Replace the ACA with single payer

Replace the ACA with single payer

According to Harry Reid, that was the Socialists' plan all along - total control of the health care system and the erosion of individual CHOICE.

Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System
Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System

Right. It's still a terrible idea. Look around the world, and all the socialized systems are failing. So let's do it here. After all the US government has tons of spare money for free health care......... idiots.

Leftards are like children. They never consider how to pay for it, they just scream like a 2-year-old "I want it!".

The UK system isn't failing. It's not failing in many places, thank you.

Ignorance again..... you don't know jack.

NHS problems 'at their worst since 1990s' - BBC News

"There is now a real risk that patient care will deteriorate as service and financial pressures become overwhelming."

Waiting time targets for A&E, hospital treatment and cancer care all being missed towards the end of the parliament.
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NHS may be forced to abandon free healthcare for all, says Britain's top doctor as he warns service needs radical change | Daily Mail Online

Sir Bruce told the Guardian: ‘If the NHS continues to function as it does now, it’s going to really struggle to cope because the model of delivery and service that we have at the moment is not fit for the future.’

Sir Bruce added: ‘If not, we will get to a place where the NHS becomes unaffordable and we will have to make some very difficult decisions which will get to the very heart of the principle of the NHS and its values.​

He denied claims that ambulance services, A&E and GP surgeries are struggling to cope and are in crisis – despite waiting times at A&E being at their worst levels in a decade.

Three of the 10 ambulance trusts in England have had to declare a critical alert over the winter.
I'll say it again. The facts are on my side. You either start learning something, or by default admit you are too ignorant to be in this discussion.

Every time you people say "oh it works great" I look it up and it doesn't. The NHS is on the brink of a major problems. Hardly an "it works great". I don't see US ambulance services claiming they are on the verge of bankruptcy. Of course, that's a Capitalist system. Thankfully they have a socialized system...... which " it works great" apparently.
STILL better life span than ours. They ONLY spend 8% of GDP because of THEIR a-hole conservatives- the Tories are the second worst party in the modern world. Again, we spend EIGHTEEN per cent. And you're arguing for it lol...
It's amazing how arrogant people like you are. How do you know it's a waste? What if it isn't?

I've already shown numerous examples where the reason why other countries spend less on health care, is because they get less on health care.

So basically, you are complaining because our people get better health care? That's a "waste" in your book? Who are you again? Some partisan crack pot?
We spend 18% of GDP on heath care, France 11%, UK 8%- and they live longer. Read something..


USA 130
Spain 127
Italy 124
New Zealand 120

So if the US has far superior healthcare, then why doesn't it have lower cancer death rates than these countries?
The UK spends half (per GDP and less per person) than the US, and yet it's cancer death rate is 140, surely it should be much higher than that.

Death rate is irrelevant.

If 200 people get cancer here, and 190 survive, that's a fantastic system.

If only 3 people get cancer somewhere else, and all 3 die, that's a terrible system.

Only a moron looks at death rate and would say the place that had all 3 die, was a better health care system, because only 3 died compared to 10 here.

Incidence rates for cancer and all illness are difference in different countries. Different diets, different cultures, even different genetics.

Because incident rates different dramatically, then death rates will also differ dramatically.

That has nothing to do with the health care system. The health care system can't be judged on how many people get a disease. Only how they are able to diagnose, treat, and cure the disease.

That is survival rate. and all the data clearly show, the US has the best survival rate in the world. There is a reason the government officials in Canada have come to the US for health care.

Ah, more insults... jeez dude, A) You tried to make a point but forgot to put in the facts to back you up, and second you insult.

No, I didn't forget. You are intentionally ignoring the facts, because it doesn't support your partisan narrative.
Yup, we're great at cancer and plastic surgery LOL. What about infant mortality, stupid? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwir-Z7t1YnRAhVKSiYKHTcZDb0QFghKMAc&
It's amazing how arrogant people like you are. How do you know it's a waste? What if it isn't?

I've already shown numerous examples where the reason why other countries spend less on health care, is because they get less on health care.

So basically, you are complaining because our people get better health care? That's a "waste" in your book? Who are you again? Some partisan crack pot?
We spend 18% of GDP on heath care, France 11%, UK 8%- and they live longer. Read something..


USA 130
Spain 127
Italy 124
New Zealand 120

So if the US has far superior healthcare, then why doesn't it have lower cancer death rates than these countries?
The UK spends half (per GDP and less per person) than the US, and yet it's cancer death rate is 140, surely it should be much higher than that.

Death rate is irrelevant.

If 200 people get cancer here, and 190 survive, that's a fantastic system.

If only 3 people get cancer somewhere else, and all 3 die, that's a terrible system.

Only a moron looks at death rate and would say the place that had all 3 die, was a better health care system, because only 3 died compared to 10 here.

