Repbulican Senate candidate Rubio criticizes Arizona law

Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.
He's got to spend more time pandering to the xenophobes in reality.

There is always the danger that one state's idiocy will spread to other states. This is his way of signaling that he wouldn't support such measures.

Free speech is a bitch, eh Dud?
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

why is it when white conservatives want something, they call it 'we the people'?

but when anyone who's not white conservative wants something, the white conservatives call it 'pandering'?

funny that.
:eusa_eh: Good question.
Or maybe he could just say that Arizona's business is Arizona's business, and quit pretending that merely being a candidate for Senator, in a state clean across the country no less, doesn't automatically make him Solomon.
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

why is it when white conservatives want something, they call it 'we the people'?

but when anyone who's not white conservative wants something, the white conservatives call it 'pandering'?

funny that.

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Sorry to break it to you that MYOB transcends party lines, comrade.
Marco Rubio speaks out on AZ immigration law

It could also unreasonably single out people who are here legally, including many American citizens


how big is the cuban population of miami? :eusa_whistle:

seriously, if tom tancredo, al sharpton and marco rubio are all saying the same thing, there's really no excuse for anyone here defending it.

Did you actually read what he said? Are you capable of it?

For the record he didnt say anything that the WSJ editorial page didnt say yesterday. The immigration system is broken. The law in AZ is a desperate attempt to solve a very difficult problem that the Democrats have refused to address. He expresses a lot of sympathy for the plight of people in AZ, affirms their right to pass such legislation, and then mentions his misgivings about it.
Sounds OK to me. But funny to see the conservative candidate held up as a model for what to think.
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

Unless you're from both Arizona and Florida, then you're not minding YOUR own business.
Marco Rubio speaks out on AZ immigration law

It could also unreasonably single out people who are here legally, including many American citizens


how big is the cuban population of miami? :eusa_whistle:

seriously, if tom tancredo, al sharpton and marco rubio are all saying the same thing, there's really no excuse for anyone here defending it.

how do you defend allowing Americans being murdered, kidnapped and their homes invading. How do you defend the fact that the govenor of the state of Arizona wrote DC and begged for help and was totally ignored. You guys make me sick. You don't seem to give a shit that Americans are dying.
Or maybe he could just say that Arizona's business is Arizona's business, and quit pretending that merely being a candidate for Senator, in a state clean across the country no less, doesn't automatically make him Solomon.

I hope Congress and the Obama Administration will use the Arizona legislation not as an excuse to try and jam through amnesty legislation, but to finally act on border states’ requests for help with security and fix the things about our immigration system that can be fixed right now – securing the border, reforming the visa and entry process, and cracking down on employers who exploit illegal immigrants.

Rubio gets it.
how do you defend allowing Americans being murdered, kidnapped and their homes invading. How do you defend the fact that the govenor of the state of Arizona wrote DC and begged for help and was totally ignored. You guys make me sick. You don't seem to give a shit that Americans are dying.

how do you defend an hispanic american having to be afraid he's going to be stopped and arrested by the police because he's latino? you people make my stomach turn.

american's aren't DYING, freaking drama queen.
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

Unless you're from both Arizona and Florida, then you're not minding YOUR own business.
Only to the extent that I wouldn't want a New York moonbat like you yammering on how I should go about running my state.
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

why is it when white conservatives want something, they call it 'we the people'?

but when anyone who's not white conservative wants something, the white conservatives call it 'pandering'?

funny that.

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Sorry to break it to you that MYOB transcends party lines, comrade.

you think you get a pass to violate the constitution?

where's the great pretend constitutionalist when it comes to what the constitution REALLY was intended to do?

where is the great pretend constitutionalist who only wants small government when the government actually oversteps?

:blahblah: yourself. hypocrite.
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

Unless you're from both Arizona and Florida, then you're not minding YOUR own business.
Only to the extent that I wouldn't want a New York moonbat like you yammering on how I should go about running my state.

why not? you're awful big on talking about what 'the constitution' requires when you don't have a clue.

you don't MYOB then. :
why is it when white conservatives want something, they call it 'we the people'?

but when anyone who's not white conservative wants something, the white conservatives call it 'pandering'?

funny that.

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Sorry to break it to you that MYOB transcends party lines, comrade.

you think you get a pass to violate the constitution?

where's the great pretend constitutionalist when it comes to what the constitution REALLY was intended to do?

where is the great pretend constitutionalist who only wants small government when the government actually oversteps?

:blahblah: yourself. hypocrite.
**double yawn**
Only to the extent that I wouldn't want a New York moonbat like you yammering on how I should go about running my state.

why not? you're awful big on talking about what 'the constitution' requires when you don't have a clue.

you don't MYOB then. :


about all that could be expected from a pretend constitutionalist. ;)

thanks for your input.
Repbulican Senate candidate Rubio criticizes Arizona law
Really easy to say when you're on the other side of the country.

So, let him move to Arizona and run for Senate there.

really easy to do when a huge part of your constituency is hispanic...

something the rightwingers need to learn or they're going to be screwed for generations.

Pete Wilson's push for Prop 187 here in CA is the #1 factor why his Presidential run never got off the ground.

BTW...why not a state law going after the employers of illegals?

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