Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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The comedian, DL Hughley said (I'm parapharsing here) : "If you see a White person who is poor and doing bad, you know they are wasting their White skin".
Another comedian, Chris Rock said: "I don't know any poor White guy who would trade places with me. And I'm a millionaire." Chris Rock knows that there is value in having White skin, no matter how poor you are. Whites in America know it too. ;)
I hope he was joking because if he wasn't, he's a fucking idiot.
The comedian, DL Hughley said (I'm parapharsing here) : "If you see a White person who is poor and doing bad, you know they are wasting their White skin".
Another comedian, Chris Rock said: "I don't know any poor White guy who would trade places with me. And I'm a millionaire." Chris Rock knows that there is value in having White skin, no matter how poor you are. Whites in America know it too. ;)
Many whites and blacks suffer the same for not taking advantage of the opportunities they have.
Do you know what cognitive dissonance is? Because if you do, you may be able to understand the 190 years of whites only benefit that has allowed you to have what you do.
I'm not arguing white privilege because the majority always gives itself privilege and whites have been the majority in this country. To argue otherwise is foolish. What I'm asking is how you are going to decide which descendants of slaves are black enough to receive reparations money, since you obviously think it comes down to how black you are.

1. Is everyone going to have to appear before a panel to show that they are black enough? Could you appeal a bad ruling? How much of your skin will you have to show?
2. Who is going to be on these panels? To be racially colorblind, you would have to make sure that there are representatives from every skin color imaginable.
3. What are you going to do with black Americans that never suffered under slavery and immigrated after Jim Crow went away?

See, to be fair and have integrity, you'll have to give some white people reparations money while denying some black people the same. Cue the riots.

At least have the integrity to admit that there are descendants of slaves in America who are white to all appearances.
There is no civil discussion to be had with people who think blacks make up racism as an excuse for our failures.

“Actually, its ignorant to claim that all slaves were unhappy as slaves. And there were positive aspects to being a slave---lower crime rate and no welfare pop to mind. Being a slavein America--was far far better than being a slave in South America, Africa, or on the islands.

The slaves in America growing up as a slave on plantations knew nothing else. And hell even when given the chance to be free, many did not want to be–see my favorite over hyped story of slaves HARRIET TUBMAN–she went back to FREE her family as she was paid by the head by abolitionists to“free” slaves. Many of her own family refused to leave andopted to return to the plantation. Her daddy by the way, wasgiven a house and lands by his owner and was aretirement package.

Many who owned slaves did not wish to abuse their slaves and often treated them quit well (Iknow we aren’t supposed to know this but it is historic fact,but you know the libs would have a melt down if the truthwas posted.) MANY MANY slave owners released their slaves, while Many others felt slavery was evil but could not find a way to release the slaves and make it possible for them to support themselves if they were free. Slavery in America was like no other place and certainly not always as portrayed by the race pimps of now. There were very abusive slave owners –but there were many who didn’t have malice–they just grew up with slavery as a way of life but held no malice against the slaves.”

This was not spoken in 1823 or 1923. It was posted in this forum by member Mary L. Others here have repeated the same crazy. Mac 7 I believe he calls himself, has consistently told me how grateful blacks should be for slavery. While these kinds of comment are floated around here on a daily basis, we are told thst our demand for reparations is unfair because whites are being blamed for the actions of their ancestors.

“The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline theyare undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race,& I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known &ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.” -Robert E. Lee

Funny how many people here are repeating the same beliefs of those ancestors and since that attitude remains, we have seen everything that goes with it.

‘I Got Tired of Hunting Black and Hispanic People’​

Multiple police officers in Brooklyn say they were told by a commander that white and Asian people should be left alone.
Published Dec. 6, 2019 Updated June 17, 2020

At a police station tucked into an end-of-the-line subway terminal in South Brooklyn, the new commander instructed officers to think of white and Asian people as “soft targets” and urged them to instead go after blacks and Latinos for minor offenses like jumping the turnstile, a half-dozen officers said in sworn statements.

“You are stopping too many Russian and Chinese,” one of the officers, Daniel Perez, recalled the commander telling him earlier this decade.

Another officer, Aaron Diaz, recalled the same commander saying in 2012, “You should write more black and Hispanic people.”

The sworn statements, gathered in the last few months as part of a discrimination lawsuit, deal with a period between 2011 and 2015. But they are now emerging publicly at a time when policing in the subway has become a contentious issue, sparking protests over a crackdown on fare evasion and other low-level offenses.

The commander, Constantin Tsachas, was in charge of more than 100 officers who patrolled a swath of the subway system in Brooklyn, his first major command. Since then, he has been promoted to the second-in-command of policing the subway system throughout Brooklyn. Along the way, more than half a dozen subordinates claim, he gave them explicit directives about whom to arrest based on race.

It's time the gaslighting stopped.
Didn't you hear that Affirmative Action in college admissions was outlawed a few months ago? :45:
I heard but I dont believe

If the left want to ban asians start with foreign students from china

China is our enemy and we should not be assisting them in any way
There is no civil discussion to be had with people who think blacks make up racism as an excuse for our failures.

“Actually, its ignorant to claim that all slaves were unhappy as slaves. And there were positive aspects to being a slave---lower crime rate and no welfare pop to mind. Being a slavein America--was far far better than being a slave in South America, Africa, or on the islands.

The slaves in America growing up as a slave on plantations knew nothing else. And hell even when given the chance to be free, many did not want to be–see my favorite over hyped story of slaves HARRIET TUBMAN–she went back to FREE her family as she was paid by the head by abolitionists to“free” slaves. Many of her own family refused to leave andopted to return to the plantation. Her daddy by the way, wasgiven a house and lands by his owner and was aretirement package.

