Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Firey Bannon Contempt Hearing

There have only been about 300 convictions so far, most of them for nothing worse than trespassing.

most have been dealt with. like i said. that doesn't negate the ones that were more serious terrorists - hunting congress critters down ... causing at least 140 capital police & metro cops to be injured ... some seriously enough to need surgery. several suffer from PTSD & a few committed suicide because of what they went thru. & those people need to be held responsible. there were cops who supported the ones storming the capital, waving them in - to stop a constitutionally mandated government function.

The cops waving them in were Capitol Police and that's who controls access through the doors.

because they are trump humping MAGATs. more were injured because their traitorous brethren helped facilitate it.

Out of a crowd of around 100,000 people in attendance that day it's not even a rounding error.


There were a handful of truly bad actors that day and that's it.

'bad actors' ... what you should call them if you wanna be real - is DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.

that 'handful' woulda ripped pence & any congress person to shreds if they found 'em. what would you think woulda happened to nancy pelosi , or say AOC had they been cornered?
that 'handful' woulda ripped pence & any congress person to shreds if they found 'em. what would you think woulda happened to nancy pelosi , or say AOC had they been cornered?
More unsupportable fabricated BS. You have no damned clue what they'd have done if they'd managed to penetrate the chamber.
Unsupported BS.

i always can back up what i say.

New documents reveal concern among Capitol Police officers about others in the force after January 6
By Jessica Schneider, CNN

Updated 1:57 PM ET, Fri September 17, 2021
(CNN)A high-ranking Capitol Police officer, who was also a vocal Donald Trump supporter, told those under his command not to wear riot gear on January 6, according to internal documents reviewed by CNN that detail allegations submitted to an officer tip line.
In this case, an unidentified Capitol Police lieutenant emailed the tip line to say the supervising officer in question "may have assisted the insurrection attempts through passive action."
The lieutenant said the officer had "been rather vocal in the past about his support for Trump, but little was thought of it until the ... examples I observed."

January 6 vs. September 18: How law enforcement hopes to prevent another riot
Specifically, the lieutenant detailed how other squads wore Civil Disturbance Unit "hard gear," but the officer at the center of the complaint told his squad not to wear theirs. The lieutenant believed the decision "resulted in one or more officers being sent to the hospital."
The tipster also described the high-ranking officer leaning against a wall, taking no action, as other officers tried to hold back the mob.
It's unclear what investigators concluded in the case or if any disciplinary action was recommended. This spring, the Capitol Police inspector general told Congress that an order to hold back heavy riot-control weapons left the department at a grave disadvantage fighting the mob.
These previously unreported documents showcase how Capitol Police officers flooded the department's Office of Professional Responsibility following January 6 with concerns about the conduct of fellow officers before and after the Capitol attack.
Other documents reviewed by CNN provide previously undisclosed details in the cases of several officers recommended for disciplinary action, including one officer who was turned in to the FBI by a long-time friend concerned that the officer had disclosed the secret location where members of Congress were whisked on January 6.
All of the documents are part of a months-long internal investigation by Capitol Police and have not been made publicly available. The officers' names and identifying information have been redacted from the documents.
New documents reveal concern among Capitol Police officers about others in the force after January 6
More unsupportable fabricated BS. You have no damned clue what they'd have done if they'd managed to penetrate the chamber.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cops were beaten mercilessly. donny had demeaned his VP bigley, & the mob mentality overtook that crowd. some MAGAT was literally hunting for pelosi & a few flying monkeys even threw their shit on the walls .... but no .... noooooooooooooo............ they wouldn't have laid a finger on any of 'em.

i always can back up what i say.
Using CNN, the most trusted name in news and sex scandals as a source?

i always can back up what i say.

New documents reveal concern among Capitol Police officers about others in the force after January 6

CNN Profiles - Jessica Schneider - Correspondent - CNN
By Jessica Schneider, CNN

Updated 1:57 PM ET, Fri September 17, 2021
(CNN)A high-ranking Capitol Police officer, who was also a vocal Donald Trump supporter, told those under his command not to wear riot gear on January 6, according to internal documents reviewed by CNN that detail allegations submitted to an officer tip line.
In this case, an unidentified Capitol Police lieutenant emailed the tip line to say the supervising officer in question "may have assisted the insurrection attempts through passive action."
The lieutenant said the officer had "been rather vocal in the past about his support for Trump, but little was thought of it until the ... examples I observed."

January 6 vs. September 18: How law enforcement hopes to prevent another riot
Specifically, the lieutenant detailed how other squads wore Civil Disturbance Unit "hard gear," but the officer at the center of the complaint told his squad not to wear theirs. The lieutenant believed the decision "resulted in one or more officers being sent to the hospital."
The tipster also described the high-ranking officer leaning against a wall, taking no action, as other officers tried to hold back the mob.
It's unclear what investigators concluded in the case or if any disciplinary action was recommended. This spring, the Capitol Police inspector general told Congress that an order to hold back heavy riot-control weapons left the department at a grave disadvantage fighting the mob.
These previously unreported documents showcase how Capitol Police officers flooded the department's Office of Professional Responsibility following January 6 with concerns about the conduct of fellow officers before and after the Capitol attack.
Other documents reviewed by CNN provide previously undisclosed details in the cases of several officers recommended for disciplinary action, including one officer who was turned in to the FBI by a long-time friend concerned that the officer had disclosed the secret location where members of Congress were whisked on January 6.
All of the documents are part of a months-long internal investigation by Capitol Police and have not been made publicly available. The officers' names and identifying information have been redacted from the documents.
New documents reveal concern among Capitol Police officers about others in the force after January 6

LOL!!!! pence's own chief of staff will be testifying that he was afraid for pence's life - so much so that he told his secret service detail that donny will publicly turn against pence during his speech.

so save it, dude ... it's all coming out.
LOL!!!! pence's own chief of staff will be testifying that he was afraid for pence's life - so much so that he told his secret service detail that donny will publicly turn against pence during his speech.

so save it, dude ... it's all coming out.
Replying to your own posts in third person?

guess it was a glitch. i responded to you

This TV spectacular has you wigging out. Give it a break. Not going to do anything more than all the previous attacks on Trump.
This TV spectacular has you wigging out. Give it a break. Not going to do anything more than all the previous attacks on Trump.

if by wigging out - you mean happy the truth & facts are finally coming out ... then you are correct. you just can't really refudiate anything, so you hafta spin it to make you feelz good. i get it.
if by wigging out - you mean happy the truth & facts are finally coming out ... then you are correct. you just can't really refudiate anything, so you hafta spin it to make you feelz good. i get it.
I've already provided many articles and documents disproving most of your dem talking points.

Look at you, you are counting on a panel made up of serial partisan Trump haters to expose the truth. My God, Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler......proven liars and you are waiting for their unvarnished truth?

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