Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Firey Bannon Contempt Hearing

if they were there AND beat the shit outa 140 cops, who were injured by stabbing, crushed disks, a lost eye, TAZED INTO A HEART ATTACK,,,

then why not that? you don't think mob mentality wouldn't have gone that far?

you stupid.
Nonsense. You are seriously stupid. 👍

“They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:”​

Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Fiery Bannon Contempt Hearing​

21 Oct 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
On Wednesday, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Matt Gaetz (FL) joined a hearing at the House Committee on Rules to argue against a resolution by Pelosi’s sham Jan. 6 committee that would hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena.
The committee wants Steve Bannon to appear so they can harass him for his supposed role in the Left’s crazed “insurrection” fantasy. Meanwhile, the hack committee refuses to acknowledge – let alone investigate – Pelosi’s role in preventing National Guard to protect the US Capitol that day or how 4 Trump supporters died that day — including two women who were killed by Capitol police.
The entire “investigation” is a joke, and Rep. Jordan did his best to point that out to the American public when he got his chance to speak today.

He did not hold back during his testimony, calling the partisan investigation a “complete assault on American’s liberty” that is “scary” because of where Democrats have already proven they are willing to go against their political opponents.
To put the cherry on top, Jordan even cites Reuters reporting on the FBI’s investigation into January 6th that had found “scant evidence of ANY TYPE of coordination” and that any “violence was NOT centrally coordinated.”
What they are investigating then?

Just yesterday, the Jan. 6 Witch Hunt, including dirtbag Liz Cheney and crybaby Adam Kinzinger, voted unanimously to hold the former Trump Chief Strategist in criminal contempt for refusing to join in their political theater.

The question is will the rules committee that is run and controlled by the democrats actually do something to stop the illegal activity against our constitutional rights and protections that the Jan 6 committee is engaged in? I think not because in truth both the democrats and the Rinos really want to dismantle the constitution as written.
I agree with Congressman Jordan, the FBI hasn’t investigated January 6th riot, they orchestrated January 6th.
IMHO, This administration is completely out of hand and is seeking to create a dictatorship.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are the problem in the US today! It's time to rid our country of all domestic terrorist hate groups like ACA, ANTIFA, BLM, BLACK PANTHERS, illegal aliens, KKK, LSCD, MUSLIMS, NAACP, OSF and CPUSA just to name a few, all of which were financed by George Soros and created and funded by the PM/DSA .
The illegitimacy of this administration is the key point. It's performance is the secondary issue.

Oh, man. Thanks for bringing this up! Gym Jordan the peophile enabler, is going to be one of the guys the Jan 6th committee is going to be nailing!!!

I hear the 1/6 committee has engaged Steven Spielberg to produce the film. It's going to be a barn-burner!
You are attempting to shout down the opposition in something that clearly isn't a debate anymore. January 6th did happen and trump caused it all. Without him it never would have happened.

The 1/6 incident did happen. So far, so good. Beyond that you immediately run your stupid ass off the road for no reason except that you are an utter dope. The 1/6 incident that did happen was emphatically not an insurrection no matter how long you hold your breath and stomp you widdle footsies.
I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are, I just prefer to stick with the facts. And you are the one who's acting like a troll.
You don’t prefer to stick with facts. You obviously prefer to stick with fiction. You willingly lap up bullshit and then enjoy it so much you ask for seconds. And you aren’t acting. You are the troll. And you’re an imbecile. And, of course, you’re fucking dishonest. Other than that, good post. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Jordan is just another one of Trump's asseaters in Congress who will lie thru his teeth to cover his own ass.

Without Trump nobody would know whether or not Jordan had a pulse & nobody would give a shit anyway.
are you saying none of that happened?
I have previously acknowledged that some crimes did occur. But you, for example, have nothing but guess work to “support” your claim as to one office later died of a heart attack.

So starting the discussion off with sweeping over-generalizations and guesswork doesn’t make the discussion useful. And your claims are devoid of any connection to anything worthy of discussion anyway. Yeah. Some people did engage in conduct like trespass (although some got invited in), like vandalism and like assaults. I have no problem condemning that behavior.

And? What about those relatively few people have anything to do with the “point” you were attempting to make? Nobody knows because …

you stupid! 😎
jim homnahominahomina jordan is scared. & rightfully so....
He's not scared - he's pointing out how much of a criminal scam - like Pelosi's 2 failed criminal Impeachments - is.

