Zone1 Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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More welfare went to white people than blacks.
More white women benefited from AA than black people.

AFTER THEY LET BLACKS JOIN THEIR COALITION. Before that, the Democrats were largely a regional party.
From 1933 to 1964 the Democrat Party dominated the entire United States. The black ghetto riots changed that.
If the whites pay us back for 500 years of living on our land that they stole then maybe we might listen to anything you have to say.

From 1933 to 1964 the Democrat Party dominated the entire United States. The black ghetto riots changed that.

Like I said, this is where I can tell you really aren't as old as you claim to be.

The Democrats ONLY dominated elections because of the black vote in that time period. Before 1932, it was a regional party in the south. It's a lot more complicated, such as the growing strength of Unions in the North, and the decline of big city Republican political machines.

First, Democrats continued to dominate congressional elections until the 1990's. So we are only really talking about the Presidency.

So, from 1968 to 2024, (56 years) Republicans held that office for only 32 years. Democrats have held it for 24. And it would be more if we weren't still using a 17th century anachronism to select presidents.

Now, I do admit that Republicans have used racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests but as whites continue to decline as a share of the population, that's going to be an increasingly less useful tactic.
Like I said, this is where I can tell you really aren't as old as you claim to be.

The Democrats ONLY dominated elections because of the black vote in that time period. Before 1932, it was a regional party in the south. It's a lot more complicated, such as the growing strength of Unions in the North, and the decline of big city Republican political machines.

First, Democrats continued to dominate congressional elections until the 1990's. So we are only really talking about the Presidency.

So, from 1968 to 2024, (56 years) Republicans held that office for only 32 years. Democrats have held it for 24. And it would be more if we weren't still using a 17th century anachronism to select presidents.

Now, I do admit that Republicans have used racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests but as whites continue to decline as a share of the population, that's going to be an increasingly less useful tactic.
The Democrat Party dominated the United States from 1933 to 1966 because working class whites and Southern whites associated the Democrats with economic policies that benefited them. They also trusted the Democrats not to force them to associate with Negroes. The black ghetto riots that followed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 broke that trust, and cause Southern whites and working class whites to move to the Republican Party, where they remain.
The Democrat Party dominated the United States from 1933 to 1966 because working class whites and Southern whites associated the Democrats with economic policies that benefited them. They also trusted the Democrats not to force them to associate with Negroes. The black ghetto riots that followed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 broke that trust, and cause Southern whites and working class whites to move to the Republican Party, where they remain.

You know, you remind me of one of those college kids who shrieks out slogans with no critical analysis.

Southern Whites were ALREADY in the Democratic party before 1933. And Democrats ONLY took the WH in 16 out of 72 years between 1860 and 1932.

The reason why it did well after 1932 was because blacks and northern industrial workers joined the coalition. If anything, Southern Conservatives were a hindrance to progress; the GOP had become a non-entity by 1936, only holding 83 House seats and 18 Senate seats. They slowly clawed their way back in the 1950s, and for the wrong reasons. Look up McCarthyism.

The GOP is very good at selling fear. Fear of Communism, of minorities, of women burning their bras, of dope smoking hippies, of a Mexican coming to take your job.

What it doesn't sell is hope, which is why it will ultimately fail.
The GOP is very good at selling fear. Fear of Communism, of minorities, of women burning their bras, of dope smoking hippies, of a Mexican coming to take your job.
Currently the Republican Party draws attention to average characteristics of Negroes that Democrats try to keep people from thinking about.

Immigration is a valid economic concern. By competing for jobs immigrants enable employers to hold the line on wages, even when prices rise. By competing for places to live immigrants enable landlords to raise rents.
It's adorable when you pretend to be concerned.
/——/ It was a major effort of President Trump that Pedo Joe stopped as soon as he could. And fu*k you for saying I don’t care when I have three daughters and 5 grandchildren. Fu*k you and Pedo Joe.
/——/ It was a major effort of President Trump that Pedo Joe stopped as soon as he could. And fu*k you for saying I don’t care when I have three daughters and 5 grandchildren. Fu*k you and Pedo Joe.
I share your hostility for JoeB131. Nevertheless, I think there is more evidence that Trump abused minors than Biden.

When Trump owned the Teenage Miss America contest, he would barge into the dressing room where some of the contestants were naked, and say, "Don't worry girls. I have seen it all before."
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I share your hostility for JoeB131. Nevertheless, I think there is more evidence that Trump abused minors than Biden.

When Trump owned the Teenage Miss America contest, he would barge into the dressing room where some of the contestants were naked, and say, "Don't worry girls. I have seen it all before."
/——/ That is not Sex trafficking and you know it. Spare me the fake outrage.
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If anyone is guilty of sex trafficking it is Trump.

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/——/ Lie, twist and distort all you want. Here are the facts. And no one ever accused USA Today of being right wing. You stupid little (insert your preferred pronoun here)
Currently the Republican Party draws attention to average characteristics of Negroes that Democrats try to keep people from thinking about.

Actually, they just play on the fears of white people, a lot of whom lost their shit when Obama won. It's 16 years later, they are still losing their shit because Obama won.

Immigration is a valid economic concern. By competing for jobs immigrants enable employers to hold the line on wages, even when prices rise. By competing for places to live immigrants enable landlords to raise rents.

Actually, we have a labor shortage, we need immigrants because the Boomers didn't produce enough kids to replace themselves, much less the Gen Y who didn't reproduce enough. If we want to keep all those lovely new deal entitlements going, we need immigrants to be earning payroll taxes.

One of the reasons why prices are going up is because Employers have to offer ridiculous salaries for grunt labor.

/——/ It was a major effort of President Trump that Pedo Joe stopped as soon as he could. And fu*k you for saying I don’t care when I have three daughters and 5 grandchildren. Fu*k you and Pedo Joe.
Yeah, your selective outrage doesn't impress me

Trump didn't give a shit about women becoming prostitutes, given he's paid prostitutes.
/——/ Lie, twist and distort all you want. Here are the facts. And no one ever accused USA Today of being right wing. You stupid little (insert your preferred pronoun here)
What does that have to do with the fact that he's paid prostitutes and has sexually harassed at least 19 women?
What does that have to do with the fact that he's paid prostitutes and has sexually harassed at least 19 women?
/——/ I question those numbers. Besides, we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we voted for him. What’s your excuse for JFK and Bill Clinton?
/——/ I question those numbers. Besides, we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we voted for him. What’s your excuse for JFK and Bill Clinton?
Cheating on wives was long the hallmark of Democrats. Since when have they got religious?
/——/ I question those numbers. Besides, we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we voted for him. What’s your excuse for JFK and Bill Clinton?
None. JFK was before my time and I never voted for Clinton.

Clinton's accusers, however, were pretty questionable. Even Ken Starr didn't believe them.
None. JFK was before my time and I never voted for Clinton.

Clinton's accusers, however, were pretty questionable. Even Ken Starr didn't believe them.
/——/ JFK and Clinton were sex addicts and cheated on their wives. So, understanding that, do you hold Republican presidents to a higher standard?
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