Repealing the second amendment...

Can you post a link to someone calling for the repeal of the 2nd amendment?
Every time anyone calls for so called “universal background checks”... its a dog whistle.

No, not really. You could have universal background checks and not go through the process you listed above. So, they really are not connected at all.

A bigger concern is universal gun registration. Though it would be a pipe dream as too many people have guns that would never register them. I know I sure would not.

Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from
Every time anyone calls for so called “universal background checks”... its a dog whistle.

No, not really. You could have universal background checks and not go through the process you listed above. So, they really are not connected at all.

A bigger concern is universal gun registration. Though it would be a pipe dream as too many people have guns that would never register them. I know I sure would not.

Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?
No, not really. You could have universal background checks and not go through the process you listed above. So, they really are not connected at all.

A bigger concern is universal gun registration. Though it would be a pipe dream as too many people have guns that would never register them. I know I sure would not.

Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work
Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Yeah because we all know criminals buy their guns from Bass Pro Shop. :lmao:
See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Yeah because we all know criminals buy their guns from Bass Pro Shop. :lmao:

How do we trace where they get their guns

It is more likely that they are buying them from you
Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

WITH GUNS. That’s a tired ass statistics that any person with common sense can see right through. Tell me, did all the shooters in Chicago fill out the yellow paper for their guns?
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Yeah because we all know criminals buy their guns from Bass Pro Shop. :lmao:

How do we trace where they get their guns

It is more likely that they are buying them from you

It’s called a serial number. I have this .22. It’s my favorite rifle. My dad bought me this gun for Christmas 1996. In 2011, the safety was deemed defective. I sent them the serial number and they were able to if the gun as one that needed an upgrade. Simple. No yellow paper. You forget, fire arm manufacturers still are obliged to keep track of their products just like anyone else. Guns can already work tracked, and that’s not what the 4473 was designed to do. You are conflating your “facts”.
The US should let go of its love for becoming laughable.
Check any news outlet you will read, hear and see the following:
Son kills his entire family
Husband kills his entire family.
Work shooting.
Preschool shooting.
Freeway shooting.
Church shooting.
Game shooting.

Do gun lovers know that most of the world doesn't have this madness, they you even know what leaving without guns feels like?
I do i lived ina gun free country , it' fucking pathetic that you guys love guns and violence.
Firearms have no control over people, most people learn that grade school

We have countries with strict gun laws and we have the US. Americans are dying by thousands shot and killed because firearms are all 9ver the place....what is it hard to understand?

You have countries with strict gun laws, like Britain and Australia where their gun crime rates are going up.....and then you have the United States where they keep buying and carrying more guns, and their gun crime rate goes down, their gun murder rate goes down and their violent crime rate goes down.....

That is the truth. Please explain it.

The United States

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.


U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

The US should let go of its love for becoming laughable.
Check any news outlet you will read, hear and see the following:
Son kills his entire family
Husband kills his entire family.
Work shooting.
Preschool shooting.
Freeway shooting.
Church shooting.
Game shooting.

Do gun lovers know that most of the world doesn't have this madness, they you even know what leaving without guns feels like?
I do i lived ina gun free country , it' fucking pathetic that you guys love guns and violence.
Firearms have no control over people, most people learn that grade school

We have countries with strict gun laws and we have the US. Americans are dying by thousands shot and killed because firearms are all 9ver the place....what is it hard to understand?
Only in urban controlled areas by progressives, Due to frivolous gun-control laws.

Rural areas where firearms outnumber people by many, many times over violent crime is almost unheard of... fact

Firearms have no control over people, most people learn that in grade school

Dude have you ever traveled abroad? I'm constantly overseas since age of 5. The US is the one of the most violent country in the world due to the availability of guns. There are lot of countries where police don't even have guns....Trust me it is possible to live with less or no guns IN A CIVILISED SOCIETY. most European countries are infact liberal and gun crimes no where near the US.

Before i moved here, our news feed and in Europe also...shows always the heinous gun crimes in the US we never understood it and we still don't.

