Zone1 Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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It would be good news for the brewers of malt liquor and the makers of Newports if reparations for black people did come down. Anyone can make money on the concept, if they know where to invest.
There is a bright side. People will stop voting Democrat
I would like my share of the costs of transporting slaves, my share of the food they ate for free, and might as well pay me for the clothing slaves wore.
It would be good news for the brewers of malt liquor and the makers of Newports if reparations for black people did come down. Anyone can make money on the concept, if they know where to invest.
White gold digging mistresses would also benefit. So would drug dealers.

Blacks would spend their reparation money in a year or two on bling, and demand more.
White gold digging mistresses would also benefit. So would drug dealers.

Blacks would spend their reparation money in a year or two on bling, and demand more.
I have a question; How does one decide how much and who should get them?
I have a question; How does one decide how much and who should get them?
I once brought this up, using Holocaust survivors as an example. They got $290 a month, which calculated for inflation in $750 in today‘s dollars.

Now we have to compare:

- Holocaust survivors who lost their homes, assets, businesses, FAMILY members and starved halfway to death in concentration camps.

- Jim Crowe blacks who were forced to drink from different fountains, swim in separate pools, go to separate and inferior schools, and banned from certain establishments altogether.

I would say that the Holocaust survivors had it at least 3x as bad, so $750/3 = $250 a month, or $3,000 a year to all blacks who lived in Jim Crowe states before 1965.

Finally, there would have to be exceptions: any black earning more than $100,000 does not qualify.
It would be more appropriate for Negros to be required to pay a users' fee for the benefits of living in a civilization vastly superior to anything they have created on their own.

I am generous enough to waive the users' fee, but blacks had better shut up about reparations. We owe you people nothing, You owe us.
Read em and weep. Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”
— Victor Hugo


California introduces first-in-nation slavery reparations package​

California state lawmakers introduced a slate of reparations bills on Wednesday, including a proposal to restore property taken by “race-based” cases of eminent domain and a potentially unconstitutional measure to provide state funding for “specific groups.”

The package marks a first-in-the-nation effort to give restitution to Black Americans who have been harmed by centuries of racist policies and practices. California’s legislative push is the culmination of years of research and debate, including 111-pages of recommendations issued last year by a task force.

Not included is any type of financial compensation to descendants of Black slaves, a polarizing proposal that has received a cool response from many state Democrats, including Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“While many only associate direct cash payments with reparations, the true meaning of the word, to repair, involves much more,” Assemblymember Lori Wilson, chair of the caucus, said in a statement. “We need a comprehensive approach to dismantling the legacy of slavery and systemic racism.”

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Reparations is not an idea whose time has come. This is:

Utah is the latest state to ban diversity, equity and inclusion efforts on campus and in government​

Story by By MEAD GRUVER, Associated Press • 2d

When affirmative action comes to an end, black poverty is going to become more severe, and there is nothing you can do to stop it, IM2.
I was listening to Sean Hannity on the radio a few days ago and he made mention of the fact that Kamala Harris was being sought out as a choice for governor of California. She would fast track reparations in that state. You don't need every state to vote on reparations for it to be law at the federal level. We see that Gavin Newsome wants it passed into law with financial payments as well.

We saw that happen with marijuana and same sex marriage. Only a few states voted for it, and then the federal government votes it into law after that; bypassing all other states.
For the white race, "Free slave labor of black people" is the only large statue-sized trophy they have left to sit on the mantle above their fireplaces in remembrance and solitude of their racist slave owning ancestors.

Therefore they are destined to always fight and speak against any payments for the wages of 200+ years of slave labor they have stolen from the black race. It's as if reparations is the only end of slavery, and they do not want it to ever come to an end.
I was listening to Sean Hannity on the radio a few days ago and he made mention of the fact that Kamala Harris was being sought out as a choice for governor of California. She would fast track reparations in that state. You don't need every state to vote on reparations for it to be law at the federal level. We see that Gavin Newsome wants it passed into law with financial payments as well.

We saw that happen with marijuana and same sex marriage. Only a few states voted for it, and then the federal government votes it into law after that; bypassing all other states.
And then whites would flee those states and go to where they weren’t being taxed up the wahoo. We already see that happening in CA and NY.
I gett tired of these kinds of comments from whites in this forum.

