Rep. Cheney says it is 'it is absolutely clear that what President Trump was doing ... was unlawful'

why do you like to lie?

from the Declaration of Independence says.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Can't ever be a coup or insurrection.
The Constitution establishes voting as the means by which we choose leaders. It is not the “divine right of kings.” It is not the man who whines the loudest. It is not the businessman who feels he wants to be king. It is the will of the people, and the will of the people chose Joseph Biden, both in the popular vote and in the Electoral College.

Insurrection is illegal. It is not Constitutional. It is not necessary, because we change our government by voting, and anyone who says differently does not deserve to hold office in this great land. We must wisely shun these efforts at insurrection and Republicans would be wise to abandon their support of Donald Trump and look for a leader who sustains the Constitution of the United States of America to represent them.
There was no attempt to overthrow the government. Only an attempt to have some very suspicious election results reviewed.

Only a moron would write such a thing.

Bullshit. Their goal was to "stop the steal," i.e., prevent Biden's electoral victory from being certified by Congress. That's an attempt to overthrow the government. At the same time, Trump was trying to get Pence to reject Biden electors in order to also prevent Biden from becoming president. That too was an attempt to overthrow the government.
I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. It’s not too late to change your perspective though and turn things around. I’m happy to help if you’d like. Start by simply loving your country and those within it.
says the china person
Nope. I meant pandemic. Wars are between other countries and America is not bankrupt. You should do better at getting your facts straight
thats right, unless exact words are used, you would be to stupid to understand, and comprehend....that shows, since you added your stupid idea into what was actually meant....only the SCUM can do that--and that includes you
btw, SCAMDEMIC---sadly, you have no brain to think for yourself, and parrot what the SCUM demonRATS spew---how pathetic
translation: Trump lost but I am too weak to accept and admit he lost.
America lost with INFLATION crooked senile Biden in......

The rest of the world lost with War causing bribe taking Biden in.....

Lots of people have died because of that POS already, more are about to. INflation from Bidens spend to funnel money into his and his puppet masters pockets will make many more wish they were already dead.

Only assholes support Biden being in at all in any shape way or form.
thats right, unless exact words are used, you would be to stupid to understand, and comprehend....that shows, since you added your stupid idea into what was actually meant....only the SCUM can do that--and that includes you
btw, SCAMDEMIC---sadly, you have no brain to think for yourself, and parrot what the SCUM demonRATS spew---how pathetic
Ha ha, says the guy using all the hyperbolic Partisan buzzwords :)
Your posts reek of brainless drone. That’s why you are so quick to name call and jump to insults instead of actually trying to debate the topics.
I said they committed insurrection, I didn't say they were charged with it. But they were charged with seditious conspiracy.
only a few of them were. That only happened because people kept asking how the riot was an insurrection if no one was charged with it. Then the obedient stooge Garland dutifully charged someone with conspiracy. That still doesn't make it an insurrection. I can be part of a conspiracy to throw a surprise party. No one has ever been successfully charged with sedition of any kind.
only a few of them were. That only happened because people kept asking how the riot was an insurrection if no one was charged with it. Then the obedient stooge Garland dutifully charged someone with conspiracy. That still doesn't make it an insurrection. I can be part of a conspiracy to throw a surprise party. No one has ever been successfully charged with sedition of any kind.

Its official, Trump tried to illegally overturn the 2020 election, and people around him knowingly commited crimes

Trumpers are manufacturing their excuses as we speak.

No one cares what Miss Piggy has to say.
She’s a liar and a con artist, her career is done. She’s just auditioning for her next role as the GOP “CNN contributor” who has TDS.
I said they committed insurrection, I didn't say they were charged with it. But they were charged with seditious conspiracy.

And the FBI said no organized effort, which an insurrection would need.
There was no attempt to overthrow the government. Only an attempt to have some very suspicious election results reviewed.
A simple request for audits where things looked very odd. Of course Democrats opposed those audits.

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