Rep Matt Gaetz to introduce National Stand Your Ground Law

Why is no one asking him why he waited until the Democrats had control of Congress before introducing such a bill?

It is all part of Gaetz’s master plan

His bill will fly through a Democratic House, then be approved by a Democratic Senate and then be signed by a Democratic President.

But he will brag to his base about the Bill he proposed
I would rather have representatives who could actually think strategically.
are you saying you know he has no strategy behind this??

not all legislation gets through the first time and whos to say this doesnt start a national discussion on the issue??
It is all part of Gaetz’s master plan

His bill will fly through a Democratic House, then be approved by a Democratic Senate and then be signed by a Democratic President.

But he will brag to his base about the Bill he proposed
Interesting in that you get part of My point.

He says this so when election time comes, he can go to his constituents and say, "See what I am doing for you!" Knowing full well that the people who elected him won't even bother to ask the very question I just did.

Why do you only do this when the Democrats have power and not when the Republicans have power?

It's like people believing one man saying he'll go to Congress and make a change in the way things are done.

People get dumber by the day it seems. They don't get that they have to elect a significant number of like-minded people in order to get things changed.

When the Republican's get control of Congress next year, this will all be forgotten and no one will hold him to his statements.
are you saying you know he has no strategy behind this??

not all legislation gets through the first time and whos to say this doesnt start a national discussion on the issue??
The media will say that it does not start a national discussion on this issue. They control the discussion and if the Democrats are against something one of two things will happen.

It will be buried and no one will ever talk about it, or;

The media will destroy those who are in favor of it because they are stepping outside the narrative.
The media will say that it does not start a national discussion on this issue. They control the discussion and if the Democrats are against something one of two things will happen.

It will be buried and no one will ever talk about it, or;

The media will destroy those who are in favor of it because they are stepping outside the narrative.
so the media controls what you think??

not me,,
so the media controls what you think??

not me,,
The media controls what the majority of American thinks. I know you'd like to think otherwise, but there are really very few in this country who even bother to take the time to dig into the facts of any one single issue.

Those of us here are not that easily influenced, but I'm speaking about the majority of the population and the agenda of the media.

or do you think that the media won't destroy someone for speaking out of turn with regard to their advocacy of all things progressive?
The fate of Stand your Ground rests with the Courts, not Congress
Not really. Congress still can create Constitutional laws.

But regardless. the SCOTUS is finally beginning to rule on the basis of the Constitution so a stand your ground law would likely prevail.
They failed. The system worked. This time.

Guess what, a black man in the same circumstances was also acquitted based on self-defense.

So, how about addressing what I said in regards to the chances of it getting passed while in the minority?
Because even some Dems now want to protect themselves from the Dem mobs of criminals and raping/killing illegals.
The media controls what the majority of American thinks. I know you'd like to think otherwise, but there are really very few in this country who even bother to take the time to dig into the facts of any one single issue.

Those of us here are not that easily influenced, but I'm speaking about the majority of the population and the agenda of the media.

or do you think that the media won't destroy someone for speaking out of turn with regard to their advocacy of all things progressive?
sounds like youre advocating for us to remain silent??
Because even some Dems now want to protect themselves from the Dem mobs of criminals and raping/killing illegals.
Not really. Dems think they are morally superior to anything and won't even entertain the idea they are wrong.

It's a weakness of theirs that can be exploited, to be sure. In the end, they'll vote how Pelosi tells them to.
It 'would' bring matters to a head quicker and be the natural culmination of the fight to legalize murder on America's streets.
But too many people will be afraid of the consequences and so it can't pass and become law. Not even the most primitive and uncivilized countries of the world would want to descend into evil that far in this 21st. century.

Great topic for the rabid right to spam and screech at the Lib'ruls, commies, socialists though!
sounds like youre advocating for us to remain silent??
Nope. I'm advocating for everyone to hold a realistic outlook on the state of this country.

Congress does the bidding of Big Corporations, the Media does the bidding of the Democrats.

The media determines who gets elected based on the control of information.

Matt Gaetz is just playing to the base knowing full well he won't be held to account for his statements and promises.

By the time the Republicans gain the House, he will have another two years in which the public will forget his little stunt.

No bill for a National Stand your Ground will be introduced after the 2022 midterms.

So, the game continues.
Time to add you to the ignore list. All you ever do is post stuff just to try and piss off people. You never add to a conversation or even discuss anything. It's always closed ended comments and they are only ever exist just to shit on others.

Time to add you to the ignore list. All you ever do is post stuff just to try and piss off people. You never add to a conversation or even discuss anything. It's always closed ended comments and they are only ever exist just to shit on others.
Rightwingers run away.

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