More than fifty billion dollars (based on its value in 1930) was spent on The New Deal and Servicemen’s Readjustment Act. That amount is the equivalent to just over 1 trillion dollars today. Both programs are credited with providing a significant boost to wealth accumulation in America. These policies created the modern day white miiddle class. Both policies excluded vast numbers of blacks who worked and paid taxes.

IM, you suffer from what Robert Heinlein described as the "Socialist Disease in its worst form: the belief the world owes you a living." Yes, there were programs that benefited whites. There are programs that benefit blacks. We don't really have the money to pay for them, but we keep doing them.

Federal housing policies kept blacks segregated in poorly builtor maintained property using tax dollars working blacks paid. Education paid for by tax dollars blacks pay into the system, continues underfunding schools in black neighborhoods. Blacks pay taxes to fund law enforcement who kill blacks at three times our population, even as whites are more than double the arrests. Tax money working blacks pay into the system allocated for social services or community development are not equally invested in organizations, services, or policies that would increase positive outcomes in black communities. I have seen this personally.

Let's take this one apart.

Whose fault is it that federal housing was bad? The people who built it, or those who lived there and didn't maintain it. When my family immigrated from Germany, they moved into Englewood. When that neighborhood changed, they moved out (Especially when Grandpa Ludwig found one of his neighbors in the kitchen at 2 AM), but they continued to own the property, with a series of tenants who vandalized it before my AUnt was finally able to sell it. She grew up in that home and it broke her heart.

Same thing with education. Now, I went to a pretty good Catholic school, but we had nowhere near the facilities the public schools had. what we did have were teachers who, despite being religious fanatics, were committed to their jobs.

On to law enforcement. I've been very strong on condemning truly awful cases of police misconduct, such as Derek Chauvin or Jason van Dyke. But the vast majority of people who are killed by police are usually the ones who pulled a gun or a knife on a cop. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

So it gets extremely irritating to read snark coming from whites when reparations are the subject.. Especially those who are moderators because your behavior enables trolling.

Or maybe reparations being paid to people who never experienced the harm, by people who never inflicted it, is kind of stupid. I mean, frankly, I'd love to see racist heads explode over reparations, but as a policy, it's just not practical or fair.
For the white race, "Free slave labor of black people" is the only large statue-sized trophy they have left to sit on the mantle above their fireplaces in remembrance and solitude of their racist slave owning ancestors.

Therefore they are destined to always fight and speak against any payments for the wages of 200+ years of slave labor they have stolen from the black race. It's as if reparations is the only end of slavery, and they do not want it to ever come to an end.
The VAST majority of whites did not own slaves. In fact, probably at least half of white Americans are here for three generations or less.
What reparations could ever mean more than the hundreds of thousands of dead caused by the war that ended slavery? The nation paid the ultimate price for this horrible mistake.
I did not benefit from slavery. I do not feel guilty about it. I do not benefit from the presence of Negroes in the United States. The United States would be a better country with no Negroes here.

The crime rate would be lower. The cost of our criminal justice system and our welfare system would be lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be festering slums known for immorality and degeneracy. They would be centers of civilization. It would be possible to see a movie or a play, or to attend a symphony concert or ballet that ended at 10:00 pm, walk two miles to get home, and be perfectly safe.
I've walked in Downtown Chicago most of my life.. I've never been mugged.

Now, if you are getting mugged, it seems to me that you must scream "Mark" when people see you.
The VAST majority of whites did not own slaves. In fact, probably at least half of white Americans are here for three generations or less.
But the point is, you all still benefited from slavery being a thing. Without slavery, and the influx of profits from cash crops like Cotton and Tobacco, the US would never have become a wealthy nation.
I've walked in Downtown Chicago most of my life.. I've never been mugged.

Now, if you are getting mugged, it seems to me that you must scream "Mark" when people see you.
That might be true. I am older than you are. It should not matter. It does not matter when I walk in a white neighborhood. When I lived in a neighborhood of poor Vietnamese refugees it did not matter. I would often get off work at 10:00 pm, and walk three miles to get home through what had become "Little Saigon." I was perfectly safe.

Even Jesse Jackson feels unsafe in black neighborhoods.


Once I asked a young black man, "If you are alone in a city after dark, and four young men are walking in your direction, will you feel safer if they are black or white?"

He answered, "I will feel safer if they are white, a lot safer. Even in the South I will feel safer. I think most blacks feel the same way. The following diagram explains why they feel safer with whites:

BlackCrime 3.jpg
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