Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

The war over attempted secession (because of the South's economic addiction to slavery) did result in the end of slavery and did cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens. By our continuing insistence on "racial" grouping by color, we have to say that the majority of those who died were 'white'.
The price was high in lives of mothers' sons. Those not satisfied by that will never be satisfied, so there is no use trying.
Blacks died in that war and the claim of whites dying to free us so we should be grateful is just not a sentiment I will respect or do. Whites created the racial groupings and until whites fix the damage they caused by the resulting racism, anyone white talking about how wrong it is to group people by race can just shut up.
Didn't say no 'blacks' died. Didn't say anyone should be grateful. 'Whites' didn't create "racial groupings". Did say that the culture and the nation paid dearly for the error of continuing the universal human practice of slavery. Do say that grouping people by "race" is erroneous, odious and stupid no matter what "color" one considers oneself or others to be. Won't shut up for some anonymous creature on the Internet, especially one who obviously doesn't read or understand what I do say.
Fact: reperations can only be given to the actual victims not the offspring of people generations later, who may or may not have been victims or victimizers or even immigrated here yet.
Just as payments can only be given by the actual guilty party not the offspring generations later of a more likely never even imigrated yet innocent party, some which suffered the same inequities themselves ages earlier.
When innocent people are taxed and falsely charged because of race to pay non victims because of their race that is the definition of
1) a lawless act =false charges is against the law
2) racism
3) theft
4)violation of human rights
5)opens up a pandoras box most people would not be willing to accept the called on justice using that standard
"The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. It's illegal for the government to discriminate on the basis of race."

Let's stop making excuses by citing laws that really have not been followed.

Let's stop making excuses for our personal failures and start taking responsibility for our actions.
Tell that to the white people in government at every level who enacted laws and policies denying us the same things whites have gotten and who paid Japanese and native americans reparations, descendants of confederate traitors reparations and jews reparations for something America did not do. So don't repeat that pussy shit to me Asian, because the very people you wannabe like have never taken responsibility for their personal failures.
The Japanese were still alive. YOU were never harmed. The vast majority of black people in this country arrived on these shores long after slavery was ended. There have been GENERATIONS between those people who actually are descended from slaves, and now. Those who were responsible for the slavery are long dead, and nowhere do you recognize the losses of the white people who fought, and died, to eliminate the institution of slavery.

More white people suffered, than blacks did. By orders of magnitude and it is their descendents that you want to punish again.
And the Japanese were subjected to unconstitutional animus for a relatively short period of time (less than a decade) compared to people of African descent who were the subject of white supremacist and racially discriminatory laws, policies, procedures and social mores for CENTURIES.

The end of slavery wasn't the end of the racially discriminatory abuses complained of. After slavery, there was Jim crow, the convict leasing programs which returned many blacks to captivity under the loophole built into the 13th amendment which allows slavery as 'punishment' for criminal offenses, the "separate but equal" doctrine, redlining, excluding the job categories that most blacks were employed in (domestic workers) from the social security safety net, etc. etc. etc. I could go on all day.

The reason our government doesn't want to address this issue is because their debt is astronomical and as we've seen recently, some will go to their graves before they will ever admit to having done anything wrong or being a part of a system that allowed such heinous acts against their fellow human beings even if they don't see them as such.

Yeah, more than a century ago. The Japanese who had been harmed WERE STILL ALIVE.

This fact seems to escape you. No person today, or for even the last 100 years, was either a slave, or directly harmed by slavery.
When did lawful racial segregation end in the United States? And I mean on the books, not in fact because the remnants of those laws and policies still exist today in that just because it's no longer lawful to treat black people as second class citizens it still happens.
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"The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. It's illegal for the government to discriminate on the basis of race."

Let's stop making excuses by citing laws that really have not been followed.

Let's stop making excuses for our personal failures and start taking responsibility for our actions.
Tell that to the white people in government at every level who enacted laws and policies denying us the same things whites have gotten and who paid Japanese and native americans reparations, descendants of confederate traitors reparations and jews reparations for something America did not do. So don't repeat that pussy shit to me Asian, because the very people you wannabe like have never taken responsibility for their personal failures.
The Japanese were still alive. YOU were never harmed. The vast majority of black people in this country arrived on these shores long after slavery was ended. There have been GENERATIONS between those people who actually are descended from slaves, and now. Those who were responsible for the slavery are long dead, and nowhere do you recognize the losses of the white people who fought, and died, to eliminate the institution of slavery.