Democrats are waging this war against American conservatives and Republicans in an attempt to distract from Joe Biden's historic failed Presidency and Democrats failed control of Congress.

Democrats have literally done nothing except hurt Americans, criminally threaten and incite intimidation of and violence against USSC Justices, and continue their criminal crusades with another 'closed door' bogus with hunt conducted in secrecy, hidden from the American people.

Criminals, failures, and wasters of tax dollars - that is all they have proven to be.

If the 6 Jan Commission was even the slightest bit legitimate Nancy Pelosi would have been the 1st to testify under oath before the commission, and this entire seditious circus would have been completely open for all Americans to see.
I have previously acknowledged that some crimes did occur.


But you, for example, have nothing but guess work to “support” your claim as to one office later died of a heart attack.

i never said anybody died of a hear arrack. i said a cop was TAZED into one. thankfully he survived. his name is michael fanone.

So starting the discussion off with sweeping over-generalizations and guesswork doesn’t make the discussion useful

no guesswork.


More Than 140 Officers Injured In Capitol Riot, Chiefs Testify

Liz Carey​

“I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained brain injuries. One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs. One officer is going to lose his eye, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake,” Papathanasiou said, according to NPR.
More Than 140 Officers Injured In Capitol Riot, Chiefs Testify | WCI Annual Conference

. And your claims are devoid of any connection to anything worthy of discussion anyway.

lol - it's crystal clear exactly why you say that = 'cause you can't refudiate any of it.

Yeah. Some people did engage in conduct like trespass (although some got invited in), like vandalism and like assaults. I have no problem condemning that behavior.

how magnanimous.

And? What about those relatively few people have anything to do with the “point” you were attempting to make? Nobody knows because …

you stupid! 😎

jim jordan not only defended the chosen one for getting all that to happen - he participated in helping get it off the ground. he knows the truth is coming....



🙄 About 750 alleged offenders. Some committed multiple crimes. Not exactly “multitudes”
i never said anybody died of a hear arrack. i said a cop was TAZED into one. thankfully he survived. his name is michael fanone.

And maybe he did have a heart attack. And maybe it was due to being tazed. And certainly he shouldn’t have been taxed.
no guesswork.

Not from you.

More Than 140 Officers Injured In Capitol Riot, Chiefs Testify

Liz Carey​

“I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained brain injuries. One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs. One officer is going to lose his eye, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake,” Papathanasiou said, according to NPR.
More Than 140 Officers Injured In Capitol Riot, Chiefs Testify | WCI Annual Conference
I doubt that. But even if the testimony isn’t at all exaggerated, your point remains ephemeral. Bad things happen when some people commit crimes. I suspect that even many liberals can grasp that much.
lol - it's crystal clear exactly why you say that = 'cause you can't refudiate any of it.
Did you know that nobody can “refudiate”anything? It’s the truth. Mainly because there is no such word. I’m guessing you meant repudiate or refute. You don’t offer facts so much, so there’s not much to refute. Hint: you saying some shit doesn’t require refutation. Opinions are like assholes. We all have them and yours stinks. 👍

how magnanimous.
It’s my nature. I’m a conservative.
jim jordan not only defended the chosen one for getting all that to happen - he participated in helping get it off the ground. he knows the truth is coming....



Sounds like you’re snoring. After reading your posting effort, lots of people are now snoring. When you have nothing to say, you tend to use a lot of words to do so. 😎

“They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:”​

Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Fiery Bannon Contempt Hearing​

21 Oct 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
On Wednesday, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Matt Gaetz (FL) joined a hearing at the House Committee on Rules to argue against a resolution by Pelosi’s sham Jan. 6 committee that would hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena.
The committee wants Steve Bannon to appear so they can harass him for his supposed role in the Left’s crazed “insurrection” fantasy. Meanwhile, the hack committee refuses to acknowledge – let alone investigate – Pelosi’s role in preventing National Guard to protect the US Capitol that day or how 4 Trump supporters died that day — including two women who were killed by Capitol police.
The entire “investigation” is a joke, and Rep. Jordan did his best to point that out to the American public when he got his chance to speak today.

He did not hold back during his testimony, calling the partisan investigation a “complete assault on American’s liberty” that is “scary” because of where Democrats have already proven they are willing to go against their political opponents.
To put the cherry on top, Jordan even cites Reuters reporting on the FBI’s investigation into January 6th that had found “scant evidence of ANY TYPE of coordination” and that any “violence was NOT centrally coordinated.”
What they are investigating then?