Many who owned slaves did not wish to abuse their slaves and often treated them quit well (Iknow we aren’t supposed to know this but it is historic fact,but you know the libs would have a melt down if the truthwas posted.) MANY MANY slave owners released their slaves, while Many others felt slavery was evil but could not find a way to release the slaves and make it possible for them to support themselves if they were free. Slavery in America was like no other place and certainly not always as portrayed by the race pimps of now. There were very abusive slave owners –but there were many who didn’t have malice–they just grew up with slavery as a way of life but held no malice against the slaves.”

This was not spoken in 1823 or 1923. It was posted in this forum by member Mary L. Others here have repeated the same crazy. Mac 7 I believe he calls himself, has consistently told me how grateful blacks should be for slavery. While these kinds of comment are floated around here on a daily basis, we are told thst our demand for reparations is unfair because whites are being blamed for the actions of their ancestors.

“The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline theyare undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race,& I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known &ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.” -Robert E. Lee

Funny how many people here are repeating the same beliefs of those ancestors and since that attitude remains, we have seen everything that goes with it.

‘I Got Tired of Hunting Black and Hispanic People’​

Multiple police officers in Brooklyn say they were told by a commander that white and Asian people should be left alone.
Published Dec. 6, 2019 Updated June 17, 2020

At a police station tucked into an end-of-the-line subway terminal in South Brooklyn, the new commander instructed officers to think of white and Asian people as “soft targets” and urged them to instead go after blacks and Latinos for minor offenses like jumping the turnstile, a half-dozen officers said in sworn statements.

“You are stopping too many Russian and Chinese,” one of the officers, Daniel Perez, recalled the commander telling him earlier this decade.

Another officer, Aaron Diaz, recalled the same commander saying in 2012, “You should write more black and Hispanic people.”

The sworn statements, gathered in the last few months as part of a discrimination lawsuit, deal with a period between 2011 and 2015. But they are now emerging publicly at a time when policing in the subway has become a contentious issue, sparking protests over a crackdown on fare evasion and other low-level offenses.

The commander, Constantin Tsachas, was in charge of more than 100 officers who patrolled a swath of the subway system in Brooklyn, his first major command. Since then, he has been promoted to the second-in-command of policing the subway system throughout Brooklyn. Along the way, more than half a dozen subordinates claim, he gave them explicit directives about whom to arrest based on race.

It's time the gaslighting stopped.
Keep your dream alive, IM2. Free money is at the end of that rainbow.
Sadly, the reality is that there won't be any reparations when the rubber meets the road.
It would be political suicide for a politician. Talking about it is one thing, but to actually vote for it?
Newsom showed what the reality of this issue looks like, he knew better
Keep your dream alive, IM2. Free money is at the end of that rainbow.
Sadly, the reality is that there won't be any reparations when the rubber meets the road.
It would be political suicide for a politician. Talking about it is one thing, but to actually vote for it?
Newsom showed what the reality of this issue looks like, he knew better
Even talking about it on the national stage would be political suicide. If I were the moderator in a debate (should Newsome be the nominee), I would ask “you signed into law the establishment of a task force to decide how to provide reparations to black Californias, and you called their recommendation to give $1.25 million to each African-American a “milestone” in addressing this issue. Do you support special compensation to blacks on a nationwide basis, and how do you envision the payments being made?”

Any hint that he thinks 13% of the population should get tons of money or special allowances for houses, educations, etc., based on skin color, will cost him the election.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

Even if you were given reparations you would find thousands of other reasons to bitch and moan about white people.
Actually it's does, because your people benefitted from Jim Crow. However, your argument fails in this one big way and it's important:

This is a case against the government, what you did or did not do doesn't matter. And it's time that whites with your same mindset recognized this.
Women were treated as chattel far longer. Do they deserve reparations?
It really rich to read whites tellng us what's good for us. Whites have recieved direct economic assistance from the government on several occasions. Blacks aren't telling each other jack squat, only the most delusional white racist believes this along with dumb black sellouts. And your last sentence is pure retardardation.

What makes right wing whites like you actually post and believe this crazy stuff?
If you do not like it, move to Africa.
You idiots have been brainwashed into a zero sum mentality. Many of you are too stuck on racism to see the overall benefit of reparations for everyone. If blacks got reparations tomorrow, where is the money going to be spent? In America for the most part. It would be a huge economic stimulus that would benefit everyone. Jobs would be created and blacks are going to spend money with whites purchasing property, autos and other things. But the racists can't see that.
You idiots have been brainwashed into a zero sum mentality. Many of you are too stuck on racism to see the overall benefit of reparations for everyone. If blacks got reparations tomorrow, where is the money going to be spent? In America for the most part. It would be a huge economic stimulus that would benefit everyone. Jobs would be created and blacks are going to spend money with whites purchasing property, autos and other things. But the racists can't see that.
It would be the same result as the recent injection of trillions has had, massive inflation on borrowed money, leaving us all worse off than before, and you know from history that those hit the hardest would be black Americans.
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You idiots have been brainwashed into a zero sum mentality. Many of you are too stuck on racism to see the overall benefit of reparations for everyone. If blacks got reparations tomorrow, where is the money going to be spent? In America for the most part. It would be a huge economic stimulus that would benefit everyone. Jobs would be created and blacks are going to spend money with whites purchasing property, autos and other things. But the racists can't see that.
Do you deflect like this all the time?
Can you spell INFLATION?
16+ TRILLION will create inflation. :rolleyes-41:
Go back to school, you missed a class or two.
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