Rep. Hanna (R) will vote for Clinton

You're serious. Are you serious?
No, I'm Batman.

Donald Trump calls for complete ban on Muslims entering the US – video

You're either very very stupid, or very very intellectually dishonest.
".......until our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

Big damn difference when you leave out half the remark. The video and you are very disingenuous. And please don't identify me with Democrat stupidity and dishonesty.

What, precisely, is the difference? Discrimination on the basis of religious belief is unconstitutional, whether it's temporary or permanent. Did you pass 6th grade civics?

Where does it say we have to take refugees in? The Constitution applies to citizens.

Surely you jest....
Republican Rep. Richard Hanna will vote for Clinton

"Our response to the public's anger and the need to rebuild requires complex solutions, experience, knowledge and balance. Not bumper sticker slogans that pander to our disappointment, fear and hate."

Quite an indictment of Trump and those who support him.

Is that like saying "hope and change". That was the entire political platform of the Obama administration. It was three fucking words that only had one meaning to those who support him and we all know what that was.
The dominoes are starting to fall hard and fast.

The pocket Constitution that Khizr Khan held up to offer up for trump to borrow has become the #2 best seller on book lists in the country, just short of the new Harry Potter book. A Muslim defending the Constitution has sent it's sales sky-rocketing.

People are certainly talking about this but this is one of those things that will appear in history books in the future. You have to marvel at how the universe aligns itself now and then to produce a moment like this. trump calls for the ban of all Muslims entering the country and a Muslim and his family are front and center not only defending the nation and the Constitution but garnering the support of Gold Star families as this woman still grieves for her son who gave his life in defense of the country and the Constitution.

I wonder what part of Kahn's pocket Constitution guarantees rights to non-citizens?

Red Herring, go start a thread on this if you like or flame on in one of the hundreds already started, otherwise stick to the OP.
Red Herring, go start a thread on this if you like or flame on in one of the hundreds already started, otherwise stick to the OP.

Foolish response, I was commenting on your post in context to what you were expressing. If it doesn't meet your personal standards in reference to the OP, then you shouldn't have posted what you did. If Republicans are bailing on Nominee Donald Trump because of how he handled the Kahn statements, then where Kahn gets the idea that foreign nationals are covered in the Constitution is relevant to the OP.
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Red Herring, go start a thread on this if you like or flame on in one of the hundreds already started, otherwise stick to the OP.

Foolish response, I was commenting on your post in context to what you were expressing. If it doesn't meet your personal standards in reference to the OP, then you shouldn't have posted what you did. If Republicans are bailing on Nominee Donald Trump because of how he handled the Kahn statements, then where Kahn gets the idea that foreign nationals are covered in the Constitution is relevant to the OP.

Uhh, just because bizarro unreality 'seems' real in your head, it doesn't out here in the actual reality. Con-media has taught it's sheep well, 'toss everything into a pot and stir it up, that way nothing is discernible from anything else and you can argue about anything at any time'.

You are looking for the Romper Room forum.
Uhh, just because bizarro unreality 'seems' real in your head, it doesn't out here in the actual reality. Con-media has taught it's sheep well, 'toss everything into a pot and stir it up, that way nothing is discernible from anything else and you can argue about anything at any time'.

You are looking for the Romper Room forum.

And this refers to the idea Republicans like Hanna are not supporting Nominee Trump how?
Uhh, just because bizarro unreality 'seems' real in your head, it doesn't out here in the actual reality. Con-media has taught it's sheep well, 'toss everything into a pot and stir it up, that way nothing is discernible from anything else and you can argue about anything at any time'.

You are looking for the Romper Room forum.

And this refers to the idea Republicans like Hanna are not supporting Nominee Trump how?

It is not an idea. Hanna said it out loud. And he said he will be voting for Hillary Clinton. And he didn't tell a woman to "get that baby out of here".

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