Incidence rates for cancer and all illness are difference in different countries. Different diets, different cultures, even different genetics.

Because incident rates different dramatically, then death rates will also differ dramatically.

That has nothing to do with the health care system. The health care system can't be judged on how many people get a disease. Only how they are able to diagnose, treat, and cure the disease.

That is survival rate. and all the data clearly show, the US has the best survival rate in the world. There is a reason the government officials in Canada have come to the US for health care.

Ah, more insults... jeez dude, A) You tried to make a point but forgot to put in the facts to back you up, and second you insult.

No, I didn't forget. You are intentionally ignoring the facts, because it doesn't support your partisan narrative.
As if cancer is the only disease or accident that happens...
Also, you clearly have not taken a look at any of the other industrialized nations in the world, which ALL use payment systems that are not like ours, as they are variants on the "single payer" theme.

And they are examples of, to one degree or another, state socialism. Equivocating on terminology won't change that.
Today, for-profit corporations make the decisions that would be transferred to the government.

Nope. The power that single-payer grants to government is the power force everyone into buying insurance from the same 'company'.

As we see, for-profit insurers have been fully willing to dump people who get sick, to fail to address those of limited means, refuse to serve those with existing medical problems, etc., etc.

So far, we patch over these problems by making more and more regulations. (Remembering that before the ACA, there were numerous regulations on health care insurers - just not enough to solve some of these problems we see as so serious.)

If the government made those decisions, WE (or our representatives) would vote on them, rather than having to pass regulations in the hopes of requiring corporations to deliver what we need.

Yep. And if your preferences in health care or insurance aren't in line with the majority, you're stuck with whatever they decide. In a free market, if your insurance company pisses you off, you can look for another. Or find some other way to pay for your health care. If the government takes over, you're stuck with whatever they think you ought to have - or be force to buy, rather.

It's not a gov takeover ! It's a single payer for those who buy into the gov plan because they don't have a private plan available .

What would be your system if you were king of America ?

True and not true. I used to work for a British company. We used to see our British counterparts a few times a year. They stated it is a 22% tax after the income tax. It is expensive. You pay the tax whether you have private insurance or not. Most well to do Brits get private insurance and pay the premiums on top of that. They also stated with if you don't have private insurance the long lines are a reality, esp for elective procedures.

The left will never see these downfalls, but the right will never see the positive aspects. No one goes BK over medical bills. You always have access to a doctor even when you are out of work, between jobs or below the poverty line. The many on the right do not view that as a plus, but most people do. Drugs cost next to nothing over there. There are also no co-pays or deductibles.

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How about we replace the ACA with nothing?

I wholeheartedly agree. There are things government could do to address the fucked up health care market - primarily through removing the regulation and policies that helped create the problem in the first place - but the base assumptions and goals of ACA are wrong. I don't want to replace any of what it aims to do.
Also, you clearly have not taken a look at any of the other industrialized nations in the world, which ALL use payment systems that are not like ours, as they are variants on the "single payer" theme.

And they are examples of, to one degree or another, state socialism. Equivocating on terminology won't change that.
Today, for-profit corporations make the decisions that would be transferred to the government.

Nope. The power that single-payer grants to government is the power force everyone into buying insurance from the same 'company'.

As we see, for-profit insurers have been fully willing to dump people who get sick, to fail to address those of limited means, refuse to serve those with existing medical problems, etc., etc.

So far, we patch over these problems by making more and more regulations. (Remembering that before the ACA, there were numerous regulations on health care insurers - just not enough to solve some of these problems we see as so serious.)

If the government made those decisions, WE (or our representatives) would vote on them, rather than having to pass regulations in the hopes of requiring corporations to deliver what we need.

Yep. And if your preferences in health care or insurance aren't in line with the majority, you're stuck with whatever they decide. In a free market, if your insurance company pisses you off, you can look for another. Or find some other way to pay for your health care. If the government takes over, you're stuck with whatever they think you ought to have - or be force to buy, rather.

It's not a gov takeover ! It's a single payer for those who buy into the gov plan because they don't have a private plan available .

What would be your system if you were king of America ?

True and not true. I used to work for a British company. We used to see our British counterparts a few times a year. They stated it is a 22% tax after the income tax. It is expensive. You pay the tax whether you have private insurance or not. Most well to do Brits get private insurance and pay the premiums on top of that. They also stated with if you don't have private insurance the long lines are a reality, esp for elective procedures.

The left will never see these downfalls, but the right will never see the positive aspects. No one goes BK over medical bills. You always have access to a doctor even when you are out of work, between jobs or below the poverty line. The many on the right do not view that as a plus, but most people do. Drugs cost next to nothing over there. There are also no co-pays or deductibles.

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First, people do not file bankruptcy for medical bills nearly as much as people claim.