More white people suffered, than blacks did. By orders of magnitude and it is their descendents that you want to punish again.
And the Japanese were subjected to unconstitutional animus for a relatively short period of time (less than a decade) compared to people of African descent who were the subject of white supremacist and racially discriminatory laws, policies, procedures and social mores for CENTURIES.

The end of slavery wasn't the end of the racially discriminatory abuses complained of. After slavery, there was Jim crow, the convict leasing programs which returned many blacks to captivity under the loophole built into the 13th amendment which allows slavery as 'punishment' for criminal offenses, the "separate but equal" doctrine, redlining, excluding the job categories that most blacks were employed in (domestic workers) from the social security safety net, etc. etc. etc. I could go on all day.

The reason our government doesn't want to address this issue is because their debt is astronomical and as we've seen recently, some will go to their graves before they will ever admit to having done anything wrong or being a part of a system that allowed such heinous acts against their fellow human beings even if they don't see them as such.

Yeah, more than a century ago. The Japanese who had been harmed WERE STILL ALIVE.

This fact seems to escape you. No person today, or for even the last 100 years, was either a slave, or directly harmed by slavery.
When did lawful racial segregation end in the United States? And I mean on the books, not in fact because the remnants of those laws and policies still exist today in that just because it's no longer lawful to treat black people as second class citizens it still happens.

It ended in the 1960's. But segregation isn't slavery. To try and imply that they are, is not just ridiculous, but stupid.
"The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. It's illegal for the government to discriminate on the basis of race."

Let's stop making excuses by citing laws that really have not been followed.

Let's stop making excuses for our personal failures and start taking responsibility for our actions.
Tell that to the white people in government at every level who enacted laws and policies denying us the same things whites have gotten and who paid Japanese and native americans reparations, descendants of confederate traitors reparations and jews reparations for something America did not do. So don't repeat that pussy shit to me Asian, because the very people you wannabe like have never taken responsibility for their personal failures.
The Japanese were still alive. YOU were never harmed. The vast majority of black people in this country arrived on these shores long after slavery was ended. There have been GENERATIONS between those people who actually are descended from slaves, and now. Those who were responsible for the slavery are long dead, and nowhere do you recognize the losses of the white people who fought, and died, to eliminate the institution of slavery.

More white people suffered, than blacks did. By orders of magnitude and it is their descendents that you want to punish again.
And the Japanese were subjected to unconstitutional animus for a relatively short period of time (less than a decade) compared to people of African descent who were the subject of white supremacist and racially discriminatory laws, policies, procedures and social mores for CENTURIES.

The end of slavery wasn't the end of the racially discriminatory abuses complained of. After slavery, there was Jim crow, the convict leasing programs which returned many blacks to captivity under the loophole built into the 13th amendment which allows slavery as 'punishment' for criminal offenses, the "separate but equal" doctrine, redlining, excluding the job categories that most blacks were employed in (domestic workers) from the social security safety net, etc. etc. etc. I could go on all day.

The reason our government doesn't want to address this issue is because their debt is astronomical and as we've seen recently, some will go to their graves before they will ever admit to having done anything wrong or being a part of a system that allowed such heinous acts against their fellow human beings even if they don't see them as such.
Yeah, more than a century ago. The Japanese who had been harmed WERE STILL ALIVE.

This fact seems to escape you. No person today, or for even the last 100 years, was either a slave, or directly harmed by slavery.
When did lawful racial segregation end in the United States? And I mean on the books, not in fact because the remnants of those laws and policies still exist today in that just because it's no longer lawful to treat black people as second class citizens it still happens.
It ended in the 1960's. But segregation isn't slavery. To try and imply that they are, is not just ridiculous, but stupid.
The Japanese Americans were not slaves but they were stripped of their constitutional rights due to our government's paranoia. Our government issued a formal apology and paid them reparations as they should have.

On the other hand, when it comes to Americans of African descent for some reason, our government struggles with acknowledging it's role in the human rights violations it committed against an entire race of people. The fact that slavery was outlawed with no recompense or formal acknowledgement/restitution for the harm it inflicted and in fact was replaced with another system of "legal" slavery that was barely better than actual slavery which remained in effect until this century is why the topic of reparations keeps coming up.

Slavery was just the beginning, there are plenty of black people alive today who have lived under American apartheid.

