Zone1 Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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All these years we've been hearing about 'the great replacement theory'. Who knew it really meant Democrats replacing their Black voting bloc with immigrants!
The illegals will turn on the Democommies like pit bulls
Well, at least you admit slavery is wrong. I'm surprised you didn't try to rationalize it.

The rest of your post is bullshit.

No, it isn't. Slavery benefited the slave owners, and no one else. Slaves built nothing that benefited the USA. They were too valuable to do the dangerous work of mining, or road building, or creating the railroads.


They picked cotton and tobacco. And that's it.
There is a bit of a juxtaposition with the left claiming America is racist because marginalized people do “jobs no one else wants” and the left saying the slaves “built America”.
I hope so, but they sure love them some Joe Biden now. Every migrant Caravan is chanting "We love Biden we love Biden!!"
Just like the American Jews love them some Far Left College Profs & Students & BLM Marxists ( Until they turn on them like pitbulls )
I always have. You just never listened.

Look it up. Within a relatively few years after slavery was abolished our cotton output doubled.

Slavery did not contribute to the prosperity from the sale of cotton because cotton was in high demand anyway. In fact, it may have even been a hindrance.

I had a feeling this might be a bullshit claim, and of course, it was. Now, as you can see from this chart, US Cotton production bottomed out during the Civil War (As union blockades made it impossible to sell) But the high point pre-war was 1000 and it didn't double that until 1891. This had more to do with more land being opened to cotton cultivation than to "efficiency". Not that slavery was actually abolished, it was just replaced with share-cropping and Debt peonage.

/---/ Last time the GOP Leadership fostered goody two shoes, Mitt Romney, and John McCain, they lost by a landslide. Of course that is the type of GOP candidates you prefer to run against. Trump is an Alpha Male, in your face street fighter who can and will mop the floor with Dementia Joe, and you know it.

Actually, Romney got a higher percentage of the vote than Trump did either time he ran. What he didn't have was third parties splitting the vote just enough to allow him to win the Electoral College.

The Holy Bible is both ancient and modern in its unfulfilled events. As for you saying the Bible has no problem with slavery that is inaccurate. As slavery in the Bible is always a punishment.

The bible endorsed slavery with full-throated enthusiasm. It's not a book we should look at for morality. When the South looked to rationalize slavery, they quoted the bible.

No, it isn't. Slavery benefited the slave owners, and no one else. Slaves built nothing that benefited the USA. They were too valuable to do the dangerous work of mining, or road building, or creating the railroads.


They picked cotton and tobacco. And that's it.

And those were the cash crops that built the American economy in the 19th century, bringing in a lot of wealth from Europe. America was built by slaves on land stolen from Native Americans. Deal with it.
The illegals will turn on the Democommies like pit bulls
Not if the Democommies promise to give them lots of welfare benefits, which is the plan. As it is, they’re getting free health care, free education for their children, free shelter, free food, etc., etc., etc. In some leftist states, they even get in-state tuition.
Not if the Democommies promise to give them lots of welfare benefits, which is the plan. As it is, they’re getting free health care, free education for their children, free shelter, free food, etc., etc., etc. In some leftist states, they even get in-state tuition.

Oh, noes, we are treating them decently!!!!

That's terrible!
If the Negroes pay us back for decades of welfare, decades of stealing stuff, the cost of their 2020 BLM Insurrection, all the race riots in the 1960s and promise to never vote for Democrats again then maybe, just maybe, we can discuss reparations.
not even then should we ever discuss reparations. no black alive today was ever a slave, no white alive today was ever a slave owner (in the
  • Race-based slavery began in the mid-1600s. By the 1660s, slavery was reserved for Africans only. With a series of laws passed from the 1660s to the 1680s, slavery became codified. With these laws, blacks became slaves for life.
We were a commodity.

I'm thinking a good way to do reparations is to do a
level one, level two, and level three for payments.

