judge Judy??? WTF??? I don't watch her. I'm too busy during the week to watch tv. The fact that you can quote her means you must watch her yourself, you ignorant hypocrite!!!
I have heard that expression from a family member many times since I was a kid and I like it.

I'll bet you call me fat because it's really YOU that's fat. I'll bet you sit around all day eating and watching all of the stupid daytime shows. Well, finally the truth comes out. You cow!!! Start taking walks instead of watching Judge Judy. And don't try to sue the city for building the sidewalk so close to your ass.
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No. In fact, I don't think I have ever used the term.

Strange...I don't ever recall using it either.

The term "tar baby" and the fable have been considered inappropriate for decades. Only the ridiculously out of touch would still use it. Especially when referring to a black man

Again, he wasn't referring to Obama as a person. He was referring to Obama's policies. Context. It's inconvenient but it is what it is.... and it is not what it is not.... and it is not racist.

Still struggling with something so simple as the pronoun 'him' huh?

But you're a critical thinking, intellectual powerhouse. :lol:
Could you please fuck off responding on my behalf. I appreciate that the left think they have the right to decide what other people will or will not say, but you don't. So fuck off... mmmk, fatty?

Well, that's what you do, isn't it??? And if you don't like my posts, don't read them. Or there is something else you can do. Have them deleted!!! You're good at that!!! You can dish it out, but you sure cannot take it.

You mad, huh? The over use of !!!s always shows that someone is losing their ability to respond rationally. :lol::lol: Why would I have your posts deleted? They're funny.

Because I have your number and you don't like it. Like telling you that anybody that didn't get stuck being married to you really dodged a bullet. What a friggin' shrew you would be.
That's about it. Blacks are allowed to say it to each other......whites are not

Simple isn't it?

I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

You're absolutely right of course. Unfortunately this is simply just too nuanced for CG's simple mind.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
No, I don't think I'm God Almighty. I just know that I'm smarter than you.... but, to be fair, a fucking rock is smarter than you.

And, as for exhibiting 'smart'.... you really shouldn't bitch about others, you ignorant bitch.

Hit a nerve, did I?? Listen, you miserable bitch, on my worst day I am smarter than you are on your best day.

I rather doubt that.

Why would I care what you think???
Oh, shut up, stupid. I highly doubt it. You are so impressed with yourself, but I think that was stupid and not the least bit witty. I can see why Zander liked it. Another fool.

I don't doubt it. He had nothing to say and was so embarrassed that he had to put me on ignore.

The fact that you have no sense of humor is no surprise either. It actually takes intelligence to enjoy wit.

I have a great sense of humor. I know you think you're the second coming of Bob Hope, but I don't think your comments are the least bit funny. Just dumb.

bob hope?

Well, that's what you do, isn't it??? And if you don't like my posts, don't read them. Or there is something else you can do. Have them deleted!!! You're good at that!!! You can dish it out, but you sure cannot take it.

you just want to be a asshat about it.... Thats all of it in a nutshell. Thats OK to say is'nt it? I dont want to offend turtles are anYthing. Oh SNAP.... do turtles represent some racial group or something? :eek:

Get bent you suck up.

explains why you think bob hope was funny
I don't accept that. Either it is ok for everyone or it is not ok for anyone. Anything else is racist.

When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

You're absolutely right of course. Unfortunately this is simply just too nuanced for CG's simple mind.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

She will never get it. She lives in her own isolated world where she looks down on everyone else
When you deal with children you tell them there are good words and there are bad words. It makes it simple for them.
With adults, things are different. You are expected to understand when certain words are acceptable and when they are not.

Chris Rock explained it best..

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does's just plain mean

Two poor people can joke about how little money they have, if a rich person does's just plain mean

Two black people can call each other n*gger, if a white person does's just plain mean

You're absolutely right of course. Unfortunately this is simply just too nuanced for CG's simple mind.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

She will never get it. She lives in her own isolated world where she looks down on everyone else

Well, that's the end result of toxic. Isolation.

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