Zone1 Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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Wrong. This didn't happen to anyone else who got reparations.
Were those cases for specific families or for broad racial categories? If you're going for descendants of slaves, there are white people who have slaves in their ancestry, and there will be white people who will try to game the system and get a cut. How will you stop them without a literal visual inspection board?
Were those cases for specific families or for broad racial categories? If you're going for descendants of slaves, there are white people who have slaves in their ancestry, and there will be white people who will try to game the system and get a cut. How will you stop them without a literal visual inspection board?
These questions are bogus. Whites who had slaves in their ancestry did not suffer from enslavement or Jim Crow. There were whites who were married to Japanese who were interred. They did not get reparations. You guys are desperately searching for reasons to deny based only n racism.
These questions are bogus. Whites who had slaves in their ancestry did not suffer from enslavement or Jim Crow. There were whites who were married to Japanese who were interred. They did not get reparations. You guys are desperately searching for reasons to deny based only n racism.

You will never get reparations for slavery. Not ever.
These questions are bogus. Whites who had slaves in their ancestry did not suffer from enslavement or Jim Crow. There were whites who were married to Japanese who were interred. They did not get reparations. You guys are desperately searching for reasons to deny based only n racism.
You're running full tilt to the racist card. Stop it, it's bogus because you know I'm not a racist. You're just saying that because I oppose some of your ideas and point out flaws in them and you want me to stop. You're trying to make the case that only black people will get the payments, based on slave ancestry. Okay, again, how do you prevent white people from showing a slave in their family tree and getting payments unless you have a visual inspection wherein they are judged black enough?

In the case of the Japanese reparations, it was soon enough after the fact that we could trace family lineage. In the case of Native Americans, they maintained tribal membership lists, so we could ensure the right people get the payments. You can't do that with descendants of slaves.
You will never get reparations for slavery. Not ever.
We will get reparations for the human rights violations this government has imposed upon blacks. You can stop repeating what the white race pimps at stormfront tell you.
You're running full tilt to the racist card. Stop it, it's bogus because you know I'm not a racist. You're just saying that because I oppose some of your ideas and point out flaws in them and you want me to stop. You're trying to make the case that only black people will get the payments, based on slave ancestry. Okay, again, how do you prevent white people from showing a slave in their family tree and getting payments unless you have a visual inspection wherein they are judged black enough?

In the case of the Japanese reparations, it was soon enough after the fact that we could trace family lineage. In the case of Native Americans, they maintained tribal membership lists, so we could ensure the right people get the payments. You can't do that with descendants of slaves.
I'm running to the truth card. You are here making excuses that are basically nonsense. Whites owning slaves would not be eligible for reparations. Whites who owned slaves received reparations upon emancipation. You aren't pointing out flaws. You arrogantly think that because you're white that you can say something and that I have not studied all of the things that would be considered. If you had studied history, you would not be talking about how whites who owned slaves would be trying to get reparations. Think about what you post before you do so. Here you are saying that a white person could show a slave in their familiy and get reparations. That white person would not have been a slave, and then you neglect everything else that is covered in the congressional resolutions, namely the years after slavery. As long as you keep trying to argue as if slavery is all reparations are being asked for, your argument is stupid and without merit. It is just that simple and it is time for the whites who oppose reparations to stop arguing about reparations as if they are only for slavery. DO YOU UNDERSRTAND?
I'm running to the truth card. You are here making excuses that are basically nonsense. Whites owning slaves would not be eligible for reparations. Whites who owned slaves received reparations upon emancipation. You aren't pointing out flaws. You arrogantly think that because you're white that you can say something and that I have not studied all of the things that would be considered. If you had studied history, you would not be talking about how whites who owned slaves would be trying to get reparations. Think about what you post before you do so. Here you are saying that a white person could show a slave in their familiy and get reparations. That white person would not have been a slave, and then you neglect everything else that is covered in the congressional resolutions, namely the years after slavery. As long as you keep trying to argue as if slavery is all reparations are being asked for, your argument is stupid and without merit. It is just that simple and it is time for the whites who oppose reparations to stop arguing about reparations as if they are only for slavery. DO YOU UNDERSRTAND?
Sigh, I wasn't talking about slave owners, which you would have known if you'd actually read what I wrote. Anyway, good luck keeping unprincipled white people from collecting, unless you have the visual review board.
We will get reparations for the human rights violations this government has imposed upon blacks.

No, you won't get that either.
Not over and above the welfare and AA that you've already received.
If you want your fellow blacks to be more successful, they'll have to do it the old way.
Education, work and a large reduction in black dumbassery.
I'm not hopeful they'll succeed.
I'm running to the truth card. You are here making excuses that are basically nonsense. Whites owning slaves would not be eligible for reparations. Whites who owned slaves received reparations upon emancipation. You aren't pointing out flaws. You arrogantly think that because you're white that you can say something and that I have not studied all of the things that would be considered. If you had studied history, you would not be talking about how whites who owned slaves would be trying to get reparations. Think about what you post before you do so. Here you are saying that a white person could show a slave in their familiy and get reparations. That white person would not have been a slave, and then you neglect everything else that is covered in the congressional resolutions, namely the years after slavery. As long as you keep trying to argue as if slavery is all reparations are being asked for, your argument is stupid and without merit. It is just that simple and it is time for the whites who oppose reparations to stop arguing about reparations as if they are only for slavery. DO YOU UNDERSRTAND?

Whites who owned slaves received reparations upon emancipation.

