Zone1 Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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Really, I'm a vet, I wouldn't trade places with an undocumented alien under any circumstances.

Of course you really think that every guy with a cardboard sign claiming to be a vet actually has a DD214.
Sir, thank you for your service. It is very much appreciated
America must pay its free slave worker debts. America must undo the past of robbing and stealing free labor from blacks and their ancestors.


Here's $1.
I had a feeling this might be a bullshit claim, and of course, it was. Now, as you can see from this chart, US Cotton production bottomed out during the Civil War (As union blockades made it impossible to sell) But the high point pre-war was 1000 and it didn't double that until 1891. This had more to do with more land being opened to cotton cultivation than to "efficiency". Not that slavery was actually abolished, it was just replaced with share-cropping and Debt peonage.

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It doesn’t say anything about more land available for growing. But even if this is true, it still proves my point that cotton was in high demand and would have been highly profitable anyway.

Slavery did not make cotton production more profitable and did not contribute considerably to American prosperity. There were too many other industries contributing to make such a simple claim.
America must pay its free slave worker debts. America must undo the past of robbing and stealing free labor from blacks and their ancestors.

I have nothing to do with the outcry of liberals. I am neither a democrat nor a republican. You worrying a lot about slavery today when America has not paid for her slave atrocities and civil rights eras of the past.
why should I pay for what my ancesters MIGHT have done? not every early american was a slave owner and many slave owners were black. Learn a little real history before shooting your mouth off about things you do not understand.
America must pay its free slave worker debts. America must undo the past of robbing and stealing free labor from blacks and their ancestors.

I have nothing to do with the outcry of liberals. I am neither a democrat nor a republican. You worrying a lot about slavery today when America has not paid for her slave atrocities and civil rights eras of the past.
I am 100% in favor of all ex slaves getting reparations, to be paid by all ex slave owners.
Read em and weep. Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”
— Victor Hugo

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California introduces first-in-nation slavery reparations package​

California state lawmakers introduced a slate of reparations bills on Wednesday, including a proposal to restore property taken by “race-based” cases of eminent domain and a potentially unconstitutional measure to provide state funding for “specific groups.”

The package marks a first-in-the-nation effort to give restitution to Black Americans who have been harmed by centuries of racist policies and practices. California’s legislative push is the culmination of years of research and debate, including 111-pages of recommendations issued last year by a task force.

Not included is any type of financial compensation to descendants of Black slaves, a polarizing proposal that has received a cool response from many state Democrats, including Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“While many only associate direct cash payments with reparations, the true meaning of the word, to repair, involves much more,” Assemblymember Lori Wilson, chair of the caucus, said in a statement. “We need a comprehensive approach to dismantling the legacy of slavery and systemic racism.”

I hate to say it, but without a board convened to visually inspect applicants, you're going to have white people scamming the system and getting the money. Think Rachel Dolezal on steroids.
Because what your ancestors did is still having a bad effect on people's lives.
The globalist rulers in Europe are the ones that have their sycophants in this nation push agendas like this. The thing is the forefathers of those globalists are the ones who ushed slavery in those days and profited mightily from it. They are the masters. Reparations of course will weaken the United States more as it produces no real infrastructure foundation while costing massively. Humans will take the money, and most will squander it, areas will become overpriced, areas will become more impoverished than now. And excellent employees will be shuffling and jiving as they see no benefit as being better than their DEI counterparts. Those with trades, especially in redder areas will prosper. Regionalism will increase. We may even build walls separating areas.
This thread is in Zone 1! Stay on topic.

The topic is NOT about the Bible, Trump, what others states may do, the holocaust, etc etc etc.
Because what your ancestors did is still having a bad effect on people's lives.
It's easy for you to sit back and say this because there is nothing for you to give. Why your statement is also illogical is that there is nothing today that exists that is holding anyone back from being successful, other than their own personal choices. However, I would agree that the inner city, urban culture of single mothers, missing fathers, the current welfare state, is aiding and abetting this lifestyle of poor educational, financial, and familial decisions which perpetuate one's inability for success. However, this is not just in the Black community. We see this type of nurture that breeds white trailer trash in the white poor communities as well. The difference is the narrative. For blacks, the problem is a white problem. For whites, it's cultural and personal choice issue.
I gett tired of these kinds of comments from whites in this forum.

More than fifty billion dollars (based on its value in 1930) was spent on The New Deal and Servicemen’s Readjustment Act. That amount is the equivalent to just over 1 trillion dollars today. Both programs are credited with providing a significant boost to wealth accumulation in America. These policies created the modern day white miiddle class. Both policies excluded vast numbers of blacks who worked and paid taxes.

Federal housing policies kept blacks segregated in poorly builtor maintained property using tax dollars working blacks paid. Education paid for by tax dollars blacks pay into the system, continues underfunding schools in black neighborhoods. Blacks pay taxes to fund law enforcement who kill blacks at three times our population, even as whites are more than double the arrests. Tax money working blacks pay into the system allocated for social services or community development are not equally invested in organizations, services, or policies that would increase positive outcomes in black communities. I have seen this personally.

So it gets extremely irritating to read snark coming from whites when reparations are the subject.. Especially those who are moderators because your behavior enables trolling.
This isn’t 1930
I hate to say it, but without a board convened to visually inspect applicants, you're going to have white people scamming the system and getting the money. Think Rachel Dolezal on steroids.
Wrong. This didn't happen to anyone else who got reparations.
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