Repealing the second amendment...

The pro universal background checks anti-gun nutters don’t even understand the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
Their ignorance is astounding, the federal government/deep state know through firearm confiscation/single payer/believe in man made climate change is the only way to control the American individual. The goal of socialism is to eliminate any sort of freedom and individuality.

Trying to understand fellas like him is a lost cause...
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

iu are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about... do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
It is too complicated for the right wing; it is why think tanks had to come up with political jargon for simple dictionary definitions.
The pro universal background checks anti-gun nutters don’t even understand the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
Their ignorance is astounding, the federal government/deep state know through firearm confiscation/single payer/believe in man made climate change is the only way to control the American individual. The goal of socialism is to eliminate any sort of freedom and individuality.

Trying to understand fellas like him is a lost cause...
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

iu are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about... do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried long-term in the history of the planet, there is no real difference between communism and socialism. There is no sort of freedom whatsoever and they both erase individuality over time.
You’re basically speaking in technicalities and on paper, in real world practice the result for both is the same.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

iu are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about... do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried long-term in the history of the planet, there is no real difference between communism and socialism. There is no sort of freedom whatsoever and they both erase individuality over time.
You’re basically speaking in technicalities and on paper, in real world practice the result for both is the same.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.
I agree--Socialism is like salt..a little is good for the society..a lot is pure poison. In our country..we have what I think is the best form of govt. imagined...but it is sloppy. We're in a sloppy period right now...20 years from now..things will be a lot more sorted..until the next time. Demographics play a key role in all that.
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

iu are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about... do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried long-term in the history of the planet, there is no real difference between communism and socialism. There is no sort of freedom whatsoever and they both erase individuality over time.
You’re basically speaking in technicalities and on paper, in real world practice the result for both is the same.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.
Socialism requires social morals for free to merit a divine, Commune of Heaven.
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

iu are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about... do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried long-term in the history of the planet, there is no real difference between communism and socialism. There is no sort of freedom whatsoever and they both erase individuality over time.
You’re basically speaking in technicalities and on paper, in real world practice the result for both is the same.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.


Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism? Socialism..there are no 'haves'---I think what he meant to say was that the clash of Capitalism and Socialism makes for a vicious cycle--and it does. In their pure forms.

In our country, we have a complex amalgam of both is inherently unstable..and thus..the constant tension. We will never go back to the early 20th though...and we will never go too far to the left either...just a series of corrections to the middle..and lots of angst and drama.
I live near two military bases, and I sell firearms to the local sheriffs department.
The people I sell firearms to do not trust the federal government that should tell you something. I would be out of business if I did not have military, police and firemen as customers.

Bunch o paranoids - Guns ain't goin' anywhere even if congress has the balls to enact legislation that 90% of Americans want.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that can not be said for some fucked up village
Last edited:
I live near two military bases, and I sell firearms to the local sheriffs department.
The people I sell firearms to do not trust the federal government that should tell you something. I would be out of business if I did not have military, police and firemen as customers.

Bunch o paranoids - Guns ain't goin' anywhere even if congress has the balls to enact legislation that 90% of Americans want.
It sounds like you are the paranoid one, taking sides with the federal government instead of the American people.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that some fucked up village
With are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy..this is inevitable as resource is finite....every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men. Pure Capitalism is like an infinite school of sharks..all tearing at each other to get to the meat. A brief reading of the early 20th shows the inevitable results. For the successful shark--life is great..for the vast majority of small fish, not so much. The promise of becoming one of the sharks is what is supposed to motivate the smaller fish to produce..but over does not work. Remember, resource is finite. Our current system is much recognizes that not everyone is going to be a shark..and provides some incentive to be happy as a fish. are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about... do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried long-term in the history of the planet, there is no real difference between communism and socialism. There is no sort of freedom whatsoever and they both erase individuality over time.
You’re basically speaking in technicalities and on paper, in real world practice the result for both is the same.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.


Wow..lookit at all the bumper stickers ma!

I'm going to make your argument for you in two words--Fabian Socialism.

This is your machine gun--when you come into this sort of argument.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that some fucked up village
With are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy..this is inevitable as resource is finite....every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men. Pure Capitalism is like an infinite school of sharks..all tearing at each other to get to the meat. A brief reading of the early 20th shows the inevitable results. For the successful shark--life is great..for the vast majority of small fish, not so much. The promise of becoming one of the sharks is what is supposed to motivate the smaller fish to produce..but over does not work. Remember, resource is finite. Our current system is much recognizes that not everyone is going to be a shark..and provides some incentive to be happy as a fish.
Who wants that shit, there is no sort of freedom and individuality with that.
You can be perfectly successful without taking from other people in capitalism, the same cannot be said with socialism do not get to reinvent history or social science..the latest alt/right babble is stupid and unsupportable..although I love watching people try.

I got you sussed anyway--got a pic of Spencer on your Jack-off wall do you?

Pure socialism
Do you really believe that because the Nazi's had 'socialism' in their name they were Socialist? I don't have the time or inclination to give a history lesson today..but..Hitler had to give a nod to the workers of bring them on board. But he was a Right-wing fascist through and through. Absolute dictator. The two ends of the spectrum resemble each other in the loss of personal freedoms and rights--the main difference being one believes in the worker controlling the means of production..and the other believes in the State doing the controlling. In practice..The USSR was a totalitarian Marxist/Communist regime--but it really wasn't all that Socialist. Nazi Germany..had one ruler--and a cabal of industrialists controlling the production.

