Rep. Peter King mulls 2016 presidential bid

When you condemn the government for doing the same you might get somewhere...they lead by example. If the government acts like its OK how do not expect a person from the US to think its not OK?
A representative has little chance of winning the WH. The last time was in the 1880s.
Run, Peter, run.
I am talking about Ron not Rand. Murdering a baby isn't right so that shit don't fly.

I am also talking about Ron.

You don't know his positions? :lol:

And fetuses aren't babies.

Ron Paul: End Marijuana Prohibition Now! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul: Legalize Online Gambling ? And Don?t Tax It! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul on Prostitution Gay Marriage |
So you were saying? And yes a "fetus" is a has a beating heart. My niece was born 6 weeks premature and she was just as much a baby as was my daughter who was born when she was supposed to be born. Stopping a beating heart is murder.
He changed his positions during the 2012 primaries. He's not in favor of less government intrusion when it comes to abortion.

He's a Cafeteria Libertarian.

And a fetus is not a baby. A fetus is a fetus.
I hope he stays in long enough to have his opponents expose his aid to terrorists before becoming Congressman.

Only Republicans would elevate a terrorist co-conspirator to Congressman, then Homeland Security committee.

That's laughable when you likely support Obama and his cohorts, the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood! Obama even hired a Dyke who had no experience in HS! Geeez!:razz:

How has he supported the Muslim Brotherhood? By accepting the results of a democratically voted election in a sovereign country?

What experience did Tom Ridge (Governor) or Michael Chertoff (Lawyer) have in Homeland Security?

Why does South Carolina keep electing a queer to the Senate?

Clearly, you're a jackass.
I am also talking about Ron.

You don't know his positions? :lol:

And fetuses aren't babies.

Ron Paul: End Marijuana Prohibition Now! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul: Legalize Online Gambling ? And Don?t Tax It! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul on Prostitution Gay Marriage |
So you were saying? And yes a "fetus" is a has a beating heart. My niece was born 6 weeks premature and she was just as much a baby as was my daughter who was born when she was supposed to be born. Stopping a beating heart is murder.
He changed his positions during the 2012 primaries. He's not in favor of less government intrusion when it comes to abortion.

He's a Cafeteria Libertarian.

And a fetus is not a baby. A fetus is a fetus.
A baby is a baby is a baby. I don't care if its 1 week old in the woman's body or fixing to come out its a baby and deserves to live. You can call it what u want. Abortion is murder plain and simple. Murder stops a beating heart.Dr Paul doesn't change positions he is consistent and always has been. You just don't like him and like bring proven wrong.
I hope he stays in long enough to have his opponents expose his aid to terrorists before becoming Congressman.

Only Republicans would elevate a terrorist co-conspirator to Congressman, then Homeland Security committee.

That's laughable when you likely support Obama and his cohorts, the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood! Obama even hired a Dyke who had no experience in HS! Geeez!:razz:

How has he supported the Muslim Brotherhood? By accepting the results of a democratically voted election in a sovereign country?

What experience did Tom Ridge (Governor) or Michael Chertoff (Lawyer) have in Homeland Security?

Why does South Carolina keep electing a queer to the Senate?

Clearly, you're a jackass.

No doubt both political parties have their imperfections, but at least the men named performed in a competent manner.

Queers in the Senate is one thing, but you idiots just reelected one to the Presidency!

He gave billions to the brotherhood by EO. It's better to be a Jackass than a Dumbass like you! :razz:
Ron Paul: End Marijuana Prohibition Now! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul: Legalize Online Gambling ? And Don?t Tax It! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul on Prostitution Gay Marriage |
So you were saying? And yes a "fetus" is a has a beating heart. My niece was born 6 weeks premature and she was just as much a baby as was my daughter who was born when she was supposed to be born. Stopping a beating heart is murder.
He changed his positions during the 2012 primaries. He's not in favor of less government intrusion when it comes to abortion.

He's a Cafeteria Libertarian.

And a fetus is not a baby. A fetus is a fetus.
A baby is a baby is a baby. I don't care if its 1 week old in the woman's body or fixing to come out its a baby and deserves to live. You can call it what u want. Abortion is murder plain and simple. Murder stops a beating heart.Dr Paul doesn't change positions he is consistent and always has been. You just don't like him and like bring proven wrong.

I do like him, and have voted for him for POTUS in the past.

But he is not a consistent Libertarian. Not that Libertarianism is a good thing. But it has it's positive elements.
I am also talking about Ron.

You don't know his positions? :lol:

And fetuses aren't babies.

Ron Paul: End Marijuana Prohibition Now! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul: Legalize Online Gambling ? And Don?t Tax It! | Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul on Prostitution Gay Marriage |
So you were saying? And yes a "fetus" is a has a beating heart. My niece was born 6 weeks premature and she was just as much a baby as was my daughter who was born when she was supposed to be born. Stopping a beating heart is murder.
He changed his positions during the 2012 primaries. He's not in favor of less government intrusion when it comes to abortion.

He's a Cafeteria Libertarian.

And a fetus is not a baby. A fetus is a fetus.

no, a fetus IS a baby.

and you are a moron.

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