The risk of firearm-related death showed no difference across the rural-urban spectrum for the population as a whole, but varied when divided up by age — firearm deaths were significantly higher for children and people ages 45 and older, while for people ages 20 to 44, the risk of firearm deaths were much higher in urban areas. I’d wager some of that comes down to differences in gun ownership: more households have firearms in rural areas than in urban ones, and sadly, too many gun owners keep their firearms where their children can reach them. The result can be tragic. At the same time, the bulk of victims killed by homicide are young men, according to FBI statistics. And they are more likely to be shot and killed in the cities.

There are close to 600 million guns in this country.....over 16.3 million people have legal permits to carry guns....

How many accidental gun deaths are there?

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun Accidental death.....


The reason Europe has had fewer gun murders relates to their culture, not criminal access to guns...since their criminals have easy access to guns, and in the island nation of Britain, with extreme gun control for limited types of shotguns and absolute bans and confiscation for every other type of gun especially hand guns....and their handgun crime rates and their gun crime rates are going up...while ours are going down......

How do you explain our gun crime rate going down, while Britain and Australia's are going up?
Every time anyone calls for so called “universal background checks”... its a dog whistle.

No, not really. You could have universal background checks and not go through the process you listed above. So, they really are not connected at all.

A bigger concern is universal gun registration. Though it would be a pipe dream as too many people have guns that would never register them. I know I sure would not.

Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

No....the only reason you want background checks is because it then gives you the ability to call for universal gun registration, which is the true goal.....actually stopping violent criminals is something you don't care about, since you guys keep letting them back out.

Paperwork on a gun? To know where it came from? Does nothing to solve or prevent it being used in a crime or a mass shooting. The criminals who steal guns, pass them around, so after they commit a crime, and even if they leave the gun where it can be found, all it does is show who the gun was stolen from, not who used it to commit the crime.

The best way to reduce gun crime, if that is what you really want, is to lock up violent criminals for 30-life......long prison sentences are the way the Japanese stoppped the Yakuza from using guns all the time. But you guys don't care about actual only want to punish law abiding gun owners.
Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Our non gun murder rate is higher than the entire murder rates of those same isn't guns or gun laws, and it definitely isn't law abiding gun owners that are the problem. In fact, as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%...explain that. Our gun murder rate went down 49%...explain that. Our violent crime rate went down 72%...explain that.

Our problem as recorded here in link after link is a revolving door policy for violent criminals, especially violent criminals who use guns. You guys call for more gun control on people who don't use guns for crime, then let violent gun criminals, who actually have used guns for crime....back on the streets, over and over again.

You don't care about gun crime. You care about banning guns, for people who don't use them for crime, since you know you can't control the actual gun criminals with your laws.
See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Our non gun murder rate is higher than the entire murder rates of those same isn't guns or gun laws, and it definitely isn't law abiding gun owners that are the problem. In fact, as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%...explain that. Our gun murder rate went down 49%...explain that. Our violent crime rate went down 72%...explain that.

Our problem as recorded here in link after link is a revolving door policy for violent criminals, especially violent criminals who use guns. You guys call for more gun control on people who don't use guns for crime, then let violent gun criminals, who actually have used guns for crime....back on the streets, over and over again.

You don't care about gun crime. You care about banning guns, for people who don't use them for crime, since you know you can't control the actual gun criminals with your laws.

Lots of stuff gos into the murder rate. Hell, bigger population equals more folks doing murder which equals higher murder rate.
Defin a universal background check then. What would it do that the current form doesn’t cover?

See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Britain banned and confiscated guns....their gun crime rate is up 27% around their country and up 42% in London all by does that show that background checks and registration work when they can't own guns in the first place? Dittos Australia. In France, terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists, got fully automatic military weapons....they are completely banned in France........and used them in their terrorist attacks....and they are also easily acquired by local criminals in France who use them as status symbols...

Nothing you say about gun control is true or accurate.
10,000 gun homicides each year. And you worry and fret non-stop about Muslims! :lol:
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
I have linked to that site many times to show you tards that lightning kills more Americans than Muslims do.

So...what's your plan to reduce the 10,000 gun homicides each year?
Shit happens, Most of those are gangbangers in urban areas comes with the territory
Plan A: Ban guns.

Plan B: Shit happens.