A second-class citizen is a person who is systematically discriminated against within a state or other political jurisdiction, despite their nominal status as a citizen or legal resident there. While not necessarily slaves, outlaws or criminals, second-class citizens have limited legal rights, civil rights and socioeconomic opportunities, and are often subject to mistreatment or neglect at the hands of their putative superiors. Systems with de facto second-class citizenry are generally regarded as violating human rights.[1][2]
Typical conditions facing second-class citizens include but are not limited to:​
Second-class citizen - Wikipedia
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"The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. It's illegal for the government to discriminate on the basis of race."

Let's stop making excuses by citing laws that really have not been followed.

Let's stop making excuses for our personal failures and start taking responsibility for our actions.
Tell that to the white people in government at every level who enacted laws and policies denying us the same things whites have gotten and who paid Japanese and native americans reparations, descendants of confederate traitors reparations and jews reparations for something America did not do. So don't repeat that pussy shit to me Asian, because the very people you wannabe like have never taken responsibility for their personal failures.
The Japanese were still alive. YOU were never harmed. The vast majority of black people in this country arrived on these shores long after slavery was ended. There have been GENERATIONS between those people who actually are descended from slaves, and now. Those who were responsible for the slavery are long dead, and nowhere do you recognize the losses of the white people who fought, and died, to eliminate the institution of slavery.

More white people suffered, than blacks did. By orders of magnitude and it is their descendents that you want to punish again.
And the Japanese were subjected to unconstitutional animus for a relatively short period of time (less than a decade) compared to people of African descent who were the subject of white supremacist and racially discriminatory laws, policies, procedures and social mores for CENTURIES.

The end of slavery wasn't the end of the racially discriminatory abuses complained of. After slavery, there was Jim crow, the convict leasing programs which returned many blacks to captivity under the loophole built into the 13th amendment which allows slavery as 'punishment' for criminal offenses, the "separate but equal" doctrine, redlining, excluding the job categories that most blacks were employed in (domestic workers) from the social security safety net, etc. etc. etc. I could go on all day.

The reason our government doesn't want to address this issue is because their debt is astronomical and as we've seen recently, some will go to their graves before they will ever admit to having done anything wrong or being a part of a system that allowed such heinous acts against their fellow human beings even if they don't see them as such.
Yeah, more than a century ago. The Japanese who had been harmed WERE STILL ALIVE.

This fact seems to escape you. No person today, or for even the last 100 years, was either a slave, or directly harmed by slavery.
When did lawful racial segregation end in the United States? And I mean on the books, not in fact because the remnants of those laws and policies still exist today in that just because it's no longer lawful to treat black people as second class citizens it still happens.
It ended in the 1960's. But segregation isn't slavery. To try and imply that they are, is not just ridiculous, but stupid.
The Japanese Americans were not slaves but they were stripped of their constitutional rights due to our government's paranoia. Our government issued a formal apology and paid them reparations as they should have.

On the other hand, when it comes to Americans of African descent for some reason, our government struggles with acknowledging it's role in the human rights violations it committed against an entire race of people. The fact that slavery was outlawed with no recompense or formal acknowledgement/restitution for the harm it inflicted and in fact was replaced with another system of "legal" slavery that was barely better than actual slavery which remained in effect until this century is why the topic of reparations keeps coming up.

Slavery was just the beginning, there are plenty of black people alive today who have lived under American apartheid.

A second-class citizen is a person who is systematically discriminated against within a state or other political jurisdiction, despite their nominal status as a citizen or legal resident there. While not necessarily slaves, outlaws or criminals, second-class citizens have limited legal rights, civil rights and socioeconomic opportunities, and are often subject to mistreatment or neglect at the hands of their putative superiors. Systems with de facto second-class citizenry are generally regarded as violating human rights.[1][2]
Typical conditions facing second-class citizens include but are not limited to:​
Second-class citizen - Wikipedia

They were stripped of their Rights, AND their property. The reparations they received did not come close to compensating them for their monetary losses. Actual, REAL, monetary losses. Not to mention the thousands that died in the concentration camps.
And its funny White people have a problem with slave reparations but they didn’t have a problem getting paid hundreds or dollars for every slave they owned that was freed.

And once again for the racist bigot here, nothing you say here is true. And you admit these people OWNED the slaves they had, they had literally BOUGHT them, so of course they should have been paid for the huge monitory loss! That has NOTHING to do with paying reparations to people who never lost anything! Many blacks today never even had a relative that was a slave.