The continued attempt to use revisionist history to change how political doctrines are viewed is noted..and laughed at.
Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried long-term in the history of the planet, there is no real difference between communism and socialism. There is no sort of freedom whatsoever and they both erase individuality over time.
You’re basically speaking in technicalities and on paper, in real world practice the result for both is the same.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.


Wow..lookit at all the bumper stickers ma!

I'm going to make your argument for you in two words--Fabian Socialism.

This is your machine gun--when you come into this sort of argument.
Capitalism is the only way to get any sort of freedom and individuality, the same cannot be said for socialism
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that can not be said for some fucked up village

But it is still a battle of the have and the have not's. Everybody wants to be a have, not a have not.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that some fucked up village
With are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy..this is inevitable as resource is finite....every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men. Pure Capitalism is like an infinite school of sharks..all tearing at each other to get to the meat. A brief reading of the early 20th shows the inevitable results. For the successful shark--life is great..for the vast majority of small fish, not so much. The promise of becoming one of the sharks is what is supposed to motivate the smaller fish to produce..but over does not work. Remember, resource is finite. Our current system is much recognizes that not everyone is going to be a shark..and provides some incentive to be happy as a fish.

you are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy.


nice try

try again

socialism can not function without "taking from the other guy" ya big dope

every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men

you mean like the socialists sanders clinton or Gore for that matter

Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that some fucked up village
With are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy..this is inevitable as resource is finite....every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men. Pure Capitalism is like an infinite school of sharks..all tearing at each other to get to the meat. A brief reading of the early 20th shows the inevitable results. For the successful shark--life is great..for the vast majority of small fish, not so much. The promise of becoming one of the sharks is what is supposed to motivate the smaller fish to produce..but over does not work. Remember, resource is finite. Our current system is much recognizes that not everyone is going to be a shark..and provides some incentive to be happy as a fish.

you are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy.


nice try

try again

socialism can not function without "taking from the other guy" ya big dope

every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men

you mean like the socialists sanders clinton or Gore for that matter

One does not preclude the other...Socialism has no defender in me..except in small doses. In Socialism..the State unbridled Capitalism the State supports the Plutocracy taking--common denominator? The large take from the the small..the effect is the same. Our system..being an amalgam....ameliorates that taking..does not eliminate it..of course.

Don't really care about any one politician--they're all rich--so yes..I mean all of them..Trump of course..being both politician and Plutocrat.
Socialism basically pits the haves and the have not’s against each other, it’s a vicious cycle.

How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that some fucked up village
With are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy..this is inevitable as resource is finite....every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men. Pure Capitalism is like an infinite school of sharks..all tearing at each other to get to the meat. A brief reading of the early 20th shows the inevitable results. For the successful shark--life is great..for the vast majority of small fish, not so much. The promise of becoming one of the sharks is what is supposed to motivate the smaller fish to produce..but over does not work. Remember, resource is finite. Our current system is much recognizes that not everyone is going to be a shark..and provides some incentive to be happy as a fish.

you are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy.


nice try

try again

socialism can not function without "taking from the other guy" ya big dope

every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men

you mean like the socialists sanders clinton or Gore for that matter

One does not preclude the other...Socialism has no defender in me..except in small doses. In Socialism..the State unbridled Capitalism the State supports the Plutocracy taking--common denominator? The large take from the the small..the effect is the same. Our system..being an amalgam....ameliorates that taking..does not eliminate it..of course.

Don't really care about any one politician--they're all rich--so yes..I mean all of them..Trump of course..being both politician and Plutocrat.

the difference is

with capitalism i have a choice to participate

with socialism i am forced to participate and in the end at the end of a barrel of a gun

no thanks for your brand of government
How is that any different than capitalism?
Like night and day, With real capitalism what is someone else’s is never yours. Instead of taking someone else’s you go out and get your own through innovation, hard work and the like.
Everything is based on the individual that some fucked up village
With are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy..this is inevitable as resource is finite....every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men. Pure Capitalism is like an infinite school of sharks..all tearing at each other to get to the meat. A brief reading of the early 20th shows the inevitable results. For the successful shark--life is great..for the vast majority of small fish, not so much. The promise of becoming one of the sharks is what is supposed to motivate the smaller fish to produce..but over does not work. Remember, resource is finite. Our current system is much recognizes that not everyone is going to be a shark..and provides some incentive to be happy as a fish.

you are always struggling to take what you want from the other guy.


nice try

try again

socialism can not function without "taking from the other guy" ya big dope

every rich man stands on the shoulders of a thousand poor men

you mean like the socialists sanders clinton or Gore for that matter

One does not preclude the other...Socialism has no defender in me..except in small doses. In Socialism..the State unbridled Capitalism the State supports the Plutocracy taking--common denominator? The large take from the the small..the effect is the same. Our system..being an amalgam....ameliorates that taking..does not eliminate it..of course.

Don't really care about any one politician--they're all rich--so yes..I mean all of them..Trump of course..being both politician and Plutocrat.

the difference is

with capitalism i have a choice to participate

with socialism i am forced to participate and in the end at the end of a barrel of a gun

no thanks for your brand of government
Good grief..I'm not defending Socialism as a form of govt.! How in the world could you get that idea?

***rereads posts***

Nope..I did NOT say that..or even imply it. In fact, I said the exact opposite.My form of govt. is the one we have.

I do think that we are swinging a bit too 'laissez-faire' but that will be corrected, in time. It always is.

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