So much for superior ideas!
Moved to the red areas and you have basically no chance of encountering any firearm violence


Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

Stop making shit up to cover up your lack of superior ideas. That's why the pro-gun side is losing.
Do you have trouble walking and chewing gum?
Shit happens, more fucked up laws will increase violence
Well that’s a pretty lame argument. I guess it all depends on the law. But of course there’s the fact that some laws could decrease violence which would be the point
Actually more frivolous laws only hurt law abiding people... Criminal control not gun control
Crime control is fine but doesn’t have anything to with the question if gun control reduces violence. I’d say our gun laws, for the most part, reduces access and takes guns and fire power out of more criminal hands than law abiding citizens. If that’s the case then it would likely be a factor in reducing violence. I don’t think you are making a strong argument at all

You mean except for actual research on the topic of gun control and reducing violence?

Gun control doesn’t reduce crime, violence, say studies

The National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study.

In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns.

And how about Britain...they banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate has only gone up.....27% across the whole country last year, and up 42% in London alone, and their violent crime rate is higher than ours and going up....

How do you explain that since they banned guns.....? Kind of makes your point kinda silly....
Homicide rate in the UK: 0.92 per 100,000.

Homicide rate in the US: 4.88 per 100,000. 530% higher than the UK.

Nice try, dumbass.
See, all it is is yet another line on the yellow form. All right t does is make me pay $15.00 for selling my gun. Y’all gen more, any person who says “universal background check” only show cases how ignorant they are.
There should be no charge for background checks on new firearms purchases and no background checks on private sales. end of story
A background check should take seconds not minutes...
And there should be no paperwork to follow the firearm... Because it’s no one else’s business

Background checks should be required on all purchases....even to your own son
The only alternative is to issue licenses that will show you have met all the checks.....but we know how you guys feel about that
There should be paperwork so that when a gun is used in a crime, we know where it came from

Again, your are pushing a system that has yet to prove its usefulness. There is not one instance of a background check, universal or otherwise preventing any type of crime at all. Zero, zip , nada, zilch not one. Far as my kids go, I wouldn’t sell them guns, they know they can just come and grab one. As far as keeping track of the guns, it’s already doable. Ask Erick Holder and his old boss can tell you all about that. At this time a fire arm in this country can be traced from my cabinet to the assembly line it was built on. Instead of waisting time on pointless ideas and maybe adress why it is so many feel the need to go kill a bunch of people?

We have five times the murder rate of other industrialized countries

More than enough proof that background checks and registration work

Britain banned and confiscated guns....their gun crime rate is up 27% around their country and up 42% in London all by does that show that background checks and registration work when they can't own guns in the first place? Dittos Australia. In France, terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists, got fully automatic military weapons....they are completely banned in France........and used them in their terrorist attacks....and they are also easily acquired by local criminals in France who use them as status symbols...

Nothing you say about gun control is true or accurate.

Britain, know what? You can own surpressers in Brition. And Canada allowes you to have short barrled rifles. Why not more murder with surpressers and 10 inch barrled rifles in those countries?
I have linked to that site many times to show you tards that lightning kills more Americans than Muslims do.

So...what's your plan to reduce the 10,000 gun homicides each year?
Shit happens, Most of those are gangbangers in urban areas comes with the territory
Plan A: Ban guns.

Plan B: Shit happens.

So much for superior ideas!
Moved to the red areas and you have basically no chance of encountering any firearm violence


Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

Stop making shit up to cover up your lack of superior ideas. That's why the pro-gun side is losing.

The gun violence archive lies. They conflate all shootings with mass public order to lie about how many mass public shootings happen in the United States.....they lump in domestic shootings and gang bangers shooting each other over dice games as mass shootings and they do not follow the actual definition.

Mother Jones, on the other hand, actually uses the FBI definition of mass public shootings......but their number is nowhere near as large as the Gun violence Archive...which is why you won't use it.

Number of actual mass public shootings by year......including the new standard created by obama where only 3 people need to be killed to qualify as mass public shootings....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

Shit happens, more fucked up laws will increase violence
Well that’s a pretty lame argument. I guess it all depends on the law. But of course there’s the fact that some laws could decrease violence which would be the point
Actually more frivolous laws only hurt law abiding people... Criminal control not gun control
Crime control is fine but doesn’t have anything to with the question if gun control reduces violence. I’d say our gun laws, for the most part, reduces access and takes guns and fire power out of more criminal hands than law abiding citizens. If that’s the case then it would likely be a factor in reducing violence. I don’t think you are making a strong argument at all

You mean except for actual research on the topic of gun control and reducing violence?