Just yesterday, the Jan. 6 Witch Hunt, including dirtbag Liz Cheney and crybaby Adam Kinzinger, voted unanimously to hold the former Trump Chief Strategist in criminal contempt for refusing to join in their political theater.

The question is will the rules committee that is run and controlled by the democrats actually do something to stop the illegal activity against our constitutional rights and protections that the Jan 6 committee is engaged in? I think not because in truth both the democrats and the Rinos really want to dismantle the constitution as written.
I agree with Congressman Jordan, the FBI hasn’t investigated January 6th riot, they orchestrated January 6th.
IMHO, This administration is completely out of hand and is seeking to create a dictatorship.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are the problem in the US today! It's time to rid our country of all domestic terrorist hate groups like ACA, ANTIFA, BLM, BLACK PANTHERS, illegal aliens, KKK, LSCD, MUSLIMS, NAACP, OSF and CPUSA just to name a few, all of which were financed by George Soros and created and funded by the PM/DSA .
The illegitimacy of this administration is the key point. It's performance is the secondary issue.

Masks? Seriously? Are these morons ever going to start acting like adults again?

i never said anybody died of a hear arrack. i said a cop was TAZED into one. thankfully he survived. his name is michael fanone.

no guesswork.


More Than 140 Officers Injured In Capitol Riot, Chiefs Testify

Liz Carey​

“I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained brain injuries. One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs. One officer is going to lose his eye, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake,” Papathanasiou said, according to NPR.
More Than 140 Officers Injured In Capitol Riot, Chiefs Testify | WCI Annual Conference

lol - it's crystal clear exactly why you say that = 'cause you can't refudiate any of it.

how magnanimous.

jim jordan not only defended the chosen one for getting all that to happen - he participated in helping get it off the ground. he knows the truth is coming....



"Multitudes"? How many people have been charged? How many convicted?

Nearly all of them were charged with nothing more than trespassing and even that is questionable since at some point the doors were thrown open and the Capitol Police just waved them in.

that's what i said, jr.

How many people have been charged?

Capitol Breach Cases​

Below is a list of defendants charged in federal court in the District of Columbia related to crimes committed at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021.

Every case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Following arrests, or surrender, defendants must appear before district court magistrate/judge where the arrest takes place, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

How many convicted?

multitudes. some pleaded guilty right away & got fines/probation/a few months - perhaps all depending on what they were charged with.

others are still pending trial - there have been 800+ arrests. some really egregious assholes belonging to the proudboys & oathkeepers para military domestic terrorist clubs are just now having their day in court & so far EVERYONE has been FOUND GUILTY on all charges, including seditious conspiracy; which can carry up to 20 years. they are awaiting sentencing.


Nearly all of them were charged with nothing more than trespassing

the low hanging fruit pretty much have been dealt with like i said.

and even that is questionable since at some point the doors were thrown open and the Capitol Police just waved them in.

uhhhhh .... no. it is not questionable since the cops who actually DID wave them in, had no authority to do so & by doing that - participated in a crime, however petty & small it was compared to some of the more serious ones committed that day. there were several active duty cops that traveled there along with active military beating the capital police & metro cops that were there trying to defend the capital from being breached.
that's what i said, jr.

Capitol Breach Cases​

Below is a list of defendants charged in federal court in the District of Columbia related to crimes committed at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021.

Every case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Following arrests, or surrender, defendants must appear before district court magistrate/judge where the arrest takes place, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

multitudes. some pleaded guilty right away & got fines/probation/a few months - perhaps all depending on what they were charged with.

others are still pending trial - there have been 800+ arrests. some really egregious assholes belonging to the proudboys & oathkeepers para military domestic terrorist clubs are just now having their day in court & so far EVERYONE has been FOUND GUILTY on all charges, including seditious conspiracy; which can carry up to 20 years. they are awaiting sentencing.


the low hanging fruit pretty much have been dealt with like i said.

uhhhhh .... no. it is not questionable since the cops who actually DID wave them in, had no authority to do so & by doing that - participated in a crime, however petty & small it was compared to some of the more serious ones committed that day. there were several active duty cops that traveled there along with active military beating the capital police & metro cops that were there trying to defend the capital from being breached.
There have only been about 300 convictions so far, most of them for nothing worse than trespassing.

The cops waving them in were Capitol Police and that's who controls access through the doors.

Out of a crowd of around 100,000 people in attendance that day it's not even a rounding error.

There were a handful of truly bad actors that day and that's it.

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