Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s amazing Speech on the house floor


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”

Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
The big story today is Bolton inquiring of the military plans for a strike on Iran. How dare he! :auiqs.jpg:

I wonder if he also inquired about a strike on the Democrats? That would be much more useful, seeing as the Democrats are right here and doing more damage than the Iranians ever could.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
I’d rather spend $5 billion on their healthcare and education
Wow another angry racist left wing bigot Democrat.
Let's be honest, the Democratic Party's wants mass illegal immigration because they regard educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
No free people ever cucked and begged concentrated wealth and power to wall in their descendants.
Wow another angry racist left wing bigot Democrat.
Let's be honest, the Democratic Party's wants mass illegal immigration because they regard educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

We all enjoyed cheaper prices at the checkout counter as we avoided paying prices that would have provided more jobs for americans and we all participated in having "illegals" here. While your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class has always made sure they were here so that they wouldn't have to hire you.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


So Dims officially stand with illegals over American citizens as well as the President.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
I’d rather spend $5 billion on their healthcare and education

We agree, build the wall, deport 15 million illegals and spend the savings on the healthcare and education of American citizens.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
No free people ever cucked and begged concentrated wealth and power to wall in their descendants.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


So Dims officially stand with illegals over American citizens as well as the President.

No human being is "illegal" simply for existing on the planet in some entitled american snowflake's space and time. That's that euro conqueror mentality.
Cliff note version:

Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
No free people ever cucked and begged concentrated wealth and power to wall in their descendants.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

Here's a cucked one that does though.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


So Dims officially stand with illegals over American citizens as well as the President.

No human being is "illegal" simply for existing on the planet in some entitled american snowflake's space and time. That's that euro conqueror mentality.

Committing an act which is against the law makes one a criminal/illegal. That's why illegal aliens are criminals. You can play semantic games to your inadequate heart's content, but the distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones is based on the specific behaviors of the individuals. Nobody is claiming that illegal aliens are invalid human beings.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


So Dims officially stand with illegals over American citizens as well as the President.

No human being is "illegal" simply for existing on the planet in some entitled american snowflake's space and time. That's that euro conqueror mentality.

Committing an act which is against the law makes one a criminal/illegal. That's why illegal aliens are criminals. You can play semantic games to your inadequate heart's content, but the distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones is based on the specific behaviors of the individuals. Nobody is claiming that illegal aliens are invalid human beings.

Some of us recall how euros came by this land mass, your entire perceptual reality is founded upon semantics love.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


So Dims officially stand with illegals over American citizens as well as the President.

No human being is "illegal" simply for existing on the planet in some entitled american snowflake's space and time. That's that euro conqueror mentality.

No human being is "illegal" simply for existing on the planet in some entitled american snowflake's space and time.

Exactly. But illegal aliens still need to be returned to their home country.
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

When will you rise and support funding for the wall?

Do it for the chillins!
No free people ever cucked and begged concentrated wealth and power to wall in their descendants.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

Here's a cucked one that does though.

Da, tovarisch!
Congresswoman amazing Ayanna Pressley’s speech on the floor of the House:

“Madam Speaker,

I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.

Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.

This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.

So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.

I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.

I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.

I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.

Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.

Thank you and I yield back.”


So Dims officially stand with illegals over American citizens as well as the President.

No human being is "illegal" simply for existing on the planet in some entitled american snowflake's space and time. That's that euro conqueror mentality.

Committing an act which is against the law makes one a criminal/illegal. That's why illegal aliens are criminals. You can play semantic games to your inadequate heart's content, but the distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones is based on the specific behaviors of the individuals. Nobody is claiming that illegal aliens are invalid human beings.

Some of us recall how euros came by this land mass, your entire perceptual reality is founded upon semantics love.

And some of recall history in its actual context. But thanks for playing!

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