Those slaves were given the greatest repayment possible--- their FREEDOM, while many of them had been born, lived and grew up in big mansions living a far greater life than they could have ever dreamed back in Africa, and doing simple house chores, cleaning, cooking, etc.

Now paying people a reparation simply for the color of their skin makes no more sense than paying me reparations for slaves freed I never owned. It'll only serve to bankrupt the country and ingratiate Blacks to suggest the $200 or whatever they get makes up for their history of being so much weaker than the western civilizations, nor does it address the 10,000 other peoples and races that were enslaved at one point in history who don't even get a second notice now.

The whole idea is a joke. Tell me Paul, how much is your total satisfaction and contentment worth for being born Black?
  • $200?
  • $500?
  • $1,000?
  • $10,000?
  • $1,000,000?
How much will it cost to BUY YOU OFF and shut you the fuck up that you can NEVER AGAIN throw up to anyone that centuries ago, people who LOOKED like you used to be bought and traded as in-servitude laborers? Understand that after that, you'll no longer have ANY EXCUSES for scoring lower on test scores or living in a $40,000 house or only making $12,000 a year. No privileges, no BLM, no special education grants, no affirmative action or other social equities.

Once you accept your reparations, THAT'S IT, you live or die, fly or swim by your own merits, work and effort and have to compete with everyone else on the same playing field.
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How much will it cost to BUY YOU OFF and shut you the fuck up that you can NEVER AGAIN throw up to anyone that centuries ago, people who LOOKED like you used to be bought and traded as in-servitude laborers? Understand that after that, you'll no longer have ANY EXCUSES for scoring lower on test scores or living in a $40,000 house or only making $12,000 a year. No privileges, no BLM, no special education grants, no affirmative action or other social equities.

Once you accept your reparations, THAT'S IT, you live or die, fly or swim by your own merits, work and effort and have to compete with everyone else on the same playing field.
Reparations Package should start off at 40 Trillion.

That would be $Imillion going to every Foundational Black American who’s lineage traces back to the American slave trade that was enforced by the government Those payments can be dispersed in increments of $16k a month for 5 years
And its funny White people have a problem with slave reparations but they didn’t have a problem getting paid hundreds or dollars for every slave they owned that was freed.

And once again for the racist bigot here, nothing you say here is true. And you admit these people OWNED the slaves they had, they had literally BOUGHT them, so of course they should have been paid for the huge monitory loss! That has NOTHING to do with paying reparations to people who never lost anything! Many blacks today never even had a relative that was a slave.

Those slaves were given the greatest repayment possible--- their FREEDOM, while many of them had been born, lived and grew up in big mansions living a far greater life than they could have ever dreamed back in Africa, and doing simple house chores, cleaning, cooking, etc.

Now paying people a reparation simply for the color of their skin makes no more sense than paying me reparations for slaves freed I never owned. It'll only serve to bankrupt the country and ingratiate Blacks to suggest the $200 or whatever they get makes up for their history of being so much weaker than the western civilizations, nor does it address the 10,000 other peoples and races that were enslaved at one point in history who don't even get a second notice now.

The whole idea is a joke. Tell me Paul, how much is your total satisfaction and contentment worth for being born Black?
  • $200?
  • $500?
  • $1,000?
  • $10,000?
  • $1,000,000?
How much will it cost to BUY YOU OFF and shut you the fuck up that you can NEVER AGAIN throw up to anyone that centuries ago, people who LOOKED like you used to be bought and traded as in-servitude laborers? Understand that after that, you'll no longer have ANY EXCUSES for scoring lower on test scores or living in a $40,000 house or only making $12,000 a year. No privileges, no BLM, no special education grants, no affirmative action or other social equities.

Once you accept your reparations, THAT'S IT, you live or die, fly or swim by your own merits, work and effort and have to compete with everyone else on the same playing field.
Reparations aren't just for slavery. You've been told that and what's worse is that you know that and still try this argument.
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

Nothing about what is proper or improper is anything to stop Democrats from acting. For them, one criteria exists - will it boost VOTES ? And I'm not sure if they even care about that anymore, since now they have a nationwide fraud machine, to put their people in office, regardless of any people's will, or real voting numbers.
If there's any reparations to be paid, it should be for the 57 years of WHITE victims of Affirmative Action discrimination. In contrast, black Americans have been the BENEFICIARIES of all that racial discrimination, gaining preference in housing, jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, et al.