Gun control doesn’t reduce crime, violence, say studies

The National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study.

In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns.

And how about Britain...they banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate has only gone up.....27% across the whole country last year, and up 42% in London alone, and their violent crime rate is higher than ours and going up....

How do you explain that since they banned guns.....? Kind of makes your point kinda silly....
Homicide rate in the UK: 0.92 per 100,000

Homicide rate in the US: 4.88 per 100,000

Nice try, dumbass.

Let me guess, you were under cover in Brition to? Your post is redundant, actually it isn’t redundant. If it were redundant it would have at least offered an opinion. All you did was cut and paste shit from the top of the thread/
And how about Britain...they banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate has only gone up.....27% across the whole country last year, and up 42% in London alone, and their violent crime rate is higher than ours and going up....
The UK's violent crime rate is not higher than ours.

You lied.
Shit happens, more fucked up laws will increase violence
Well that’s a pretty lame argument. I guess it all depends on the law. But of course there’s the fact that some laws could decrease violence which would be the point
Actually more frivolous laws only hurt law abiding people... Criminal control not gun control
Crime control is fine but doesn’t have anything to with the question if gun control reduces violence. I’d say our gun laws, for the most part, reduces access and takes guns and fire power out of more criminal hands than law abiding citizens. If that’s the case then it would likely be a factor in reducing violence. I don’t think you are making a strong argument at all

You mean except for actual research on the topic of gun control and reducing violence?

Gun control doesn’t reduce crime, violence, say studies

The National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study.

In short, the panel could find no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns.

And how about Britain...they banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate has only gone up.....27% across the whole country last year, and up 42% in London alone, and their violent crime rate is higher than ours and going up....

How do you explain that since they banned guns.....? Kind of makes your point kinda silly....
Homicide rate in the UK: 0.92 per 100,000.

Homicide rate in the US: 4.88 per 100,000. 530% higher than the UK.

Nice try, dumbass.

Dumb shit........their gun crime rate is going only want to focus on murder because they have a low murder rate. Well guess what dumb ass.....our non gun murder rate, our murder rate with bare hands, our murder rate with knives and bats is higher than their entire murder rate.....moron......

What you want and need to hide is the fact that they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate is going up every year.......their gun control did not lower their gun crime rate or their gun murder rate...

The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.


Two men stabbed dead within hours as violent crime soars in London

The shocking attacks come as new figures revealed crime overall in London is rising, with significant increases in cases of youth violence.

A total of 35 young people under the age of 25 have been murdered in the capital in the last 12 months, an 84 per cent rise on the same period last year.

The number of cases of serious youth violence - a measure of gang activity - also rose by 18 per cent.


as well as a 16 per cent rise in the number of rapes.


Gun crime rose by nearly 19 per cent and the number of shootings was up by 11 per cent to 338.


London now more dangerous than New York City, crime stats suggest

While both London and New York have populations of around 8 million, figures suggest you are almost six times more likely to be burgled in the British capital than in the US city, and one and a half times more likely to fall victim to a robbery.

London has almost three times the number of reported rapes and while the murder rate in New York remains higher, the gap is narrowing dramatically.

The change in fortunes of the two global cities has been put down largely to the difference in tactics adopted by the two police forces.

Both Scotland Yard and the New York City Police Department (NYPD) have just over 30,000 officers each and budgets of around £3 billion a year.

But in the mid-1990s spiralling crime rates in New York - sparked by the crack cocaine epidemic - resulted in radical a new approach being adopted by the city's police department.

Under the leadership of Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and police commissioner, Bill Bratton, the NYPD introduced a zero tolerance approach to low level crime and flooded problem areas with patrols.

The force also put a huge amount of emphasis on community policing in order to build bridges between the police and members of the public.

As a result the murder plummeted from a high in 1990 of over 2,000 to a record low of 335 last year.

That figure is expected to fall even lower this year, and is currently in line to dip below 240.


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