Zone1 Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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Read em and weep. Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”
— Victor Hugo

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California introduces first-in-nation slavery reparations package​

California state lawmakers introduced a slate of reparations bills on Wednesday, including a proposal to restore property taken by “race-based” cases of eminent domain and a potentially unconstitutional measure to provide state funding for “specific groups.”

The package marks a first-in-the-nation effort to give restitution to Black Americans who have been harmed by centuries of racist policies and practices. California’s legislative push is the culmination of years of research and debate, including 111-pages of recommendations issued last year by a task force.

Not included is any type of financial compensation to descendants of Black slaves, a polarizing proposal that has received a cool response from many state Democrats, including Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“While many only associate direct cash payments with reparations, the true meaning of the word, to repair, involves much more,” Assemblymember Lori Wilson, chair of the caucus, said in a statement. “We need a comprehensive approach to dismantling the legacy of slavery and systemic racism.”

Reparations happened in 2003, didn't you see the new story?!?!

It's not the whites failing out of the Chicago schools, it's you people.
Since Chicago is not the only place where blacks live and blacks are not all falling out of school, your post is senseless drivel.
Then you better start doing some research annd quick. becauuse you're going to get shown the triilllions whites were given by the government we were excluded from. And by the tiime that is done any white person opposing reparations is going to look like the racists that they really are.. You and those like you seeem to think we're just asking for money for no reason. And no matter how much you iidiots are shown evidence of what was done after slavery or how much blacks have been robbed IN THIS CENTURY, you iidiots keep talking about slavery.

Dude, get used to it,, because it is noot stopping in California.. Your state prracticed Jim Crow too.
None of us whites were given shit by the government and you aren’t being denied anything. You are all greedy lowlifes expecting something you don’t deserve.
Since Chicago is not the only place where blacks live and blacks are not all falling out of school, your post is senseless drivel.

Well, the black leaders sure are failing the black children in Chicago.
Maybe you have some examples where black students do as well as the white students?
Nice try. Things just were not the same for blacks and whites no matter how much you try inventing things.

I agree, things were not the same.

Now if blacks want to be more successful, they should act more like you.
Get an education, get a job, don't have kids outside of marriage, don't commit crime.
Why can't we get straight cash?
I already outlined that for you.
And don't start listening to Lisa. She doesn't know and moreover she has a real serious hatred of blacks.

You do not know what would and would not help. You comment is based on your racial biases.
No it's not. People, regardless of race, who are not financially responsible and have a track history of financial and personal responsibility shouldn't be handed cash. That why you don't give a addict money if they are hungry. You buy the them food. It's a fairly simple concept. And again, what do you resort to. Basically saying I'm a racist.
And go tell the other groups who have received reparations what reparations won't do. There is no reverse racism and your comments on moving the goalposts are based on what?
Moving the goal posts? Let's say, you received $5million in a lump sum. Are you going to stop bitching about the racist past? Are you going to start holding the black community responsible for their own failings? Or will you find something else to cry "racism" over (moving the goal posts)? The point is, at what end, do you say "America as a whole isn't racist and racism is now at the personal level"?
My guess, even with reparations, you could never bring yourself to let the historical atrocities go, and will continue your current narrative, thus moving the goal posts?

Generally, the only people posting negative opinions on this issue have been racist whites who post what they believe the outcomes would be based on having zero knowledge of the black community and driven by their personal racism.
There are plenty of logical reasons for opposing reparations that doesn't make one a racist. Any economist would tell you the ramifications of just printing money and giving money away and the detriment that it would have to a state or federal budget. That doesn't make them a racist, that makes them intelligent and speaking based on their professional experience.

To proclaim: "Give us Cash" isn't easy. Do you understand any of the logistics in doing so? And this is why so many people today are plain ignorant. You can't just say "give me this" and it poof comes out of nowhere with no downstream ramifications?
If blacks got direct cash payments, there would be a dramatic increase in black property ownership, an increase in the numbers of businesses and a decrease in overall black debt.
Maybe. There are assumptions being made, by you and me both. But wouldn't it be smarter to have that money in a fund that one can have access for those exact purposes. If someone is given a direct cash payout, there is no guarantee they will use those funds for those things that you mention. For the community, what is the safer option?
You racists don't have a clue:
And this is where anyone of us can call you the same. Again, anyone that wants to have discourse with you that you don't agree with 100% you automatically label a racist. You're an illogical and ignorant human being who brings no value to this board, to the black community, and the human race.
Since that is a skit from the Chapelle show...
I know everything night before you go to bed you pray and ask God, "please make those white mu'fkers give me money." Let's say God responds to your prayer and appears before you one day. God gives you two choices:

1. 4 trillion dollars in reparations will be distributed to all African Americans, which is approximately $100K per person.

2. End all racism on Earth. End all hostilities between blacks. All blacks have their ailments cured. Ebola, HIV and other deadly infectious pathogens are eliminated for good
I know everything night before you go to bed you pray and ask God, "please make those white mu'fkers give me money." Let's say God responds to your prayer and appears before you one day. God gives you two choices:

1. 4 trillion dollars in reparations will be distributed to all African Americans, which is approximately $100K per person.

2. End all racism on Earth. End all hostilities between blacks. All blacks have their ailments cured. Ebola, HIV and other deadly infectious pathogens are eliminated for good
I’d give you my answer, as related to my situation. If Gd appeared to me and send my choice was between:

1. $5 million, or
2. end all antisemitism on Earth

I‘d choose the latter in a blink.
I know everything night before you go to bed you pray and ask God, "please make those white mu'fkers give me money." Let's say God responds to your prayer and appears before you one day. God gives you two choices:

1. 4 trillion dollars in reparations will be distributed to all African Americans, which is approximately $100K per person.

2. End all racism on Earth. End all hostilities between blacks. All blacks have their ailments cured. Ebola, HIV and other deadly infectious pathogens are eliminated for good
How about you concern yourself with the hostility between whites that created 2 world wars, and the white racism that has destabilized regions of this planet along with the greed of whites that has white governments meddling in other countries so those white nations can get rich exploiting those countries that has us on the cusp of another world war?
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