As long as Democrats are in power, expect more lunacy from the looney left. Things will get crazier and worse, not better.
Pure political pandering. They want to waste money on a study that will never be passed in and Congress or signed by any president, this one or any other. Why? Because it's political suicide except in the deepest blue districts and states. Aside from the fact that as noted in the OP, it's unconstitutional.
Pure political pandering. They want to waste money on a study that will never be passed in and Congress or signed by any president, this one or any other. Why? Because it's political suicide except in the deepest blue districts and states. Aside from the fact that as noted in the OP, it's unconstitutional.
black people all over the world will move here to get their check
How much will it cost to BUY YOU OFF and shut you the fuck up that you can NEVER AGAIN throw up to anyone that centuries ago, people who LOOKED like you used to be bought and traded as in-servitude laborers? Understand that after that, you'll no longer have ANY EXCUSES for scoring lower on test scores or living in a $40,000 house or only making $12,000 a year. No privileges, no BLM, no special education grants, no affirmative action or other social equities.

Once you accept your reparations, THAT'S IT, you live or die, fly or swim by your own merits, work and effort and have to compete with everyone else on the same playing field.
Reparations Package should start off at 40 Trillion.

That would be $Imillion going to every Foundational Black American who’s lineage traces back to the American slave trade that was enforced by the government Those payments can be dispersed in increments of $16k a month for 5 years

And how much do the whites who lost family freeing the slaves get to charge you?
What? You Biden voters really believed you were going to get reparations, a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage, and $50 thousand in student loan forgiveness? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
"The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. It's illegal for the government to discriminate on the basis of race."

Let's stop making excuses by citing laws that really have not been followed.

Let's stop making excuses for our personal failures and start taking responsibility for our actions.
Tell that to the white people in government at every level who enacted laws and policies denying us the same things whites have gotten and who paid Japanese and native americans reparations, descendants of confederate traitors reparations and jews reparations for something America did not do. So don't repeat that pussy shit to me Asian, because the very people you wannabe like have never taken responsibility for their personal failures.

You never find a rock-bottom to your pathetic, personal responsibility avoiding, victimhood. You are so completely spineless that the only thing you value is being able to claim your victimhood. You see it as a competition, and you are determined to insist on your place at the bottom where absolutely nothing can be your own personal fault as an individual. I would tell you to be a man, but evidently you don't even want to be.
And how much do the whites who lost family freeing the slaves get to charge you?
Who freed the slaves ? Lincoln ? He was a hardcore white supremacist


Lincoln repeatedly stated how he felt Black people were inferior and he stated he had no problem with slavery if it would keep the union together.

The Civil War was never about freeing enslaved Black Americans. In fact, the first policy during the beginning of the Civil War was for the Union Army to return any Black slave who escaped during the war, back to southern plantation owners. Also SLAVERY WAS IN THE NORTH too

There are STILL former slave plantations in Northern cities (like Sylvester Manor in New York) in existence. Also Union general Ulysses S Grant was a slaveowner. So why would Northern whites “sacrifice their lives stopping slavery in the South”, when slavery was in the North?

The reality is, during the Civil War, the North was losing to the Confederacy. The Confederate States wanted to branch off and start their own separate nation, which would have destroyed the United States as we know it. So the Union got desperate and reached out to Black ppl.

The Union NEEDED Black ppl to help fight in the war with them BECAUSE THEY WERE ALREADY LOSING the Civil War. And they had to give Black people an incentive to help them. And what was that? The promise of emancipation. So the Union ONLY WON BECAUSE BLACK Soldiers HELPED THEM.
You never find a rock-bottom to your pathetic, personal responsibility avoiding, victimhood. You are so completely spineless that the only thing you value is being able to claim your victimhood. You see it as a competition, and you are determined to insist on your place at the bottom where absolutely nothing can be your own personal fault as an individual. I would tell you to be a man, but evidently you don't even want to be.

OK. The floor is yours.

What should black people do ?

I mean. You love to tell black people what they shouldn't do. Let's flip it.

What should black people do ?
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Pure political pandering. They want to waste money on a study that will never be passed in and Congress or signed by any president, this one or any other. Why? Because it's political suicide except in the deepest blue districts and states. Aside from the fact that as noted in the OP, it's unconstitutional.
Democrats, including judges, no longer care about the Constitution. The Constitution is a national thing. Democrats are not nationalists. They are INTERnationalists aka globalists, aka communists.

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