Repbulican Senate candidate Rubio criticizes Arizona law

I agree on states minding own states business.
Like prohibiting out of state political contributions for in state elections.
why not? you're awful big on talking about what 'the constitution' requires when you don't have a clue.

you don't MYOB then. :


about all that could be expected from a pretend constitutionalist. ;)

thanks for your input.

YOu seem very intolerant towards "pretend constitutionalists" and very tolerant towards those who created the dead Arizonans whose constitutional rights were stripped from them.. why is that?? why is notbody protesting for the dead Arizonians who lost their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness at the hand of illegal immigrants?? huh big new yawk lawyer lady???
Marco Rubio speaks out on AZ immigration law

It could also unreasonably single out people who are here legally, including many American citizens


Also from Ravi:
Ravi said:
Republicans are dipshits, crybabies and unethical twits.

Link Here
That doesn't mean that once in a while they can't make a valid point.

But thanks for saving my touching. :)

How convienient for you... Do you believe all his points on the issue are valid or just the criticism part?

I saved nothing - you should try the search function now and then... LMK if you need help understanding it's intricate workings...

about all that could be expected from a pretend constitutionalist. ;)

thanks for your input.

YOu seem very intolerant towards "pretend constitutionalists" and very tolerant towards those who created the dead Arizonans whose constitutional rights were stripped from them.. why is that?? why is notbody protesting for the dead Arizonians who lost their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness at the hand of illegal immigrants?? huh big new yawk lawyer lady???
They only care about pigmented "victims".

That's how closeted racism works.
about all that could be expected from a pretend constitutionalist. ;)

thanks for your input.

YOu seem very intolerant towards "pretend constitutionalists" and very tolerant towards those who created the dead Arizonans whose constitutional rights were stripped from them.. why is that?? why is notbody protesting for the dead Arizonians who lost their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness at the hand of illegal immigrants?? huh big new yawk lawyer lady???
They only care about pigmented "victims".

That's how closeted racism works.
Right...."they" don't care that someone is presumed guilty and that the burden of proof is on them.

You're an idiot. And a hack.
Do you have something intelligent of substance to contribute or just name calling?
And I am not referring to this thread exclusively.
And did you by chance actually read what Rubio said?
Do you have something intelligent of substance to contribute or just name calling?
And I am not referring to this thread exclusively.
And did you by chance actually read what Rubio said?

who are you talking to?

i really have no use for whiny little trolls who stalk other's posts and then go and cry when they get zapped.


and thank g-d your stupidity isn't contageous.
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isn't the arizona law simple a state version of the federal law.... is it the federal law is not considered racist, yet this law, which seeks only to enforce federal law, is?

why are there no protest against the federal law?

Good question. No one seems to think anything about state and local police enforcing other federal laws. I mean, have you ever seen an officer let a bank robber go because of the federal law against bank robbery?
Right...Pandering to favored constituencies is really easy...Apparently much easier that minding one's states' own business and keeping their mouth shut.

Unless you're from both Arizona and Florida, then you're not minding YOUR own business.
Only to the extent that I wouldn't want a New York moonbat like you yammering on how I should go about running my state.

There's no help for the state you're in.
YOu seem very intolerant towards "pretend constitutionalists" and very tolerant towards those who created the dead Arizonans whose constitutional rights were stripped from them.. why is that?? why is notbody protesting for the dead Arizonians who lost their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness at the hand of illegal immigrants?? huh big new yawk lawyer lady???
They only care about pigmented "victims".

That's how closeted racism works.
Right...."they" don't care that someone is presumed guilty and that the burden of proof is on them.

You're an idiot. And a hack.
Forgotten the Duke LaCrosse team so soon, have you?

Bigoted nitwit.
why is it when white conservatives want something, they call it 'we the people'?

but when anyone who's not white conservative wants something, the white conservatives call it 'pandering'?

funny that.

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Sorry to break it to you that MYOB transcends party lines, comrade.

you think you get a pass to violate the constitution?

where's the great pretend constitutionalist when it comes to what the constitution REALLY was intended to do?

where is the great pretend constitutionalist who only wants small government when the government actually oversteps?

:blahblah: yourself. hypocrite.

Like I said the other day, it's truly amazing that the constitution just happens to mean exactly what rightwingers want it to mean. What a stroke of luck!!
Marco Rubio speaks out on AZ immigration law

It could also unreasonably single out people who are here legally, including many American citizens


how big is the cuban population of miami? :eusa_whistle:

seriously, if tom tancredo, al sharpton and marco rubio are all saying the same thing, there's really no excuse for anyone here defending it.

how do you defend allowing Americans being murdered, kidnapped and their homes invading.
How do you defend the fact that the govenor of the state of Arizona wrote DC and begged for help and was totally ignored. You guys make me sick. You don't seem to give a shit that Americans are dying.

No one is defending that. I just don't get why some people seem to think this is largely caused by illegals or that this law will have any significant impact on crime. Listening to all the yelling and you would think that there is an illegal crime wave taking over the country and killing us in our beds.
is it now illegal to arrest immigrants who came here illegally....
Marco Rubio speaks out on AZ immigration law

It could also unreasonably single out people who are here legally, including many American citizens


A candidate pandering for votes? Imagine that??

Most republicans don't want to deal with it before the election and would rather talk about almost anything else due to the fact that if this became an issue associated with the republican party it could turn hispanic voters away from republcian candidates.

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