Rep. L. Gohmert (R-Texas) VP Pence has ***Exclusive Authority*** to refuse EC Electors from Battleground States

Rep. L.Gohmert is correct, as VP, Pence has total authority to refuse electors from battleground states...

And that's exactly what he will do come January 6th.

Thank you and well done Mr.VP! :2up:
That is why Vice Presidents always get to pick who the next President is

Who needs voters??
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pence has already refused to play. They tried negotiating with him prior to filing the suit. He refused.

That's from an "anonymously sourced" article. "Negotiating" with Pence would have no legal effect at all. What that article suggested makes absolutely no sense. Only a declaratory judgment from a court would have legal force of law.
Rep. L.Gohmert is correct, as VP, Pence has total authority to refuse electors from battleground states...

And that's exactly what he will do come January 6th.

Thank you and well done Mr.VP! :2up:

And when that does not happen what will be the next thing on your list that will disappoint you?
Rep. L.Gohmert is correct, as VP, Pence has total authority to refuse electors from battleground states...

And that's exactly what he will do come January 6th.

Thank you and well done Mr.VP! :2up:
That is why Vice Presidents always get to pick who the next President is

Who needs voters??

Don't be ridiculous, please.

If some states, like Pennsylvania for example, failed to follow their own election laws, it's the duty and obligation of the VP to refuse electors from that state.

That's what the Constitution says....if some don't like it, it's too bad. :dunno:
Rep. L.Gohmert is correct, as VP, Pence has total authority to refuse electors from battleground states...

And that's exactly what he will do come January 6th.

Thank you and well done Mr.VP! :2up:
That is why Vice Presidents always get to pick who the next President is

Who needs voters??

Don't be ridiculous, please.

If some states, like Pennsylvania for example, failed to follow their own election laws, it's the duty and obligation of the VP to refuse electors from that state.

That's what the Constitution says....if some don't like it, it's too bad. :dunno:
According to your theory....who gets to decide whether the electors from Pennsylvania or any other state are valid?

Not the state, not the state court, not the Federal Courts.....but the partisan Vice President who just lost the election.

Would you have accepted it if VP Biden had rejected Trumps electors and established Hillary Clinton as President?
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pence has already refused to play. They tried negotiating with him prior to filing the suit. He refused.

That's from an "anonymously sourced" article. "Negotiating" with Pence would have no legal effect at all. What that article suggested makes absolutely no sense. Only a declaratory judgment from a court would have legal force of law.
The article I read was from Politico and the source was Gohmert's attorneys.

In a motion to expedite proceedings, Gohmert and the electors revealed that their lawyers had reached out to Pence’s counsel in the Office of the Vice President to attempt to reach agreement before going to court.

“In the teleconference, Plaintiffs' counsel made a meaningful attempt to resolve the underlying legal issues by agreement, including advising the Vice President's counsel that Plaintiffs intended to seek immediate injunctive relief in the event the parties did not agree,” according to Gohmert’s filing. “Those discussions were not successful in reaching an agreement and this lawsuit was filed.”

GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously hope this comes to fruition.
Im not aware of the history when it comes to past elections in reference to competing slates being issued.
My point is, the fear of this event setting a precedent without an amendment to the constitution, for future elections.
Last edited:
Rep. L.Gohmert is correct, as VP, Pence has total authority to refuse electors from battleground states...

And that's exactly what he will do come January 6th.

Thank you and well done Mr.VP! :2up:


the 12A grants him EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY to Stop The Steal

Than can only be done if he refuses the EC Voters from jurisdictions wherein individuals voted more than once, from out of state and/or foreigners.
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pence has already refused to play. They tried negotiating with him prior to filing the suit. He refused.

That's from an "anonymously sourced" article. "Negotiating" with Pence would have no legal effect at all. What that article suggested makes absolutely no sense. Only a declaratory judgment from a court would have legal force of law.
The article I read was from Politico and the source was Gohmert's attorneys.

In a motion to expedite proceedings, Gohmert and the electors revealed that their lawyers had reached out to Pence’s counsel in the Office of the Vice President to attempt to reach agreement before going to court.

“In the teleconference, Plaintiffs' counsel made a meaningful attempt to resolve the underlying legal issues by agreement, including advising the Vice President's counsel that Plaintiffs intended to seek immediate injunctive relief in the event the parties did not agree,” according to Gohmert’s filing. “Those discussions were not successful in reaching an agreement and this lawsuit was filed.”

We have no idea why his attorneys chose that strategy.

But VP Pence is on record stating that he will fight until ONLY LEGAL VOTES ARE COUNTED.

GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“It doesn’t matter that Gohmert has little chance of legal success. This is a deliberate attempt to expand the powers of the vice presidency into something it was never intended to be. And if it was Vice President-elect Kamala Harris rather than Pence in this position, Gohmert and every single other Republican supporting this lawsuit would be the first to raise hell.

But now, these very same congressmen, many of whom claim to defend and uphold the Constitution, are attempting to turn the federal government into their own personal banana republic. They will fail, but not before they risk bringing everyone else down with them — Trump included.”

That Gohmert and others on the right hate the Constitution comes as no surprise.
View attachment 435595
16j_l&pol699_2000.pdf (
There are no competing slates if electors. All states have certified their results and none are disputed.
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pence has already refused to play. They tried negotiating with him prior to filing the suit. He refused.

That's from an "anonymously sourced" article. "Negotiating" with Pence would have no legal effect at all. What that article suggested makes absolutely no sense. Only a declaratory judgment from a court would have legal force of law.
The article I read was from Politico and the source was Gohmert's attorneys.

In a motion to expedite proceedings, Gohmert and the electors revealed that their lawyers had reached out to Pence’s counsel in the Office of the Vice President to attempt to reach agreement before going to court.

“In the teleconference, Plaintiffs' counsel made a meaningful attempt to resolve the underlying legal issues by agreement, including advising the Vice President's counsel that Plaintiffs intended to seek immediate injunctive relief in the event the parties did not agree,” according to Gohmert’s filing. “Those discussions were not successful in reaching an agreement and this lawsuit was filed.”

We have no idea why his attorneys chose that strategy.

But VP Pence is on record stating that he will fight until ONLY LEGAL VOTES ARE COUNTED.

He said "until every legal vote is counted." That's his clever way of not playin'. He will accept as legal the legal certified votes sent to him by the 50 states because no one has proven any of those votes were illegal.
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overturning an election, yet you call Democrats treasonous and seditious.

What color is the sky in your world?
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously hope this comes to fruition.
Im not aware of the history when it comes to past elections in reference to competing slates being issued.
My point is, the fear of this event setting a precedent without an amendment to the constitution, for future elections.

The same technique was used by the Democrats in 1960 .

But the Republicans convinced Nixon not to fight.

WE THE PEOPLE - 80,000,000 + strong do not want Trump to concede or stop fighting.

The Treasonous/Seditious Democrats must be taught a lesson they will never forget.

GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you going to do when Biden is sworn in on the 20th?
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“It doesn’t matter that Gohmert has little chance of legal success. This is a deliberate attempt to expand the powers of the vice presidency into something it was never intended to be. And if it was Vice President-elect Kamala Harris rather than Pence in this position, Gohmert and every single other Republican supporting this lawsuit would be the first to raise hell.

But now, these very same congressmen, many of whom claim to defend and uphold the Constitution, are attempting to turn the federal government into their own personal banana republic. They will fail, but not before they risk bringing everyone else down with them — Trump included.”

That Gohmert and others on the right hate the Constitution comes as no surprise.
View attachment 435595
16j_l&pol699_2000.pdf (
There are no competing slates if electors. All states have certified their results and none are disputed.
They say they have submitted them. It doesn't mean they'll be considered, but I believe they're kickin' around there somewhere.
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pence has already refused to play. They tried negotiating with him prior to filing the suit. He refused.

That's from an "anonymously sourced" article. "Negotiating" with Pence would have no legal effect at all. What that article suggested makes absolutely no sense. Only a declaratory judgment from a court would have legal force of law.
The article I read was from Politico and the source was Gohmert's attorneys.

In a motion to expedite proceedings, Gohmert and the electors revealed that their lawyers had reached out to Pence’s counsel in the Office of the Vice President to attempt to reach agreement before going to court.

“In the teleconference, Plaintiffs' counsel made a meaningful attempt to resolve the underlying legal issues by agreement, including advising the Vice President's counsel that Plaintiffs intended to seek immediate injunctive relief in the event the parties did not agree,” according to Gohmert’s filing. “Those discussions were not successful in reaching an agreement and this lawsuit was filed.”

We have no idea why his attorneys chose that strategy.

But VP Pence is on record stating that he will fight until ONLY LEGAL VOTES ARE COUNTED.

He said "until every legal vote is counted." That's his clever way of not playin'. He will accept as legal the legal certified votes sent to him by the 50 states because no one has proven any of those votes were illegal.

As was done by the Demo Rats in 1960 , besides the EC Electors chosen by the Governors, slates of electors chosen by Republican-led state legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are being sent to DC.

VP Pence has the exclusive authority to decide which list he will accept.


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