I read all those reports, and the striking thing was that they used any bankruptcy with more than $5,000 of medical debt.

Well, no one files bankruptcy on $5,000. It can cost more than $5,000 just to file. It's not even rational to claim someone would pay $6,000 to avoid $5,000 of debt.

Moreover, if someone had $200,000 in credit card debt, and then owned $5,000 for maternity care.... you wouldn't consider that to be a "medical bankruptcy".

Additionally, they included bankruptcies where they didn't even medical debt, but rather because they missed work because of an illness, and because they missed work, couldn't pay their bills.

Unless you are suggesting no one in the UK or any socialized care country, misses work because of illness.... then that is pointless.

So the Medical Bankruptcy claim is at best questionable.

That said, we on the right wing, we more than understand that health care can be horrendously expensive, and that some may end up bankrupt.

If anything, that's why our opposition to it is even more credible. Do you not think all of us would love to not have to pay for health care? Do you not think all of us would love to not have a insurance premium every month?

Of course we would love to have other people pay our bills. The problem is, it results in bad health care.

See the left-wing has only one real reason for supporting universal health care. Greed.

That's actually the primary reason, whether they admit it or not. They don't want to pay the bill. Greed. I want everything, and I don't want pay for it, or earn it, or work for it. Plain and simple greed.

The right wing, we look at it differently. Would you die for a dollar? That's the trade off.

See, if I am diagnosed, and treated, and healed successfully..... I can earn back everything I lose in bankruptcy.

There are many who were on waiting lists at the VA, who died before getting treatment. Are you sure they are better off because at least they didn't go bankrupt? You can come back from bankruptcy. Many of the worlds most wealthy people came back from bankruptcy.

But I haven't seen a person yet who came back from death. So I ask again. Would you die for a dollar?
Trump has said folks should self-ration their health care, meaning they ought not take their kid to the ER if he's not seriously injured.

it's the right way to go...
in Switzerland it's a crime to offer health care for profit! A CRIME! it used to be a crime in the US in the 70s!
in fact, we need to ABOLISH Medicaid & Medicare.

when Medicaid was enacted in 1965, it served 1 out of every 50 citizens. today it serves 1 out of every 5!
in fact, we need to ABOLISH Medicaid & Medicare.

when Medicaid was enacted in 1965, it served 1 out of every 50 citizens. today it serves 1 out of every 5!
Having greater need is a justification for ending it?

Maybe that is a sign we should be looking for a different solution.

But, greater need means there is MORE reason to have a solution, not less.
So, that's what you have to offer on the topic of single payer?
I don't have to "offer" anything. It's a stupid idea which has been a spectacular failure everywhere it has been introduced. Furthermore, even if it has succeeded somewhere else, I'm protected from idiot marxism by the U.S. Constitution.
in fact, we need to ABOLISH Medicaid & Medicare. when Medicaid was enacted in 1965, it served 1 out of every 50 citizens. today it serves 1 out of every 5!
Having greater need is a justification for ending it? Maybe that is a sign we should be looking for a different solution. But, greater need means there is MORE reason to have a solution, not less.
Maybe your repsonse is evidence that the public school system is failing the American people.

Greater need of something unconstitutional proves that the unconstitutional idea was a really stupid idea in the first place. It is unsustainable. Republicans don't progressives that in 1967. Progressives wouldn't listen (as always). History has proven Republicans right (as always).
Only in stupid, ex-scam happy, obstructionist red states, dupe.
Well guess what, nitwit? The U.S. Constitution and our entire structure of government permits state legislatures to do what they feel is in the best interest of their state. If you idiot progressives and your idiotic ACA didn't account for what you consider "obstructionism" then that is just another illustration of your stupidity and the failure of the legislation you people crafted.

You nitwits knew that conservatives staunchly opposed Obamacare and wanted the government out of the healthcare system. If you couldn't craft legislation knowing in advance that something would be in opposition, then progressives are not the least bit qualified to be crafting legislation and your entire excuse for why Obamacare was such a catastrophic failure simply proves our entire point to begin with.
Only in stupid, ex-scam happy, obstructionist red states, dupe.
Well guess what, nitwit? The U.S. Constitution and our entire structure of government permits state legislatures to do what they feel is in the best interest of their state. If you idiot progressives and your idiotic ACA didn't account for what you consider "obstructionism" then that is just another illustration of your stupidity and the failure of the legislation you people crafted.

You nitwits knew that conservatives staunchly opposed Obamacare and wanted the government out of the healthcare system. If you couldn't craft legislation knowing in advance that something would be in opposition, then progressives are not the least bit qualified to be crafting legislation and your entire excuse for why Obamacare was such a catastrophic failure simply proves our entire point to begin with.
Way to not quote the argument, dingbat. Obstruction has never been this bad, or cheating...

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