Level one those who were born from the 1600s-1975 would get 100% of the largest share of the larger amount of reparations as they suffered the most

Level two those born from 1976-1999 they get a smaller portion of reparations.

Level three those born from 2000-2010 get a fairly balanced amount and 2010 is the cut off birth year for reparations.

To answer your question yes, the super rich multi-millionaires and billionaires who qualify get reparations as well, they are most likely going to donate it to a favorite charity or two.
  • Race-based slavery began in the mid-1600s. By the 1660s, slavery was reserved for Africans only. With a series of laws passed from the 1660s to the 1680s, slavery became codified. With these laws, blacks became slaves for life.
We were a commodity.

I'm thinking a good way to do reparations is to do a
level one, level two, and level three for payments.

Level one those who were born from the 1600s-1975 would get 100% of the largest share of the larger amount of reparations as they suffered the most

Level two those born from 1976-1999 they get a smaller portion of reparations.

Level three those born from 2000-2010 get a fairly balanced amount and 2010 is the cut off birth year for reparations.

To answer your question yes, the super rich multi-millionaires and billionaires who qualify get reparations as well, they are most likely going to donate it to a favorite charity or two.
slavery was a bad chapter in our history, but its over. However slavery is still going on in Africa and the mid east involving all races. We cannot undo the past by doing stupid things in current times. Why is there no liberal outcry about the slavery that is going on right now?
/---/ They are treated better than the homeless, our Vets and even our own children.
Really, I'm a vet, I wouldn't trade places with an undocumented alien under any circumstances.

Of course you really think that every guy with a cardboard sign claiming to be a vet actually has a DD214.
Really, I'm a vet, I wouldn't trade places with an undocumented alien under any circumstances.

Of course you really think that every guy with a cardboard sign claiming to be a vet actually has a DD214.
/-----/ Thank you for your service. I didn't say you wanted to change places. But, our Vets get the short end of the stick.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is facing blowback for helping pay out millions of dollars to medical providers who treat illegal immigrants while they are in federal custody — while a backlog of hundreds of thousands of claims from veterans has grown.

The VA’s Austin, Texas-based Financial Services Center (FSC) has been contracted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) since 2002 to process reimbursement claims by providers who offer services to detained migrants.

In fiscal year 2022, which ended Sept. 30 of that year, FSC processed 161,538 such claims, with the ICE Health Services Corps (IHSC) paying out an average of $584 — a total of $94.3 million in taxpayer money, according to a July 2023 Department of Homeland Security report on “Healthcare Costs for Noncitizens in Detention.”
slavery was a bad chapter in our history, but its over. However slavery is still going on in Africa and the mid east involving all races. We cannot undo the past by doing stupid things in current times. Why is there no liberal outcry about the slavery that is going on right now?
America must pay its free slave worker debts. America must undo the past of robbing and stealing free labor from blacks and their ancestors.

I have nothing to do with the outcry of liberals. I am neither a democrat nor a republican. You worrying a lot about slavery today when America has not paid for her slave atrocities and civil rights eras of the past.
not even then should we ever discuss reparations. no black alive today was ever a slave, no white alive today was ever a slave owner (in the

I never use profanity. God said use "good" communication. God said do not use profane words. I love God.
America must pay its free slave worker debts. America must undo the past of robbing and stealing free labor from blacks and their ancestors.

I have nothing to do with the outcry of liberals. I am neither a democrat nor a republican. You worrying a lot about slavery today when America has not paid for her slave atrocities and civil rights eras of the past.
The modern ancestors of slaves owe white America a debt of gratitude for the gift of American citizenship

Because without slavery most black people would not be in America today
The bible endorsed slavery with full-throated enthusiasm. It's not a book we should look at for morality. When the South looked to rationalize slavery, they quoted the bible.
I love God, and I love Jesus. I love the Holy Spirit, and I love the Jews and all of Israel.

I love the Holy Bible, Word of God, always ad forever.

The south had no understanding of the Bible at that time or else they would have understood love and never stole humans.
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