Tell me more!!!

Here you are saying that a white person could show a slave in their familiy and get reparations. That white person would not have been a slave,

A black person could show a slave in their family and that black person would not have been a slave.
No, you won't get that either.
Not over and above the welfare and AA that you've already received.
If you want your fellow blacks to be more successful, they'll have to do it the old way.
Education, work and a large reduction in black dumbassery.
I'm not hopeful they'll succeed.
I've stated many times before, direct payments, whether monthly yearly doesn't equal "success". There is still the ability to make poor financial decisions with those payments. Case in point (as I have pointed out before) is the black man that won $30,000 in the lottery. He doesn't save the money, open an IRA, use it to get out of debt, go to school, buy a home or a down payment on a nice care to get to work. Nope, he spends 20k on a damn gold chain. Then, the idiot decides to wear said gold chain in the parts of town where he shouldn't. Then proceeds to get mugged for his gold chain.

Direct payments would be the worst mistake. If reparations were to be granted they would need to be in ways that force the recipients into making good financial decisions. Reparations would go towards:
  1. Education or skill training
  2. Down payments towards purchasing a home(s)
  3. Debt Reduction
  4. Retirements Savings Accounts that could be borrowed against but the funds used for the above options: no gold chains or Cadillacs for you.
  5. Certain felony convictions would make one ineligible for benefits or highly restricted in terms of distribution like retirement only
The list could go on and on of how reparations could be distributed. But if anyone is holding out for direct cash payments. That's wishful thinking.
I've stated many times before, direct payments, whether monthly yearly doesn't equal "success". There is still the ability to make poor financial decisions with those payments. Case in point (as I have pointed out before) is the black man that won $30,000 in the lottery. He doesn't save the money, open an IRA, use it to get out of debt, go to school, buy a home or a down payment on a nice care to get to work. Nope, he spends 20k on a damn gold chain. Then, the idiot decides to wear said gold chain in the parts of town where he shouldn't. Then proceeds to get mugged for his gold chain.

Direct payments would be the worst mistake. If reparations were to be granted they would need to be in ways that force the recipients into making good financial decisions. Reparations would go towards:
  1. Education or skill training
  2. Down payments towards purchasing a home(s)
  3. Debt Reduction
  4. Retirements Savings Accounts that could be borrowed against but the funds used for the above options: no gold chains or Cadillacs for you.
  5. Certain felony convictions would make one ineligible for benefits or highly restricted in terms of distribution like retirement only
The list could go on and on of how reparations could be distributed. But if anyone is holding out for direct cash payments. That's wishful thinking.

We already pay for education. Sorry, no reparations.
Also, you can’t help people buy a house or forgive their debt simply because of race. It’s a violation of the constitution.
Also, you can’t help people buy a house or forgive their debt simply because of race. It’s a violation of the constitution.
My point is we can't give them straight cash. There would have to be indirect, controlled distribution of some type. If you would give straight lump sums, it won't help.

Also, IM2, you know, that reparations doesn't eliminate racism. Reparations don't change the past. If reparations were to be awarded how would that change your perspective and opinions, if at all.

My point: Reparations awarded, in any way, will not stop the race baiting and reverse racism that is prevalent today. Reparation hunters, if awarded reparations, would move the goal posts and demand something else. Instead of fighting true racism, they will find racism to fight.
Whites who owned slaves received reparations upon emancipation.

Tell me more!!!

Here you are saying that a white person could show a slave in their familiy and get reparations. That white person would not have been a slave,

A black person could show a slave in their family and that black person would not have been a slave.
Nice try. Things just were not the same for blacks and whites no matter how much you try inventing things.
My point is we can't give them straight cash. There would have to be indirect, controlled distribution of some type. If you would give straight lump sums, it won't help.

Also, IM2, you know, that reparations doesn't eliminate racism. Reparations don't change the past. If reparations were to be awarded how would that change your perspective and opinions, if at all.

My point: Reparations awarded, in any way, will not stop the race baiting and reverse racism that is prevalent today. Reparation hunters, if awarded reparations, would move the goal posts and demand something else. Instead of fighting true racism, they will find racism to fight.

Why can't we get straight cash? And don't start listening to Lisa. She doesn't know and moreover she has a real serious hatred of blacks.

You do not know what would and would not help. You comment is based on your racial biases. And go tell the other groups who have received reparations what reparations won't do. There is no reverse racism and your comments on moving the goalposts are based on what?

Generally, the only people posting negative opinions on this issue have been racist whites who post what they believe the outcomes would be based on having zero knowledge of the black community and driven by their personal racism.

If blacks got direct cash payments, there would be a dramatic increase in black property ownership, an increase in the numbers of businesses and a decrease in overall black debt. You racists don't have a clue, so you really need to stop talking. The only thing that could derail the progress that would occur would be mobs of angry white racists mad because blacks got reparations who would start destroying black property acquired with the reparations funds.
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Nice try. Things just were not the same for blacks and whites no matter how much you try inventing things.

I agree, things were not the same.

Now if blacks want to be more successful, they should act more like you.
Get an education, get a job, don't have kids outside of marriage, don't commit crime.
We pay for education too. And we have paid for everything that created the white middle class. Reparations are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

The education we pay for in Chicago isn't working.
Why can't blacks learn?
We pay for education too. And we have paid for everything that created the white middle class.
why don’t you just pay for your own reputations then you ballers?

“Black people built the white middle class” LOL U wuz kangz

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