replaxing roibert e lee statute with slave statue

Statues can also be a reminder of bad shit you shouldn't forget too, dumbshit. However, putting that aside, you have been told that certain people like Robert E Lee were well respected during their time in history. Of course, you are so damn ignorant and self absorbed with your hatred you can't see reality.
is other words, statues of confederate generals are participation trophies.

is other words, statues of confederate generals are participation trophies.
Uh, no. That's your cartoon fairy tale and CRT is not part of history, it represents modern day racism designed to divide the American public.
I know what you were talking about, you low end white racist piece of shit. You are going to LOVE looking at all those statues of African Americans after they've replaced statues of Robert E Lee. And your going to sit there and do NOTHING about it.
Talk about low end garbage. It's you, and people like you who are helping to destroy the best country that has ever been.

If you hate America so much, why not do everyone a favor and leave. Go find a place you like better.
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Just because something happened in history doesnt mean it needs to be celebrated with statues, dumbass.

You must mean like a dope-sniffing, pill-popping, felony, counterfeiter who holds up pregnant women, huh, shitstain?
It's called doing research, dumbass. That's what historians do.
Is that what you are shitstain? A researcher? Do you research your revisionist history in your leftwing propaganda, dickwad? You think your worthless books written 150 years later know more than the actual people who LIVED back then, pebblebrain?

That's why history evolves over time as more information is discovered.
You mean history is rewritten, idiotbreathe. History doesn't evolve, history happens and is RECORDED, then over time as it is rewritten, it gets farther from the truth as more and more is forgotten or changed and reinterpretted in a new context.

Jesus, you never made it past the 6th grade you jerk.
Talk about low end garbage. It's you, and people like you who are helping to destroy the best country that has ever been.

If you hate America so much, why not do everyone a favor and leave. Go find a place you like better.
Lol. You dumb fuck that would be Lee who actually went to war against this country. Read a book you dipshit.
Statues can also be a reminder of bad shit you shouldn't forget too, dumbshit. However, putting that aside, you have been told that certain people like Robert E Lee were well respected during their time in history. Of course, you are so damn ignorant and self absorbed with your hatred you can't see reality.
Wrong. Statues are built to commemorate bad people doing bad things? What alternate reality do you live in? You're an absolute moron. You and I both know why these Confederate Statues were put up in the early 20th century and the mid 20th century. And stop pretending its to give people their history lesson for the day you dumb slob.

In regards to your 2nd point, like I said these statues that were put up mainly in the early 20th century had NOTHING to do with civil war history lessons. They were put up to remind blacks of their place in society at the time.
It is interesting that a black criminal resisting arrest who overdosed on Fent triggered the erasure of a great American and military genius only to be replaced by savages so oppressed, they were allowed to procreate when slaves in Black Africa and the Arab Middle East were typically killed when their useful life expired.
Tell them to come and drop Lee on your front lawn, then you can go out everyday and fantasize about being a slave owner.
You must mean like a dope-sniffing, pill-popping, felony, counterfeiter who holds up pregnant women, huh, shitstain?
When did I ever say I wanted that, you dumb piece of shit? In any case this statue thing is just a shiny object that distracts dummies like you. And it always works.

Confederate statues are coming down literally as fast as they went up in the early 20th century. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Wrong. Statues are built to commemorate bad people doing bad things? What alternate reality do you live in? You're an absolute moron. You and I both know why these Confederate Statues were put up in the early 20th century and the mid 20th century. And stop pretending its to give people their history lesson for the day you dumb slob.

In regards to your 2nd point, like I said these statues that were put up mainly in the early 20th century had NOTHING to do with civil war history lessons. They were put up to remind blacks of their place in society at the time.

The purpose of these monuments was to intimidate black Americans and codify black codes, Jim Crow, and segregation.

And the appropriate, warranted relocation of these monuments to private venues in no manner ‘erases’ history.

The purpose of these monuments was to intimidate black Americans and codify black codes, Jim Crow, and segregation.

And the appropriate, warranted relocation of these monuments to private venues in no manner ‘erases’ history.
It's amazing how conservatives, right wingers and republicans love to claim that Democrats were responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, racism, etc., but then we see they are the ones who defend keeping theses things in place.
It's amazing how conservatives, right wingers and republicans love to claim that Democrats were responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, racism, etc., but then we see they are the ones who defend keeping theses things in place.
It's because they willfully ignore the fact that political parties change over time and they lack the historical context of how the parties changed in the 20th century. What a political party from 50 years ago or even 150 years ago has to do with justifying ones behavior today, I'll never understand that. It's simply a deflection from them acting like human garbage.
Tell them to come and drop Lee on your front lawn, then you can go out everyday and fantasize about being a slave owner.

You can put up your fucking slave statue and then go about your day being a sorry ass welfare Negro.
You can put up your fucking slave statue and then go about your day being a sorry ass welfare Negro.
It must suck being a low end white the rest of us whites point and laugh at. All the confederate statues are coming down. And there is nothing you can do about it.
It must suck being a low end white the rest of us whites point and laugh at. All the confederate statues are coming down. And there is nothing you can do about it.
You are right about it. We can't stop the filthy ass Negros and White Guilt pussies from being low life Taliban assholes.

Not without killing them.
You are right about it. We can't stop the filthy ass Negros and White Guilt pussies from being low life Taliban assholes.

Not without killing them.
And you'll continue to sit there and do nothing. But I'm sure the FBI is already tracking you.
It's amazing how conservatives, right wingers and republicans love to claim that Democrats were responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, racism, etc., but then we see they are the ones who defend keeping theses things in place.

Claiming that Democrats were ‘responsible’ for slavery is a lie and red herring fallacy, of course; slavery existed long before the Party came into existence.

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